Chapter 79 Attitudes

  Xinwang’s complexion faded in an instant, and if Bai Qingyan’s words were to be spread out, Wanmin would would definitely become the biggest obstacle to his way to the top!

  What a vicious woman! Wang Xin was so angry that his whole body was trembling, pointing at Bai Qingyan and yelling: "Come here! Give me a knife and hack her to death!"

   "I see who dares!" Bai Jintong drew his sword to protect him in front of Bai Qingyan, a pair of murderous eyes swept over the soldiers who believed in the king.

"Believe in the king's words carefully!" Dong swiftly stepped forward to protect his daughter, standing at the forefront of the majestic mistress, "If my Bai family's loyalty and courage are really guilty, then my Majesty will be convicted after reading the marching records! Before your Majesty’s conviction...They are all heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country! Believe in the king and disrespect and humiliate. Now if I kill my Bai family’s widow again, won’t you be afraid of the world’s censure?!"

  The wounded Bai Jinjun’s gums chewed the smell of bleeding, and the blood and tears were all overwhelmingly killing intent. He followed the Bai family guards to go forward, in a posture to protect Bai Qingyan and the King of Xin.

But Bai Qingyan was already furious, and pulled back Bai Jintong, who was protecting her, and stepped forward two steps... With his chest against the tip of the guard of the Royal Palace of Letters, her shocking murderous aura forced the guard to take a step back. .

"Kill me?! Come on!" She screamed hoarse, her eyes filled with ruining hostility, "Just under the broad daylight, let the people of the world see how this prince of the Jin Dynasty treats it. Martyrs orphans! Let everyone in this world take a good look... what happened to the death of the **** battle for the Jin country! My soul stood here and see who would dare to fight for the Jin country in the future! People dare to die for the Jin Kingdom! You Lin Family...who else dares to protect you!"

   Standing outside the crowd like an outsider, Xiao Rongyan's sullen eyes were filled with light.

  Others still didn't understand, but he could hear...Today's Bai Qingyan's reason was vanished at the moment when the heads of the seventeen sons of the Bai family rolled down, and the dark light of rebellion in his words gradually appeared, aggressive, fierce and terrifying.

Xin Wang was shocked by Bai Qingyan in a cold sweat, seeing the angry people approaching, as if they were not afraid of death, they wanted to stand on the front line with Bai Qingyan against his soldiers, Xin Wang's throat rolled violently. Backward: "You... are you untouchables going to rebel?!"

  The common people stepped forward, wishing to tear down the King of Letters... the fighting spirits made King of Letters guilty, and they wanted to pretend to be calm and strong, but their legs could not help backing back.

  People say the word “fearful”, believe the king doesn’t know, today he thinks that all the men of the Bai family are dead... arrogant.

Just when King Xin didn’t know how to deal with it, suddenly a guardian came over on a quick horse and shouted in a shrill voice: "Your Majesty has a purpose... King Xin enters the palace to listen to training! Your Highness, please follow your child quickly. People enter the palace!"

  Xin Wang Zhengchou couldn’t get out, knowing that his father sent someone to help him out, so he knelt down respectfully and bowed his head: "The son is in charge!"

  Xin Wang stood up, pointed his finger in the direction of Bai Qingyan with a sullen face, and got on the carriage brought by the inner maid and headed towards the palace.

  Bai's family went up and down, eyes flushed with hatred, looking at the carriage that King Xin was riding away, his fists clenched.

   "Grandfather! My grandfather... grandson just returned to Bai's house. You haven't even looked at your grandson, so why did you go... grandfather!"

  The sudden cry of cry sounded, Bai Qingxuan knelt down and walked towards the coffin of Zhen Guo Duke while crawling and crying, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was the grandson of Zhen Guo Duke.

Bai Qingxuan came to the gate of Nancheng City on his back by some of the **** servants of the Bai family. Just now, I saw the Bai family and King Xin with their swords drawn. They quietly hid from the side and did not say anything. Just as soon as King Xin left, he made this grief-stricken gesture. .

   "Master of the country! Why did you go! Your grandson Bai Qingxuan just came back to recognize your ancestors... Why did you leave!" The woman also beat her chest and cried.

  Dong’s eyes were gloomy, looking coldly at the mother and son who made such a farce, very tired: "What is it?!"

"What Mrs. Shi Zi said, how can this be a trouble! My son Qing Xuan is the grandson of the Lord Guo... The Lord Guo is gone, and as the only grandson of the Lord Guo, Qing Xuan will naturally come to welcome him! "The woman clutched her heart, with a heart-wrenching pretentious look, "The wife of the world came to Nanmen with the widow of the Bai family early in the morning to welcome the father-in-law, why didn't you call me my son? ...... Madam Shizi can’t wait to drive our mother and son out of the gates of the National Palace!"

"Grandfather! What should you do if your grandson is gone!" Bai Qingxuan knelt in front of the grandpa's coffin and patted the paper-thin coffin. The grandson has not been recorded in the genealogy, and the grandmother does not see the grandson! Without the protection of the grandfather! The grandson is afraid to see the grandfather soon!"

   Seeing this, the people couldn’t help but whisper to their ears...

   "That is also the son of the Guogong Mansion?!"

   "I remembered! That day in front of Manjiang Tower... the **** beaten by the eldest girl!"

   "Unexpectedly, the Guogong Mansion, full of heroes, would have such a cruel concubine!"

   "No matter how cruel and cruel, he is now the only male in the town government office! I am afraid that the future will be unlimited!"

   Just now, the most impulsive and angry Bai Qingyan watched the farce, but calmed down. She closed her eyes and stopped confronting the guards of the king, and she didn't want to see the affective gestures of the mother and son anymore.

She said: "Bai Qingxuan, what happened today... You should have also seen the attitude of King Xin to my Bai family! The future of my Bai family is still unknown, maybe... I don't know when the hat of big crime will be deducted. The whole family will be wiped out! Since you are not afraid... When my Bai family's funeral is over, my mother and I asked my grandmother to preside over you to include you in the genealogy! The future glory of the town government... "

  Bai Qingxuan, who was crying, was in a cold war. Thinking of the attitude of believing the king just now, it was as if he was immediately poured into a basin of cold water, and the howling voice was all blocked in his throat.

  She shook Bai Jintong’s hand hard, not looking pretentiously at Bai Qingxuan, and said: “Let’s go, it’s important to welcome my Bai family heroes back home!”

She turned and walked in front of Chuntao with red eyes, took the white fox fur that Chuntao had brought her, straightened her spine and walked to the fourth aunt Wang who was holding the corpse of Xiao Shiqi and coaxing Xiao Shisi in a low voice, and knelt down. Lower body, wrap Xiao Shiqi's body with fox fur.

   "Fourth aunt, let's take Xiao Seventeen home!"

The Fourth Lady Wang raised her head, her bloodshot eyes bursting with tears, her eyes were blank and empty, and everything was gone, her voice choked and trembled: "But... but Xiao Seventeen's body was shaved away! I... I can't hold it anymore. Xiao Seventeen’s head! I can’t hold Xiao Seventeen’s head..."

  (End of this chapter)

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