Li Nanyan didn't say much, so he left.

In the empty office of diligence, Bing lanyue once again took Li Nanyan's memorial to see it, then stretched out her finger and played it. Hehe, with a smile, took the memorial and went out.

"Niang, are you going out of the palace again?" Wan'er is worried.

Ice blue moon rolled her eyes and said, "what's the matter, I can't walk in the palace except out of the palace?"

Wan'er felt relaxed. She nodded again and again: "of course, of course. Haha."

"You go and have a rest. I'll take a nap later." Ice blue moon is very comfortable to stretch, and then said: "busy I ah, ah, finally can steal a day free."

Wan'er hasn't seen such a relaxed expression on the Queen's face for a long time. She feels happy for her in her heart, so she nods excitedly.

Ice blue moon and Wan'er walk into the back palace. The maids are surprised and salute one by one. When the ice blue moon passes by them, they whisper to each other.

During this period of time, Bing lanyue has been resting in the qinzheng palace, sometimes in the East Palace, and of course she has returned to her own palace. But it is in the middle of the night, and she has hardly seen her appear in the daytime.

Ice blue moon touched her face. She found that her face was much whiter than they were without rouge. She stayed in the qinzheng hall all day long and didn't come out until night. She just covered her face white.

"Why, Wan'er, look at my face." Ice blue moon asked in surprise.

Wan'er didn't feel it. During this time, she also followed Wu Bai. She looked at the ice blue moon carefully and then said, "Niang, what's wrong with your face?"

"No flowers?" Ice blue moon is very depressed to ask a way.

Wan'er shook her head.

Ice blue moon mumbled: "no flowers, like seeing flowers."

Wan'er's mouth flowed a little smile. She wanted the empress to be like this all the time. She was funny and humorous, but she knew it was impossible.

All the affairs of the Empire are on the shoulders of the empress alone. The more the Empire expands, the more tired the queen will be. From the memorials of these days, we can see that there are more and more memorials. Most of them are memorials from officials of all sizes in newly occupied cities.

Ice blue moon breathed the fragrance of flowers and listened to the bird's song. She went to the Queen's palace and then said, "Wan'er, don't wait. You can go and have a rest. I'll go in and sleep for a while."

Wan'er nodded, she yawned, then stretched, rubbed her eyes and went to the side hall to have a rest.

Ice blue moon lay on the bed, and soon fell asleep, this sleep has been sleeping until dusk, in a daze, there seems to be a person around, ice blue moon opened hazy eyes, looked at one eye, and then closed his eyes.

Why is there another person in bed? Ice blue moon misty thinking, suddenly an exciting, she opened her eyes and jumped up, almost broke the bed.

"Jun Mo Li, why are you in my bed?" Ice blue moon screamed.

Jun Mo left his head askew and said with a smile, "how long have you not been here to take a nap? Blue moon, I've been taking a nap here all the time. I'll go to Xuelian for a night's sleep. Otherwise, I'll forget the smell on you

Ice blue moon quite angry way: "you deceive me, why don't you take a nap in her palace, come to me to sleep late?"

Jun Mo left shrugged his shoulders, sat up and said, "you are so busy, come back directly fall asleep, if I come, you still sleep hair sleep?"

There was a little touch in her heart, but it was then replaced by anger.

"Don't say anything nice. It's no use!" Ice blue moon wants to push Jun Mo Li, but is Jun Mo Li's arms, heavily down on the bed.

The familiar taste, familiar breath and warm panting made her a little sultry, and her whole body was also hot.

"Hello, let me get up. I'm going to see Ziyu." Ice blue moon struggling way.

Jun Mo Li said with a smile: "do you think it is possible? If you give me something cheap, you don't take advantage of it. "

But she felt the blue quail's strength on her body was shaking as quickly as a little blue quail.

Jun Mo from the evil smile, turn over the ice blue moon pressure in the body.

The afterglow of the setting sun slants in the palace and the Queen's palace, adding some warmth. Wan'er sits on the pavilion at the gate and looks at the palace covered with golden yellow. The heavy gasping voice of men and the voice suppressed by women are faintly heard in her ears.

"What are you doing up there?" Cried the night wolf, who passed the entrance of the Queen's palace.

Wan'er said with a smile, "look at the sunset, what a beautiful sunset."

The night wolf shook his head and said, "sitting on the roof of the other palace, that is a beauty."

"Is it?" Wan'er bowed her head, and the sun covered her face. The night wolf was warm. He said, "how dare I cheat manager Wan'er? If you don't believe me, you can go and have a look."Wan'er flew down the pavilion and said, "OK, let's go and have a look."

In the Queen's palace yard, the squeaky and babbling voice rang for a long time before it stopped.

"You are pale!" Ice blue moon soft hammer in Jun Mo Li's chest.

Jun Mo Li said with a smile: "now I'm weak? What the good brother called just now is kind

Ice blue moon turned her head, she was angry no longer pay attention to him.

She felt Jun Mo Li's big hand touching her waist, crisp, numb, itching, and Jun Mo Li's voice came from her ear: "I know, this period of time you have worked hard, don't worry, when our army beat down Daling City, I'll take you to Daling city to see the snow, when our family faces the north and the south, the whole country will be unified."

Ice blue moon rolled her eyes and said, "at that time, I'm afraid autumn cloud country will take the initiative to merge into the moon watching empire."

Jun Mo Li lay down next to her body and said with a smile, "the one who knows me, blue moon, blue moon, what do you say after we dominate the world? I feel like there is no pursuit, or, after the unification of the world, we will go to the western regions for a visit? "

Ice blue moon breath way: "no time, do not want to go."

She did not hear what Jun Mo Li said. Both of them fell into silence. For a long time, ice blue moon turned around and asked, "are you asleep again?"

"Guess." Jun Mo Li said with his eyes closed.

Ice blue moon can't help but smile, she said: "you want to move the capital, tell me directly, why do you want Li Nanyan to go there?"

"You are so busy. It seems like a waste of your time to say a word to you. How dare I?" Jun Mo Li said.

"Yes, time is life, time is money, wasting my time is trying to kill me." Ice blue moon smiles way.

Two people fell into silence again, ice blue moon in the heart is very uncomfortable, because she is thinking, from when, the relationship between the two people has become such.

"Watch out for snow lotus." Jun Mo Li suddenly said.

Ice blue moon looks at Jun Mo Li strangely, the room is dark, she can't see the expression on Jun Mo Li's face, but what does he mean by this? Why should you be careful of snow lotus? Does the emperor, who is obsessed with women in the eyes of all the Empire, know what?

"Be careful of her what?" Ice blue moon asked.

Jun Mo got up, stood naked beside the bed, picked up his clothes and put them on. Then he said, "there are some things I'm arranging. Blue moon, you used to calculate the world for me, and I, this time for you, calculate the whole world. The plan of extermination is still in progress, so you just need to pay attention to the Empire."

Finish saying, Jun Mo Li lit a few candles, and then left.

Ice blue moon face warm, touch, all tears.

She knew that Mo Li did not change, he still loved himself, even if he and others were about to have children, he still loved himself.

"Mo Li, don't worry, I will take down Daling emperor." Ice blue moon says gently.

Bing lanyue gets up. After the night falls completely, binglanyue gets up. She comes to the side hall, but she doesn't see Wan'er. She goes out the door and calls a maid in court. She only knows that Wan'er is called by the night wolf to watch the sunset.

Ice blue moon looked up to see a round of bright moon in the sky, and surmised secretly in his heart: I'm afraid it's watching to see the bed, right?

"Prepare some food for me and send it directly to the east palace." Ice blue moon had her hair cut. Under the guidance of a group of maids, she came to the east palace. At the moment, the East Palace was still full of lights.

Ice blue moon see a woman in the East Palace door next to mutter what, she close a look, it is Han Yang.

"Sister, what are you doing here?" Ice blue moon asks curiously.

Han Yang's startled, turned to see the ice blue moon, and hurriedly said, "see the empress..."

"What's wrong with you? What are you muttering about here Ice blue moon asked.

Ice blue moon noticed Han Yang's eyes and tears. Her heart sank. Could it be that some of her relatives had passed away?

"Pray for the empress to come back and pray for her husband's home."

Ice blue moon heart is very uncomfortable, she patted Han Yang's shoulder, did not say anything.

"Empress..." Han Yang's period is Ai Ai's way.

Ice blue moon comforts a way: "want to move capital, once the war is over, move the capital, when the time comes, give you and Han Feng big brother in big Lingcheng an a home, arrive at that time, the world has no war again."

"Thank you, empress." Han Yang wiped his tears.

"Are they sleeping?" Ice blue moon asked.

Han Yang said: "it was about to sleep, but later your majesty and Princess Xuefei came, and the two little guys were not sleepy."

"Oh, your majesty and Princess Xuefei are coming. Let's go and take the children to sleep first. Don't worry. Elder sister, brother Hanfeng has a strong guard around him. He will be OK." Ice blue moon in return with a smile of relief."Yes, Queen."

Ice blue moon into the East Palace, far away to see Jun Mo Li and snow lotus holding one in the play, ice blue moon rubbed his face, grinning to squeeze the facial features together, control the muscles on the face, then walked into the main hall.

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