The Eldest Daughter is Beautiful and Saucy

Chapter 791: Look down on you

   Chapter 791 Despise You

At that time...the land of Liang Kingdom will be the land of the Kingdom of Jin, sweeping away the northern obstacles to the unification of the world. Even if the Kingdom of Jin cannot be unified when the current His Majesty and the Prince are in power, it will make the Kingdom of Jin the most prosperous and powerful country in the world, and hegemony. No one can be shaken anymore.

  Otherwise... Once the Kingdom of Yan destroys the Wei and the Kingdom of Jin cannot fully occupy the city of Liang, Yan will replace the Kingdom of Jin as the new overlord.

Moreover, if Jin does not take advantage of the opportunity of Dayan and Wei to fight against Liang, there will be no chance to destroy Liang in the future, because once Yan is strong, he will never sit back and watch Jin grow. Threatening the position of Dayan's powerful overlord.

  She was willing to clear the obstacle of Liang Guo for the prince before she died.

  Bai Qing's words were sincere and loyal in his letter, and he would die soon, but he was willing to do his best to do the last thing for the prince before he died, expressing incisively and vividly.

And the reason why she wrote this is because she knew that the prince did not unify her ambitions, but... in her heart that she always regarded Jin as the overlord, the prince would never allow Yan, who had been stepped on by Jin, to replace Jin. China has once again become the hegemon of the nations.

  Bai Qingyan thought for a moment, and handed the letter to Zhang Duanning, who asked Zhang Duaning to send it back to the metropolis quickly and hand it to the prince.

  Although Bai Qingyan never told Zhang Duaning to personally hand over the letter to the prince, Zhang Duanning was afraid that the Princess of Zhenguo would write the letter urgently. After arranging the return route for Fan Yugan, he took a quick rush back to the metropolis to deliver the letter.


  The people in the Taoist Temple of Liuzhou City were originally panicked and prepared to resist the Jin army together.

Unexpectedly, the Taoist leader and the guardian Liang Zuo in the Taoist temple saw that the Jin army brought doctors and herbal medicines to treat the people, and even discussed the prescriptions with the big Liang doctors, and discussed whether several expensive medicinal materials in the prescriptions could be replaced. , This surprised Liang Zu.

There are also excellent doctors among the doctors of Liang. They have seen the prescription that Dr. Hong originally used for the Jin people, and the prescription that was improved by the military doctor Liang Jun at the pass of Qingxi Mountain. The two prescriptions were re-integrated and adjusted. It can make the affected person recover faster.

The mother who came to this Taoist temple with her child and waited to die, heard about the medicines and herbs brought by the Jin army to cure the epidemic. She knelt and cried. Those mothers could not repay the Jin army who saved their children's lives. The **** made into sachets can be worn on the body to prevent epidemics. One after another, they collected the medicine **** and made sachets and sent them to the soldiers of the Jin army to express their gratitude.

  The people are actually very simple. Who can save their lives in times of crisis, and who can feed them in times of peace, they will be sincerely grateful to them.

  So, no matter the people of Jin or Liang, the people who are not involved in power struggle never mind who will become the emperor. What the people want is to have fields for farming, food for food, clothing for warmth, and tiles to cover their heads.

The general Yang Wuce, who was defending the city in Liuzhou, was quite surprised when he learned of this situation. He heard that the people who had been moved to the Taoist temple outside Liuzhou for treatment of the disease, and the people who had recovered were holding the road guide outside the city, please open the city gate, and Yang Wuce ordered his subordinates to open it. The gate of the city strictly checked the road guide and let the people into the city.

  On October 26, the seventeenth year of Xuanjia, the Jin soldiers arrived at Liuzhou City. Liuzhou’s general Yang Wuce ordered to stay dead. Zhao Sheng, who had returned to the Princess of Zhenguo, came forward and asked to see Yang Wuce for a while.

  Yang Wuce pondered over and over again, thinking about his relationship with Zhao Jiajun. He also came out from Liuzhou City alone and met Zhao Sheng without any weapons under the tower.

  The two of them sat on the horse and never dismounted. Yang Wuce glanced at the mighty Jin army in the distance, lowered his voice and asked Zhao Sheng: "General Zhao was forced by the Jin army. I need my help?"

Zhao Sheng shook his head to Yang Wuce: "Brother Yang, you and I used to fight **** battles, which can be regarded as a life-and-death friendship. Today I will tell you bluntly that I have decided to go under the command of Princess Zhenguo. Although Princess Zhenguo is a woman... But he has the ambition to calm the world, Zhao Sheng is willing to follow Princess Zhenguo to build this unworldly merit!"

After listening to this, Yang Wuce tightened his hand on the rein, straightened his waist and looked at Zhao Sheng, his eyes filled with indifference and contempt: "Zhao Sheng, you surrender to the enemy and turn your horse's head into a running dog of Jin country... Attacking your own family, are you worthy of your grandfather, father, and the ancestors of the Zhao family who once guarded the land of this beam?"

   "What are we fighting for, Brother Yang has thought about it?" Zhao Sheng said in a calm voice without anger.

  "Protect the country and the people!" Yang Wuce said sonorously.

Zhao Sheng gritted his teeth, and his voice couldn't help raising his voice: "But now our majesty, the emperor of the beam! Regardless of the life and death of the people, regardless of the life and death of the soldiers, he blindly wants to avenge the four princes! Unwilling to bow to the state of Jin, unwilling to do The lives of the people, let go of the hatred for the lives of the soldiers, and first get the medicine to save lives! Our soldiers... How many of our people have died from the epidemic! Is such a king worthy of our loyalty? Brother Yang... Our military generals are protecting Min! The emperor can save the people from fire and water, so we let him be dispatched! But now he is full of hatred and refuses to listen to advice, regardless of the life and death of the people, is he still worthy to be the emperor of a country?"

  In the distance, Lin Kangle, who was riding a horse in front of the generals of the Jin Army, frowned and asked Wang Xiping, "What do they say? That Zhao, can't play tricks, right?"

  Wang Xiping looked sideways at the woman riding on the white horse, wearing silver armor and calm complexion, and said, "Princess Zhenguo knows it in her heart."

  Under the bright sun, Yang Wuce kicked the horse back and forth with the horse under his seat. He tensed the reins to restrain the horse under his seat and gritted his teeth.

Zhao Sheng held his whip and pointed at the Jin army’s camp: “It’s the Jin army. They will treat us the infected soldiers as soon as they arrive. It is also the Jin army who went to the Taoist temple to help the people! Because in the heart of Zhenguo princess, there is no distinction between Jin. Liang Guo, all the countries under heaven are one family, and the people under heaven are all people!"

Yang Wuce did not deny Zhao Sheng’s words. The emperor Liang’s mind nowadays is not on the people at all. He is full of hatred. Liang Ting has not even given enough herbs to the frontline army. Not to mention the people. Most people in Liuzhou City send Taoist temples to death, and it is true. After the Jin army arrived, he saved the Liuzhou people in the Taoist temple, he knew.

  But this made Yang Wuce suspect that it was the Jin army’s method.

   "After all, you still betrayed your motherland..." Yang Wuce's contempt became more and more obvious, "I despise you, you are ashamed of the Zhao family's loyalty!"

Zhao Sheng did not argue: "The Princess Zhenguo said... Although the nations are their own countries, they can share the same writing, the cars are the same, the system is the same, and the same is the same! This is the same family! The Princess Zhenguo is not fighting to destroy the Liang. Liang, it is for the unification of the world, so that the people will not suffer from the flames of war, and everyone can have a happy birthday! Brother Yang... don't you want to see such a day?"

  (End of this chapter)

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