At the gate of Lin Mansion, Ling Yun opened the car door for Lin Hao.

"Ling Yun, book some super iron tickets for me to go to Magic City. After Liu Shun Suling and his parents finish packing, I will take them to Magic University." Lin Hao thought about it and decided to take Liu Shun Suling's family to Magic University. is the safest.

"Yes, Master." Ling Yun responded immediately, "Master, what about me and Lei Ting?"

"You guys should stay in the Lin Mansion for now. If there's anything going on over there, please help me."

"Yes, Master!"

"Huh? Why is it so noisy inside?" Lin Hao asked confused.

Liang Quan hurriedly came out of the house and said with complicated emotions: "Master, your relatives are here!"

"My relatives, do I have any relatives?" Lin Hao became even more confused.

"I don't know. They all said they were your uncle, aunt, aunt, etc. I didn't dare to neglect, so I invited them all in." Liang Quan was terrified, for fear of doing something wrong.

His master would dare to kill anyone for his brother.

This is true for brothers, not to mention relatives.

Lin Hao frowned: "Let's go in and take a look. I want to see who dares to pretend to be my uncle, aunt, aunt, etc.!"

Lin Hao walked into the living room and found that Kristine was being called around by a group of elderly people, serving tea and water, and was very busy.

Most of these people were holding various expensive snacks and drinks in one hand while visiting Lin Mansion in shock and full of praise.

Seeing Lin Hao come in, several people were stunned for a moment, then seemed to recognize Lin Hao, and suddenly rushed forward, hugging Lin Hao with tears in their eyes.

"Haozi, it's really you. It's great that you're not dead. My uncle has been looking for you all these years! Look, my uncle's hair has turned gray."

"Auntie, too. She takes time out to look for you almost every day. Fortunately, you are not dead and are still prosperous. Your parents are alive in heaven. They must be so happy!"

"Xiao Hao, it's really Xiao Hao, you miss your aunt so much. My aunt has been looking for you for ten years and thought you were dead. She almost went blind from crying!"

"Xiao Hao, you miss uncle so much! In the past few years, uncle has sold off his properties just to find you!"

Lin Hao glanced at these people who claimed to be his uncle, aunt, and aunt, searching for the memories that had been merged with the original body, and found that these people did look familiar, but they were not uncles, aunts, or uncles at all, and they were his distant relatives, some as far away as Lin Hao has never met them in person, only the photos Lin Hao's father took with them when he was a child.

These people are all Lin Hao’s original cousins, aunts, uncles, and uncles...

He Lin was stunned. According to the information she knew, Lin Hao was an orphan. She didn't think about what was going on for a while, but she just instinctively felt that since these people were relatives, she had to quickly show off in front of his relatives, so that she could have an impression of marrying into the Lin family in the future.

Sure enough, people in love have zero IQ.

"Go away!" Lin Hao shouted angrily in a deep voice.

Everyone was confused.

He Lin, who was about to start showing off, was also stunned.

"You are not my uncles, aunts, uncles, and uncles at all! My uncles, aunts, uncles, aunts, and their whole family were killed as early as ten years ago when my parents were hunted down."

"You are just my cousins, cousins, aunts, and uncles. Back then, when you saw something was wrong, you all shouted to sever ties with our family. You even moved your family and left Fucheng, for fear of being implicated. arrive."

"And you haven't looked for me at all. No one has come to see me in ten years, and no one has cared about my life or death!"

"It's good now. Seeing that I'm prosperous, I came to recognize my relatives!"

"Do you still want to lose face?"

"You still dare to pretend to be my uncle, aunt, uncle, aunt, are you worthy?"

"Everyone get out of here!"

Liu Shun and Su Ling's parents were also stunned. They didn't know some of the things Lin Hao said. Because Lin Hao never said it.

At the same time, they also blamed themselves a little, because these relatives came to the Lin Mansion this time because they posted some photos of the Lin Mansion to their WeChat Moments, and they heard about it in a roundabout way, so they came here.

Lin Hao's distant relatives were frightened, and some began to retreat.

But the one who calls herself Lin Hao's aunt is actually her cousin. She is dressed in jewelry and is a businessman. She is quite famous in the small towns around Rong City. She saw that Lin Mansion turned out to be the former Southeast Prince's residence. With the keenness of a businessman, she didn't know what this meant, so she naturally refused to give up.

"Xiao Hao, you can't be so heartless!"

"We also resisted back then. If we hadn't run away, we would have died a long time ago. As for the idea of ​​severing ties with your family, it is completely because those outsiders slandered us!"

"I've spent so much manpower and material resources over the years looking for you! You can't turn your back on me!"

Lin Hao sneered: "Really? Fucheng is so small, and I have never moved. Since you have searched so hard, why have you not found it after ten years of searching? In fact, you have never looked for it at all, and you have never come to my house!"

"My patience is limited. If you don't get out, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Seeing this, my cousin acted rogue: "Oh, Xiaohao, I am your cousin after all. Do you still dare to kill me? Aren't you afraid of thunder?"

"Even if you don't recognize me as my cousin who loves you, I will. But in the past ten years, I have spent at least 10 billion to find you. You must pay me compensation. I don't want a cousin like you. Just treat your conscience as being eaten by a dog!”

When other distant relatives saw this, they also started shouting and reported the amount they spent on Lin Hao.

"I spent at least five billion on you, and you have to pay me back!"

"I spent 4.5 billion..."

Lin Hao sneered. The combined net worth of all these people is probably less than 100 million. Now they are so open-minded!

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other!


Lin Hao slapped his cousin directly: "Have you had enough trouble? Get out of here immediately! Otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!"

The unscrupulous cousin had several of her teeth knocked out and her face was swollen and covered in blood.

She was frightened, but for 10 billion, she fought hard, lay down directly on the ground, rolled around, and started talking: "It's unreasonable. My nephew is beating my cousin, and I won't pay back the money I owe. You have no conscience, I My teeth and my face cost hundreds of thousands every day to maintain, and you hit me. Now that I don’t have 20 billion, you can never let me go!”

She determined that Lin Hao did not dare to kill him, and that Lin Hao was so rich that he would definitely spend money to eliminate disasters.

Just as Lin Hao was about to slap her to death, the guard suddenly came in: "Brother Hao, the old man of the Jiang family in the Demon City, the head of the family, the eldest lady, and the housekeeper knelt outside the door to ask for an audience. The third young master of the Shi family in the Demon City cursed and wanted to break into the forest. Mansion, it’s almost unstoppable outside, go and have a look.”

Facing the Third Young Master of the Shi Family in the Demon City, the guards were still a little scared. It was neither a matter of blocking nor not blocking. If the Third Young Master of the Shi Family was hurt, they were all afraid that the Third Young Master of the Shi Family would kill them.

Hearing that the head of the Jiang family and the third young master of the Shi family were coming to the capital, my cousin concluded that Lin Hao's business had already reached the capital: "Oh, why is my memory so bad? I spent more than 500 yuan looking for you back then. Billion, more than 50 billion, Lin Hao, you have to compensate me at least 50 billion, otherwise my cousin, I won’t be able to leave!”

Lin Hao sneered and walked towards the door: "It's okay, we are relatives after all. For the sake of my original identity, I don't have to make trouble with such little people, just scare them."

My cousin and others all followed him out: "Lin Hao, don't even think about running away. We won't leave if we don't see the money today."

The gate of Lin Mansion

Shi Yuming was stopped by a guard outside the gate. He kicked the guard away and roared into the Lin Mansion, cursing as he ran in: "Lin Hao, get out of here. You dare to hook up with the woman of the third young master of my Shi family?" You are looking for death!"

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