At this moment, a new task appeared in front of her eyes.

[Mission 1: "Women, do you think I'll forgive you, get out of front of me." (Completion reward: Top-quality magic weapon Sifang Purgatory Flag)]

[Mission 2: "What the **** are you talking about?" (Completion reward: Secret Medicine - Flood Dragon into the Sea)]

[Task 3: Promise. (Completion reward: light work +2)]

She turned a face and said, "Let go first. If you hold me like this, how can I save Qingluan?"

"Yes, sorry."

Hong Luan quickly let go of her hand, for fear that her actions would annoy Bai Lian.

At this time, Tong Yao, who was watching from a distance, nodded repeatedly: "I understand!"

What do you know?

Xiao Jinse looked surprised.

Tong Yao said: "Senior Sister Bai must have expected that Hongluan would come to her before she went out. She said that just now because she was worried that we would encounter such a thing as broken hearts."

I see!

Xiao Jinse also understood.

She lowered her head in shame. It turned out that Senior Sister Bai didn't suddenly hug her because she liked Tong Yao.


Xiao Jinse pinched her cheeks. She acted too unsteady just now. Will this arouse Senior Sister Bai's disgust?

Hongluan said to Bai Lian in a low voice, "Let's go to Yunluo Peak quickly."


It seems that it is impossible not to go.

But... Hong Luan's attitude seems a little wrong.

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't she just come up and give herself a set of combos?

Not to mention the strong hand splitting the skull, no matter what, it must be a deliberate punch.

Now is not the time to think about such things.

"Let's go."

Bai Lian said hard.

Although she was in despair, she felt that she could still struggle for a while, so she could make a few quibbles first, and if she couldn't go up, she would just confess her guilt directly, right?

Seeing Bai Lian respond, Hong Luan did not delay any longer, she led Bai Lian to run towards Yunluofeng quickly.

If it weren't for the restriction in the air, she would have flown directly over.

Xiao Jinse and Tong Yao quickly followed after seeing this.

Along the way, Bai Lian was very worried. She kept simulating the scene of confrontation with Jue Yunzi and others in her mind. The situation was very bad.


Bai Lian came to Yunluo Peak in the whispers on the side of the road.

When she looked up, she saw Elder Gao walking over with a solemn expression.


How did you come up and meet this unselfish guy.

Even with Liulixin's blessing, Bai Lian felt that he was about to break his defense.

"Elder Gao." Bai Lian forced a smile.

Elder Gao shook his head: "Don't be sad, you have done a good job."


Bai Lian was stunned for a moment.

Just listen to Elder Gao continue: "If it wasn't for Qingluan's broken heart, your handling can be said to be flawless."

Is this angering her?

"Alas." Elder Gao suddenly sighed, "I didn't expect such a thing to happen!"


Why don't you just plead guilty?

Bai Lian thought.

"Come with me."

Elder Gao turned around and left, but Bai Lian could only follow.

Then Elder Gao asked her to wait at the entrance of the main hall, and Elder Gao and Hong Luan entered the hall one after the other.

Bai Lian stood awkwardly in place.

What kind of punishment awaits her?

Wouldn't it be a direct killer.

Xiao Jinse and Tong Yao didn't speak, but the disciples nearby couldn't be idle.

"Oh, I really didn't expect Senior Sister Hongluan to be such a person."

"Yes, Senior Sister Bai is still magnanimous."

"Senior Sister Bai is too kind, if it were me, I would never deal with Hongluan again."

"That's it."

"What happened?"

Bai Lian was calm at first, but when someone mentioned the play "Senior Bai Zhi fights against the red luan", her face finally changed.

Who made this up?

Do you know that you are spreading rumors?

and many more.

If she "admitted", wouldn't Qingluan's broken heart be none of her business?

Bai Lian nodded solemnly: "You are right, I really think that way!"

Chapter 15 I'd rather burn everything in flames! 4k

"Whoosh hoot—"

When she heard that Bai Lian was taken away by the red-eyed Hongluan, Su Youwei burst out with unprecedented speed.

She panicked.

She knew that someone was going to murder Senior Sister Bai, so she always fantasized that she could protect Senior Sister Bai under her after she became stronger——

"Senior sister, lie down and let me come!"

But she didn't expect those people to start so quickly.

Is there any reason to rob Senior Sister Bai in broad daylight!

She had to rescue Senior Sister Bai.

If not...

Su Youwei thought of the Immortal Artifact Ten Thousand Poison Pearl in her body.

"Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully girls into poverty!"

When she repairs the Wandu Pearl, the word "poison" is no joke!


In desperation, Su Youwei stumbled to the top of Yunluo Peak.

There were all the exclamations in her ears, she turned a deaf ear and just looked around until she found Bai Lian standing like a pine tree in front of the hall.


Su Youwei rushed over quickly.


She bumped into Bai Lian's arms who suddenly turned around.

sunk deeply into it.

The softness on her face made Su Youwei, who was so excited, almost suffocate, she almost failed to climb out of the ravine.

After a long time, she raised her head with blushing cheeks: "Senior sister."

"Who bullied you?" Bai Lian asked in surprise.

"No one bullied me." Su Youwei quickly shook her head, "But Senior Sister, I thought you were in danger."

When she calmed down, she finally heard the conversation around her clearly.

It turned out that she had misunderstood.

so far so good.

Good you hammer!

Xiao Jinse was angry.

Obviously she was the first, she was the first to enter the Immortal Sect, and she was the one who looked at Senior Sister Bai first, why was it the Third Senior Sister who hugged Senior Sister Bai in front of everyone?

Although she also hugged Senior Sister Bai not long ago, but after all, it was Senior Sister Bai who took the initiative...


It was Senior Sister Bai who took the initiative, so it's all right.

"After all, it's me, Xiao Jinse, who has the upper hand!"

Xiao Jinse raised her head and raised her chest. She took a step forward and patted Su Youwei lightly on the shoulder.

Want to take this opportunity to create an ambiguous atmosphere?


Your second senior sister is not a vegetarian!

Su Youwei turned around angrily, and what caught her eye was Xiao Jinse's Gujing Wubo's face.

"Don't disturb Senior Sister, Senior Sister still has big things to do!"


Su Youwei couldn't say anything to refute. As a junior sister, she couldn't hold back senior sister Bai.

She gritted her teeth and left Bai Lian's embrace.

Jealous, Second Senior Sister must be jealous of her.

Oh, woman!

Just be jealous, I have already hugged Senior Sister Bai!

"After all, it is me, Su Youwei, who has the upper hand!"

Eyes cut each other.

Xiao Jinse and Su Youwei were proud of each other in their hearts.

At this time, Bai Lian remembered what Tong Yao said to the second junior sister when Hongluan was lying in front of her—

"Senior Sister Bai must have expected..."

You, you can always give me some new tricks!

Bai Lian deliberately let out a long sigh, looking at the clouds in the distance, with an expression of emotion on his face.

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