"Sister, I'm here anyway. I'll stay a little longer." Meiniang advised.

Binglanyue immediately became suspicious. Duanliu and others refused to go ashore. Now Meiniang tried to persuade her to spend more time in the land of God abandoned. If she had not known the two people in front of her, she would have thought that they wanted to be under house arrest.

When she saw xuanyuanjin and Meiniang clear eyes without any distracting thoughts, she was relieved. Although the night wolf affair made her a little nervous, he was willing to believe in xuanyuanjin and Meiniang.

The beauty loving people don't want mountains and rivers. How can there be any conspiracy for such a passionate and natural person who still lives in the land of God and abandons the mainland?

"Yes, but I'm afraid Hehe, sister Meiniang, as you know, I have only one ship with limited supplies. The general of water has limited their freedom. If we really live longer, I'm afraid all my people will have to go fishing in the sea. " Ice blue moon finish saying, hey hey a smile way: "don't know can let my person go ashore?"

"This..." Xuanyuan brocade hesitated.

Meiniang didn't dare to say anything. She played a quiet role when it came to this kind of thing.

Ice blue moon tightly stares at Xuanyuan brocade, her heart five flavor miscellaneous Chen.

Her hundreds of muskets, crossbows, and all of them are very skillful. If there is no special secret in this land, Xuanyuan brocade has no reason not to let them go ashore. As like as two peas remain in a proper sphere,

's blue moon is just like the blue moon city, which is exactly the same as that of the Daling imperial court.

Without the supreme authority, how could Xuanyuan brocade build such a huge city? Moreover, Xuanyuan brocade may have preserved the drawings of the past.

The most important question of the ice blue moon is: who should be on guard against? Who's going to cross the ocean to attack?

After a long time, Xuanyuan brocade took the satellite radio back again, pinned it on his collar and touched his ear again. Then he whispered, "brother on the wharf, please take one hundred people ashore to the blue moon city red dust inn. In addition, the rest of the people eat, drink and take good care of."

Finish saying, Xuan Yuan brocade just smile, way: "blue moon, do you see this how?"

Ice blue moon nodded and felt relieved.

It seems that Xuanyuan brocade was in charge of the land before him. After leaving the Daling Dynasty and leaving so many intrigues, Xuanyuan brocade became a local emperor on the land of God abandonment.

"Sister, are you ready to eat now? The food is cold. " Meiniang also breathed a sigh of relief, and took a peek at Xuanyuan brocade.

Ice blue moon nodded and picked up chopsticks again to eat.

Although the food was a little cold, she enjoyed it.

After eating, Bing lanyue carelessly wiped her mouth with her sleeve and belched fiercely. She said, "thank you, shopkeeper. This is the money for wine and vegetables. I didn't think of any place to spend money this time. I use this to pay for it."

With that, ice blue moon touched out the dragon jade pendant and put it on the table.

Meiniang was stunned for a moment, then got up and said, "I'm going to make a pot of tea. You talk."

The rest of them are sitting in front of xuanjindieniang.

"You paid me back last time." Xuanyuan brocade sighed slightly.

Ice blue moon nodded: "yes! But you secretly sent it back. This is yours and should be returned to you. If you want it, the empire is not impossible to give it back to you. "

She didn't lie. She was confident when she said this, for no other reason, just because there were guns and guns in hand and roads were being built in the Empire. She could start from Nanhai city and arrive at the border in one day.

Of course, the premise is that it will take half a month to prepare and make more muskets and cannons. In two months, the whole Daling Dynasty can be swept.

Daling emperor changed the owner, ice blue moon has an unshirkable responsibility, she owes, to return.

Xuanyuan brocade drooped his eyelids and said faintly, "there is no need. Now I am very good here. There are countless loyal subjects, women who love me, and people live and work in peace and contentment. What are the requirements for this?"

"Shark tears, I return Xuanyuan Yixuan, now, this dragon jade pendant, I will return it to you." Ice blue moon stroked the pattern on the jade pendant.

Xuanyuan brocade suddenly holds the ice blue moon's collection in the hand, the ice blue moon dodges not to be able to, her hand is firmly grasped by him in the hand.

"Xuanyuan brocade, you..." Ice blue moon blushed and looked at the kitchen.

"One husband, one wife, one concubine and many maidservants. Ha ha, it's a little interesting. Don't worry, I won't covet you any more. I sincerely hope you and Jun don't love each other until you are old." Xuanyuan brocade picked up the dragon jade pendant and put it back in the hand of Bing lanyue and said, "take it and leave a thought. If one day, you are tired and tired, come here to provide for the aged, and we will fish together."

Then, Xuanyuan brocade let go of the ice blue moon hand and nodded slightly.

Ice blue moon in the heart of a warm current flow, she thought for a while, and then take back the jade pendant."In the afternoon, I let Meiniang accompany you to stroll around the blue moon city. You will know that in our continent, I can cook food here. Why didn't you assassinate the emperor?" Xuanjin covered his chest for a moment and then motioned for a slight cough.

"Xuanyuan brocade, you..." Ice blue moon words did not finish, was Xuanyuan brocade waved to stop.

Xuanyuan brocade said, "it's OK. I'll have a rest first."

Ice blue moon stood up and watched Xuanyuan brocade go up the second floor. Mei Niang saw the time and went out the door. Then she said, "sister, can I take you out for a walk?"

"Don't bother sister Meiniang. I'll go to the back kitchen to see if there's anything to eat. If sister Zui hasn't eaten yet." Ice blue moon smile, and then went into the kitchen, and soon made a few dishes and meat dishes.

"My sister is a good match." Mei Niang admired her, but her eyes were puzzled.

Bing lanyue put the food on the table and said, "they are also human beings. They were born by parents, but they were born with their inborn identity. In that continent, people are graded at birth. For example, some dandies are born with golden keys. They can't do anything with eagles and running dogs. But they are superior. Don't you think this kind of world is ridiculous

Meiniang is more puzzled, but ice blue moon doesn't tell her any more. Instead, she goes to the door to greet those who are fighting with their eyes, such as drunk and shuiminginstantaneous.

"Come in and eat. We've already had it." Ice blue moon greets a way.

When she saw the big eyes and small eyes of the two people, she thought it was very interesting, so she asked, "sister Zui, are you..."

Such as drunk ruthlessly glared at the water bright instantaneous way: "big miss, this little fat man said we all use firearms, have no what ability."

Originally, because of this, Bing lanyue laughed, "general water, do you think we are all opportunistic?"

Shuiming nodded and said, "miss bingda, your father's military life depends on the skill on horseback. Who can't accept it? But now you have all your men equipped with muskets. It's not a real skill. "

Binglanyue finally knows how the Qing Dynasty in the previous life fell behind the world.

She untied the musket on her back, loaded skillfully, pulled the bolt, aimed, pulled the trigger, and fired a shot at the bird on the roof in the distance.

With the sound of "bang", the birds spread their wings and flew high. The birds around were frightened. They were flying in disorder one by one. The bullets failed to hit. Shuiminginstant and Meiniang chuckled at the same time.

Ice blue moon mix does not care, handed the musket to Ru Zui, said, "if drunk elder sister, show them a hand."

Such as drunk very skilled shell, loaded, do not look, after a shot, is flying in the sky a bird fell.

Ice blue moon took the firearm, handed it to the water, minginstantaneous way: "you try."

Her meaning is obvious, even if it is a musket, it should be skillful.

Shuiming instantly looked at the bird corpse on the ground, then took a look at the firearm and pursed his mouth.

"I can't hit the target. If I'm drunk, but my sister can walk through every step of the way, is this a skill? And this musket is in your hand. I'm afraid you won't use it very much? What's more, I made muskets and cannons for the sake of war. General Shui withdrew from Sanjiang pass. If you had this batch of muskets and those skilled in using them, would you still need to withdraw? " Ice blue moon asked.

Shuiming was silent.

For Shui minginstantaneous, who advocates cold weapons and is keen on wars in the cold weapons era, it is a great honor for a general to die in battle.

Shuiminginstantaneous's respect for Bing lanyue is not entirely due to her father Zhenwei general Bing enshan, but more because the soft and weak woman in front of her leads her men all the way from Tianshan to Sanjiang pass.

If a woman is still like this, how can you not let the water bright instant heart produce respect?

"The tiger father has no dog." Water Ming instant respectfully line a ceremony, way: "small admiration."

Ice blue moon again handed the musket to Ru Zui and said, "just now you take care of your identity and stand guard outside. Now you go in and eat some."

If drunk without affectation, immediately put the firearm on his body, and then walked into the inn, but the water did not move.

"Miss bingda asks you to go in and eat, and then you go in. Are you afraid of a meal?" Meiniang is on the side.

Water bright instantaneous this just gets up to go, in the heart still has some not very good sense feeling.

"Sister, the sound of the gun just now startled me. Sister, did you invent it?" Asked Meiniang, leaning against the doorpost.

Ice blue moon thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "where do I have this skill? I just gave some advice."

Meiniang thinks in her mind that there are 100000 armies, and each of them has a firearm, and then they all fire together How spectacular was the scene?

But such thought also passed in her mind once again, and said with a smile: "do you want to go shopping?"

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