More and more voices come together, and these voices trigger a bigger wave, and the wave rushes into the distance, bringing in more voices.

In such a reciprocating cycle, in the end, the wave not only completely involved Dongshenzhou and Beiluzhou, but also awakened many consciousnesses buried deep in the ground.

Some of them died to protect the blank Tao, some died to protect the land of the immortals, and some simply wanted to protect their family.

Without exception, they were all extremely powerful creatures during their lifetimes!

At this moment, Bai Lian smashed the divine thunder with his hand, repelling the incoming catastrophe again.

But unlike before, beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

To the other side of the fairy, this is incredible.

But she was still smiling.

Because she said that she would beat Hong Chen until she didn't want to beat her anymore, she would never break her promise.

After a few breaths, Shenlei fell again, and this time Bai Lian just waved his fist.

But the moment she swung her fist out, she suddenly noticed something abnormal.

Her body became lighter!

Not only that, but there seemed to be an incomparably heavy force wrapped around her arm.

Once that power is released, what kind of divine thunder, what kind of hurricane, it will explode completely without even holding it for a breath, turning into nothingness.

Bai Lian looked down at his fist.

"This is……"

She seems to have seen many acquaintances vaguely, and those people are clearly far away in the land of immortals!

The next moment, she heard many voices of inquiries through the branch of Jianmu.

"Has the leylines of the Land of Immortals restored after ten epochs?"

"Has the catastrophe subsided?"

"Is the inheritance of Wuxiangzong still there?"


There were too many voices mixed together, but Bai Lian patiently answered them one by one.

Ten epochs later, the land of immortals is even more broken.

A new round of boundless catastrophe has begun to show its fangs.

The Wuxiang Sect, which once gave birth to the Immortal Emperor, was destroyed in a catastrophe, and now it only exists in ancient book records.

"and also……"

Those voices gradually became smaller, until no one made a sound, they were all listening to Bai Lian.

Bai Lian looked at the calamity: "Now I'm about to shatter this calamity, tearing a crack in the heaven and opening the way to the reincarnation!"

"I understand."

"Then let me help you."

"The Wuxiang Sect has passed away, and I have no more memories. I will give up my life here today."

The branch of Jianmu flew out of Bai Lian's body, it exuded a dazzling white light, and in the white light, phantoms flew out one after another.

They looked back at Bai Lian, as if to remember this woman's face.

Then they stopped delaying and flew towards the sky one after another.

"The supreme being of the fox clan, Hu Qianyan is here today to break the cycle of reincarnation!"

"The first Sect Master of Wuxiang Sect will reshape the rules here today!"

"Tiandao killed my beloved, and I will also kill Tiandao here today!"


Every sound fell, it was a ruthless collision with the catastrophe.

As soon as it hits, the thunder cloud is easy to change.

Hit it again, and the thunder will dissipate.

Three hits, the eye of the wind collapsed.

Four hits...

Bai Lian didn't know how many times such collisions had been carried out. She only saw countless heroic spirits go away, and there was no chance of recovery, and her heart became extremely heavy.

This is resentment, resentment against the calamity!

This is also a wish, a wish for a bright future!

Bai Lian's body emerged with an increasing amount of power, that power trembled uncontrollably and flowed out uncontrollably, like a conqueror, and began to plunder the control of the world with the Dao of Heaven.

When the scope of the plunder covered the entire scope of the Heavenly Tribulation, Bai Lian took a step forward, using her hand as a knife, she suddenly cut it off.


That knife was full of the wishes of hundreds of millions of souls.

It slashed along the cracks opened by the attacks of those heroic spirits.


The knife light cut the heavenly robbery fiercely, and in the mourning sound of if there was nothing, at the moment when the knife light cut to the end, an invisible breath spread around, and all the heavenly tribulations that were touched were melted away, And there is no sign of coming back to life.

At this moment, the world is quiet.

Bai Lian looked at the empty space quietly, while the others looked at her back quietly.

"It's done, it's done?"

It's done!

Bai Lian could feel that she had broken through the barrier of heaven, and from now on, she will be the real immortal on the other side!

When she turned around, everyone was rejoicing, and some people had tears in their eyes.

But Bai Lian knew that now was not the time to cheer.

Now it's Red Dust's turn!

"This time, it's just the two of us." Bai Lian said.

Hong Chen said, "You want to kill me?"

Bai Lian shook his head: "I want to wake you up."

Hong Chen said, "I'm very awake."

Bai Lian still shook his head: "You are not awake, you are jealous, you are angry, and you are gradually going crazy."

Hong Chen shouted: "I'm right, I just want to end the catastrophe!"

Bai Lian said, "I know, it's just that you went the wrong way."

Hong Chen lowered his head and said nothing.

Bai Lian smiled and said, "I will help you to atone for your master and sister. But before that, as a person, as your sister, I must tell you how angry I am for what you have done!"


Hong Chen suddenly raised his head.

But it was still a step too late, Bai Lian had already appeared in front of her.

"Bai Lian is not allowed to attack Hong Chen!"

Hong Chen hurriedly shouted, but this could not limit Bai Lian at all.

That Bai Nen fist was still savagely imprinted on her chest, knocking her into the air.

Bai Lian let out a clear bell-like laughter: "You and I are both immortals on the other side, but I am far better than you to this world. Your rules don't work for me, and my rules can bind you."

"It's not fair!"

Hong Chen's complexion changed slightly.

In the entire blank dao, she only occupied one eleventh!

"It's fair."

Because it's not a big or small issue at all.

What Hongchen was carrying was only her own hatred, while what Bai Lian was carrying was the wishes and luck of all beings in the land of immortals.

As much as you carry, you must bear as much.

Bai Lian punched Hong Chen in the face again, Hong Chen raised his hand to fight back, but found that his hand could not be raised at all.

"You bitch..."

"Hongchen is not allowed to scold Bai Lian."

As soon as the words fell, Hong Chen found that his mouth seemed to be sewn up, and he couldn't say anything to scold Bai Lian.

"you you you……"

After you've been with you for a long time, she just said "you're not reasonable".

"Wouldn't that make it more cute?"

Bai Lian had a bright smile on his face, and he spoke tender words, but the fist that fell on Hong Chen had no intention of releasing water at all.

One punch, one punch, another punch.

Soon Hongchen was beaten up and down, making her dizzy.

Hongchen was restrained everywhere, no matter what she wanted to do to Bai Lian, Bai Lian would immediately get double revenge.

In the end, she tied herself up and completely turned into a sandbag under Bai Lian's hands.

That is to say, she has already become an immortal on the other side. If she was an ordinary Heavenly Venerate, her body would have been destroyed by such a blow, and her spirit would have been shaken.

"You kill me, you just kill me!"

Hong Chen yelled at Bai Lian who was close at hand.

Bai Lian shook his head: "I said, I won't kill you."

A huge sense of humiliation came to her heart, and Hong Chen's eyes darkened. She couldn't bear to fall into such a situation, and the only way to do this was to cut herself off!

But at the moment when she had the idea, a hand suddenly reached out.


The crisp sound of slaps resounded throughout the audience.

Hong Chen stared blankly at Bai Lian, whose face was ashen.

"wanna die?"

Hong Chen did not speak.

Bai Lian shouted at her: "What does ending the catastrophe mean to you? Didn't you say that no matter what happens, you must end the catastrophe? But what are you doing now, you have suffered this humiliation? Just want to die? I have experienced nearly 500 million reincarnations in the afterlife monument and never gave up, and you? You said that you are very disappointed in me, and I am even more disappointed in you!"

Hong Chen stared at Bai Lian stubbornly, and the hand that grabbed her neck became harder and harder, until she couldn't breathe, and her neck made a screeching sound.

After a long time, the stubborn light in her eyes was finally extinguished, and she stopped struggling.

Bai Lian let go of her hand and looked at her quietly.

Hong Chen said in a low voice, "When the catastrophe ends, kill me again."

Bai Lian said, "I won't kill you, but if Master wants to kill you, then I will do it for you."

Hong Chen gritted her teeth: "I'm jealous of her."

Bai Lian smiled so that her eyes were full of stars: "Master is the most powerful person in the world, and there are countless people who are jealous of her!"

Hong Chen said, "You know that's not what I said."

Bai Lian said: "I know, to me, you are not ordinary, but Master is more important!"

Hong Chen was silent for a while before he said, "Take me to see An Lan."

"it is good."

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