Jiangnan Military Headquarters commanded the camp.

Rong Tianhong's nominal eldest son Rong Cheng angrily overturned the desk, kicked a soldier away, and roared: "What do you do for food? You are telling me now about such an important thing as my third brother being killed!"

Rongcheng had just returned from a mission. He had not been in the camp for the past few days. During the mission, no external news can be received, and even Rong Tianhong's phone calls can only be made to the camp.

However, he was supposed to come back two days ago, but after finishing his mission, he did not return to the camp immediately. Instead, he went to the nightclub privately to have fun.

Because Rongcheng was the illegitimate son of the Jiangnan God of War, no one in the Jiangnan Army dared to take care of him, not to mention that he was at the commander level, so he became unscrupulous.

The soldier who received the call had no right to contact Rongcheng, and he had been frantic for the past two days.

He knew that he would definitely be scolded when Rongcheng came back, but he didn't expect that he would not only be scolded, but also kicked.

He hid on the ground in pain, bowed like a shrimp, and explained with pain and horror on his face: "Commander, I, I thought you would come back two days ago. In that case, it would only be a few hours later. I didn't expect you to be like this." It took so long to come back from this mission."

The soldier actually knew what he was going for, but he didn't dare to say it. You have to put in a good word for him.

"How dare you talk about me? I'll deal with you when I come back!"

"Come here, give me some people, 10,000 people, fully armed! Go to Magic University and capture Lin Hao alive!"

"I want to see if this Lin Hao has three heads and six arms, or if he is tired of living and dares to kill my third brother! I will cut you into pieces with thousands of knives!"

"The corpse was broken into thousands of pieces!"

"Commander, there are so many masters in Demon University, and..." the adjutant reminded in fear.

Rongcheng interrupted with a roar: "And your uncle, if you dare to kill my third brother, I don't care where he is. Not to mention the Demon University, I will go in and arrest people at Yan University! Execute the order, and any violation will be punished by military law!"

"Yes, Commander." The adjutant trembled.


"Speak! You'd better have something important to do, or I'll beat you to death!"

"Commander, the message from your father is that Lin Hao has entered the Rong family and asks you to rescue him quickly!"


Rongcheng was completely angry and punched a big hole in the tent, and the windows were blown down.

"It's unreasonable. He's tired of living, and he dares to break into my Rong family! Who gave him the courage! I'm going to cut him into pieces and execute him in Lingchi!"

"Come here, call me an S-class smart fighter. I'm going to blow Lin Hao to pieces! Blast him to pieces!"

Everyone under Rongcheng's command was frightened. Jiangnan War God was not in the army, and he had always favored Rongcheng. No one dared to stop him.

Only the adjutant who was relatively close to him dared to remind him at this time: "Commander, only seventh-level advanced war gods and above are qualified to use S-class intelligent fighters. Otherwise, they will be subject to military law. In case..."

"What if it's a fart? Believe it or not, I'll shoot you first!" Lin Hao exploded, like a wounded beast, with a deafening roar.

"Lin Hao even came to my house and killed me, why do I care about bullshit military regulations!"

"Yes, yes, it's the commander, I'll make arrangements right now!"

Rong Tianhong was dumbfounded and trembling, and even the mecha that looked like a building was also trembling in exactly the same way.

"How can Lin Hao's superpower be so strong? He hasn't been used up at all. It's so unbelievable. This world is about to change!"

Rong Tianhong was shocked and angry. He even felt that even though he was wearing a mecha, he couldn't block Lin Hao's punch.

"Xing Gong, why aren't Shi Jia and Rong Cheng here yet?" Rong Tianhong stamped his feet so anxiously that the ground was dug into deep pits and filled with cracks.

Lin Hao didn't give him time to breathe and walked towards him step by step.

"Lin Hao, you can't kill me. My eldest son is the disciple of the Jiangnan God of War! If you kill me, the entire Jiangnan Military Department will not let you go!" Rong Tianhong was greedy for life and feared death, and instinctively spoke to intimidate Lin Hao. Hao.

"Beloved disciple? Are you sure you are not your beloved son!" Lin Hao sneered mercilessly.

"You! How do you know..." Rong Tianhong's face turned green.

"There is no airtight wall in the world." Lin Hao said lightly. He Lin had already told him about Rong Tianhong's mess, including his business with Japanese people.

"Lin Hao, you are looking for death!" Rong Tianhong was furious. He was betrayed by the Jiangnan God of War. He had endured it for thirty years for the sake of his family and business. Now that his third son has been killed and is being ridiculed by his enemies, he just can't help it. .

Lin Hao shouted angrily: "You are the one who is going to die. Just because you helped the Japanese dogs build the Japanese University for Superpowers, I will not kill you a thousand times!"

Rong Tianhong was trembling with anger: "Lin Hao, even if I fight you, I don't believe you can beat the mecha!"

"Shattering Mountain Fist!"

Rong Tianhong stepped down, and the mecha rose into the air and pounced on Lin Hao. His huge fist, like an iron nest, combined with the boxing skills he used, braved the golden light and smashed hard at Lin Hao.

Rong Tianhong, who put on the mecha, had a punch that reached the seventh-level advanced level. If an ordinary seventh-level intermediate superpower was hit, he would definitely be smashed into meat!

"Red flame splitting the sky!"

Lin Hao didn't even frown. He drew his sword, drew it out, and in one move, a huge 100-meter-long flaming sword light shot out of the sky, tearing the void, and slashed at Rong Tianhong, who was wearing a mecha.


Fighting with fists and swords, the mecha made of S-class super alloy, which could not be broken by a seventh-level high-level psychic expert with all his strength, was cut open by Lin Hao's sword. It was like chopping vegetables, unstoppable!

Rong Tianhong was shocked. With a thought in his mind, he immediately waved his left hand and pressed the red button. Boom, the laser cannon on the mecha's left arm burst out instantly.

The white light was more dazzling than the sun, and it shot towards Lin Hao's head in an instant.

If this hits, even if a seventh-level advanced superpower user is hit, his head will be pierced and broken like a watermelon!

It's a pity that he is facing Lin Hao. Lin Hao's comprehensive combat power can instantly kill an eighth-level peak power user. His strength, speed and spirit have all reached the eighth-level peak. In his eyes, Rong Tianhong's every move is... They are all as slow as a turtle.

Lin Hao could even easily sense every move and even a slight change in Rong Tianhong's expression in the mecha. As soon as his hand reached for the red button, Lin Hao was on guard.

"Eye of Destruction!"

Before he finished speaking, two dark purple rays of light shot out, like lasers, but more terrifying than lasers. A world-destroying terrifying aura enveloped the entire place!

The light of world destruction faced the laser. The laser was completely suppressed. The light of world destruction continued to move forward. The mecha's left arm and left chest were instantly melted by the blast. They vaporized in the blink of an eye and disappeared without a trace. Moreover, the mecha's battle The system was also destroyed by the light of destruction.

Rongcheng was so frightened that he peed: "Oh my god, this is a military smart combat mecha, a seventh-level advanced one. It was destroyed in the blink of an eye. It still didn't hit the heart. What kind of monster is Lin Hao!!!"

The mecha didn't dare to stay any longer. Rong Tianhong crawled out of the mecha and knelt on the ground, kowtowing and begging for mercy: "Brother Hao, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

At this moment, fighter planes roared, and the S-class smart fighter Rongcheng was riding arrived.

When Rong Tianhong saw the Jiangnan War God's logo on the smart fighter, he immediately stood up from the ground and laughed wildly: "Haha, Lin Hao, my eldest son is here. He is here on behalf of the Jiangnan War God. You can't kill me! Haha! Lin Hao, today, I want you to die!"

Rongcheng was also roaring on the fighter plane: "Lin Hao, if you dare to kill my dad, I..."

Lin Hao sneered, closing and opening his eyes, using the Eye of Destruction, shooting out two rays of light, and Rong Tianhong, who was laughing wildly, was instantly headshot.

The speed was so fast that his hands were still dancing wildly.

A bottomless circular pit appeared on the ground.

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