The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 2 Chapter 1: Robbery

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This is a cargo ship that looks very ordinary. It is not big, but it is only three feet in length. It has been used for many years. The warehouse is very old, but it is clean and it looks comfortable.

A young man in a black robe came out of the warehouse, looking like a 20-year-old man, Mei Yuxuan Yang, with a long body. He looked around at the bow for a moment, and to the humanity who had been standing at the bow: "Huang Chao captured Luzhou's At that time, there were many lootings of the Yellow River cargo ships? "

"The flow of soldiers was based on looting. Whether it was Wang Xianzhi or Huang Chao, every place was transited like a locust. At the beginning of the year, Huang Chao led the troops to capture Luzhou, and most of the cargo ships in Luzhou were ransacked."

The talking woman was a beautiful woman, almost the same age as a man in a black robe, wearing a navy blue dress, and a vibrant figure was drawn to the fullest. This is not a woman with a charming appearance, but she looks calm and looks like Xiaojiabiyu.

She continued: "The Changhe Gang only penetrated into the lower reaches of the Yellow River last year, and the scale of its influence was still very small, so the losses suffered were also very limited ... The Changhe Gang's closest stronghold here is still in Luzhou."

The young Xuanpao nodded and looked at the river: "In these years, Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao chaotically concentrated on activities between the Yellow River and the Huai River. The two river basins were already rich and the rivers were vertical and horizontal, plus the canal trunk road. A piece of fat. "

The woman thought for a while, and she was worried: "The connection between Pinglu and the Central Plains accounted for a large part of the convenience of the river. The chaos of soldiers flowing between the two rivers was indeed bad for His Royal Highness. Besides, the materials provided by the court, It will be difficult to arrive safely. "

The young Xuanpao smiled and didn't take it for granted: "Anyway, they won't be here long, and they are going south."

"Go south?" The woman was doubtful.

The Xuanpao man nodded resolutely.

The man in Xuanpao is Li Zhi, he is on his way to Pinglu, and the woman is Liu Zhiyan, the head of the Changhe Gang. Her Changhe Gang has already controlled the Weishui Basin and now penetrates the Central Plains through the Yellow River Channel.

Li Ye did not explain Liu Zhiyan's question. He remembered very clearly that Wang Xianzhi was about to die. Later, Huang Chao would go to the Yangtze River Basin, and went south to the Pearl River Basin. After two years, he is well-cultivated in the south, and will go north again. This is the time when he is going straight to Changan.

Li Xun served as Pinglu Jiedu's envoy, sitting east of Mount Tai, and said he was fighting Huang Chao. In fact, after he left the border this time, Huang Chao's department had already evacuated from Luzhou, and went south to attack the heart of the Central Plains, Songzhou. Ziqing's intention to march.

Well, the soldiers will be wiped out by the army once they lose their fluidity. Huang Chao knows this reason, so he doesn't stop there. The soldiers attacked the city, but to plunder the wealth, arrest the strong men, and strengthen themselves.

Li Yan came to the rescue, but he did not feel regretful. On the contrary, this was part of his plan.

Ping Lujun, a large group of arrogant soldiers, has always been unconvinced, and its severity is only slightly worse than the three towns in Hebei, and the deportation has not been done much. Secondly, because the Penglai Daomen is here, the rivers and lakes in the jurisdiction have been in these years. Rising, they joined forces with prestigious families in prefectures and counties to develop a large number of disciples with faint signs of uncontrol.

Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao caused trouble in the Central Plains. The imperial court ordered the Central Plains and nearby towns to participate in the battle, but Ping Lu was not imprisoned.

Li Yan came to sit in Pinglu. If he wants to sit in a stable position, he must first solve these problems. Otherwise, he rushed to the army with Pinglu. He said that they did not listen to the orders. They really arrived on the battlefield. That's great.

Although Pinglu is chaotic, it has a good place and can be called a land of foundation. In the case of the three towns in Hebei being unable to move and the poor terrain of the towns of Huainan, Pinglu is the best choice if Li Zhi does not sit in the middle of the town.

Huang Chao's southward move gave Li Xun a chance to rectify Pinglu. He had to hold Ping Lu firmly in his own hands before Huang Chao went north. In this way, he would have a performance when Huang Chao broke through Chang'an and the king of the kingdom of the world.

"His Royal Highness, the Luzhou War is off, and it's not quite peaceful. We have so many cargo ships heading eastward, it's too swaggering, I'm afraid it's not safe," Liu Zhiyan said suddenly.

The river under their feet is called Jishui. The water flow is large and stable. It connects Pinglu with the hinterland of the Central Plains and runs parallel to the Yellow River. It flows only about a hundred miles away (the distance between the sections is large or small). The Bohai Sea, but the lower Yellow River does not pass Pinglu, so the connection between Pinglu and the Central Plains and the transportation of materials mainly rely on water.

Li Yan smiled calmly: "It's not very peaceful, so I have to work hard. Don't forget, I'll let you bring Changhe to help this time. What is it?"

Liu Zhiyan blinked, looked at Li Yan curiously, and looked puzzled: "Control the Jishui River."

Li Wei said: "We have passed Ohnosawa, and then we will enter the boundary of Qizhou. If there are large-scale bandits in Jishui, we can only be the forces of Qizhou."

Qizhou, later known as Jinan, is now affiliated with Pinglu.

Li Yan looked down with his hand and didn't say much.

Conquering Pinglu began with the rivers and lakes forces that conquered Pinglu.

More than ten cargo ships in a row, full of valuable commercial cargo, sailed to Qizhou. More than a dozen cargo ships, with the exception of the boatman, had more than 20 people guarded with knives, and all were fat fish.

Li Yan and others were hooked.

On the morning of this day, the dense fog on the river was filled, and Li Zheng was sitting in the cabin and playing chess with Li Zhen. His chess skills were not good, and he was tortured to death by the latter. When he was frowning and thinking about his entanglement, Liu Zhiyan lifted the curtain and came in, and said to Li Li: "His Royal Highness, someone is robbing."

"Someone robbed in the river?" Li Zhen froze.

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows, and got up with a piece of chess. He was so brow-eyed, "Why not? It's more convenient to robbery in the river, because you can't change course, which is much better than on the ground."

Along the way, there was nothing to do and it was really boring.

When he came to the bow of the ship, Li Xuan saw that the shadow of a giant monster was exposed in the thick fog, and he used his repairing power. He quickly saw that there were several transformed cargo ships that ran across the river. The road ahead of the Long River Gang was blocked and very overbearing.

An eight-footed man with a blindfold and only a short gown, showing strong muscles like a hill, carrying a large blade like a door panel, surrounded by a large crowd, standing magnificently. With a high bow, he raised his chin and watched Li Yan and others appear on the bow.

"This river is for me to repair, this road is for me, if I want to cross it, I will stay for money!"

The eight-foot man broke his throat and shouted. If the sound was a thunder, his momentum was too strong. When he was talking, he waved the machete in a circle and cut it heavily towards the river. A white knife fell suddenly on the river. A water spring was struck upward, showing the absolute deterrent power of the wizard.

"Okay, okay! This line is spoken well, just like the script." Li Yan flashed in front of his eyes and saw the scattered water splashing on the bow of the boat, he couldn't help clapping his hands and praised him, "This character is also a good choice, mighty, domineering!"

Liu Zhiyan couldn't help but take a strange look at Li Yan, saying that His Highness has not always been so high, and it is fun to have such a childlike mind.

"His Royal Highness, what should I do?" Liu Zhiyan asked, whispering slightly, tilting his head.

"Don't call it Your Highness, reveal your identity, call your son." Li Yan laughed, "You are the master of Changhe Gang. You have to negotiate with them. There is only one principle."

"What principle?"

"Be scared!"

Liu Zhiyan rolled his eyes silently in the bottom of his heart, coughed twice, cleared his throat, and took two steps to hold his fist. It really made sense: "... in the next Xiao River to help the master Liu Xiao Xiao, who is ahead. ..... man, please report your name! "

Li Zhi gave Liu Zhiyan a glance. What little name did this little Nizi get, and also Xiaogang, and there are still gangs with such a domineering name in the world?

Seeing that Liu Zhiyan answered the eight-foot man, it was like seeing a joke. He immediately laughed and pointed at Liu Zhiyan holding his belly and said, "Why are you a woman? You Xiaohe has no man, and you will be a girl?" Alas, Xiaohe Gang, look at this name, it's the life of a small fish and shrimp! "

The nagging behind him laughed more than once.

Liu Zhiyan heard that his eyes were slightly dimmed.

The eight-footed big man waved his hand, carried the machete, banged his chest, and said with a humorous tone: "Master, I'm the boss of Dahe Gang, Wu Boss. If you little sissies, Obediently left to buy ... "

He just wanted to say that he would stay and buy money, but when he looked at the Changhe Gang, there were only a dozen ships with more than twenty guards with knives, and the head was still a weak woman. His eyes turned, and he laughed immediately: "Leave your boat and get out of the way. If you take a slow step, you can't blame Master for not knowing anyone!"

Speaking of which, the eight-footed man stared at the big bell-like eyes, exposing what he thought was extremely vicious, and threatened: "To tell you the truth, uncle, this big sword is a second-order weapon, it is infinitely powerful, and it has to be every day Drinking blood, otherwise you will be restless and die. The heroes who died under the sword of Uncle can't count it! Uncle also tells you that Uncle ’s sword has happened to have no blood for three days. Tell you, uncle, this big knife, the woman who likes to drink fine skin and tender meat the most, can **** you dry in one second ... It will make you a dead body, so ugly ... "

"Master Wu is mighty!"

"Master Wu is domineering!"

We applauded loudly, one by one.

The eight-footed man was spitting and uttering ecstasy. In the end, even Li Xun was surprised by the eloquence, and he said that the rivers and lakes were so big that there was no shortage of quality.

Liu Zhiyan clenched her silver teeth, turned her head and said to Li Yan: "This man is too contrived, son, I can't help it!"

Li Ye was so excited that he joked, "Are you angry?"

Liu Zhiyan clenched his short knife and said, "Generally, I am not angry unless I cannot bear it!"

Li Yan said, "Since you can't bear it, you don't have to bear it, go and cut him!"

"Thank you son!"

When Liu Zhiyan said the last word, the man was already in midair. A pair of short knives came out of the scabbard and beheaded at the eight-foot man.

"This is a bad temper." Li Yan said twice, "women who can't afford to mess around!"

The eight-footed man saw that Liu Zhiyan actually took the initiative. It was very unexpected. His eloquence performance was not finished, and he had to stop. However, Liu Zhiyan's small body was really difficult to make him feel jealous. He chuckled twice: " Originally, I only wanted your goods. Since you brought them to your door, the uncle will accept you, and enjoy them later ... "

The huge machete took a punch in his hand, Bai Mang flickered like a hammer, and waved to Liu Zhiyan with a thunderous potential, and the whistling wind was particularly harsh: "Roll down to the uncle!"

"Master Wu, start softly, don't break the beauty!"

"Master Ye is terrific. This knife is so weird!"

We laughed loudly.

But in the next instant, we were all wrapped around our necks, and the laughter stopped abruptly, eyes widened one by one, looking at the front in disbelief and stunned.

The two short knives struck the machete, so small that they were negligible. However, at that instant, a big man who was the first look of Lao Tzu in the world, his arrogant expression was frozen on his face, and replaced by strong fear.

As a sorcerer, Dahan was surprised and shocked at the moment of the attack, and the seemingly cowardly woman suddenly burst into the fierce strength of the second layer of training!

With a loud bang, the second-order instrument in the mouth of the eight-footed Dahan was directly cut off with a double knife and jumped out. Liu Zhiyan took the volley, turned around and swayed his legs, sweeping **** Dahan's face.

The body of more than 200 kilograms of eight-foot man, in this dull bang, issued a scream, screamed directly, flew out of the ship, and fell into the river!

Liu Zhiyan An landed firmly on the ship's side, staring coldly at the crowd: "Who do you want to start with?"

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