The Eldest Daughter is Beautiful and Saucy

Chapter 1261: One Leaf Blindfold

   Chapter 1261

  Bai Qingqi nodded: "Then follow the original plan, and Bai Jinhua will lead the siege squadron with Bai Qingjue as the vanguard! As soon as the gate opens...Bai Jinxiu will immediately lead the melee cavalry into the city!"

  "Bai Qingyue takes her life!"

  "Bai Jinxiu takes his life!"

  "Bai Jinhua takes the lead!"

  Bai Jinzhao eagerly looked at his third brother.

  Bai Qingqi's gaze fell on Bai Jinzhao's body, hesitated for a while and still said: "Bai Jinzhao closely follows Bai Jinxiu's side and can't leave an inch. It's illegal to deal with the military law!"

  Bai Jinxiu clasped his fists: "Bai Jinxiu leads the way!"

  "Three brothers..." Bai Jinzhao hesitated, "I want to enter the palace to save the fifth brother!"

Bai Qingqi looked at Bai Jinzhao with a firm expression: "Your fifth elder brother is alone in the palace. If your fifth elder brother cannot get out by then, the emperor of Xiliang and the old general Cui Shanzhong will hold your fifth elder brother, and you can't handle it! "

  As for the rescue of Bai Qingyu, Bai Qingqi must come personally!

  Bai Qingqi has known since he was a child that whether he is the elder brother or the Bai family, he must protect Ayu at all costs!

  Xiao Ruohai knows where Bai Qingyu is locked up. Once the gate of Yunjing City is broken, he will rescue Ayu from Yunjing Palace as quickly as possible.

  Bai Jinzhao thought about it, so he didn’t fight for this task, and was convinced that he took his life: "Bai Jinzhao takes his life!"

  Da Zhou and the army of the State of Yan have been prepared very secretly, just waiting for the hour to arrive, cooperating with Bai Qingyu's action in the city.


  The sky is gloomy, the stars and the moon are not visible, and there is a tendency for wind and rain to come.

  Tonight, the old general Cui Shanzhong was very upset for some reason, so he stayed in the palace and did not go out, playing chess with Li Tianjiao.

  In the main hall, there are buildings with lights and shadows, and layers of golden tents are hooked on the red lacquered pillars on both sides of the main hall.

   "Since the Ninth Kings of the Kingdom of Yan said so, I just don't want to cooperate with us in Xiliang!" Li Tianjiao frowned.

"However, the news of the meeting between the nine princes of the Kingdom of Yan and the veteran should have reached the military camp of the Great Zhou. After the betrayal of the Great Zhou by the Kingdom of Yan, the younger brother of the Emperor of the Great Zhou, Bai Qingyu, was arrested. If the news of the meeting spreads out, the alliance between the two countries will be in name only! Da Zhou must be suspicious of Yan Guo!"

  Speaking, the old general Cui Shanzhong's scrawny hand slowly dropped a chess piece.

Li Tianjiao stared at the chessboard, held Baizi in his hand and thought for a long time before he settled. Then he said, "Since we can't agree with Yan Guo, then after the Emperor of Zhou arrives, let's take Bai Qingyu as a tribute to the Zhou! "

   "I'm afraid... Great Zhou and Yan Kingdom will not wait until the Emperor of Great Zhou arrives, they will attack the city!" The old general Cui Shanzhong didn't know why, and his heart had been anxious tonight, always feeling that something big was about to happen.

   "We are in the city, they are outside the city, Yunjing City is guarded by the old General Cui, it is not easy for them to break through!" Li Tianjiao trusted the old General Cui Shanzhong very much.

Outside the palace, the wind was rustling, the window lattices were blown straight, the hexagonal lanterns hanging under the corridors of the double eaves hall were blown and swayed, and there was a hideous shadow on the windows. Old General Cui seemed to have sensed something. Look out of the hall.

  "Report..." Suddenly the sharp voice of Xiliang soldiers came from outside the door.

  The old General Cui dropped the chess piece in his hand, stood up abruptly, and took two steps outward.

Because it was a military newspaper, the **** outside the public gate pushed the store door open. When the wind followed the Xiliang soldiers in, the old general Cui Shanzhong had already seen the dark sky in the south turned into fiery red, although he couldn't see the tongue of flames with teeth and claws. , But looking at the red sky and billowing black smoke, you know how big the fire is!

   "Your Majesty! General Cui, our city east grain depot is on fire, and the soldiers have gone to put out the fire! But...but the weapons depot to the east is also on fire!" The young general under Cui Shanzhong reported in a panic.

   "Gather your troops! Save the granary at all costs! Hurry!" Cui Shanzhong heard that the granary was burned, and his scalp was already numb!

  As long as there is food in Yunjing City, Cui Shanzhong is confident that he can stick to it. If there is no food...In Yunjing City, only bones are left to cook, and it is easy to eat!

After being scared, Cui Shanzhong was very grateful that he let the food in Xiliang city be scattered, but...the east granary is the top priority!

  However, it was faster...there were soldiers reporting, and several other enemy granaries in the city were also burned!

  One in Cui Shan almost fell.

  It’s no accident that multiple granaries were suddenly burnt!

   "Report..." Another soldier from Xiliang quickly rushed up from below the palace's high ranks, shouting hoarsely, "The prison is on fire, and all the prisoners are missing!"

The old general Cui Shanzhong's pupils widened and his brain buzzed: "Quick! Go and see if Bai Qingyu wakes up! Are you still there! Quick! If someone is still there, let the Yulin Army bring Bai Qingyu over immediately! Nothing! Bring me here when you wake up!"

  As the old general Cui Shanzhong's deep voice sounded, several eunuchs acted immediately.

   "Old General!" Li Tianjiao also stood up, his face gloomy and unclear, and his heart sank, "It seems that the Bai family army escaped from the prison and set fire in the grain depot and weapon depot..."

   was counted!

  Old General Cui closed his eyes, and finally knew where his anxiety came from!

  Bai Qingyu and these Bai Jiajun were captured alive. He felt strange when he was captured alive, but he didn't want to understand!

  The Bai family army has always been a tough guy who does not fight to death and does not disarm. How can anyone survive to be captured by them in Xiliang!

  He is conceited, blindfolded, and can only use tactics to provoke Yan Guo and Da Zhou. It's careless!

   "Go! Let the soldiers on the wall be on guard!" Old General Cui shouted to the young general Xiliang who came to report, "Da Zhou...The city is about to be attacked! Let the soldiers guard the gate!"

"Unexpectedly, our Yunjing would have become a sieve!" Old General Cui Shanzhong clenched his fists tightly, shaking tightly, "This Yunjing city...there are people from Dazhou! Otherwise, I would count on those Bai Jiajun who only have one ration a day. , There is absolutely no way to escape from arson! They have a helper in this Yunjing City in Da Zhou! Bai Qingyu... I am afraid that he was also scheming, pretending to be caught alive by Xiliang!"

  Bai Qingyu wants to join forces with the great Zhou army outside to open the gate of Yunjing City!


  As soon as the old general Cui Shanzhong's voice fell, he saw a cluster of red fireworks lift off into the night sky with dark clouds, and exploded suddenly!

"It's going to attack the city!" The old general Cui Shanzhong was pushed into the ice cave like the middle of winter. His whole body was frozen. He hesitated for a moment. He turned to look at Li Tianjiao and said, "Your Majesty, we must firmly hold Bai Qingyu. Hold it in your hand! Never let Bai Qingyu escape!"

  "Don't worry, old general!" Li Tianjiao nodded.

  Cui Shanzhong didn't say anything, he raised his foot and walked outside the hall. He had to go to the North City defend against the great Zhou siege army!

    Third update, continue to ask for monthly pass...



  (End of this chapter)

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