The Eldest Daughter is Beautiful and Saucy

Chapter 1209: Tiansuke Xiliang

   Chapter 1209

   Liu Pinggao shook his head: "Your Majesty is pregnant and has to worry about warfare. It's already very hard. If you can do things within our control, don't disturb your Majesty to rest. You go to the city gate to pass the order, and I will come when I get dressed!"


  Outside the city of Gyangze.

  Du Sanbao glanced towards the Xiliang Military Camp and shouted loudly, "Withdraw! Withdraw! Go back!"

  The desperate general Xiliang ordered people to chase after him quickly, but now the Xiliang army is not ready to attack the city at all. At this moment, they are catching up to the city of Gyangze and giving away the head of the great Zhou army?

  Old General Cui hurriedly ordered people not to pursue them.

  But in the end, when Du Sanbao threw the firecrackers into the camp, it quarreled all the Xiliang soldiers who had not rested, and the Xiliang army could not rest at ease.

After    grabbed the horse and put out the fire, the Xiliang generals rushed into the military tent of the old general Cui, yelling that they were about to attack the city.

General Cui saw that the morale was ignited now, and he felt that he could not wait any longer. He had to teach Da Zhou a lesson. As soon as he stood up, he saw the spies come back, kneeled on one knee and reported: "Report to the general, Bailongcheng is stepping up food preparations tonight, and is expected to deliver food tomorrow!"

   "God helps Xiliang!" Old General Cui was full of confidence, and said loudly, "Take the soldiers, siege the city!"

  Outside the dark Gyangze city, the Xiliang Military Camp suddenly lit up.

  Liu Pinggao watched Du Sanbao and the others enter the city, shouting loudly: "Quickly close the city gate!"

Seeing that the Xiliang army was still chasing in the distance, Liu Pinggao's heart was hanging in his throat. He saw Du Sanbao lead the people into the city safely, and the city gate was closed. Liu Ping Takamatsu, holding the hilt of the saber firmly After a sigh of relief, I realized that my palms were all sweaty.

  He hurriedly walked down the city wall, saw Du Sanbao jumping off his horse, and reprimanded Du Sanbao loudly: "Du Sanbao! Who gave you the courage to leave the city raid camp? Your Majesty is not allowed to leave the city raid camp, you don’t know!"

Du Sanbao got off his horse and said with a smile: "I'm not looking at General Liu and wanting to attack the city. This is how I dare to make a move. Isn't that the effect is good! The Xiliang army has to make the firecrackers noisy? wake up!"

   "I'm afraid that you will be self-defeating! In case Xiliang attacked the city in will be ruined by your majesty!" Liu Ping sternly reprimanded.

  Liu Pinggao just wanted to understand why Bai Qingyan would not allow him to attack the camp today!

It didn’t take long for the guards sent by Bai Qingyan to send the letter out of the city, so Bailongcheng didn’t say anything about it. The Yecheng Pass was far away, and the letter could not be delivered... if they attacked the city in a hurry, in case Xiliang attacked Yecheng Pass in advance, the soldiers would not have time. What should I do if I come here?

  Du Sanbao was startled, he really didn't think so much: "It! What city did they attack in the dark?"

  As soon as Du Sanbao's voice fell, I heard the thunder of war drums in the Xiliang army camp, which shook the whole field.

   "The city is under attack!" Liu Ping widened his eyes.

  Du Sanbao did not expect that, but an attack on the camp would cause Xiliang to attack the city in advance, and his face paled in fright.

   "General Liu, what...what can I do about this? I just wanted to make Xiliang not have a good rest!" Du Sanbao showed a panic expression, "Am I influencing your majesty's plan?"

  Bai Qingyan was slightly stunned when he got the news, but there was nothing absolute on the battlefield itself. Fortunately, Bai Qingyan was well prepared, the people in the city were trained similarly, and the messenger had already left the city.

  Bai Qingyan **** her long hair casually, put on silver armor and a sun-shooting bow, and then hurried towards the tower with the guard.

  Liu Pinggao was commanding the defense on the city wall. Hearing the name of the city wall falling, he quickly descended from the upper floor. Du Sanbao, who was in trouble, also hurried downstairs behind Liu Pinggao.

Seeing Bai Qingyan dismissing his horse, Liu Pinggao knelt down on one knee, and took the lead to plead guilty: "Your Majesty, the final general did not listen to your Majesty's words, and sent people out of the city to attack the camp, but he did not expect to attract the Xiliang army to attack the city in advance! Please descend! crime!"

  Du Sanbao didn’t expect Liu Pinggao to shoulder it with all his might, and he became more guilty and hurriedly said: “Your Majesty’s not, it’s because I didn’t obey...”

   "Now is not the time to fight for the crime!" Bai Qingyan threw the whip to the guard behind him, raised his foot over Liu Pinggao and Du Sanbao, and walked towards the top of the tower.

  Liu Pinggao and Du Sanbao hurriedly got up and followed behind Bai Qingyan and boarded the city wall.

  Bai Qingyan glanced in the distance. The Xiliang army was gathering. She turned her head and said: "Go! Knock the gong... and shout all the people, saying that Xiliang is about to attack the city!"

   "Yes!" Du Sanbao ran under the tower under the command.

At   sha, the gongs in Gyangze city were loud and loud.

  The soldiers knocked on the gong and shouted to the people to get up: "Xiliang has attacked the city! Xiliang has attacked the city! Stand up and defend the city wall! The Xiliang army cannot hold the city wall and enter Gyangze to slaughter the city!"

When the people heard that Xiliang was about to attack the city and they would slaughter the city after they came in, they remembered the Xiliang people who were shot by the Xiliang general outside the city wall and responded positively. Running to the top of the tower, shouting loudly for the neighbors to come out to resist the enemy, Xiliang is about to attack the city.

  Before, Bai Qingyan asked Liu Pinggao to lead the people to roughly train the people, and give the people the care of the wounded and the transportation of weapons. All soldiers must have no arrows to go up to the tower. Cherish the feather arrows, and must shoot the Xiliang army.

The training of the past few days was not in vain. The drums and trumpets on the walls rang. The people ran in the direction of the four gates according to the positions arranged during the training. The soldiers pulled their bows and waited for the west. It was as cool as the range of the shooting range, and the people carried their bows and arrows on the city wall one after another, and the powerful people stood by the bed and turned the winch, ready to go.

Bai Qingyan stood on the tower, looking at the Xiliang Army approaching Gyangze City in the distance. Although the old General Cui was not found in the army, several Xiliang generals had been found. She was shooting the sun in her hand. Bow, draw a feather arrow from the quiver at the waist, aiming at a distance...

  All four walls of Gyangze City are on guard.

  Old General Cui did not really intend to attack the city, nor did he gather his forces to attack only the southern city gate, but to attack the four city gates together.

  Although this looks mighty, it may not be able to see the siege effect, but if the forces in the city are insufficient, such a blooming attack will make the enemy defending in the city very difficult.

But what Old General Cui didn’t know was that General Toxiliang did not allow the people to leave the city and killed the people’s blessings. Now these people who still had Xiliang in their hearts are helping Da Zhou defend the city with all their strength. After all... They have now become the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Who is not afraid that the Xiliang army will slaughter the city after it enters the city?

  The participation of the people in the war was indeed unexpected to Old General Cui. General Cui also thought about how the people in the city had been Xiliang people for half their lives, and they would definitely move towards Xiliang.

  (End of this chapter)

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