The Eldest Daughter is Beautiful and Saucy

Chapter 867: Not tired of deceit

   Chapter 867

  At the beginning, he should have the soldiers fight to death, and no matter what, he should take him, the little emperor and grandson, and the princess to escape first, regardless of whether Bai Jinxiu can lead the soldiers to save the emperor.

  Lv Xiang saw such an abandoned prince, full of disappointment, and heartbroken: "His Royal Highness! The rebel of King Liang killed his father and planted his elder brother, how can you beg for mercy from such a person!"

  The abandoned prince was as if he couldn't hear Lu Xiang's shout, he just kowtowed his head to beg Liang Wang for mercy.

  Xie Yuchang lowered his eyes and did not look, he had already given up his heart to this prince and to the entire Lin family's imperial power.

  Fu Ruoxi, not to mention, from knowing that the emperor and King Liang used the throne to trade, and there were a thousand children for the emperor to live forever, Fu Ruoxi had already given up on the royal family.

Later, the prince was arrested and imprisoned at the same time. The prince was not worried about the life and death of the thousand children, but was worried that King Liang would rob him in front of him to build a nine-layer platform for the emperor, and if a thousand boys and girls were collected, the emperor would King Liang looked at him differently.

  Fu Ruoxi is simply disgusting. I don't know what Zhenguo Princess would be like if she heard this news.

  The corners of King Liang’s lips curled up, and he looked at the prince’s embarrassed look like a bereaved dog, and his heart was very refreshing. In order to deliberately insult the abandoned prince, Liang dynasty waved at the abandoned prince.

  Used the hands and feet of the prince, and quickly climbed to the front of King Liang, looked up at King Liang, with a flattering smile: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty, you think we are brothers. Forgive my brother!"

  Lü and other important officials saw the prince wagging their tails and begging for the insurgents and thieves who had killed the king and usurped the throne. The emotions that had been holding on for so long finally couldn't hold back, as if they had suffered a great humiliation, and they wept bitterly.

  Wang Liang carried the hem of the extremely heavy dress, and raised the chin of the waste prince with his toes. He looked at the prince who was full of fear but showed a flattering smile at him. He suddenly laughed and kicked the prince away.

Liang Wangzhi was satisfied, and asked Lu Xiang aloud to those important ministers who had been stripped of official uniforms and were about to die: "This is the prince you want to support your superiors? Lu Xiang...You have always been the most aware of current affairs in the court, and I will continue. Let me give you a chance. If you surrender to me well, you come to hold the knife... and personally cut off the head of the abandoned prince who conspired to kill the king, you will still be my minister of humerus!"

Hearing this, the waste prince looked at Lu Xiang in horror, and hurriedly climbed to the feet of King Liang, and grabbed the hem of King Liang's dress with his hands: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty, please forgive me! Discard me as a commoner... That's okay! Me! You will never fight for the throne with your majesty in your life! Just forgive me!"

  Lu Xiang couldn’t bear to look at the crown prince again. He looked down on his head and begged for mercy. He sipped the king of Liang: "Bah!"

   "Okay! Lu Xiang is tough!" Liang Wang smiled without anger, "Pingyang army is about to arrive in the capital city, when... Lu Xiang sees his descendants die in front of you one by one, I hope Lu Xiang can still be so hard!"

  As soon as King Liang’s voice fell, the generals came to report: "Report... to report to your Majesty that the Pingyang army has arrived. General Wang Meng is leading the Pingyang army to attack Metropolis. The rebels besieging the palace have retreated half of them to the tower to fight against the Pingyang army!"

   "Okay!" Liang Wang was very powerful.

  The officials headed by Lu Xiang, Shen Jingzhong, Dong Qingping and Lu Jin who did not yield to King Liang were disturbed and could only pray in their hearts...Bai Jinxiu must win a big victory, and pray that the princess Bai Qingyan of Zhenguo would come back as soon as possible.

King Liang glanced over the ministers who were kneeling in front of the hall by the Forbidden Army, or crying with a headache, turned around and told Fan Yuhuai: "Fan Yuhuai, you are the greatest hero of my ascension to the throne. Didn't you plead with me to let me spare these ministers? ?"

  Fan Yuhuai, with only one eye left, hurriedly stepped forward and knelt on one knee: "Your Majesty has just taken the throne. Pardon these courtiers... Only then can the government be stabilized!"

"Okay!" The corner of King Liang's lips curled up, and his smile was a bit cold. He looked at the abandoned prince who was still begging for mercy and said with a smile, "Pull out your sword! Go to the courtiers who used to oppose me." , As long as one of them dared to poke a sword on the dead prince, I... will spare anyone! Nothing happened!"

The waste prince widened his eyes, his horrified eyes fell on the courtiers who had been imprisoned by King Liang in order to support him. For fear of his life, he took the sword in Fan Yuhuai's hand and slammed him with a sword. He burst into tears and bowed his head and begged King Liang. Spare.

  The officials kneeling in front of the hall look at me, I look at you, at a loss.

  Lv Xiang heard this and was so startled to stand up and curse, but was pushed back by the forbidden army. Lu Xiang's chest rose and fell sharply: "King Liang! Are you still a person?!"

  Even Li Mao and Hubu Shangshu Chu Zhongxing were quite surprised. Liang Wang even disregarded the fine art of the history books in Japan, and only wanted to enjoy himself for a while.

  Li Mao's fists tightened, if the Pingyang army can't beat Bai Jinxiu...

   Consequences, Li Mao didn't want to think about it. This time... King Liang will be able to win a big victory, and when someone like King Liang succeeds, Li Mao has the leeway to control the government.

  Shen Jingzhong, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, who has always been guided by Lu Xiangma, tightened his fists, and said loudly: "I'm coming!"

  Lu Xiang turned his head to look at Shen Jingzhong who was **** by the big five flowers and stood up, his face sinking like water, and said: "Untie! I'll come!"

   "Okay! Lord Shen still knows the current affairs!" Liang Wang smiled and motioned Fan Yuhuai to give Shen Jingzhong the sword.

  Dali Temple Qing Lu Jin seemed to understand what Shen Jingzhong was going to do, and his eyes widened: "Master Shen!"

Shen Jingzhong didn't even look at Lu Jin. He glanced at Xie Yuchang and Fu Ruoxi while dropping the rope tied to him. They seemed to suggest that, they walked towards Fan Yuhuai without hurriedly, and took the sword and squatted toward him. Go in the direction of the prince.

  Fan Yuhuai looked alert, and walked in the direction of King Liang almost at the same time as Shen Jingzhong, and signaled King Liang to be guarded by the Imperial Guard next to King Liang.

The prince was so frightened that his legs became weak and he couldn't help backing back. He looked at Shen Jingzhong, whose face was as sinking as water. His throat seemed to be pinched. He couldn't make a sound, tears flowed back, and he shook his head vigorously, with an imploring look. Looking at Shen Jingzhong.

"Report..." A spy rushed to the top, knelt on one knee, clasped his fist and said, "Report to your majesty! Outside the metropolis...out...the black sail and white python flag appeared! Both the Yuanping rebels and the Shuoyang rebels shouted It is said that Princess Zhenguo is back! The current situation is unknown!"

   "Haha!" Dong Qingping laughed wildly, straightened his waist and spine, with excitement and ecstasy in his eyes, his niece is back! Look at what tricks the dog thief can play, "King Liang! I heard that! Princess Zhenguo is back! I see how long you can go crazy!"

"What?! How could it be so fast!" Li Mao was shocked, "No! Soldiers are not tired of cheating... They must have cheated us! Your Majesty sent out with the imperial decree of conscripting a thousand boys and girls, and blocked them. The imperial decree of the leader, Bai Qing said that she could not be so fast!"

    The second one is late. Sorry, the author Jun coaxed the child to fall asleep with him. He suddenly woke up to update.



  (End of this chapter)

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