The speed of the motorcycle was very fast. Long Yeyan had not even taken a close look at the scenery passing by before he stopped in front of the clan leader's residence.

Looking at the solemn gate, Long Yeyan got off the motorcycle, told Long Jinlei to ride slowly, and told him to come to him if he had anything, and then waved goodbye to him.

Long Yeyan had not been to his grandfather's house for some time. There were still guards at the door. He walked along the wide road towards the tall building in the distance.

From a distance, he saw Long Chuan, the housekeeper of his grandfather's house, waiting for him in the sun.

Long Yeyan took a few quick steps and came to Long Chuan's side.

"Uncle Chuan, it's quite hot today, you don't have to wait for me specially."

According to the outside world, it is already mid-October. The weather in October should be changeable, but the Dragon Secret Realm is a world of its own, different from the outside world. There is no extreme heat or cold in the Dragon Secret Realm.

"It should be." Long Chuan looked at Long Yeyan kindly, his eyes full of kindness and kindness, as if looking at his beloved grandson.

Long Chuan never married and had children in his life. From a very young age, he became Long Kongwen's book boy and accompanied Long Kongwen to grow up.

It can be said that most of the children of the Long family today grew up under his care.

And for Long Yeyan in his youth, Long Chuan has a special feeling. When he was a teenager, Long Yeyan did not have the arrogance and arrogance of other peers, but a gentle and respectful child.

Long Chuan was full of love for Long Yeyan in his heart, and even regarded him as his own relative. Every time he saw Long Yeyan, Long Chuan would feel extra warm, as if he saw his own grandson.

This feeling made Long Chuan cherish every moment with Long Yeyan.

So, when he learned that Long Yeyan was coming, he came out and waited in advance. Long Yeyan didn't know that the old man had been waiting for him for half an hour.

Supporting Long Chuan, Long Yeyan had entered the hall of the mansion. It was still a living room larger than a football field. Long Yeyan sat sideways on the sofa.

Long Chuan couldn't sit still and had already prepared tea and snacks himself.

Leisurely eating the snacks brought by Long Chuan, Long Yeyan wanted to let Long Chuan rest for a while, but Long Chuan declined because he had responsibilities.

I didn't see the elves of my grandparents today. Maybe they were put away, but there was nothing else to do today except for me.

Long Yeyan thought that it was reasonable that the old man dragon with a different color should come to find him when he felt his breath, but today he did not appear in an unusual way.

In the quiet hall, only Long Yeyan's breathing could be heard. The two big birds on the roof were as still as stone statues, and even Mi Lilong in the water quietly hid and kept to himself.


Just as Long Yeyan was thinking about whether his grandparents had something wrong, a crisp sound of a door opening suddenly came from upstairs.

Long Yeyan adjusted his sitting posture slightly. He could already sense the breath. It was Grandpa Long Kongwen and Grandma Dong Shuning.

The footsteps had come down, and Long Yeyan looked up and saw the majestic grandpa and the elegant grandma walking downstairs.

However, what puzzled Long Yeyan was that the grandparents exuded a serious look.

"Xiaoyan, wait a minute." Grandma Dong Shuning asked before the grandparents sat down in the first floor hall.

"I just arrived, grandma." Long Yeyan replied.

"Well, there is something important that called you here today. I think you should be able to guess it." Grandma continued to play riddles.

"Is it related to birth?" Long Yeyan remembered his father's words. His father was born at this time. Thinking of the serious expressions of his grandparents, Long Yeyan asked.

"Well, you are very smart. We called you here for this matter." Grandma covered her mouth and smiled dignifiedly.

Birth, or also called experience, is a rule that has existed in the Long family for generations. The children of the Long family leave the Dragon Secret Realm and go to the real Blue Star outside to see the beautiful scenery of China.

It is also in the experience of birth that new elves are conquered, trustworthy friends are met, and every duel is completed.

However, not every child of the Long family can go out to experience. Birth represents not only your personal strength, but also the image and appearance of the entire Long family.

Going out to experience shows the outside world that the young talents of our Long family have strong strength and high talent.

If there is no strength and talent, then

If you go out to the outside world with the reputation of the Long family, it will damage the image of the Long family. This is why every family must carefully select family members before sending them out to the outside world.

And everyone who wants to go out to the world with the reputation of the Long family must go through a trial, which is also the most praised Longchang trial. If Long Yeyan wants to go out to the outside world, he must also go through the Longchang trial so as not to tarnish the reputation of the family.

If you want to go out to the outside world with the name of a family, you must not only have strong strength and talent, but also be smart and intelligent, and you must also be recognized by the family.

So going out to the outside world is also an extremely difficult test for Long Yeyan.

According to grandma's words, the trial of going out to the outside world may be today. Long Yeyan, who has been prepared, is not afraid or panicked. He only has trust in himself and his partners and a beautiful expectation for the future.

If you observe Long Yeyan carefully, you can find that the fire in his eyes is burning more and more fiercely, and the corners of his mouth are raised unnaturally.

"Did you bring the box I gave you before the trial?" Grandpa, who had been silent since sitting on the sofa, suddenly spoke.

Today, Long Kongwen did not wear the black cloak of the family elder. He specially wore the dark purple robe that symbolized the Long family, and hung a jade pendant representing the clan leader around his waist.

As the clan leader, Long Kongwen can be said to be conscientious and responsible. Not only does he have to deal with all matters big and small every day, but he also has a strict six-hour sleep schedule.

It can be said that Long Yeyan's respect for this old man is not only because he is Long Yeyan's grandfather, but also because he is a clan leader who truly cares about his people.

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