Chapter 1202

  "The order goes on! Let us all Xiliang warriors be on guard, tonight...As long as the people of Dazhou dare to come, they will never be allowed to go back!"


  The old general Cui Shanzhong believed Bai Qingyan to come back to attack the camp. Except for the Xiliang General who was guarding the ambush, the other generals sat with the old General Cui in the camp and waited...

  Weeping candles have been changed, and the sky gradually lighted up, but Da Zhou never came to the camp.

  Not to mention the old General Cui Shanzhong, the mature general of Xiliang who was waiting in the camp with the old General Cui Shanzhong, has also begun to fall asleep.

Until the sky became white, a general finally looked at the old general Cui Shanzhong: "General, it seems that Da Zhou will not attack the camp this time. They opened and closed the city gates to make us think that they will attack at night and consume them. Time for our Xiliang Army to rest."

  The old general Cui Shanzhong was not a stubborn person. Seeing that the sky is bright now, he also knew in his heart that he was fooled by Bai Qingyan. Bai Qingyan never thought about attacking at night today.

She said that it was right. They Da Zhou was within the high city wall, so they were naturally not afraid of surprise attacks. However, their Xiliang army surrounded the city without a high wall as a barrier. They attacked Xiliang... it was better than a surprise attack. They are easier for big weeks.

  The old general Cui Shanzhong has always been cautious, thinking about this, let him go and let him send the order: "Let the soldiers take turns to rest, and don't all sleep in the past, in case the Emperor Zhou unexpectedly attacks the camp in the day."


   Soon General Xiliang, who breathed out, sent the order.

   "Old General Cui, you can rest too, you will stay up all night with this, your body will not be able to bear it!" General Xiliang persuaded in a low voice.

  Old General Cui Shanzhong nodded, waved his hand to signal the other generals to go back to rest, and couldn't help but once again exhorted: "We must set aside enough manpower for warning. Any changes from the Great Zhou Army in Gyangze City, please report at any time!"

  "Don't worry, the old general, I am watching!" A Xiliang general said respectfully.

The generals came out of the camp of the old general Cui Shan, young and energetic inevitably complained: "This old General Cui is too old to be too cautious, so that we are played around by the emperor of the Great Zhou! They dare to attack the camp with that little force in the city? Why don't they go to the sky?"

"You speak carefully!" The general's companion looked back at the old general's camp and whispered, "Don't forget, although the forces in Gyangze are small, we are facing the emperor of Great Zhou. Bai Qingyan said that in the first battle at Wengshan and later General Yun Poxing, not all died in the hands of the Emperor of the Great Zhou, and even King Yan could not survive it in the end!"

  Hearing this, the young Xiliang pursed his lips and nodded, remembering that Li Tianjiao had returned to Yunjing with the body of King Yan, and then he did not hesitate to kneel to get Old General Cui out of the mountain.

Their most brave general in Xiliang, Yun Poxing, died in the hands of the Emperor of the Great Zhou, and the King of Yan is gone. The Emperor of the Great Zhou is indeed not to be underestimated, and since their female emperor of Xiliang can kneel and invite Mr. Cui When the general came out of the mountain, only General Cui who wanted to come to Xiliang would be able to defeat the Emperor of the Great Zhou, otherwise...why his Majesty of Xiliang would kneel to a courtier.

  Thinking of this, he nodded and said: "Let’s go back and rest! In case the main force returns to rescue the driver in the first week, there may be a tough battle to be fought later!"

The Great Zhou Army rested at ease all night, and when they boarded the city wall full of energy, the Xiliang Army who had been tossing all night was very tired. Most of the soldiers in Xiliang slept in the camp and could not rest. Yes, I was already extremely sleepy, tired and hungry, struggling to support, unable to lift the energy.

  Bai Qingyan patrolled on the city wall, and then told Liu Pinggao: "Today, let the soldiers cook lunch half an hour earlier!"

  Liu Ping was taken aback, thinking that Bai Qingyan might send troops to attack the camp today, and he clasped his fists in excitement.

  Also, fight when you are full!

  The Xiliang army thought that they were going to attack the camp last night and stayed there all night. They are now sleepy. At this time, the great Zhou army will make a surprise attack. It is sure to beat the Xiliang army.

Soon, the news of Da Zhou Jun’s cooking half an hour in advance was sent to General Cui’s account, who had just slept without much effort. General Cui sat up with the hand of the child, wearing a cloak, and wiped it with an ice kerchief. Turn the face.

   "Sure enough, the opening and closing of the city gate last night prevented our Xiliang army from taking a break, so we made a surprise attack at this time! Fortunately, the old General Cui sent people to watch Da Zhou's movements in advance!" General Xiliang said angrily.

  Old General Cui was agitated by the ice kerchief. At this moment, people felt a lot of sobriety. They were cooking half an hour ahead of time... There will be cooking smoke. Such an obvious loophole, will Bai Qingyan make a mistake?

  Perhaps, Bai Qingyan just wanted to expose this loophole to make him think that their Da Zhou was just a fake shot like last night? After all, Xiliang stayed for the night, and now he was exhausted, and it was a good time for a sneak attack.

  Even if Bai Qingyan still made a move this time, Old General Cui had to guard it!

  Because Xiliang is not as affordable as Dazhou!

  Old General Cui knew that he had made a mistake, and all generals should know that the best defense is to attack.

  The current situation in Xiliang did not allow the old General Cui to take the initiative to attack the city.

  The cost of attacking the city is too high, and there will be disturbances after the attack. A little smoke on the wall can easily cause Xiliang to fall into a few sides. Xiliang does not have as much food as the soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty.

  More importantly, Old General Cui has his own plan.

  But playing Xiliang in this way is too passive, and we need to give Da Zhou a warning, so that Da Zhou can be more peaceful...

"General Ma, order the general who besieged the four gates of Gyangze City to set up an ambush at the gate...Be sure to let the Da Zhou people see! This will deter Da Zhou! Let our soldiers have a good rest tonight, If you don’t have enough food, you must let people rest well. Only after we have a good rest can we grab food from the Dazhou people, so that we can fight back and forth with Dazhou reinforcements!"

  The generals in the tent, look at me and I look at you, but in the end they still clasped their fists.

   Soon, General Cui arranged for someone to deliberately reveal the flaws and set up an ambush at the gates of the four cities, and it was also sent to Bai Qingyan's case.

"Oh!" Liu Ping patted his forehead and blamed himself, "I blame the subordinates for not being good, I am so happy that I didn't explain clearly, there is smoke in cooking in advance, this clearly tells the people of Xiliang that we are going to attack the camp! "

  Liu Pinggao also sighed in his heart that General Cui was really amazing.

  "When did I say that I was going to attack the camp today?" Bai Qingyan shook the bamboo slips in his hands, with a smile in his voice.

  Liu Pinggao has a wrong expression.

    First update, ask for monthly pass...



  (End of this chapter)

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