The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 3 Chapter 10: Confrontation

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Wujizi returned home with a serious injury. When he entered the city, he fainted on the street. The first thing after being rescued by the guards of the city was not to find a place to heal, but to rush to see Zhu Wen and put it in front of Xuzhou. I talked to Zhu Wen before and after, so that Zhu Wen hurriedly prepared for war, in case there was any conspiracy of King An.

In addition, because of the deep fear of the strength of Li Zhi, Da Shao Siming, etc., Wujizi urgently contacted the Zhongnan Mountain Road Gate by secret methods, and asked the latter to send a higher monk to help Zhu Wen stabilize the situation in Dengzhou. , Be sure not to give Li Zhi the slightest opportunity.

Zhongnan Mountain Road Gate is located in the center, with many monks, and it is even stronger than Penglai. The monks in the gates helped Huang Chao to capture Changan and establish the Daqi Dynasty, and they won a lot of luck that originally belonged to the Tang Dynasty. The monks in the gates took this opportunity to cultivate a lot of growth.

Most of the monks who used to practice the nine-layers of qi reached the half-step foundation-building realm. Those who were originally expected to build foundations have now successfully established foundations.

Wujizi was injured for two days, and the situation was basically stable, but there was still a long way to go before his broken arm was faintly painful. Wujizi was very clear. If within three days, the monk in the real world of Zhongnanshan would not come To help him completely repair the wound by real person means, his realm will collapse, and this life will not be able to recover, let alone go further.

Out of the room, Wuyazi glanced up at the sky, and suddenly frowned, and felt that something bad happened.

He quickly calculated with his fingers, and in the process, his brows grew more and more intense, and his complexion became paler. After half a ring, he spit out blood and stepped back a few steps, his face was ashamed. Even the station must be unstable.

Several Taoists who were standing outside the door were shocked when they saw the situation, and came quickly to help, "Uncle, are you okay?"

Wujizi was supported by the Taoist people, so he didn't fall down. He grabbed Daoist's arm tightly, his eyes were like a wolf, it was very scary, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Come on, ask where General Zhu has gone!"

One Taoist responded, and Wuyazi eagerly said to the other: "Gather all the disciples who are above the middle of Qi training, hurry up!"

The crowd did not know what Wujizi intended, but they would not doubt his words and acted one after another.

When more than twenty monks in the middle of practicing Qi got news, they came from all directions to Wuyazi, and went to the army to ask Zhu Wen's whereabouts, and rushed back.

"Uncle, General Zhu went to the east and only brought over a hundred relatives. I didn't know what to do!"

Wujizi's face changed drastically. He struggled to get up, took three steps in a row, stopped suddenly, turned to look at everyone, his eyes were like eagles, and his teeth gritted: "General Zhu is in trouble, you and I need to rush to rescue immediately .You remember, General Zhu is the key to my rise and fall. I do n’t want to fight for your life, so that I can protect General Zhu back to the city! Can you all understand? ”

"I see!" Taoists answered in unison.


"Uncle, your injury ... you still don't have to go, we just go."

"I said just now that compared with Daomen Daxing, personal life and death are shameful and shameless!" When Wuyazi said this, Taoists saw the scores clearly, and Wuyazi had a decisive color in his eyes.

They did not ride horses, but flew out of the city, and repaired to reach the middle of the training. They ran naturally faster than the horses, but they could not last long, but now Zhu Wen couldn't go too far, and they could not care about repairs as a loss.

Although Wujizi was not seriously injured, he took the lead and died the fastest. Only a few people could barely keep up with him.

In the tea shed, Zhu Wen slashed across the wooden table, the wood was flying across, and the smoke was splashing. Li Ye sat back on the bench and slipped back a few steps. He opened it with a slamming fan, and a fan appeared in front of him. His broken wood smoke was completely rolled back.

However, Zhu Wen slashed one after the other, and it was instantly cut off with seven swords, as if the stunned waves slammed the shore, full of momentum, covering the four Li Li respectively. Although the knife spirit has not spread for more than ten feet, the power of Xiu Wei has been condensed, and his power has risen to a higher level. Obviously, Zhu Wen's understanding of Xiu Wei is much more than ordinary people.

Li Fan used a fan as a shield, blocking his face in front of him, and his sword fell suddenly. In front of him, a gully deeper than a foot deep appeared. At first glance, it looked like a tiankeng, dark, as if it had no bottom, and it was terrifying. But at the foot of Li Xun, the gully suddenly disappeared, and the bench beneath him was nothing, but the folding fan in his hand was an ordinary thing, and it had collapsed under the violent aura.

Dasuo Mingming and Song Jiao swept back and flew back, floating on the treetops like a finch, hiding half of the knife from the front and not receiving any trauma. It's just that the entire tea shed has vanished under the knife.

The old man in the tea shed fell to the ground, shaking and trembling, but in the exploding wood chips and dirt, he was safe and sound, and he was not taken care of by Li Zhi.

Zhu Wen's seven consecutive swords can be described as using all his strength, and he had no one-half retention. After the sword fell, he found that everyone was not injured, and that the other party's strength was immediately exposed when he moved, and it was all nine levels of Qi training.

This made Zhu Wen's heart pound. He originally wanted to fight against Li Yan, to see if he had a chance to defeat him. At this time, he couldn't help thinking: "An Wang is An Wang, and he is really heroic. He has already reached the ninth floor of Qi training. It turned out to be so powerful. It seems that Lao Zhu has no choice but to flee quickly, otherwise he will have to drink hate on the spot. "

Zhu Wen is a decisive person. He did not hesitate for the second half of his decision. After the seven swords fell, he did not continue the attack. Instead, he pulled back and retreated, more than twenty feet away, and instantly pulled in with his relatives. Bing distance.

Zhu Wen ’s relatives are indeed elite in all battles. As early as when Zhu Zhen raised his hand, the relatives had already ordered the killing. Zhu Zhen was not the leader of Zhu Wen ’s relatives. I do n’t know the temperament of these relatives. Actually, After seeing Zhu Zhen making a gesture and feeling that Zhu Wen might be in danger, the soldiers pulled out their swords.

For relative soldiers, regardless of whether the general is really dangerous or not, they will rush forward whenever possible, and then let the other side subdue. Then kill or let go, that is after the crisis is lifted, and when it can do it They will not let the Lord take a slight risk.

As soon as Zhu Wen retired, he reached the queue of relatives, got up and leapt, and got on the first horse. The soldier and soldier who were originally warhorses were also monks, but the flying body flied to the side, not adding to the battlefield. trouble.

On horseback, Zhu Wen had a certain heart, and had the confidence to ride the world and face all powerful enemies. This was the confidence of the generals in the army.

It's just that Zhu Wen is not facing the soldiers and horses on the battlefield this time, but four masters practicing Qi and nine layers.

Li Yan got up and came to the official road, facing Zhu Wenli, he did not have a folding fan in his hand, and replaced it with a bright and shining Lu Gujian.

From the encounter between the two, to a happy meeting, to the sudden confrontation between the swordsmen and soldiers, things went beyond imagination, and it was logical.

The two had no personal grudges, but they were half hesitant before they started. They met each other on the battlefield and each was their own. Of course, there is no need to say a lot, and there is no room to speak unless you fight for your life.

Song Jiao and Da Siming hadn't had time to shoot. Young Si Ming had already printed his hands. More than a dozen green leaf chains rushed out of the road and rolled to Zhu Wen's relatives in Mercedes.

The screams sounded one after another, and the cavalry slammed the horses one after another, and killed more than ten people instantly. Among Zhu Wen's relatives, monks accounted for a large proportion. A monk who practiced mid-air practiced a knife and slashed towards the leaf chain facing him. However, the long knife was cut on the leaf chain, but it could not destroy the leaf chain.

The monk felt only a slash on the gold stone, and the force of the shock caused him to churn out of his internal organs. His long sword was released, and a burst of blood spewed out. In his horrified and desperate eyes, Ye Lian pierced his throat. The snake usually emerged from the back of the neck and flew to the next soldier.

The distance is very close, the speed of the cavalry can not be mentioned at all, but the same, the cavalry quickly arrived in front of Li Yan, anyway, these are more than a hundred elite riders, even if it is not full speed Mercedes, the lethality will not be small.

Li Yan was motionless. There was no change of expression on his face. He was neither dignified nor taunting. He looked light and windy. He lifted Lu Gujian and the dense lines of the sword body were lighted up second, as if inlaid with countless stars.

He seemed to be cut down slowly and quickly, and the sound of the wind rose suddenly in the mid-air, the branches of the trees were instantly annihilated, the fly ash disappeared, and the sky covered by the tree shade revealed his original blue face. Under the sky, a sword length of 20 feet fell towards the cavalry array.

When Li Yan raised his sword, Zhu Wen felt a palpitation. It was an instinct to fear only when facing an invincible opponent. When Qing Mang Qi appeared under the clear blue sky, Zhu Wen's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and Taishan The coercion suddenly dropped, making his hands shaking slightly.

The same is the ninth layer of Qi training. Under the prestige of Li Zhi, Zhu Wen felt unmatched, which made him feel ridiculous and panic.

The cavalry queue in Mercedes-Benz suddenly came with a stern horse hissing. Many war horses could not bear the huge coercion and fell to their knees directly on the legs. The cavalry on the horse fell and the scene was chaotic. At that time, Jian Qi fell in the queue.

The dazzling green awns covered the blasting blood mist. The cavalry did not have time to scream, and they were killed on the spot. When the green awns dispersed, the flying soil was still blasting everywhere, hitting the leaves and branches. It crackled. There was a huge gully in the head of the official road, blood was flowing, the body of the cavalry was standing in a row, and some of them were still dead, and the wail of weakness and weakness began to flow.

Da Shao Si Ming and others saw Zhu Wen covering her chest, arching her body, and fled towards the wilderness, leaving only one back.

Li Jian's sword is a range attack, and Zhu Wen's single-point care is unavoidable. This gives Zhu Wen a chance to escape. Zhu Wen was also decisive. When he couldn't do anything, he retreated quickly, without dragging his feet.

But in front of the four layers of Qi training, can Zhu Wen really escape? Not to mention that young and old command their lives at a speed, even if they didn't go after them, it wasn't too difficult for Li Huan to catch up with Zhu Wen. At this time, Zhu Wen was injured and could not run far.

Li Ye didn't plan to let Zhu Wen run away like this. Although he had a good talk with each other today, and he had a late hate, he had a regretful sympathy. Every effort is made to separate the winners and losers. If one party refuses to surrender, then it is necessary to divide between birth and death.

Everyone followed, and was about to chase Zhu Wen, the barren crops at the other end, and in the woods after the official road turned around, suddenly a black robe figure jumped over Zhu Wen's head and rushed towards Li Yan and others.

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