Chapter 1246

  Their Majesty used Dazhou’s food to feed the people of Xiliang. Despite the difficulties, his household minister still complied with it, because he knew that his majesty’s goal was the unification of the world, and their majesty had treated the people of Xiliang as his own people.

  Now if Da Zhou goes to war with Yan Guo, this aspect of food and grass... is really a big problem for him.

  However, the problem has to be solved. Sitting in the position of Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, he does not solve the problem. What does Your Majesty want him to do? You can't just spread your hands and just cry out for your Majesty!

  And in this situation, your majesty has just fallen asleep and the prince will leave the city when he wakes up. He is crying poor and has no place to cry. He has to find a way...

  After thinking about it, he felt that he might have to deal with the merchants in Da Zhou.

  After all, the strongest country now is Da Zhou. Once Da Zhou decides to go to war with Yan, he will be a businessman! Don't think about it...Most of them are definitely going to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  But now, your Majesty only asks Chen Bing to attack the Yan Kingdom and he hasn’t really made any decrees to attack the Kingdom of Yan. He can’t find excuses to ask merchants for money!

   Regarding him, he has to prepare for the rainy day. Anyway, your Majesty has already transferred his troops, so he said he was about to fight. He asked them for money and got ready first.

  If you don’t fight at that time, you can go back the same way and ask your majesty for a reward or something. They will be very happy if they want to come.

  Wei unrespectfully looked up at the sky, and sighed for a long time. Everyone said that Hubu Shangshu was the fattest official in the world, but whoever sat in this position knew how difficult it was! In addition, there is a master who wants to dominate the world, which is even more difficult.


  The **** in the palace ordered Lu Taiwei, Shen Sikong, and Dong Situ to enter the palace, but after the three entered the palace, they were stopped by the Queen Mother Dong outside the palace of Bai Qingyan.

  Said that Bai Qingyan was very tired, and just took the medicine to squint, let the three adults go back first, Bai Qingyan wakes up and talks about everything.

  Dong already knew that Ayu had deliberately included the plan in Yunjing, and Xiaoqi might have also been arrested in Yunjing, so he wanted his daughter to take a break and set off as soon as possible, so that he could sit in the confinement with peace of mind.

  Who knows, Lu Taiwei, Shen Sikong, and Dong Situ just returned to the house, and they didn’t even come and take off their official uniforms. They heard that your majesty’s motorcade was ready to set off.

  The three of them did not dare to delay, and rushed to the gate of the city to wait. When they saw each other, they hurriedly saluted each other.

  Seeing Bai Qingyan's carriage came to a halt slowly from the city, the three of them got into the carriage and bowed to Bai Qing's words.

"Your Majesty, the spring will be coming soon. You are leaving...what should you do about the palace exam?" Taiwei Lu was worried, "Besides, you just gave birth to the princess and the prince, and you are still in the confinement. You are going to Xiliang for a long distance I'm afraid the jade body can't hold it!"

This Bai Qingyan doesn’t know, it’s just that...the Jin Kingdom’s management of the metropolis was neglected at the beginning, and there are still many deeply buried meticulous works that are difficult to remove. This time... All the deep work is uncovered!

The emperor of the Great Zhou rushed to Xiliang because of the battlefield in Xiliang, and sent his troops to the border of Dayan to attack the Kingdom of Yan. When such a big news came out, the work of Xiliang and the Kingdom of Yan would definitely move as soon as possible. Spread the news.

  Bai Qing said that Chen Bing and Yan's borders are going to attack Yan, and Xiliang will be convinced that Yan and Zhou will break because of this.

Another, Bai Qingyan was never a person who put his hopes in one place, even though he had negotiated with Xiao Rongyan at the beginning, and after the pacification of Yunjing, the two countries decided to win or lose to avoid the fire of war between the people and the two countries were united as one country, but ...And prepare for the worst.

  Retreat ten thousand steps. In the end, if the two countries decide to win or lose by national policy and are really swayed by the power of the Queen Mother and unable to promote smooth development, then only fights will be left.

  Chen Bing and Yan's borders can be considered as preparations. At that the two countries fight on the front line, the Queen Mother Yan may not necessarily be able to control, she can discuss with Ayan, and the world will always be unified!

  But no matter what, Murong Lek and Ayan are working hard for the merger, and she will try her best to pave the way for the merger of the two countries.

"Let the lieutenant worry, I'll take the carriage all the way, it doesn't matter!" Bai Qing said a long story short, "the royal exam will be entrusted to the three of Lu Taiwei, Shen Sikong and Dong Situ. The Queen Mother and the three will be responsible for the hall exam on the day of the exam. The adults invigilate the exam in the hall, and after the papers are collected and selected, the Queen Mother will decide the ranking."

  "Yes!" The three of them answered.

Bai Qingyan didn’t tell the three adults that she wanted her to be a confinement, and she could trust the abilities of the three adults. She explained the matter clearly and went back to the metropolis. After that, she took a good rest and raised her body, both for Ayan...and to be able to stay with the two children for a long time.

"Shen Sikong..." Bai Qingyan looked at Shen Jingzhong, "Shen Sikong should prepare for the battle between the Great Zhou and the Yan Kingdom. In terms of food and grass, Shen Sikong and Wei Shangshu will find a way! One point... You can't make the soldiers hungry."

With such big moves as troops and food, Yan Guo will receive news soon. When she leaves the metropolis, she has to send someone to send a message to Murong Lek and Xiao Rongyan. She can do it for the merger of the two countries. There is only so much.

"Your Majesty, don't worry! The Weichen knows the severity!" Shen Jingzhong finished, and then continued, "But the Weichen still thinks that after we have eliminated Xiliang this time, we should recuperate and not fight anymore, and we should digest the income we just received The land and population of the beams in the near future, naturally... the minister knows that your majesty has your majesty's considerations, and the ministers only hope that your majesty can give more consideration to the words of the ministers if you don't have to fight them!"

"I understand what Shen Sikong meant!" Bai Qingyan turned to look at Dong Qingping again, "After the extermination of Xiliang, if we, Da Zhou and Yan State, are doing something, the people who are concealing evil intentions on the front side are afraid they will be ready to move, and they will take the opportunity. If something happens, uncle must be cautious. I didn’t transfer all the soldiers from the Anping camp. I killed them when necessary. Naturally, I didn’t mobilize the defenders of the Yuanping camp. It was necessary to keep the Yuanping army. It's time... to clear out the people who have bad intentions in Liang."

  Shen Jingzhong nodded repeatedly, which was also his concern. Before Liang was transferred to the Great Zhou, the garrison in Liang was moved away, which would surely make those who harbor evil intentions feel that they could take advantage of it. If Da Zhou and Yan were to fight again at that time, those who tried to restore the Great Liang would definitely have trouble.

Bai Qing said calmly: "We have already used the soft policy for the land that has just been recovered. If we dare to make trouble, we must be severely punished to let them know that even if the Great Zhou divides the forces of Xiliang and Yan, they still have spare capacity to clean up. Theirs! Only in this way can people with illusions and delusions see the power of Da Zhou... and settle down completely."

    Third update, continue to ask for monthly pass! ! !



  (End of this chapter)

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