Chapter 22 Filial Piety

  Qin Lang walked on the front foot, and the second wife Liu returned back on the back foot. She was worried about Bai Jinxiu. Her husband and her husband were not at home. Tonight, she planned to stay in this green bamboo pavilion to guard her daughter.

  Grandma Jiang saw that the Qingzhu Pavilion had been settled properly, and ordered the girls to take care of Bai Jinxiu tonight. Then she went back to the Changshouyuan from the Qingzhu Pavilion in the snow, and she told the princess what happened today.

"As soon as the second sister was carried into the green bamboo pavilion, the eldest sister immediately ordered to go down, and ordered the whole government to take care of her tongue, not to arbitrarily discuss the second sister's injury, and not to chew the tongue with people outside the palace. Once found Fifty sticks to sell! The servants in the mansion are still honest. I heard from Madam Haima that many women from the Qing Dynasty and the expensive mansion came to our mansion to make money inquiries, but the servants did not dare to vomit anything out. "Mrs. Jiang gently pinched the shoulders of the princess.

  Princess nodded.

Madam Jiang then told the princess what happened in the front yard after she invited Qin Lang to enter the door. Bai Qing did not hide her words to persuade Qin Lang to imitate the beauty of Yao and Shun's concession.

The eldest princess closed her eyes and fiddled with the Buddha beads, and slowly said, "Abao can see clearly, and the word filial piety is pressed on Qin Lang's head. If Qin Lang does not have the courage to abandon the title, even if he becomes a loyal and brave man, he must Being held in the palm of the hand by Jiang, Jinxiu is Qin Lang's wife. As a husband and wife, life will be difficult in the future."

After Grandma Jiang nodded in agreement, she sighed again: "The princess, you mean, the eldest sister is planning for the second girl's future. But the old slave only feels that if Qin Shizi loses the position of the eldest son, we will fight for fame. The second girl has to suffer for a few more years."

"Well, I can always help one or two. It's better than being held in the palm of the hand by Jiang for half a lifetime. A Bao said so clearly, it depends on whether Qin Lang's child can get a needle in pain." The princess sighed. .


  In the early morning of the second day, the heavy snow stopped.

  The genius was just bright, and Qin Lang did not take his entourage and stood alone at the gate of the town’s government office, begging to see the princess.

  The eldest princess just woke up and had not eaten breakfast. She was quite surprised when she heard that Mother Jiang reported that Qin Lang had come.

The princess    vaguely guessed that Qin Lang had already wanted to understand that she planned to abandon her position as the son of the elder, and she also knew why Qin Lang had not reported his father to be loyal and courageous and came to look for her, but she admired Qin Lang's decision.

  "Please ask Qin Lang to come in." The princess asked Grandma Jiang, "Let me prepare the car, I am afraid that I will enter the palace today."

As soon as Qin Lang entered the longevity house, he solemnly kneeled to the eldest princess: "The grandson's son-in-law failed to protect his wife fully, and Jinxiu almost died. He was ashamed of his grandmother and mother-in-law. He was ashamed of his grandmother and mother-in-law. As a loyal and courageous son, he has the reputation of being loyal. He is strong and physically unable to be loyal to the king. As a son of man, he cannot relieve his mother’s worries. As a husband, he cannot protect his wife’s peace. New, I invite myself to pass away, study hard, and hope that I will become a useful person in the future if I don’t lose sight of my ancestors."

   Last night, Qin Lang didn't sleep all night. He wanted to join the battlefield to earn military merit like Bai Jiaerlang, but he also knew that he was not that piece of material. His skill was enough to save his life.

  Since ancient times, wartime generals have been in power and civil servants in the peaceful world, thinking about going to Qinlang is the only way to gain fame.

   "Get up!" The princess was pleased with her eyes, "After breakfast, you enter the palace with me."

  Qin Lang knocked his head again and again: "Thank you, grandmother."

Qin Lang knew that even though Jiang was looking forward to the death of Qin Lang’s self-invitation day and night in his heart, he would never let Qin Lang act when Bai Jinxiu’s accident happened, so Qin Lang spared Zhongyonghou and Jiang to seek growth. Princess.

In recent years, Qin Lang has also been resentful. Now... Bai Jinxiu just had an accident yesterday. Today, Qin Lang came to the town’s government office to ask the princess to take him into the palace and ask him to die. He wanted to put Jiang on fire. .

  He just wanted to tell the world that out of filial piety, he could not seek justice for his wife from his stepmother, and was ashamed of his wife’s house... He could only ask himself to die and suffer.

  For the trouble in front of the Zhongyong Hou Mansion yesterday, everyone in the city knows that Jiang, a member of the Zhongyong Hou Mansion, put his hand into the dowry of his daughter-in-law.

  Today Qin Lang made a decisive decision. After these repeated actions, Jiang's reputation will inevitably be pressed into the mud.

The princess    admired Qin Lang more and more, and seemed indecisive, but once she made up her mind, it was the speed of thunder, and it was very powerful to ruin the Jiang family without conspiracy and trickery between choices.


  Cheonghuiin Temple.

  As soon as Bai Qingyan finished her morning exercise, she heard Chunyan say that Qin Lang went to the grandmother's courtyard this morning, and that he was already going out with her grandmother to enter the palace.

"The servant maid is really scared when I think about it now. Fortunately, the man who married the Zhongyong Hou's Mansion is not a girl. The Zhongyong Hou's Mansion is really like the second lady said, it is a fire pit magic cave!" Chun Yan helped Bai Qing, who was steaming all over, said inwardly. Walk away.

  Bai Qingyan frowned, listening to Chunyan's words, feeling tired of feeling in her heart. Before she wanted to reprimand, Chuntao had already stepped forward and said, "Chunyan won't say this again afterwards!"

Chuntao closed the curtain for Bai Qingyan, and when she saw Bai Qingyan entering the room, she said to Chunyan: "You are the girl's next girl! Now the second girl is still lying on the bed, let others hear what you say, how do you think about us? girl?!"

   "I'll talk about it in front of the girl!" Chun Yan smiled, and Chuntao stepped into the upper room.

Entering the room, Chun Yan lowered her voice and said to Bai Qing like to please: "Girl, this morning, Tong Ji who is next to King Liang is here, and he is speaking to the girl for King Liang, saying that Your Highness is not a major problem, so girls don’t Worry."

  Bai Qingyan held the veil for washing her face tightly, but she didn't die? But it's really fate...

  Knowing that she should buy a ferocious ambush, and fiercely make up a few dollars in the heart of King Liang to ensure that he will never survive.

  Bai Qingyan closed his eyes, suppressed his anger, and threw the veil in the copper basin.

   Chuntao poked Chunyan's forehead with fear: "Why are you going to the people next to King Liang again! We are the girls of the big girl, if others see..."

   "Sister Chun Tao, I know the severity!" Chun Yan interrupted Chun Tao with a look of upset, and moved to Bai Qingyan's side and said, "I'm not afraid that the girl is worried about King Liang's numbness."

  Bai Qing said that she couldn't respond when she heard the word "Liangwang", and she resisted the discomfort in her heart and ordered Chuntao to set up breakfast.

   "Chunyan has sixteen this year, right?" Bai Qingyan asked.

  Chunyan's ears blushed, and she happily said: "Back to the girl, the slave girl will be sixteen next month."

Bai Qingyan looked at Chunyan with a smile but a smile: "Chunyan has grown up and has more thoughts. After all, she is not staying in the female college. When Mother Tong comes back, I will tell Mother Tong to show you a good family. , I will prepare a dowry for you, and it won’t be a waste of our master and servant."

  (End of this chapter)

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