【Name】Lin Hao


【Superpower】Bahuang Divine Fire

【Strength】400 points

【Speed】400 points

【Spirit】400 points

[Skill] Red flame splitting the sky (not activated)

[Beast Points] 2000 points

As soon as he entered the examination room, Lin Hao opened the system panel that only he could see.

"System, activate the Red Flame Sky-Splitting Slash for me."

"The Red Flame Sky-Splitting Slash is being activated..."

"The Red Flame Sky-Splitting Slash has been activated."

Lin Hao suddenly felt a vast amount of information pouring into his mind, and the Red Flame Sky-Splitting Slash instantly appeared.

[Skill] Red Flame Sky-Splitting Slash (growth-type skill, no upper limit), the current level is level one, elementary level.

There are nine levels of skills in total, from weak to strong, ranging from level one to level nine. Each level has six levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Peak, Grandmaster, and Perfect.

"Although the Red Flame Splitting Sky Slash is currently only a primary level one, it possesses the power of a first-level advanced level. The level of the Red Flame Sky Splitting Slash will increase as the master's level increases."

Lin Hao was shocked again: "Red Flame Sky-Splitting Slash is actually a ninth-level growth skill, and the power of the basic level is equivalent to the advanced level!"

"This system works!"

"Martial arts test, I'm here! Beasts, get ready for a critical attack!"

Lin Hao was already looking forward to sweeping the field.

"What the hell, Fan Lang already scored 100 points!" Liu Shun's shocked voice suddenly sounded.

"100 points is nothing, Zhao Jie has already scored 130 points. Shen Yunfei, who is in first place, has already scored 200 points." Su Ling also sighed.

Scores in martial arts exams are obtained by killing ferocious beasts.

The levels of ferocious beasts, from weak to strong, are divided into awakened ones, levels one to nine.

Starting from the first level, each level has Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Peak.

The same goes for the levels of superpowers.

Martial Arts Examination candidates will be awarded 5 points for killing a ferocious beast in the awakening stage, 10 points for a first-level beginner, 20 points for an intermediate level, 50 points for an advanced level, and 100 points for a peak level. The second level is 200 points for beginners, the second level is 400 points for intermediate, and the second level is 800 points for advanced.

The strongest ferocious beast in the examination room is the second-level high-level ferocious beast, and there will be no more than five in number.

Lin Hao glared at Liu Shun: "Then you are still chatting here?"

Liu Shun shrugged, looking innocent: "Aren't we waiting for you?"

Lin Hao was stunned for a moment, yes, he was stunned for a while when he looked at the panel just now.

"Okay, no more nonsense, go in and get the score back."

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he rushed in first.

The examination room is very large, with more than a dozen villages connected together, and the terrain is also very complex, including mountains, jungles, fields...

However, they have all been completely destroyed by ferocious beasts. There are potholes, ruins and overgrown weeds everywhere.


The roars of various ferocious beasts sounded from time to time.

Not long after the three of them entered the examination room, they encountered two awakening ferocious beasts, armored rats, in a small forest.

The armored rat is bigger than a cat, has a pointed beak, steel hair, red eyes, and even its skin is as hard as iron. It is extremely fast, comparable to a first-order primary ferocious beast. It is cunning in nature and usually lives in groups.

"Brother Hao, hold your ground first. Su Ling and I will take action first. You can observe first." Liu Shun immediately drew his sword and stood in front of Lin Hao.

Su Ling did the same. He immediately activated his powers and the surrounding temperature dropped instantly.

The C-level ice power she awakened has an advanced level of strength, while Liu Shun has a D-level violent power and has reached an intermediate level of strength.

Both of them had awakened their powers for more than a year. Lin Hao had just awakened, so they naturally wanted to protect him.

"Quick victory." Lin Hao said lightly, but he was still a little moved in his heart.


Liu Shun shouted loudly, his whole body was full of energy and blood, his blood vessels and muscles suddenly bulged, and his whole body felt bigger. Then he rushed forward, and the alloy sword in his hand brought a gust of wind, and slashed at the armored rat.


The armored rat was as fast as lightning and avoided it in a flash.

But Liu Shun seemed to have already calculated it. His sword power was still strong. He suddenly turned around and the alloy sword changed from a slash to a horizontal slash.

A black shadow flashed across the sky, and the armored rat indeed appeared on the trajectory of Liu Shun's sword, with a flash of shock and fear in its blood-eating red eyes.

The armored rat forcibly twisted its body to avoid the knife.

It's a pity that Liu Shun's hand speed was faster than before with this knife.

Before the armored rat could dodge, it hit the armored rat with a knife.

Blood flowed freely, and the armored rat was split in half, with a look of disbelief in its eyes.

On the other side, Su Ling faced another armored rat. He grabbed it and swung it, and an ice pick immediately appeared and shot out. The whole process was completed in one go.

Just as the armored rat was about to dodge, he was hit and pinned directly to the ground.

Kill with one blow.

The whole process only takes a few seconds.

"Brother Hao, how are you?"

Just when Liu Shun was eager to show off to Lin Hao proudly, suddenly, swishing sounds sounded one after another, and armored squirrels flew out of the grass one after another, and pounced on Liu Shun and Su Ling with open teeth and claws.

Most of them rushed towards Liu Shun.

In the dim woods, pairs of red eyes full of murderous intent suddenly lit up.

"Liu Shun, be careful!"

When Su Ling saw it, he exclaimed loudly and at the same time activated his superpower with all his strength.

The temperature in a radius of more than ten meters suddenly dropped, forming patches of ice.

But the armored rats were too cunning and not slow, and Liu Shun was very close to them. Although he reacted very quickly and killed two or three of them immediately, there were five armored rats that he couldn't kill in time. , about to bite different vital points on his body.

Although these armored rats were of a higher level and were all awakened, there were several of them biting at the vital points together. Even if they could not kill Liu Shun, they would seriously injure him. In this way, his martial arts test would be over.

Su Ling was extremely anxious.

Liu Shun's face was full of regret.

Swish, swish, swish!

Suddenly, a black light flashed, sword energy spread across the sky, and the corpses of more than a dozen armored rats were immediately separated. As soon as the blood spurted out, they were frozen by the ice. Even the corpses were frozen into ice cubes and fell to the ground.

Liu Shun watched the body of the armored rat being separated in front of him. Big beads of sweat flowed down his forehead, and he felt as if he was about to collapse.

"Hao, Brother Hao, you...why are you so strong?" Liu Shun was shocked.

Su Ling was also shocked: "You are faster than me!"

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