Chapter 267 Confrontation

  The state of Jin would not call this mansion the Proton Mansion. The state of Jin asked the four princes to name their mansion by themselves, which meant that the four princes were treated as the guests invited by the state of Jin.

   "I made the prince bother!" Murong Yu smiled and nodded, "My second son, since I was a child... If there is any rudeness in the future, I hope the prince will deal with this child a lot!"

   "Your Majesty, where are you talking!" The prince smiled. "Your Majesty and the Fourth Prince have come a long way. I must be tired. Your Majesty and the Fourth Prince will have a good rest, and tomorrow I will personally welcome the two to enter the palace."

   "Prince you have a job!" Murong Li saluted the prince.

   "Feng Yao, send me the prince..." Murong Yu said with a smile.

Before leaving, the prince couldn't help but look up at Emperor Dayan. It was so beautiful that people did not dare to look at him. This shows what kind of stunning beauty the Empress Ji should be, and he must be able to match the beauty of Empress Ji now. Only...

  Bai Qingyan suddenly appeared in the prince's mind.

  In fact, to be fair, if Bai Qingyan hadn't been too murderous in a uniform, he would really... be called a stunning beauty, better than Liu Ruofu, the southern capital princess who is known as the first beauty.

   But, Bai Qingyan is a sturdy body, and often makes people ignore her beauty because of her awe-inspiring arrogance.

   "His Royal Highness, please..."

  The sharp voice of Feng Yao, the great **** next to Emperor Dayan, sounded in the ears of the prince, and the prince returned to his senses and led the people to salute and leave.

  The prince who was sent out by Feng Yao suddenly thought of Xiao Rongyan, and he smiled and asked Feng Yao as he walked out, "I have a good friend, Xiao Rongyan, I heard that I am familiar with Father Feng..."

  Feng Yao was taken aback, and then he smiled: “It’s not acquainted with each other. It is our Nine Princes who carried love. I feel that the old slave has served Ji empress and served his majesty hard for the rest of his life, so that the old slave can earn a little personal money from Mr. Xiao.”

The prince smiled and nodded: "Rong Yan told Gu about his encounter with the Nine Princes of Dayan. Rong Yan's name is the same word as your Nine Princes, and he never blamed him. Your Nine Princes are a generous person. "

"Our Nine Princes said, after all, Mr. Xiao is a native of Wei, and his name is given by his parents. No wonder Mr. Xiao. It can also be regarded as the fate of our Nine Princes and Mr. Xiao." Feng Yao bowed his head well, with a respectful posture. The **** who was in power next to Emperor Dayan.

  The prince took a carriage from the alley of Proton Mansion and went straight to the palace.

  Before Dayan said that he wanted to proton and Jin, but he never said that he wanted to plead his son, the prince must enter the palace immediately and inform the emperor of this matter.

  Because tomorrow is the birthday of Emperor Dajin, envoys from various countries come to Hedu in the metropolis. Hearing that Emperor Dayan is here, they have personally delivered gifts to the place where Emperor Dayan stayed.

Xiao Rongyan had a business in Dayan and a partnership with the **** Feng Yao who was next to the emperor. Naturally, he came to give gifts and prepared two gifts, one for the Emperor Dayan and one for the **** Feng Yao. .

  When Xiao Rongyan left, none of the envoys who gave gifts to Emperor Dayan had left. He waited for more than an hour outside the mansion before Feng Yaocai slowly came out of the mansion.

   Seeing this, Xiao Rongyan quickly stepped forward and bowed, "Xiao Rongyan has seen his father-in-law."

  Feng Yao held it up and smiled and said Mr. Xiao's kindness. Xiao Rongyan asked Yue Shi to give Feng Yao the small wooden box containing the account books, lowered his voice and asked, "Why is it that Xiao Ali is here this time?"

"You don’t know the little lord, the four princes have had big ideas since they were young, and this time the four princes have to come for the second prince!" Feng Yao was still a lofty and unobtrusive Xiao Rongyan who said, "Little lord, you Don't worry too much, the four princes have always been smart and wise."

  The wood is done, can Xiao Rongyan still say no?

  He pursed his lips and said, "I just saw Rong Di's envoys come..."

   "Well, but your majesty did not see you."

"Uncle Laofan told his brother that he can send someone to contact Rong Di's envoys in private. This time... I can use the excuse to help Rong Diping to send troops in order to win the natural racecourse of Rong Di, and to fight against Jin in the future. China, prepare for a battle with Daliang! Although this matter is risky, the time is rare. If my brother dares to give it a go, it will benefit me."

  Xiao Rongyan finished speaking, and smiled at Feng Yao.

  Feng Yao smiled and nodded, raised his hand to touch the box containing the accounts, and turned back to the mansion with a satisfied look.

  In the post house.

  West Liangyan King Li Zhijie heard that Emperor Dayan had entered the Jin Dynasty with his son, but did not go to the palace banquet at noon today, and pressed his thin lips tightly.

  Waiting for the hospital to change the medicine for him, and after leaving the room, Li Zhijie tied his clothes and told Lu Tianzhuo: "You prepare a generous gift and send it to Emperor Yan."

   "Yes!" Lu Tianzhuo went out in response.

Li Zhijie put on his clothes, picked up his tea cup and thought for a while, then called someone to come in and said: "Go and say to the princess, let the princess rest in the post house today, and raise the spirit to celebrate the emperor of Jin's birthday tomorrow, noon today. We don’t have to go to the banquet."

Today’s banquet did not invite the Emperor Dayan who had already arrived in the Jin country. It must be a celebration for the victory of southern Xinjiang. At this time, they went to Xiliang...only for the humiliation, it is better to weigh his injuries. Don't go there.

  Tomorrow, at the birthday banquet of the Emperor of Jin Dynasty, the princess will perform a dance, and it will be a blockbuster again.


  Because tomorrow is the emperor’s birthday banquet, today’s luncheon is abbreviated, and the emperor only invited the heroes and their families who had won the victory this time in southern Xinjiang.

  The emperor heard that the king and princess of Xiliangyan said that one of them was unhealed, and the other said that they were tired from the water and soil.

  I heard the prince replied that Emperor Dayan had brought the second son. After a moment of misunderstanding, he felt that the Dajin’s might shocked the world, and the Emperor Dayan brought his second son to show his favor to the Jin country.

  In the end, Dayan has now become a poor and weak country, even if he swallows Nanyan again, he dare not make a mistake in front of Jin country!

The emperor was in a better mood than in the morning, and he told the prince: "Since the Emperor Dayan is so sincere in hosting his protagonist in the Jin Dynasty, our Jin country must not lose its tolerance. When the four princes of the Kingdom of Yan were in the capital, what do you remember? Take him more and say hello to the dudes in the metropolis, and don't provoke the fourth prince."

"I understand! Father, don’t worry." The prince respectfully helped the emperor come out of the chamber. "On the sixth day of April, the three emperors held a polo game and invited the children to come. By then... the children will bring the four princes of Yan. When you go there, you must bring the four princes of Dayan to familiarize yourself with Metropolis as soon as possible, so that the dudes headed by Lu Yuanpeng in Metropolis will become friends with the four princes!"

  The one who is close to Zhu is red and the one who is close to ink is black, and you have a good relationship with the 纨绔...

    It’s so hard to get a monthly pass...



  (End of this chapter)

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