The emperor of Wangyue Empire married the queen, Jun Mo Li only issued imperial edicts, no banquet guests.

Bing lanyue also disagrees. When Wu Min treats a strange disease, she finds that there is something wrong with Bing lanyue.

Wu Min has a good hand, and then tells Bing lanyue with a smile that she has a child.

Ice blue moon grass and Jun Mo Li finished the marriage, and rushed back to the castle that night.

"Move out the sugar mill." Ice blue moon nestles on Jun Mo Li's shoulder and whispers.

Jun Mo Li hesitated, he asked, "isn't that the most profitable thing for us to let the world know?"

Binglanyue said with a smile: "as we all know, sugar can be made with ginger juice, brown sugar, and candy. The sales are still good. Our workshop can't bear the needs of the world now."

Jun Mo Li still hesitated, because in his opinion, the foundation of his empire was sugar.

Through the Longmen escort agency and river transport, the company continuously transports to the world and makes a lot of money.

The grain was purchased with the silver and transported to the moon watching empire.

"All sugarcane fields should be registered and controlled. We can't always rely on sugarcane. We can be the factory in the world." Ice blue moon smiles way.

Since Jun Mo Li knew that there was a baby in his stomach, the whole person had changed. He was a generous person before, and now he learned to be stingy.

The escort agency is making less and less money, and the demand has not changed. Without the support of Qiuyun country's good horse, I'm afraid the escort agency will be in debt.

The escort agencies in the Daling Dynasty were hit hard by Caihong again. They were already on the decline. The main transportation of the escort agencies was sugar and liquor.

Jun Moli thought, white sugar production technology flow out again, only liquor, escort agency will close down in a few years?

Jun Mo Li thought for a moment, then nodded his head and said, "OK, but let's take it back and transport it again."

Ice blue moon waved her hand and said, "don't leave. You are an emperor, but you still don't know how to do business. We are the masters of the Empire now. Why do we have to do it ourselves?"


Ice blue moon white one eye Jun Mo Li, smile way: "you silly, the moon empire is all yours, as soon as the news spreads out, those businessmen, even Rainbow people have to buy, then, we can collect taxes."

Pass on the sugar making technology. Those who have been waiting for the castle all day long to distribute the little silver, it's better to sell the sugar by themselves. If there is a merchant to buy it, even if there is no merchant to buy it, it will be fine. Then it will be transported out by Longmen escort agency.

Kill two birds with one stone.

What's more, when those businessmen come, they have to eat, drink and live. They can't help but go to the brothels in the evening. By then, the whole Qiongzhou will develop.

Ice blue moon can still remember how coastal areas developed in the past, those reinforced concrete cities, produce food? No,

But how can a million million cities develop?

Industry! Business!

Ice blue moon of course will not tell these words one by one to Jun Mo Li, on the one hand, it is too shocking, and on the other hand, he does not necessarily understand what he said or will do if he understands it.

"Well, it turns out that my queen is right about everything." Jun Mo Li nodded, he married ice blue moon, found himself and ice blue moon just opposite.

But there are many benefits.

A barren land, now has become a large population, a large number of towns, people who used to rely on the sea, now live a rich life.

In addition to occasionally feel unable to find a husband, the rest of the time is also very comfortable.

In seven months' time, his child will be born, and his family will be handed down from generation to generation. This is why when he knew that his child was lost, he also participated in it. He was so regretful.

"Wan'er, did you hear that?" Jun Mo Li shouts.

Wan'er, who was not far away, ran over immediately and said, "Your Majesty, Queen, it's a little difficult."

"What's the difficulty?" Bing asked

Wan'er said: "first, there are not many people who know Chinese characters in Qiongzhou. On the contrary, the provinces that were beaten down from the Daling Dynasty had a lot of literacy. They sent out the sugar making technology. If those people learned how to make sugar, would they..."

"Wan'er, you have to be tolerant. Since you are the people of the moon watching Empire, no matter what province they are, you should treat them equally. Remember, our empire is a moon watching Empire, not a dome state." Jun Mo Li said seriously.

"Your Majesty nodded," she said

"What are the difficulties?" Ice blue moon asked with a smile.

"No more. My subordinates don't think very well, just... " Wan'er is a little hesitant.

Ice blue moon touched her stomach and said, "Wan'er, you have been with me for some time. In front of me and in front of your majesty, you can say what you have. Don't learn from those officials who are dead in the Daling Dynasty. I think I am a more democratic person and will not refuse to let my subordinates speak.""Yes Wan'er relaxed her breath: "can you give it to the people who retired from Longmen escort agency to help teach sugar making technology?"

"Of course. By the way, collect information for me to see the attitude of the Daling Dynasty towards us." Jun Mo Li ordered.

"Your Majesty, Queen, the marquis in purple has nothing to do recently. Come to find his men..." Wan'er's words have not finished, is interrupted by the ice blue moon.

"Did he provoke you?" Ice blue moon asks anxiously.

The purple clothes Hou sees the beautiful girl to be unable to walk the path the flaw has not changed? Ice blue moon and Jun Mo Li talked about the relationship between men and women some time ago.

She copied the ancient marriage system of her previous life. A man could only have one wife, and if he didn't have one wife at the age of 40, he could marry another concubine.

In addition, it also stipulates that "seven out" have no children, have sex with others, don't worry about aunts, talk, theft, jealousy and evil diseases.

And in order to protect women, it is stipulated that there are three things not to go: first, "taking something but not returning": refers to a wife who has no home to return to; second, "he Geng died in three years": his wife had been mourning for Weng Gu for three years; third, "poor before and rich after": the husband was poor when he married, but later rich.

A series of regulations to improve the status of women.

Qiongzhou is better. Originally, there were more men than women, but now there are more people. But the main purpose of Qiongzhou is to plant sugarcane, so it attracts some farmers who can't live on in the Daling Dynasty. These people are family members, so they still can't change the status quo of more men and less women.

Therefore, such a marriage system is relatively good to implement, but several other provinces have expressed their dissatisfaction, but under the strict orders of Jun Mo Li and ice blue moon, they are still implemented.

If Ziyi Hou had Wu min after, again flowery, ice blue moon absolutely can't forgive him!

Wan'er shook her head again and again: "he is usually glib, but he never dare to covet his subordinates. However, some time ago, he went to his subordinates and asked them to do something for him. He said that his wife was busy outside, and he was idle, just like a rice worm, he couldn't make it."

Jun Mo Li and ice blue moon looked at each other and laughed.

Wan'er heart way, purple clothes Marquis, purple clothes Hou don't blame me, if you want to blame, you don't speak well.

"Well, let him lead the construction workshop with the sugar making technology. By the way, you can tell the Marquis Ziyi that if he dares to disobey the rule of" seven out of three ", I will let him not do anything else in the future and become the eunuch general manager of the imperial palace." Ice blue moon can't help laughing.

Wan'er also held back her smile and went to work.

Jun Mo left to see that there was no one else beside him. He asked with a shy face: "blue moon, you see, I am also an emperor of an empire. What will happen to the Empire in the future, let me contribute?"

Ice blue moon's face changed and asked, "how do you want to chop sugarcane or dig coal?"

Jun Mo Li begged for mercy and said with a smile: "it's not. Give me more children. Our jun family has passed on for several generations. We should have more sons and more blessings."

Ice blue moon rolled her eyes, and she would answer him.

At this time, Wu Minfeng came with fire and wind, and made a hasty salute. Without waiting for ice blue moon and Jun Mo Li to sign for exemption, he stood up and said, "Your Majesty, Queen, minister have found out the cause of the strange disease. They are plague!"


Plague, also known as the black death, is extremely severe. The ice blue moon was shocked. The plague spread was enough to destroy the moon watching empire.

"I isolated those people three months ago. Almost all of them died during this period. Almost no one survived. I was incompetent and could not be treated. However, I learned the origin of the disease from their mouth." Wu Min hesitated for a moment and looked at the ice blue moon in horror.

"Talk about it." Ice blue moon asked.

"It is likely that it came from the western regions, because the first time the disease appeared was from Qiuyun state." Wu Min said.

Autumn cloud country? Western regions?

Jun Mo Li and ice blue moon thought at the same time, estimated that autumn cloud country launched an attack on the western regions.

"Mo Li, such a relaxed day is too short." Ice blue moon sighed a little.

Jun Mo left the head way: "yes, it seems to be busy again."

Qiuyun state started a war on the western regions, which means that the Tianying gang may have launched an attack on rainbow.

Ice blue moon thought of autumn cloud Congress launch war, but did not expect to come so soon.

Are those weapons made so quickly? Has the back mountain of Tianshan sect been dug? What is the woodmap doing now?

Ice blue moon was lost in thought for a time.

"Blue moon, don't think about it. Now the most important thing is to keep the baby at ease. In spite of his blood flowing, as long as the moon watching empire is OK." Don't leave your advice.

Bing lanyue nodded. Now it's useless to worry about it any more. With the emperor Daling on the side, they dare not move and make so many things. In order to make Xuanyuan Yixuan believe that they are content with the status quo and pursue the quality of life, they no longer care about the flood.

Ice blue moon especially takes a fancy to this child, this is her and Jun Mo Li's child, does not envy her woman, therefore also will not have the assassination, will not have the accident to happen.

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