"Little sister, don't be afraid. I came here to find a man named Wang Weicheng. Do you know him?"

Yuan Jiyao thought that the little girl was the only living person in the village, so she must know him.

When the little girl heard Yuan Jiyao's words, she was stunned at first, and then she subconsciously asked:"What's the matter with you looking for my father?"

"Dad, is Wang Weicheng your dad?"

"Isn't it strange?"

Yuan Yichun immediately told the little girl his purpose:"We came here to find your father for something. Can you help me lead the way?"

The little girl looked at Yuan Yichun warily and did not answer immediately.

How could she bring three strange men and women to see her father? What if they were a group of guys with ulterior motives? That would be the end of it.

Seeing this, Yuan Yichun was about to speak.

Xiao Jiang took the lead and said,"I can cure your father's ALS. How about it?"

""Big brother, how did you know that my father has this disease?!" The little girl was shocked.

Her father had this disease a year ago.���, she herself knew that this disease was incurable.

At that time, all the villagers in the village had already moved away.

Because of Wang Weicheng, the father and daughter were forced to stay in this village.

Logically speaking, it was impossible for outsiders to know that her father suffered from ALS. Why did this strange man know it?

Xiao Jiang did not explain, but continued to ask:"Do you want your father to return to normal and then leave this small village?"

""I want to!" The little girl wanted to leave the village all the time, but she couldn't bear to see her father stay here alone.

"Very good, I have a way to save your father, it depends on whether you are willing to believe me"

"this……"The little girl bowed her head and thought for a moment, then finally nodded:"Come with me!"

She put the washed clothes into the basket, and then led Xiao Jiang and the other two to an old house.

When they entered the living room, they saw a middle-aged man lying in a wheelchair, paralyzed.

"Dad!" The little girl immediately trotted over

""Little... Little Wangmu?"

The middle-aged man spoke with an obvious stutter.

When Wang Wangmu turned the wheelchair around,

Yuan Yichun and his sister saw clearly that the middle-aged man had a distorted face and atrophied muscles. It seemed that only the two fingers of his right hand could move.

This is the pain caused by ALS. The patient's muscles atrophy and he cannot move normally. It is even difficult for him to speak.

""Xiao Wangmu... who... who are they?" Wang Weicheng asked with great difficulty.

Without waiting for Wang Wangmu's answer, Xiao Jiang came to Wang Weicheng and said calmly:"I have a way to cure you, but I have a condition."

"Don't worry, this condition will not affect your daughter, how about it?"

He directly stated his intention. As a father himself, he knew Wang Weicheng's thoughts even better.

If this condition affected his daughter, he might not agree.

Sure enough, when Wang Weicheng heard that Xiao Jiang could save him and would not affect his daughter, his heart began to throb.

This half-human, half-ghost look not only made him hate him, but also implicated his only daughter.

Now, there is an opportunity in front of him, how could he not be moved?

After just a few minutes.

Wang Weicheng's eyes flashed with determination, and he stammered back:"I... I promise you……"

"Very good."After Xiao Jiang got Wang Weicheng's answer, he gently waved his right hand, and more than ten silver needles appeared out of thin air, lingering around him.

These silver needles began to penetrate into Wang Weicheng's body.

After just a few seconds, Wang Weicheng could actually feel his muscles slowly expanding and wriggling.

This surprised him greatly, but unfortunately he couldn't make any expression on his face.

As time went by, more than ten silver needles were already inserted into Wang Weicheng's body.

Xiao Jiang exhaled a breath of turbid air and quickly wrote down some prescriptions.

"You should be able to preserve these simple herbs like this."

He showed the prescription in front of Wang Weicheng. The herbs on it were actually very common, nothing special.

Wang Weicheng nodded.

It was not very convenient to go to the city from such a mountain valley. He knew some knowledge of Chinese medicine, so he would bring some herbs back every time he went out.

For this reason, he stockpiled a lot of herbs at home.

Xiao Jiang handed the prescription to Yuan Yichun and said,"Master Yuan, please help boil it and make it as thick as possible."


Yuan Yichun took the prescription, looked at Wang Wangmu, and asked with a smile:"Little girl, can you take me to the place where you keep the medicinal materials in your house?"

"Well, I'll take you there!"

Wang Wangmu nodded obediently and immediately left with Yuan Yichun.

Xiao Jiang found a chair and sat down, saying:"After you take the medicine, you will be able to walk normally in two days at most!"

"Thank you...thank you!"

"Thank you, forget it. I have conditions after all. I will talk to you when you recover."


As the words fell, the atmosphere gradually quieted down.


In the blink of an eye, two days had passed.

During these two days, Xiao Jiang and the other two lived here.

Under Xiao Jiang's treatment, Wang Weicheng miraculously recovered.

Not only could he speak normally, but he could also walk.

It was hard to tell that he was a severe ALS patient two days ago.

He came to Xiao Jiang and shouted excitedly,"Thank you, Mr. Xiao, for the treatment!"

""Wang Weicheng, is it you who caused the evil spirit in this village?" Xiao Jiang asked suddenly.

When Wang Weicheng heard Xiao Jiang's words, his eyes dimmed a little.

Thinking that Xiao Jiang was his savior, he did not intend to hide it and said slowly:"I guess so. I am a tomb robber and I am often responsible for robbing various ancient tombs!"

"A year ago, I discovered a huge ancient tomb hidden in the mountains not far from this village, so I went to dig it alone."

"As a result, when we just dug it up, a negative energy rushed out instantly. At that time, I noticed that I was destroying the Feng Shui of this place, but it was too late!"

After that, many villagers moved out one after another.

Wang Weicheng himself suffered from ALS. If it weren't for Xiao Jiang's arrival, he would probably have to stay in a wheelchair or bed for the rest of his life.

Xiao Jiang nodded slightly and said in a calm voice:"You should know that when I treated you, I put forward a condition"

""Yes!" Wang Weicheng nodded and said,"As long as it doesn't involve Xiao Wangmu, I can agree to any condition!"

"I want you to take me into that ancient tomb, how about that?"

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