Chapter 813

  Yang Wuce never got off the horse, and looked at Cao Renyi with a low smile, only to realize that Cao Renyi, as expected by the Princess of Zhenguo, had to negotiate terms with the Princess of Zhenguo with the name of the mansion.

  However, Princess Zhenguo has already confessed that Cao Renyi is proud and haughty.

  Yang Wu Ce said: "Princess Zhenguo has sent General Zhao Sheng to the Daming Mansion. The Daming Mansion has come out. If I want to come... I will soon be taken down by General Zhao Sheng."

   Cao Renyi opened his eyes wide, and was shocked for a while, and asked loudly, "How many people did Zhao Sheng bring?"

"Less than sixty thousand! General Cao don't worry... Princess Zhenguo has orders, so... After General Zhao enters the city, he will not hurt the people!" Yang Wuce arched his hands towards Cao Renyi, "Princess Zhenguo has another order. , General Cao, let's go back and talk about it again!"

  Cao Renyi took a bit of blood in his heart, narrating? ! What? Tell me about my surrender and being caught alive by you? !

Liang Jun, who had been disarmed, left with the Jin army one after another and was detained in batches.

  Cao Renyi and Yang Wuce are old acquaintances. After all, the Jin army took care of one or two, and sent a military doctor to dress Cao Renyi.

  Before dawn, a message was sent from the direction of the Daming Mansion, Zhao Sheng and Zhao Ran seized the Daming Mansion and welcomed the Princess Zhenguo into the city.

On the first day of the first month of the eighteenth year of Xuanjia, the Jin army seized the famous mansion, and the princess Bai Qingyan of Zhenguo led his troops into the city.

  Zhao Shengyi entered the city, and the local parents and officials were very obedient...have moved out of the house with his family and let the house out for the princess of Zhenguo to live in.

  Zhao Sheng asked the soldiers to search carefully before asking Bai Qingyan to live in.

Doctor Hong and other military doctors also followed into the city and went to the rescue center first to treat the people who were suffering from the epidemic.

The soldiers have been exhausted from fighting for a long time, but they can’t help the excitement and excitement in their hearts if they can win the famous mansion overnight. Especially after entering the city, the people greet each other and beg the Jin army to help their families treat the disease. At that time, the soldiers endured fatigue and managed the treatment in the same way as the princess of Zhenguo ordered to deal with the infected people. They did not leave until Doctor Hong and other military doctors took over.

  Bai Qingyan stayed up all night. After entering the city, Xiao Rongyan did not persuade Bai Qingyan to go to rest. He followed Bai Qingyan and patrolled one wounded battalion one wounded battalion.

  The wounded soldiers have entered the wounded camp and are cleaning their wounds. Some of the wounded soldiers saw Bai Qingyan who had taken them to attack Liang Jun last night and hurriedly stood up to welcome Bai Qingyan.

  Bai Qingyan waved his hand and motioned them to sit down and clean up the wound without paying attention.

Most of these soldiers were the original Liangjun. Before, I had only heard that Bai Qingyan was invincible. Later, he returned to Bai Qingyan to build Yecheng and Yong'an City. One was surrendered, and the other did not really show Bai Qing. The level of language.

This time Bai Qingyan could predict Cao Renyi's sneak attack, and took them to prepare in advance, and ordered Zhao Sheng to lead his troops to capture the famous mansion. In the eyes of the soldiers, Bai Qingyan's control of the battle can be called a ghost. I have confidence in fighting with such a general.

The veteran who had his ears cut off and bandaged in the siege battle, sitting against the wall and talking to the recruit who also bandaged his wounds, talking about his skills for surviving several battles, but he had no idea that Bai Qingyan had already entered the wounded camp. , Said happily.

"Speaking of it, why can't my old man eat first place! I can't hold back my old man will hide, but this hide... is also experienced! Otherwise, if you hide in the arms of the enemy, it will be a click, and your head will be separated. Isn't that in vain!"

The veteran saw some recruits who craned their necks and wanted to hear his experience, so he was so mysterious and dragged his words, took off the sand and gravel shoes, knocked on the ground, knocked on the ground, and said: "I'm telling you, this battlefield will save your life. I usually don’t talk about the unique tricks! If you have a predestined relationship with you, I will tell you to listen to this technique... That is when the two armies started fighting, others were rushing forward... Hey, I am not! I ran diagonally to the corner, so that I could avoid the sight of the supervisor and save my life! You have to remember... the most murderous enemy troops usually rushed straight and stunned. Those who ran to the corners were all life-saving fellows! Few dared to really take a big stab at the wheel! And not everyone is a Zhenguo princess who is not afraid of death!"

" said that we, originally all ordinary people of the Liang country, were forced to be conscripted into the army, and now it's all have to fight the Liang people for the Jin country, there is no need to really work hard! I’m going to wait for the pension for losing my ears this time, and I ran as soon as I found a chance to run! Otherwise, it’s not only the ears that I lost back, but the head!" The veteran continued with a smile and said, "We are both Liangs. People are injured together again. Look at this fate, I will tell you my skills in surviving so many battles! In the future, you have to be smarter when you go to the battlefield. Don't waste my pains!"

  Several recruits nodded their heads as they were about to ask the veteran how to escape, when they saw Bai Qingyan standing behind the veteran, they got up in surprise and hurriedly stood up: "Princess Zhenguo!"

  Even if you haven’t seen Bai Qingyan, but in this barracks, the woman wearing a silver armor and red cloak, who else is there besides the town’s princess Bai Qingyan?

The veteran first thought that these recruits lied to him. He smiled and turned his head to see that Bai Qingyan's face suddenly turned pale, and his legs trembled. He was afraid that Bai Qingyan's words about being a deserter would be heard by Bai Qingyan. So, he was busy supporting the wall to get up, but Bai Qingyan sat back with his shoulders pressed.

  Xiao Rongyan followed Bai Qingyan with his hand in his hand, and saw that the veteran had been instigated by the veteran...writting the words to be a deserter on the face of the recruit, and his eyes fell on Bai Qingyan's body.

  According to common sense, the generals at this time should kill the chickens and monkeys, and repel the intention of these new recruits to escape, so that they dare not retreat.

  But Xiao Rongyan watched Bai Qingyan not irritated, but smiled at the corners of his lips. He was a little looking forward to...whether Bai Qingyan has a better solution.

   "Zhen...Princess Zhenguo!" The veteran knelt down hurriedly and kowtow to Bai Qingyan to plead guilty, "Little... villains are all nonsense! Please forgive the Princess Zhenguo!"

  Bai Qingyan smiled and said to the recruits on the side: "Help people up!"

  Bai Qingyan with a smile on his eyebrows, although the armor was stained with blood, he did not have the murderous spirit of last night at all, and he was surprisingly easy-going.

The recruit with a slight injury hurriedly stepped forward to help the veteran with trembling legs and stood aside. If it hadn't been for the two recruits to hold the veteran without his right ear, the veteran would surely fall to the ground.

  "Fear of death is human nature, and there is no ability to raise a knife to kill the enemy on the battlefield. It is reasonable to try to save your life." Bai Qing said with a smile and relaxed posture, which made many soldiers relax.

    Second update, continue to ask for monthly tickets!



  (End of this chapter)

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