The Eldest Daughter is Beautiful and Saucy

Chapter 1319: Caught off guard

   Chapter 1319

When A Bao gave birth to a son, he was not by his side. He was always guilty of his heart. Coupled with the longing for A Bao, Xiao Rongyan wanted to plant his wings on the way to the metropolis, but he had to be restrained. The road in the metropolis is suffering every moment for him.

   "Your Majesty, the little prince, and the little princess are already waiting for the Nine Princes in the hall." Wei Zhong smiled and said to Xiao Rongyan.

  There is no imperial army guarding outside the hall, almost all of them are arranged under the higher ranks.

  Xiao Rongyan nodded, indicating that Yue Shi, who was following him, was waiting here, and then followed Wei Zhong to walk towards the majestic, brightly lit Ming'an Hall.

  Looking at the gate of the palace getting closer and closer, Xiao Rongyan didn't know why, but he felt nervous. He was already a dad.

  Once, Xiao Rongyan never thought that one day, he would have children, he would become a father, and he thought he would give all his energy to Yan Guo.

  A Bao...It was his surprise, and his two children were caught off guard.

  Xiao Rongyan was not sure whether he would be a good father, because his father was so cold-blooded and ruthless to his own flesh and blood, his blood was flowing in his body, and he was afraid that he would not be a good father either.

  Ming'an Temple gate was slowly pushed open by Wei Zhong.

In the hall, there are layers of bright yellow hanging curtains and gauze tents hanging down from the beams, and peony gold studded with precious stones is hooked on the gold pillars on both sides. The fragrance of the white sandalwood in the Boshan incense burner curls up. The end of the gold gauze is heavily hung down, and there is an ivory mat in the red lichen covered with embroidered dragons and blessings. Bai Qingyan and Dong are holding two children in their arms. I don’t know that Chuntao, who is kneeling on the edge of the ivory mat, is talking about it. What, Bai Qingyan and Dong Shi both smiled.

  Xiao Rongyan stood in place, looking at this warm picture, the anxiety in his heart was smoothed for a time, and he couldn't bear to disturb this heart-warming scene.

  Wei Zhongzheng was about to come forward and laugh with Bai Qingyan and Dong, who had not noticed the opening of the palace door, but Xiao Rongyan raised his hand to stop him.

This picture seemed to touch Xiao Rongyan's memory in the bottom of his heart. Vaguely, he seemed to remember that when he was young... his mother and the father who had not yet awakened from foolishness would also be in the palace in summer. Lay a layer of ivory mat and put a small black sandalwood table with fruits and snacks on the small table. The mother will hold their brothers and sisters to play with the rope, under the swaying lights... The mother's smile is also so moving and beautiful.

  Dong's veil covered his lips with a low laugh, and Yu Guang noticed Xiao Rongyan standing at the entrance of the hall.

  Xiao Rongyan quickly returned to his senses, took off the mask and handed it to Wei Zhong who was aside, paying respectful respect to Dong from a distance.

   "A Yan is back..." The smile in Dong's eyes grew stronger, with a full range of love, he waved to Murong Yan, "Come on!"

  After finishing speaking, Dong clan told Chunzhi: "Bring Ayan plum soup."

The metropolis is already hot in May. The sour plum soup is the craftsmanship of Mother Tong and she prepared it early, but Bai Qing said that there are no iced ones here, only warm ones. Knowing that Xiao Rongyan is coming, the Dong family specially asked him to give it to Xiao Rong Yanbing. A bowl.

Xiao Rongyan was flattered when he heard the word "Hui", and walked in the direction of Dong's respectfully, without even raising his head to look at Bai Qingyan. He just stopped not far from Dong's, and bowed his head again and bowed in a big salute: "A Yan I have seen my mother!"

Bai Qingyan stared at Xiao Rongyan. Seeing his cautious appearance, she couldn't help laughing in her heart. She was dressed in a simple dress. Bai Qingyan, who wore a goose hairpin on her head, looked down at the daughter in her arms and then at her. Faced with Xiao Rongyan's stern look on Dong's face, the smile deepened in his eyes.

   "Well, my family will stop being so polite!" Dong Shi smiled and waved with Xiao Rongyan, "Come and see the two children..."

  Wei Zhong stepped forward and waited for Xiao Rong to take off his shoes.

Xiao Rongyan knelt and sat beside Bai Qingyan, his deep black eyes glanced at Bai Qingyan, and then his eyes fell on the child. Looking at the white and tender little baby in Bai Qingyan's arms, Xiao Rongyan said to his heart. It's like being lightly swiped by a feather, and it's not clear what it feels like.

   "Quickly, take Joy and show it to A Yan..." Dong Shi gave the little bit in his arms to Chuntao.

  Chuntao took joy carefully, walked to Xiao Rongyan's side, and whispered: "Uncle, look at the little master, he is very good!"

As a loyal servant serving Bai Qingyan next to him, Chuntao naturally already knew the identity of Xiao Rongyan, and roughly learned about the eldest girl and uncle from Chen Qingsheng’s mouth. After being astonished, Chuntao felt that if the nine princes of Yan Kingdom were truly She is so sincere to the eldest girl, she is also willing to recognize this aunt.

  After all, she was in the metropolis at the time, and it was said that the eldest girl was trapped in Gyangze City. It was the Nine Kings of Dayan who gave up Yunjing. He was seriously injured and hurried to relieve the eldest girl day and night.

  My aunt can put their eldest girl first, even if Chuntao has more dissatisfaction, she will dissipate, and she is even very happy for the girl.

  Xiao Rongyan saw the two children, and at this time he seemed to feel a little bit of a father.

I knew that Bai Qingyan was born, and that Bai Qingyan was born prematurely... He was more worried about Bai Qingyan, and he was even more anxious to come to the metropolis. Most of it was because he missed Bai Qingyan and he had never veiled his face. The child missed it, but it didn't boil like he missed Bai Qingyan.

Now seeing two sleeping children, Xiao Rongyan felt that the softest part of his heart seemed to be rippled by these two white, tender and tender little guys. He couldn't help but want to kiss the two children. , But he hasn't freshened up yet, and he's afraid of bringing the exhaustion of the wind and dust to the two children.

  He reached out and touched the curled hands of the two children hidden in their sleeves, only to feel that the hands were like water made of water, soft and unbelievable.

  "Do you want to hug the child?" Bai Qingyan asked.

  Xiao Rongyan's back stiffened, his eyes filled with delicate and tender eyes met Bai Qingyan, and a layer of sweat formed on the palms of his palms, and he whispered: "I haven't had time to change my clothes. It doesn't matter if I hold the baby like this?"

  Bai Qingyan smiled, and handed Kangle into Xiao Rongyan's arms. The little girl looked at it a little bit. When Xiao Rongyan hugged it carefully in his arms, he felt that the little girl had more weight and weight than he thought.

  Perhaps it was a change of arms, the little girl felt a little bit, her pinkish little mouth shook, the eyelashes that left a fan shadow on the fleshy little face fluttered twice, and she fell asleep again.

  Xiao Rongyan's back is stiff, try to keep his arms lighter, for fear of hurting the child, he can't help but raise his head to look at Bai Qingyan, and ask for his posture: "Is it right?"

  Dong’s lips were covered with a veil and smiled: “If you don’t cry, you’re right!”

  (End of this chapter)

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