The person in charge of the Rong Province Star Palace and the powerful men who were hiding outside the Lin Mansion, thinking of reaping the benefits, were all shocked and broke out in cold sweat when they heard Lin Hao's words.

"Lin Hao can actually sense us! How is it possible? In just half a month, his level has reached the seventh level of God of War!" Black Demon, a master of the Star Palace in Rong Province, was shocked.

"Lin Hao must be a seventh-level powerhouse, but he should just enter the seventh level for the first time, but this is scary enough." Bai Gui, a master of Rong Province Star Palace, had a pale face.

"Don't panic. Of the seven of you, four are at the peak of the sixth level, two are at the elementary level of the seventh level, and I am even at the intermediate level of the seventh level. Lin Hao is the only one who has just entered the seventh level. He is not our opponent at all. At most, he can only sense. It's just that they are stronger, don't mess up your position!" the person in charge of Rong Province Star Palace angrily yelled.

In his eyes, Liang Quan, the sixth-level junior general, and more than four thousand Ye Jian's fourth-level subordinates were almost negligible.

Liang Quan was shocked when he heard Lin Hao's words: "The people I can't sense are at least sixth-level intermediates. I don't know how many people there are on the other side. If there are many people, I don't know Lin War God..."

There are all the masters of the Rong Province Star Palace, seven of them, the lowest four are all at the peak of the sixth level, the Black Devil and the White Ghost are the seventh level beginners, and the person in charge of the Rong Province Star Palace is the seventh level intermediate.

Liang Quan was dumbfounded: "Can War God Lin defeat them?"

Lin Hao was calm and composed.

The voice of the system rang in his mind: "Congratulations, master. In view of master's recent performance, the reward level has now been upgraded to the fourth level of elementary level."

"All skills have been upgraded to the seventh level of perfection!"

【Name】Lin Hao

[Level] Fourth level primary superpower user

[Superpower] SS-level Eight Desolate Divine Fires. SS-class space storm. The SS class is thundering in all directions. SS-level dead wood blooms. SS level power, time and space confinement, lasts for ten seconds. SSS level superpower, Eye of Destruction

[Strength] Equivalent to a sixth-level primary superpower user

[Speed] Equivalent to a sixth-level primary superpower user

[Spirit] Equivalent to a sixth-level primary superpower user

[Skill] Red Flame Sky-Splitting Slash (growth-type skill, no upper limit), current level, seventh level perfect. Wind Shadow Thunder Flash, a ninth-level primary speed skill, the current level is perfect at level seven. Star-shattering fist, growth-type skill, current level, seventh level perfect.

[Remarks]: By killing ferocious beasts and punishing evil and promoting good, you will be able to obtain various rewards that your master needs from time to time. The master's level and awakened abilities are all blocked. The vision of supernatural powers awakening has also been blocked.

"The number of Eight Desolate God Fire Fire Balls or Space Storm Balls that I can control at the same time has also been increased to 23,000! And each one is enough to kill a fifth-level advanced superpower user!"

"As the level increases, the superpowers, strength, speed, and spirit will increase and become stronger. There will also be a seventh-level primary mecha. Add them together, plus the seventh-level perfect skills, and the SSS-level superpower of world-destroying Eyes, I can kill even the seventh level peak superpower user!"

"Above the peak of the seventh level, the effectiveness of time and space confinement is reduced, and it is impossible to kill. After all, the gap between the seventh level and the eighth level is not a small level, but a chasm. But it can also be opened 50-50, which is enough to protect yourself. Strong!"

"That is to say, I already have the strength to surpass the God of War!"

"Are you the killers of Star Palace?" Lin Hao asked coldly.

"That's right, we are from the Star Palace. We didn't get the supernatural talisman back then, but I didn't expect that we took advantage of you." The person in charge of the Star Palace in Rong Province said in a cold and regretful tone, "If we had gotten the supernatural talisman back then, With the magical talisman, now I have long been the palace master of the Great Xia Star Palace Headquarters, and even the Global Star Palace Headquarters!"

"However, it's not too late now. The supernatural talisman can allow you to soar from just awakening the supernatural power to the seventh level elementary level in just over half a month. It will also definitely allow me to conquer the world in a short period of time." The top!"

The eyes of the person in charge of the Rong Province Star Palace were filled with intense greed and madness.

Lin Hao found it ridiculous. He had no supernatural talisman at all, at least he couldn't sense it.

He didn't know how powerful the supernatural talisman was, but he thought it must be incomparable to the system.

However, seeing how crazy the people in the Star Palace are, it must be that the superpower talisman has a miraculous effect on improving the level of high-level superpower users.

It can also be seen from this that it is extremely difficult for high-level superpowers to upgrade their level, otherwise they would not have to mobilize so many troops.

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability to take it." Lin Hao said lightly, but there was hatred and murderous intent in his eyes.

Although he had traveled through time, his memories with his original body had been merged, and strong hatred still filled his mind.

The person in charge of Rong Province Star Palace laughed: "Lin Hao, you don't think you can escape, do you? You don't even look at us, how many of you are there?"

Lin Hao sneered, not taking them seriously at all.

At this moment, Gao Jiajia and Gu Xinyi arrived with people from both families. They brought a total of twenty people, all fourth- and fifth-level superpowers.

None of Ye Jian's subordinates dared to stop him.

"Brother Hao, are you okay?" Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia asked in unison, worried and stunned.

When they received the notice from Lin Hao and knew that he was going back to Lin Mansion, they immediately came to find him.

"What can I do?" Lin Hao said lightly.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's okay." Gu Xinyi and Gao Jiajia were relieved.

"Haha, Lin Hao, these trash can't be your helpers, right?" The person in charge of Rong Province Star Palace laughed disdainfully.

When Gu Xinyi and Gao Huijiajia saw this, they were so frightened that they hid behind Lin Hao.

I saw the black devil wearing a black robe, with a haggard face, but his eyes were glowing green.

The white ghost was dressed in white, his face was pale and bloodless, and his eyes were glowing red.

The two of them looked like ghosts.

"Brother Hao, who are they?" Gu Xinyi asked in horror.

The superpowers recruited by the Gu family and the Gao family were also trembling with fear.

A seventh-level master can kill them with one punch!

"When did the master of the Gao family and the Gu family offend such a powerful person?"

"Compared with the seventh-level powerhouse, the Southeast King is worthless!"

Lin Hao said calmly: "He's just a clown."

The person in charge of the Rong Province Star Palace sneered: "Boy, be obedient and hand over the supernatural talisman, otherwise I will make you die an ugly death!"

"It's you who are going to die!"

The person in charge of Rong Province Star Palace lost his patience: "Give it to me, even if it is chopped into minced meat, I will search for the supernatural talisman on his body!"


The Star Palace Killer takes action together.

The four sixth-level peaks are extremely fast, but the black devil and the white ghost are even faster. They are just two ghosts, erratic.

The superpowers recruited by the Gao family and the Gu family were all frightened and froze in place, not daring to move.

Lin Hao saw it in his eyes, but he didn't even bother to move. With a flick of his finger, dozens of Eight Desolate Divine Fire fireballs roared out, and the four sixth-level star palace killers were instantly burned to ashes.

The figure of the black devil and the white ghost paused for an instant.

When the person in charge of the Rong Province Star Palace saw this, he also frowned. He did not expect that four sixth-level peak superpowers would be so vulnerable in the hands of Lin Hao. He immediately did not dare to neglect and joined in with a flash of his body. fought.

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