The second level of space is beautiful.

Mountains, rivers, and flowers.

Lu Ye admired the beautiful scenery for 20 seconds, feeling relaxed, and then walked towards the Stone Sword Cliff.

According to the time calculation, in about two hours, all kinds of monsters and demons will appear, and there will be constant wars at that time.

The human race's Tianjiao will be killed and injured countless times.

But it doesn't matter, those who can die can't be called Tianjiao after all.

Running all the way.

Half an hour later, he came to the Stone Sword Cliff.

Under the Stone Sword Cliff, broken swords were lying on the ground or inserted between rocks. It is roughly estimated that there are thousands of them.

Each sword represents a sword cultivator who died here.

Lu Ye took a step forward.


All the broken swords began to make a buzzing sound.

Another step forward.


The sword light burst out, and three broken swords flew towards him, but were knocked away by Lu Ye's sleeves.

Another step forward.

All the broken swords burst into attack together.

Lu Ye punched out, and a large number of broken swords were knocked away, but he drew a circle and attacked again.

Sword Qi whistled.

Lu Ye's figure was completely surrounded by broken swords. He punched and palmed, making the broken swords fly everywhere, and moved step by step towards the inside.

Until now, no sword has been able to reward him.

It does not mean that these broken swords are not strong.

In fact, every sword here, any sword Qi, is enough to reach the level of breaking the infant realm, with powerful power. Dozens or hundreds of sword lights burst out together, killing ordinary refining virtual is not a problem.

But Lu Ye was very strong.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Ming punched through the place where the broken sword was.

He bent his legs and jumped up suddenly.

His body was like a rocket taking off, rushing from the ground to the top of the cliff in one breath, and saw the rocky place, where a sword covered with brown stone chips stood quietly.

The sword was four feet long, and it was wrapped in stone chips and its appearance could not be seen.

Lu Ye's eyes became gentle.

It has been a long time since I saw the stone sword again.

When the stone sword was broken, he had the idea of ​​reforging the stone sword, but he put the idea aside.

The stone sword can be forged, but the sword spirit cannot return.

At this time, the stone sword is there, and the sword spirit is also there.

He came to the stone sword, and the black robe on his body kept showing traces of being cut by the sharp sword. His hair was falling, and tiny wounds began to appear on his exposed skin.

Reach out.

Grasp the handle of the stone sword!

In an instant, countless terrifying sword qi rushed towards Lu Ye like a torrent.

Lu Ye closed his eyes, his sword heart was clear and his will was firm.

Although he had become a terrifying blood man at this moment, the hand holding the stone sword did not tremble at all, and his feet stepped into the rocks.

He could not take a step back.

As long as he took a step back, he would no longer have any fate with the stone sword.

At this time, it was just a test of the stone sword. Both the sword qi and the sword intention were part of the stone sword's selection.

Lu Ye had never taken a step back in his previous life.

Not to mention this life.

His hand even gently rubbed the stone sword, "Don't be afraid, don't be confused."

How could a sword be confused and afraid?

The sword would not, but the sword spirit would.

At this time, the sword spirit was a little confused in his ignorance, and a thought vaguely arose.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What are you barking about? Who the hell is afraid? Who the hell is confused?"

The sword qi impact was even more fierce.

A large blood mist dispersed to the rear.

Lu Ye...

Damn, I forgot that the current stone sword has not yet revealed its cowardly nature.

Yes, this sword is cowardly.

Of course, its cowardice is not fear of the enemy, but fear of the dark.

Although it is a very outrageous thing for a sword to be afraid of the dark, it is really afraid of the dark.

The stone sword did not even allow Lu Ye to make a scabbard for it.

"Follow me and become the strongest sword in the world." Lu Ye spoke again.

"Stronger than the Three Lives Sword!"

"Stronger than the Zu Sword!"

"Stronger than the Supreme Sword!"

"Stronger than the Invincible Sword!"

The stone sword listened to these names one by one. Although it did not know how strong these swords were, the names sounded very strong.

In addition, it really could not make Lu Ye retreat.

This man's flesh and blood were almost shaved off, but he did not retreat a single step.

It can be recognized!

The sword energy disappeared in an instant.

The stone sword returned to silence. Lu Ye glanced at his injuries without much reaction.

He formed seals with his hands.

The blood automatically condensed and formed a rather mysterious symbol.

This is naturally the master-recognition contract.

With the sound of the sword chiming softly, the sword and Lu Ye became closely connected.

The sword was actually still thinking about the master with a vague consciousness, worrying whether it would follow the wrong master.

But it was a little tired of staying here. If it didn't go out this time, it would stay for another thousand years next time, which was too long.

But it didn't matter. If the sword master was not good enough, after he died, it would be passed on to other people. With its strength, it would sooner or later fall into the hands of a strong enough person.

The sword intent bloomed from Lu Ye's palm.

Pieces of stone chips began to fall off the sword body. Under the stone chips, the sword was also brown, and there was no peerless edge blooming. It even looked spotted, like rust.

The powerful true essence and the purest sword intent flowed into the stone sword together.

"From now on, your name will be Shi Jian, and your nickname will be Xiao Shi. Do you agree?" Lu Ye asked with a smile.

Shi Jian trembled slightly.

[I disagree. Give me a cool name. ]

"It seems that you like this name very much, so call me that from now on."

[No, I didn't agree. What Xiao Shi, what Shi Jian, it's so ugly. I have been Shi Jian for such a long time. Now I am going to leave the mountain. I still want to be called Shi Jian? Hey, did you hear me? I don't want to be called Shi Jian! ]

"Young Master, you are here!"

Chu Ling's voice sounded from a distance and flew over quickly.

"Congratulations, Young Master, you have regained Shi Jian!"

Shi Jian?


Shi Jian automatically merged into Lu Ye's body. Because the sword was afraid of darkness, he simply placed it on the back of his hand.

A sword mark appeared on the back of his hand.

The most important Shi Jian was obtained, so he went to find other useful things.

In fact, for the younger generation, the most useful things are almost all on the first level battlefield.

For example, the purest water can cleanse people's aptitude and improve their aptitude.

For example, the Tianling Pond can help people practice quickly.

Another example is the Baiyao Valley, which has many spiritual treasures and spiritual fruits, which also have the effect of accelerating practice, and can also be picked and exchanged for resources.

The first battle took place in the first-level space battlefield.

He flew towards the first-level battlefield.

It's time to collect the divine fire.

As a weapon refiner and alchemist, a good flame is indispensable.

Although the quality of the divine fire here is average, it is just right for transition now.

Because of Lu Ye's guidance, some people have come to the second-level battlefield. When they found that there was no one here, they immediately began to search happily.

When Lu Ye returned to the first level, the sword wound on his body had recovered.

His figure came to the crater in the middle and jumped in without hesitation.

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