The emperor and his ministers of Yong were struggling to suppress the rebellion. Far away in another country, someone was struggling on the brink of life and death.

"What are you all standing there for? Find a way for me! Find a way now!" The footsteps of trapped beasts sounded, and with anxiety and anger, the middle-aged emperor in a bright yellow dragon robe roared out of control, "If Yu'er has any accident, I want you all to be buried with me! Do you hear me? All buried with me!"

A room full of doctors knelt on the ground, not knowing whether it was cold or scared, all of them were pale and trembling.

"Your Majesty, the poison has already penetrated into His Majesty the Phoenix King's lungs..." The head of the Imperial Hospital summoned up the courage to speak, but he dared not wipe the cold sweat off his forehead, "We are powerless, powerless."

"How dare you!" The emperor kicked him, his irritable temper was completely aroused, and he was on the verge of losing control and filled with murderous intent, "Powerless? I don't want to hear that! Why do I spend so much money to feed you? If Yu'er has any problem, I will kill all your clans!"

The imperial doctors fell to the ground in fear, not daring to say anything more.

Outside the palace, several female doctors knelt trembling, not because of the cold weather, but because of fear, only they themselves knew.

Ji Weiyu, the sixteenth prince of Chu, was born in a humble family. His mother was only a concubine in the harem. However, because he was born with a special ability and had the ability to predict the future, he was made an exception by the emperor and was canonized as the Phoenix King. He was in charge of divination in Chu and had a high status. He was deeply respected and admired by his subjects.

Now, except for the crown prince, the seventeen-year-old Phoenix King is the highest-ranking prince among the princes of Chu. His mother was fortunate to be one of the four concubines because of her son's many years of favor.

In addition, this Phoenix King has an unparalleled handsome face and a clean and refined temperament like a son of God. The subjects of Chu called him "Your Highness the Son of God", which shows his prestige among the people of Chu.

The poisoning of the Son of God foreshadowed the bad news of Chu's national destiny. Wouldn't the emperor be furious?

"Your Majesty!" A guard with a knife came in quickly, entered the room and knelt down, "There is a woman who is good at using poison outside, and she has poisoned... poisoned six guards to death."


The emperor was furious: "Do I need to report this kind of thing to me? What are the Imperial Guards doing? Kill them on the spot!"

"She...she said she didn't save the Phoenix King..." The guard knelt on the ground and replied tremblingly, "It was because the Imperial Guards stopped her from coming in that she poisoned..."

The emperor was stunned: "She didn't save the Phoenix King?"

"That's what she said."

In fact, the woman just said that she could save the Phoenix King, and let the Imperial Guards guarding outside the palace inform her, but the Imperial Guards thought she was lying and wanted to take the opportunity to climb up to the Phoenix King's Palace, so they wanted to drive her away.

Unexpectedly, the woman directly poisoned several Imperial Guards in the blink of an eye.

And she also said: "Go in and report that these people still have a chance to survive, otherwise..."

The imperial guards had never seen such a courageous woman, and were about to take her down, but then the woman raised her wide sleeves and several more fell down in an instant.

There was really no other way, he had to come in and report at the risk of being beheaded.

A woman who is good at poisoning?

The emperor said solemnly: "Bring her in."


Not long after, a woman in red clothes arrived at the main courtyard of the palace under the vigilance of many imperial guards "escort". The woman wore a veil hat and a light veil hung around to cover her face. Only a long skirt made her figure slender and exquisite, and her demeanor outstanding.

The woman stepped into the room and looked at the imperial physician kneeling on the ground. After a moment, she raised her eyes slightly and looked at the Emperor of Chu through the veil and veil: "I will cure the poison that King Feng has been poisoned with."

"Who are you?" The emperor looked angry and majestic, "Don't you know how to kneel down when you see me?"

"Your Majesty, do you want me to kneel down for you, or do you want me to cure King Feng's poison?" The woman's voice was cold, "You can only choose one of the two."

"You are brave!"

"I am indeed very brave." The woman's voice was a little more casual, with a hint of mockery, "Otherwise, you would not come to King Feng's mansion alone."

"Who are you?" A eunuch asked angrily, "You have no manners in front of the emperor, do you want to die?"

No one spoke.

The woman seemed not to hear his clamor, and stood silently.

The eunuch frowned and looked at the emperor uneasily.

Perhaps it was because she showed too special a bearing and bad temper, the emperor believed her a little, because he had heard that many masters in the world had more skills and weirder tempers.

So the emperor suppressed his anger and calmed down a little: "Can you detoxify?"


"Do you know what poison the Phoenix King has?"

"I don't need to know, because I can detoxify any poison."

The tone was not small.

The imperial doctors kneeling on the ground quietly tilted their heads and looked at this woman who didn't know whether to live or die.

She saved the Phoenix King? What a joke?

The imperial doctors in their entire imperial hospital were powerless, so she saved him?

Did she think she was a god?

The poison in the Phoenix King had penetrated deep into his lungs, and no medicine could work. How could a little girl like her have the ability to save the Phoenix King?

The emperor asked in a deep voice: "What if you can't solve it?"

"I guarantee it with my life." The woman said calmly, "If you don't save the Phoenix King, I will be punished by being torn into pieces by five horses."

As soon as these words came out, there were gasps in the palace.

This woman who didn't know how to live or die, she was simply... simply...

"I'll give you a chance." I don't know if it was because of illness or because he was looking for the last glimmer of hope, the emperor no longer cared about anything else and ordered coldly: "If you really save the Phoenix King, I will definitely reward you heavily."

"Your Majesty!" The head of the Imperial Hospital raised his head in a hurry, "Your Majesty, you must not do that! She is just a little girl, how can she save His Majesty the Phoenix King? This girl's origin is unknown, who knows what she is like——"

"Anyway, there is no worse result, right?" The woman calmly interrupted him, "The Imperial Hospital may have a better way to cure the poison of the Phoenix King?"

The imperial doctor was speechless.

"Time is limited, no time to waste." The emperor urged coldly, "Hurry up."

The woman nodded to the emperor, her tone cold and unyielding: "Please ask everyone to go out, including the emperor."


The cold voice continued: "The emperor can ask the imperial guards to guard this room, and the arrows can be prepared. If I can't save the Phoenix King, the emperor can ask them to shoot me to death here."

The emperor stared at her silently, his sharp eyes seemed to see through her, and in a moment, he ordered in a deep voice: "Everyone go out!"

The doctor's face changed: "The emperor, please think twice, the Phoenix King's body is precious--"

"Whoever persuades again will be responsible for detoxifying the Phoenix King." The emperor said coldly, his tone full of impatience, "Otherwise shut up!"

After the voice fell, it was as quiet as a chicken.

The emperor drove everyone out, and he followed him out, hesitated for a moment, and half-closed the door.

In a flash, only the woman with a veil was left in the Phoenix King's bedroom.

After a moment of silence, she turned her head and looked around. After making sure there was nothing unusual, she walked into the inner hall and then let down the curtains to completely block the outsiders' peeping eyes.

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