The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 9 Chapter 47: Survival (8)

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With his body fluttering backward, Cervantes couldn't believe how wide his eyes were. He couldn't believe it. At this moment, Zhou Bashan would do it. He shouted, "Why ?!"

Zhou Bashan grinned, revealing his teeth stained with blood, and then turned his head to continue fighting with the demon, with a loud voice and an angry bullfighting: "I am Zhou Brashan invincible and incomparable! Old man, let ’s go We can't all die here! "

At this moment, Cervantes looked at Zhou Bashan's eyes as if he saw a fool, a fool who lost his life in order to prove his heroism.

If it was normal, Cervantes would sneer at such a person, but when he was planning to plot the other party, he was pushed away by the other party, leaving the road to himself and leaving the enemy behind. There was another feeling in his heart.

For Cervantes, pushing Zhou Bashan to save his life is the choice of life, but for Zhou Bashan, becoming the most brave warrior on the battlefield, let everyone remember his courage Is the meaning of his life.

No one knows that he, as a human saint monk, has the strongest charge, and he is not as fierce as a tiger when fighting. When he was a teenager, he was actually timid.

At that time, his body was not burly, but on the contrary he was very thin and thinner than his peers.

Before he was born, the planet where his parents lived was already affected by the war and was once occupied by the demon. Although the Azure fleet was recaptured, the planet was severely damaged, the people above became very poor, and the welfare education system of the Azure civilization collapsed. The social order of the family in the earth era was restored, and the chaos in the living environment made the triad appear again.

Zhou Bashan didn't have much impression of his parents, because the other party walked early and he was able to live because of his sister's care. In a world where the civilized order collapses and the rules of weak meat and strong food are not covered, the lives of the sisters and brothers are naturally extremely difficult.

Zhou Bashan, who has no stomach or clothes when he is young, is malnourished, underdeveloped, often sick, and physically weak. He is always bullied and teased. Naturally, he has no energy, and his courage has always been very small. .

Later, his sister got older, because she was pretty and she had to take care of him, so she had a tough temperament and spiciness. She was a good mix at one time. It was a little-known sister in the neighborhood hooligan group. Because of this, at the age of twelve or three, Zhou Bashan was finally able to eat and wear warmth, and his body gradually developed.

However, the weakness of the heart has not changed significantly. When I encounter a lot of trouble, the only idea is to run back to find my sister, hide behind my sister and seek protection, so that my sister can solve the problem for herself. At that time, in Zhou Bashan's mind, her sister was omnipotent.

"You are a man, how can you be so timid all the time? I can take care of you for ten or twenty years, and I can't take care of you all my life! If you want to live in this cannibal world, you have to be strong!"

On the eve of a battle triggered by a scramble for the site, her sister threw a baseball bat for Zhou Bashan and asked him to take a fight with himself to defend his eating career.

Zhou Bashan followed behind his sister. As soon as the battle began, Zhou Bashan lost his baseball bat and urinated his pants. The scene of armed fighting between the two sides was too bloody, and many people were chopped with blood and screamed.

Because of this, Zhou Bashan was not ridiculed, which made him more complacent. He was reluctant to go out to see people for a long time. His sister comforted and persuaded him for a long time, but it had no significant effect.

At that time, Zhou Bashan was also ashamed of hiding in the room where he was forced to fight, but Jiang Shan was easy to change his nature. He was weak when he was a kid. How can he easily change his face?

Later, for a period of time, her sister's temper became extremely irritable, often getting angry because of Zhou Bashan's slight mistake, and even angering him because he couldn't get used to holding his body all the time. Walk straight ahead and don't stare at the ground.

After escaping again in a street fight, her sister kicked him for the first time, but Zhou Bashan not only did not give up the courage, except for Pi Qing's swollen face, but was more scared and scared to face her sister. Dodging each other at home.

In fact, at that time, Zhou Bashan was already strong. He was exercising and practicing boxing and kung fu every day, hoping that he could become stronger and help his sister. However, he never dared to fight and practice with each other. Every time he stood one-on-one with others, he would experience heartbeats such as drums, breathing disorders, and strong limbs. He couldn't help but want to turn and run away.

Until that night, Zhou Bashan, who was thin and hiding in his room for exercise, was shaken by the loud noise of the door. When he came to the living room, he saw that his sister had been bruised and covered with blood.

When Panbashan was panicked and picked up her sister, the other party laboriously shoved a leather bag into his arms, and faintly and anxiously pushed him away. , Never come back! "

Zhou Bashan naturally did not leave her sister away. For a moment, a group of hooligans with a knife and a stick rushed into the house aggressively, and the chief leader recaptured the bag. At that time, Zhou Bashan saw that it was full of jewellery and a "ticket" to go to the rich world behind the blue civilization.

When the two were dragged out of the room and beaten and kicked in the open space, Zhou Bashan shouted from the hooligan leader, only to learn that her sister had some kind of incurable disease of men and women. Many, today went to lure and steal the money of the rogue boss, intending to send Zhou Bashan away from this chaotic and dark world.

"You are too timid, how can you ask for life?"

"You are too timid, how can you mix in this world in the future?"

"You're too timid. It's not for you to survive."

"I heard that there is still a place for peace and prosperity in the Azure World. If you can go there, you can live ..."

When the sister who was so dejected as a human being was stabbed into the stomach by the hooligan leader, and also screaming to let Zhou Bashan run, Zhou Bashan, who was beaten to the ground, buzzed in his head. He remembered these words that his elder sister, who suddenly became irritable, had often said to him since these days.

Seeing her sister fell into a pool of blood, she stretched out a **** hand to him, her eyes widened but she was no longer angry. When Zhou Bashan was struck by lightning, his mind echoed the phrase "You are too timid" . For more than ten years, her sister took care of the hard, bitter, and difficult scenes, and flashed alternately in his mind.

On that quiet night, the shop's broken block, the **** Zhou Bashan, stood up holding a knife.

When he stood upright and raised his chest, there were no more people standing around him.

A dozen hooligans, including the gangster's leader, fell into a pool of blood.

From that day on, Zhou Bashan, who was constantly fighting hard, discovered that he could fight so much. And his opponent only knew that once he raised his sword and started to kill, he would not hesitate to kill his life.

It took only one year for Zhou Bashan to unify the gangster. After five years, he was already a big name. He has countless

Wealth can make His Majesty any life, and anyone can die.

But he was not happy.

He wanted to prove to his sister that he had the courage, that he was a man, and that he was no longer timid.

Unfortunately, his sister did not recognize him, she was lying in the grave and could not make a sound.

Zhou Bashan, who could not get his sister's acknowledgement, has been fighting and fighting. Because he didn't know how much he had to achieve to ensure that his sister would recognize himself. He can only continue fighting and continue to prove himself.

When participating in the face-to-face plan, he thought that when I unified the world, my sister would recognize me, right?

When fighting to the Dark Abyss, he thought, when I defeated the Dark Abyss, such a great achievement should be enough for my sister to admit that I am a man?

When he joined the Azure fleet and began to fight against the invincible Sky Demon, he thought, if I can even defeat the Sky Demon, then I should be the most courageous person in the Azure civilization, my sister will never think that I am gall small!

My sister is dead. Zhou Bashan was too late to do anything. Therefore, he can only advance before each war, even if he dies, he will not retreat. Otherwise, he could not soothe his apology to his sister. Only then can he convince himself that he has not failed his sister's expectations.

"I, Zhou Bashan, brave and invincible, unparalleled in the world, try to pull the mountain out of the world!"

Cervantes, who was pushed away and flew backward, heard Zhou Bashan's captivating roar, and saw Zhou Bashan with an enemy of seven, and waved the giant mountain axe in the demon group, regardless of the left Rush to kill.

He was stabbed in the shoulder by a demon with a sword, but he didn't seem to feel the pain, the axe hacked backhand, and chopped the opponent out. At the same time, he was chopped in the arm by a knife gas, a large piece of flesh flew out, hit a sub-rib with a sword gas, blood flew across the chest, was hit by a light group in the chest, vomited blood and flew.

But he did not flinch. After stabilizing his figure, his mouth still exclaimed that he was pulling the mountain to breathe the world, holding both axes, trying his best to slash the demon in front of him, disregarding the sword that he cut.

Can't control it.

Seeing Zhou Bashan's tower-like back getting smaller and smaller, and seeing the other party fighting harder and more ecstatic, the body constantly bleeds blood, Cervantes' eyes widened, his hands trembling violently, just feeling that his whole body seemed to be burning.

He seemed to see that, on the burning battleship, he pushed his injured self into the escape bay, and after pressing the button, he rushed into the command cabin without turning his head, and manually controlled the battleship toward the brother of the demon.

At that time, Cervantes was seriously injured, and although he was horrified, he could not move. He could only see his brother's bones disappeared in the exploding battleship after the escape capsule popped up. But this time, it's different. He still has the power, he can move freely, he can choose.

Cervantes chose not to escape.

He chose to fight.

He rushed to Zhou Bashan, in the shadow of the sword, exhausted all his strength, and raised the towering mountains of Wanzhong Mountain.

"Old man, you ..." Zhou Bashan turned his head suddenly.

"You and my brother, live with life, die with death!" Cervantes' eyes turned red, and every word was stunned.

In this sentence, he wanted to say to his brother that there was no chance. Now, he wants to supplement it, even if he is not facing the same person, but he is also a brother.

At this moment, Cervantes forgot the "injustice" he experienced, and didn't want to care what the world looked like. He just wanted to fight to the end with his fellow robes.

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