Chapter 861 Boiling

  Bai Jinzhao and Bai Jinhua are even more uniforms, separated on both sides, with crossbowmen, shooting arrows at the enemy under the wall and in the distance to resist the enemy climbing the wall.

  Shen Yanan and Shen Yanzhong also helped to carry the stones, and led the team alternately and smashed towards the enemy army trying to climb the city wall.

  Seeing that Li Mingrui has ordered people to push on the catapult, and the archer has also released arrows...

  Shen Yanan shouted: "All squat down! All squat down!"

  As soon as Shen Yanan’s voice fell, an arrow flying from a distance shot through Shen Yanan’s arm, and Shen Yanan fell to the ground. He clenched his teeth to prevent him from exhaling in pain, hiding under the wall, adjusting his breathing.

  The first wave of arrows stopped, and Shen Yanan stood up again and shouted: "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot his mother!"

  Under the city wall, a rain of arrows crossed the city wall and injured the people in the city. Some arrows even penetrated the temporary tents set up for the doctor to treat the wounded soldiers.

  The Shuoyang army who was still running to transport supplies over the city wall shouted: "Quick, quick! Hide! Hide!"

  The children and young people who ran errands and moved the stones moved flexibly. They either hid under the table or in the house, waited for the arrow rain to rest, and quickly carried the stones to the city wall.

  The Kabuki of Hana Tower craned their necks and looked out. Seeing that the soldiers and civilians of Shuoyang were so united against the enemy, their hearts were surging...

Nakang has stayed in Shuoyang since she saw Bai Qingyan and composed a song "The Song of General Bai's Expedition". She opened the window and watched the people running downstairs and yelling to help their children in the army. , The palms of the hands tightened.

There are children who play with the five girls and six girls of the Bai family who visit the city on weekdays, and they hang out with each other and shout to help: "The fifth and sixth sisters of the Bai family have gone up to the wall to kill the thief! We! Go and help too!"

   "Wait for me! I take the slingshot... and kill those thieves!" a child shouted.

Nakang looked at the people of Shuoyang who were united, and her heart was overwhelmed again, and she suddenly felt heroic. She turned and ran towards the flower house, shouting loudly, let the sisters put on their clothes, and accompany the people to help. .

  There was a prostitute leaning against the red pillar of red lacquer, Jiao Didi said: "We people can't carry our hands on our shoulders. How can we help if we go?"

"We can beat the drums! We can cheer! We can cheer the soldiers!" Nakang said loudly, "Aren't we always dancing "General Bai's March" in this flower house? We don't also envy women like Zhenguo Princess. , Can I ride a horse and hold a sword, and lead my troops to kill the enemy?! Isn’t it our chance today?!"

  The prostitutes seem to be inspired by Nakang's words, and some people say they are willing to help with Nakang.

  The prostitutes changed their neat clothes, **** their long hair, and did what they could, even if it was helping the doctor do simple wound dressing for the soldiers, even if it was giving the soldiers a bowl of water.

  Li Mingrui didn't know the situation in Shuoyang city at all. He had never really been on the battlefield. This was the first time. He only felt that the speed of winning the city was much slower than he had imagined.

   He turned his head and asked the experienced generals who had led soldiers: "Little Shuoyang, the rabble army... why is it so difficult to attack?"

  The general of the forbidden army looked at the desperate posture of the soldiers upstairs, but he didn't think they were all mobs.

   "Although the accuracy of the crossbowmen in Shuoyang is not very good, they are all brave enough to fight hard. If this is the will be more difficult to fight." The general leader of the Forbidden Army said.

  Li Mingrui's hand holding the rein tightened: "How long does it take?"

  "My lord, this is really hard to say! Fighting this kind of one dare to say how long it will take a city down!" said the general.

Li Mingrui pulled on the reins and stared at the figure of Bai Jinzhao and Bai Jinhua leading the archery on the city wall. He turned his horse's head and said to the Jin army general: "All their troops should be concentrated in this north gate. You will immediately bring a thousand soldiers. Go around to the west gate or south gate and spread their forces to deploy defenses so that the north gate will be easier to fight!"

  The Jin army general took the command, turned his horse's head and led the soldiers rushing away.

Li Mingrui’s hands were all sweaty. Although he had read a lot of military books since he was a child, this was the first time he really went to the battlefield. When it came time to fight, Li Mingrui was still a little uneasy, even if he was facing the black people in Shuoyang. He didn't dare to slack off as a soldier.

  However, what Li Mingrui did not expect was that he had just ordered the generals to leave with a thousand soldiers to attract Shuoyang troops, when he heard the sound of killing suddenly coming from the rear of their army.

  Li Mingrui turned his head, and saw that a mighty army with black sails and white pythons suddenly appeared from the rear, and black pressure came to them like a tide.

Li Mingrui's eyes widened, staring at the black sails and white python flags that were hunting in the wind, and the armored cavalry rushing in the front lined up. The formation and the sky-shaking roar were enough to shock these days before the people arrived. The imperial army who lived in the imperial city was daring.

  Shocked and apprehensive, Li Mingrui pulled on the reins, his eyes were full of armor, roughly estimated to be tens of thousands... His heart trembled, is Bai Qingyan back? How could she be so fast? !

When King Liang gave orders to recruit boys and virgins to various places, Li Mingrui insisted on persuading King Liang to ask the emperor for a decree for King Liang to be his name, saying that the prince was a rebellious minister, and King Liang would have made merits, except that he held the gold medal of his majesty, the arrow or imperial decree. Those who arbitrarily transfer troops must never let the city go...

  Li Mingrui calculated carefully, so even if Bai Qingyan and his party forcibly returned to the metropolis, someone would stop them on the way, and she would never come back so quickly!

  Everything in the world, who dares to say the absolute word! If the people in the city of Shuoyang saw that their reinforcements had arrived, and then went out of the city to fight, where would the Forbidden Army, which has never experienced war in the imperial city, be an opponent? !

   "Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!" Li Mingrui shouted.

  Li Mingrui passed orders, spread out to pass orders, the horn of the guards retreating sounded...

  Bai Jinzhao, who was still fighting to death on the wall of Shuoyang, looked up and looked into the distance. He only heard the enemy's horn of retreat, and only saw the black pressure in the distance. I don't know whether the enemy or reinforcements are coming.

  The imperial army siege of the city heard the sound of the horn and retreated one after another.

The soldiers holding the black sail and white python flag in the distance were getting faster and closer, and Bai Jinzhao opened his eyes wide and shouted: "Black sail and white python! It is the black sail and white python flag! It is the banner of my Bai family army. !"

   "It's Zhenguo Princess who is back! Zhenguo Princess is back!"

  It is more than Bai Jinzhao, when the black sail and white python banner came into view, the entire Shuoyang army was about to boil!

  Bai Jinzhao excitedly rushed all over, letting out another arrow, shouting hoarsely: "Shen Yanan! Lead the troops out of the city to chase the enemy!"

    Second update, continue to ask for monthly pass...



  (End of this chapter)

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