Ice blue moon angry way: "you when my dust girl?"

Wood map seriously shook his head, but the hand did not stop, still in the light.

Ice blue moon really want to shout, let people disorderly stick to play, but wooden map said right, if such posture is seen by his subordinates, I'm afraid ice blue moon will stay at home after.

I have no face.

She closed her eyes and hinted in her heart that I was dead, dead.

"Blue moon, you look at you, meat, feel very much."

Ice blue moon clenched her teeth and narrowed her eyes and said, "have you touched enough?"

Mutu said: "of course not. My harem is also Jiali 3000. But I use Fendai every day. I wish I had two Jin of powder on my face. No interest. "

Ice blue moon struggled for a while, or did not earn to get rid of, she hate hate way: "so you are a cheap, like do not like your woman?"

The wood figure evil evil one smile, the eye under the innumerable candle illumination, flickers like the black gem's luster, the way: "yes."

"Wife is better than concubine, concubine is better than steal, steal is better than not steal, you men are all the same asshole." Ice blue moon stretched out her head and wanted to bite the hand of wooden map, but she was avoided.

"To be clear, I don't have a wife and concubine. So far, there is no queen in Qiuyun kingdom. If you marry me, you will come up to be the queen. Of course, if you want to be the same as before, you don't want to be trapped by the palace wall. I will make an order that no one can interfere with you. You can go in and out of the palace of Qiuyun country." Mu Tu stopped being frivolous, but did not let her go.

Ice blue moon gas face red, well, now she really want to return the body of the spirit mouse, said to the body of the spirit mouse, thank you for the prediction of eight generations of ancestors.

Life offends peach blossom, Phoenix faces the world.

But it's not a fate to offend peach blossom. OK, when you are concerned about Jun Mo Li, Jun Mo Li wants to rebel. When you are a little bit fond of Yi Wang, you conspire to rebel. Come on, you married Xuanyuan brocade as your imperial concubine, and you are specially schemed by Imperial concubine Yun.

She has only been in this world for two years. The whole world is like fighting chicken blood.

"Mutu, you know what I want to do, so I won't stay here anymore." The original blue moon will return to my thigh and leave the world

Mu Tu San San San let go of the ice blue moon and said, "no one knows whether the grandmaster has succeeded, so do you believe he can leave?"

As soon as the ice blue moon breaks away from the wooden figure's hand, she picks up the dagger in a hurry, holds the dagger in her hand, and hides at the edge of the window.

"At least try it. Here, all the people come close to me for the prophecy of the prodigal. Use me, wooden map. Dare you say that you are interested in me. Isn't the spirit mouse telling you my destiny?" There is sadness in the eyes of ice blue moon.

When people pass through, they either fight against Xiao San, or become imperial concubine or Gong Dou. When she comes to this world, she is really like the elder martial brother of lingmu said. She kills all her life, because there are too many people who have died. How many people died in the woods in Neiguan, Sanjiang pass?

If there is no self-made thunderbolt, there will be no explosive package, and not so many people will die.

"Blue moon, so I want to protect you from harm." "I admit, I'm interested in you at first because of that prophecy, the more information I collect, the more interested I am in you," he said with love

"So, if you don't get a woman, you're going to destroy her? Don't you know that the blood flower will assassinate me Ice blue moon hate asked.

Mutu bowed his head and his long hair covered half of his face.

"You'd rather marry than die." Ice blue moon touched his stomach and said, "you didn't kill my child directly, but indirectly, you murdered my child."

Mu Tu shook his head and said, "I don't have it. I really don't have the ability to control the killers of the blood Flower Club."

Ice blue moon was full of sad words: "if there was no assassination, Jun Mo Li and I would not be like this. We would live a pastoral life with our children in the place of Qiongzhou, and we would have nothing later."

Mutu's face is not very good-looking, he hesitated and said: "blue moon, I think that child is Xuanyuan brocade's child, not only that, everyone thinks it is Xuanyuan brocade's child. But those killers are not really sent by me. I'm not so cruel

Ice blue moon sneered, way: "don't say these in front of me."

The wooden chart gets up, wants to go forward, ice blue moon indicated once the dagger in the hand, way: "don't come over."

Wood map carefully close to a step: "don't be nervous, do not be nervous, hurt yourself is not good."

Ice blue moon backhand dagger against his neck, way: "you come back, get my body."

Mu Tu repeatedly retreated: "good, you don't get excited, do not get excited, I don't go, you put down."

Ice blue moon took a deep breath, turned to look at the scenery outside, and then sighed: "wooden map, all this can't be changed. I've been here enough. When the spirit mouse said that it was possible to leave, I wanted to leave."Mu Tu nodded repeatedly and said, "if you want to leave, I will take you to Tianshan. Go and have a look at the cave. All our disciples of all ages want to open the cave. "

Ice blue moon put down her dagger and played in her hand.

After a long silence, ice blue moon raised his head and said, "this is not the time. Do you know about Zhou Li?"

Mutu nods.

Can he not know? Zhou officials were also regarded as the officials of the frontier, guarding against the barbarians in the northeast. It was said that they had already raised the flag to rebel.

"Then I will accompany you back to Daling City, and then go to Tianshan with me." The wood chart flatters the smile way.

Bing lanyue shook her head and said, "it's impossible. You are the emperor of Qiuyun country now. You go back to the capital with me, then..."


Ice blue moon's words have not finished, downstairs sounded crisp sound, ice blue moon and wooden chart at the same time surprised.

They all heard it. The lotus is coming.

"Didn't you mean it?" Mu Tu said with a bitter smile.

Binglanyue's heart falls back to his stomach. The lotus is coming, and the wooden chart will not treat himself Sobbing

The ice blue moon opened her eyes and looked at a face that was blurred because of the distance.

Wooden figure a flash, to her in front of her lips blocked ice blue moon's mouth.

When the ice blue moon reacts and wants to give him a kick, the wooden chart dodges.

Mu Tu touched his lips and said with a smile: "tonight, I always want to do one thing."

Ice blue moon tried to wipe his mouth, bah bah way: "you ya abnormal?"

Mu Tu looks at her without guilt, and her eyes seem to be saying: look, I kiss you, I kiss you, what can you do?

The sound of "Deng Deng Deng" was coming up the stairs. The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer. The door creaked and pushed open. Who was the lotus standing at the door?

Lotus curiously looked at the room, the room is bright, ice blue moon red lips, clothes are also a little irregular, and the wooden map, a proud smile.

Lotus heart way, is it not the two of them

"Well, am I not here at the wrong time?" Lotus shows a vague smile.

ice blue moon repeatedly waved his hand: "Princess your highness, you came just right, hurry up to get rid of your brother, right, with more than one thousand or two silver meal money free, it's my treat."

She was a little afraid of the wooden map and had a bad heart.

Lotus ha ha smile into the room, turned to look at the bed, ice blue moon along the direction of lotus, heart a burst of sadness.

In the afternoon, she took a nap. When she got up, she didn't clean up the bedding. The bedding on the bed was in a mess, and the sheets were crumpled.

Because this is her room, the waiter dare not go in and clean the room at will, but it is a surprise in the eyes of lotus.

"Cough." Lotus gently coughed twice and said, "what, I seem to be here at the right time, sister-in-law, when are you and your brother going back to the palace?"

Lotus changed her mouth directly, but mu Tu didn't deny it. Ice blue moon's angry face turned red.

"Let's go, take your brother and go, before I lose my temper." Ice blue moon red face nearly low voice roar way.

Wood map see ice blue moon really angry, quickly explained: "Royal sister can't say nonsense, we are innocent, did not do anything."

"Innocent?" Lotus once again glanced at the bed, repeatedly nodded: "yes, innocent, you are innocent, greatly innocent."

Ice blue moon headache rises, how to explain? In the evening, lonely men and few women live in the same room. Do you mean that they really talk about their ideal life together and don't study body structure?

"Huangmei, don't you want to escort the martial uncle back to Tianshan Mountain? Why didn't you leave today? " Asked Mutu.

Then the lotus princess's face became serious and said, "brother, there is an important situation."

"What's important?" Asked Mutu.

Lotus looked at the ice blue moon, ice blue moon understand, they are what secret things to say, she pushed back and said: "I go out to have something, you talk."

She was about to go out, but she was caught by a wooden figure.

"It's OK. Blue moon is not an outsider. Go ahead." The eye of the wooden picture is smiling.

Lotus murmured in her heart and said that she was innocent. She was not an outsider so soon.

"In the evening, I received a letter from a flying pigeon. The cave behind the Tianshan sect suddenly lit up. The mountain protecting disciples thought it was the reflection of the sun. Later, they learned that it was the real light. There was no fire, but it was cold light." Lotus said quickly.

Binglanyue and Mutu are both in deep meditation. According to the truth, even if someone sets fire to the door made of metal, I'm afraid it won't burn.

"Is that all?" Woodmap asked.

Lotus nodded and said, "brother Huang, you are the leader of Tianshan sect now, so it's better to start tonight and go back to Tianshan."

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