The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 9 Chapter 70: The Last War (4)

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The demon knew that he must meet a human monk and had a sense of defense, but he still underestimated the opponent's combat power.

There are only 80,000 human monks, but where they fought, they were only around perimeter warships, in the final analysis, the city head. As long as there are no large-scale influx of demons, the number of demons they face is limited.

Coupled with the fact that they dragged down the front demon monks, leaving them no time to destroy the warships, the warships can be unscrupulous, focus their firepower, and concentrate on attacking the next demons.

As long as the battleship establishes a line of fire that blocks the line of fire, ensuring that the demons that rush into the line of fire will be added and killed by a certain number of lasers before rushing out, then there will be very few demons that can cross the line of fire.

Recognizing the reality, the demon trembled.

Seeing that there were so many human monks in front of him, he kept besieging him, and this demon couldn't defeat the monk in front of the saint, and immediately thought of withdrawing from the battle and discussing it from a long perspective.

Unfortunately, he reacted too late, lost the best time to escape, and was beaten to death by a human monk halfway through.

In the command cabin, Li Yan was calm and calm, and Ji Ningzhen was calm and calm. The digital screen showed that the sixteen demons attacking arrays that had been put in all suffered great losses and suffered heavy losses.

On each battlefield, there are 5,000 monks in the human sage realm, who are obstructing and attacking the monks on the front, and the gunfire of the battleship tears and destroys the middle and rear sections of the paradox.

The various ministries are progressing smoothly. Within a short period of time, monks in the demon have been killed and injured tens of thousands, which is a remarkable result. Of course, such a record can also be attributed to the previous monk, when the impact of the light flow waterfall formed by the light cannon fire, the aura is seriously consumed.

However, neither Li Ye nor Ji Ningye were very happy, especially the staff members, who gradually became extremely dignified. Because the Demon Army had all been dispatched, many and many awl arrays had killed overwhelmingly.

"At this time, the whole army was attacking. Sun Wou-ki's warfare was really an antelope's hanging horns, and it was unpredictable." Ji Ningchi looked and killed. "Defensive warfare can maximize our advantage, but our battleship is too large. Under the full attack of the opponent, there will be leaks everywhere, and many of our advantages cannot be exerted. "

Speaking of this, she said verbatim: "The real challenge has come."

Li Min nodded.

By this time, the naval guns of the Fleet of the Blue Fleet are not enough to put too much pressure on the opponent. The fire will not be wasted in preventing the demon from marching, and the demon army will inevitably enter the battle. What the fleet could do was rely on the monks to guard the periphery and cooperate with the ship's guns to block them.

"Zhou Bashan, Angel, He Jie, Cervantes, Xu Yan, you are bringing your respective monks, ready to enter the battlefield. Remember, from now on, your opponent is only the saint realm." Li Yan turned his head. , To the five saints standing behind themselves.

The twenty-eight sages in the current blue civilization are divided into five teams according to the previous team building model of Li Wei. This is the best way to exert combat power. Former players such as Zhou Bashan and He Jie are now captains of various teams.

In addition to Li Zhi, there are two saints, who are responsible for guarding Pangu and can also support various saints' teams.

Zhou Bashan banged his chest loudly and said, "Be assured, make sure that those demon sages will never come back!"

A team of five of them can easily defeat three times their enemies before. Now there are five teams in the team, which can not only fight on their own, but also integrate into the whole. They are no longer a separate force. There is much room for advancement and retreat. ,

The combat power has also increased a lot.

After An Qier and others left, Li Yan was silent. He knew that the bitter war had begun and many people would die, including monks in the sageland. As for his strongest monk in the blue civilization, it is not the right time to take a shot at the existence of one enemy ten.

It can be seen from the screen that after the dispatch of the Demon Monk Army, it didn't take long for them to come into contact with the battleships. The human monks guarded the ship, and the blood was fierce to fight with each other.

At this time, the human monk cannot support the annihilation of the demon with the ship gun as before, there are too many incoming demon, the ship gun has to disperse to meet the enemy.

Since the full attack of the Demon Army, the battle has entered a white-hot stage. Exploding warships and falling monks are everywhere.

In this case, whether it is a battleship or a human monk, it can only be reduced to zero, with a team of one hundred people to cooperate with the battleship against a group of demon. Although the tactics are still valid, the number disadvantage is gradually manifesting, and the casualties of the Azure army are rising rapidly.

Compared to Ji Ning's fleet, the situation of Lu Yingzhu's fleet is much better. There are fewer monks in front of them, only about 300,000. To the dark abyss, relying on the power of more than 400 heavy cannons of dawn, did not make Tianmen successfully form a battle.

Of course, the main reason is not that they are strong in combat, but that the demons here have no plans to fight with them. Drawing on the experience and education of the war of ten years ago, Sun Wuji's order to the demon army here was to look to the dark abyss, so that they could not support Ji Ningyun's side.

So the fighting between the two sides was not too fierce.

This part of the demon army was used by Sun Wuji as a reserve team to ensure that their formation is complete and their combat power is complete. This is their second task.

In this way, if the battle between the demons goes well and Ji Ningyun's fleet is defeated, it will be easy to destroy to the dark abyss. If the battle on Sun Wuji is not smooth, this part of their forces can also effectively deal with accidents.

In short, it is absolutely not possible to fight fiercely on the two ends, as they were ten years ago, otherwise, once an accident occurs, they will be exhausted and eventually defeated.

As Lu Shaozhu, a warrior on the battlefield, as the battle progressed, he was naturally able to understand the intention of the demon, which made him quite heavy. But he didn't have a better way. The three-time superiority of Tianmo was placed there. Even if they had a heavy artillery at dawn, there was only room for defense and no offensive power.

"General, go on like this, don't we have no chance?"

Captain Mo was anxious. She was standing behind Lu Yanzhu, so she could see the picture of the war over Ji Ningyu. Just like last time, they shared information with Ji Ningyu ’s fleet during the war. Once the fleet of the Azure Government is destroyed, we will have nowhere to go! "

Although Lu Yanzhu was not very optimistic, he was not as pessimistic as Captain Mo. If there was no chance of winning this battle, he would not fight at all, and he would suggest to go to the abyss directly before the war.

"The battle has just begun. What are you anxious for." Lu Yanzhu motioned to Captain Mo calmly.

"General thinks that we still have a chance? But General Ji's fleet has already suffered heavy losses. The defense line outside the ball array has been broken through two. The battleship has been damaged by almost 20%, and the monks have died a lot ... "

Captain Mo did not understand why Lu Yingzhu was confident, "Although the losses of the army of the demon army are greater than those of General Ji's part, they are strong and can afford these losses. Moreover, General Ji's fleet was crushed and beaten. Fighting back, the battlefield situation has been mastered by the demons, their victory is only a matter of time ... "

Lu Yanzhu

His hand interrupted Captain Mo. "You overlooked one of the most important factors."

"What?" Captain Mo frowned.

"Li Ye. Li Ye hasn't shot yet. How can you say that this battle has no chance?" Lu Yezhu's answer was full of confidence.

Captain Mo's eyes lighted up and he immediately responded: "By the way, His Majesty's monk team can form that huge and bright front! That ’s because the fighting force exists. It was only by relying on them ten years ago that we turned defeat into victory ! "

Lu Yanzhu smiled, and didn't say anything more, because Captain Mo's mouth was already in the picture on the screen.

Around the corpse, the wreckage of the warship was scattered throughout the chaotic battlefield of space, and a bright front was swept away from the center of the ball, passing through the flares of fire and the aura of aura. Along the way, God blocked the Buddha and blocked the Buddha, crushed numerous demon monks into powder, and gathered many human monks into the battlefield, taking the most concentrated and aggressive offensive place of the demon army.

At this time, the size and momentum of this frontier were several times stronger than ten years ago, and the monks in the array reached more than 10,000 people-that is the ultimate power of Shangguan.

Its combat power is also strengthened.

Captain Mo opened his eyes and stared at the screen, clenched his fists involuntarily, and looked nervous and excited. Feng Ya crosses the battlefield, intersects vertically and horizontally, no matter how strict the formation of the demon formation, can not stop it, nor can it stop it from breaking through the formation, constantly killing, tumbling, knocking and flying.

"This front is really powerful, it is an invincible existence on the battlefield!" I did not know how long after, the complexion of Captain Mo was heartily admired.

Lu Yanzhu's complex face, the stronger the monk's combat power, the less he felt in his heart, and sometimes he would ask himself whether the insistence on the dark abyss was wrong.

However, he quickly calmed down his mind, and after carefully looking at the situation on the battlefield, he suddenly said, "Only this frontier is not enough to reverse the battle ... it is almost over."

Lu Yingzhu was right. Although the battlefield of Shangguan Qingcheng was powerful, after all, it was not a perpetual motion. As her strength was exhausted, the battlefield could no longer be maintained.

In the eyes of Captain Mo's heart, the faintly-sharp frontal array returned to the depths of the ball array, and along the way, monks continued to leave the formation and re-enter the chaotic battlefield.

"At least one hundred thousand demons were killed during this attack, and the attack was disrupted and controlled. General Ji's battleship was reorganized, and the monk took the opportunity to counterattack. He also recovered many situations and struck the demons. A long way back. "

Captain Mo summed up the results of the battle with Yazawa. "The position of General Ji's fleet has finally stabilized."

Lu Yanzhu sighed, "Unfortunately, if such an array of fronts can be added a few times, even if the Demon Army has a military advantage, it will be defeated. But now, this only frustrates the Demon offensive and does not reverse the situation.

Captain Mo's eyes darkened, and the Demon Army had begun to revive the offensive, attacking the Azure fleet again, and the battle was back to the previous situation. However, because the losses were not small, and they were stirred up by the Fengya array, the offensive of the Demon Army was much weaker than before.

But this will not change the trend.

If the Azure fleet does not have follow-up means, and cannot further capture, this demon's attack will not retreat.

The time passed by every minute and every second, the Demon Army continued to advance the battle, and the momentum lowered because of the Yazawa was gradually raised because of the smooth offensive. The rate of casualties of Ji Ningyu's fleet was raised again.

Seeing the fleet's heavy casualties, Lu Yanzhu couldn't help frowning: "Why didn't Li Ye take the shot?"

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