The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 3 Chapter 27: Change heart

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"I have old grudges against Li Yan. I'll fight with him together this time. Will he remember the old hatred and give me a stumbling block?" Looking at the Pinglu Army camp far away, he looked a little worried, and asked the Huiming monk around him.

The monk Huiming said blankly: "Wang An has once met the general in Huangli Township. Can the general remember this old hate?"

Looking back on the past, Li Ke was mad at the thought and was directly spoken by the monk Huiming. He even wished to dig a hole into it. However, Huiming is this virtue, and it is possible for him to speak and bend. The other party is also so famous that monks do not slang. However, in the view of Li Keyong, this has nothing to do with non-slang words, which is clearly no scruples.

However, Huiming had saved his life today. Li Ke used his grudges to distinguish between them, so he did not care about Huiming. In addition, the temple behind Huiming was also the leader of Shimen in the north. The master of Daomen Reality is here.

This time when he went south, Huiming said that there were two such masters following him. Li Ke used to hear that Zhongnan Mountain Road Gate was very supportive of Huang Chao. When he was charged, he was afraid that he would be picked off by his opponent's real world, so he had to Rely on them.

Li Ke gritted his teeth: "No!"

Hui Ming did not squint. "Since the general cannot, he cannot come to King An."

Li Ke said, "What then?"

Huiming was not salty or indifferent: "Where is the general afraid?"

Li Ke used the words: "Will Li Zhi avoid Wang Duo?"

Huiming said: "Will An An jealous of Wang Duo? The poor monk does not know, but Wang Duo will do justice."

Li Keyong did not believe at all: "Wang Duo has control over the military power. I heard that it was recommended by King An, and they were friends. Why didn't Wang Duo favor Li Jun?"

Huiming said: "Because Wang Duo believed in Buddha."

Li Ke stunned: "Wang Duo would believe in Buddha?"

Huiming said: "I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it."

What he said was unclear, unkempt, and completely unable to let Li Ke use it. He was about to ask something, but suddenly shut up, because he saw that in the eyes of the monk Huiming, there was a flash of murderousness.

The monk's eyes will be murderous? Of course it will. Li Keyong has seen Huiming kill more than once. In the past, when Li Ke used to guard the border, he encountered the prairie cavalry, and the monk Huiming had murdered him, and the killing methods were extremely cruel. None of the prairie cavalry died under his hand, because each of them lost a heart!

Huiming murdered, and he took one's heart.

When Li Keyong saw Huiming's murder, he was only a teenager, and he will never forget that scene.

On the bale, Huiming, in a white monk's clothes, was pious, solemn, and full of holiness. However, in his hand, he was holding a still beating heart, and blood was dripping down his hand. The facial features scared the deformed steppe cavalry, opened his mouth wide, and fell under his feet.

Although the scene was bloody, it was not enough for Li Ke to remember it. The problem was that when he drove the grass bag immediately, he suddenly found that a dead body had fallen on the hillside on the other side of the grass bag. The blood stained the earth, and everyone was staring with wide open mouth and extremely frightened expression. And their chests had opened a blood hole, and those hundreds of people had no heart!

It was because of seeing the terrible scene of **** that Li Ke used to hold Huiming's heart that he could not forget for a long time.

When Li Ke asked him why he was so murderous, the monk Huiming saluted with one hand, calmly and sacredly, saying, "Heart is broken, what else should it do?"

At that moment, Hui Ming made Li Keyong feel that he seemed to be the heavenly sage who purified the world.

If it weren't for the **** and cruel scene, Li Keyong would even worship at Hui Ming's feet.

"This is a demon monk." Li Ke meditated silently, without continuing to ask Wang Duo why he believed in Buddhism. Perhaps in Hui Ming's opinion, Wang Duo's heart was also broken, so he needed to give him a Buddha heart . Huiming often said that King Kong was angry, demons and demons, and Li Ke did not believe it anyway, but he believed that if Huiming really started, he might not dare to kill him.

This country has a national beauty, and even the world ’s best women are hardly comparable to the white-faced monk. He looks clean and holy and pure, and looks harmless to humans and animals, but in fact, it is just him Did not become the so-called King Kong.

However, even if Huiming becomes a surviving demon and King Kong who does not blink, he is still pure, pure, and calm. This is terrible.

"If Huiming wants Wang Duo to believe in Buddhism, he can't help but believe it." Li Keyong felt a bit chill on his back. When Huiming spoke, he always had a convincing power, and the truth he said has always been The truth is, no one can speak of him.

Li Ke used to think that maybe Wang Duo had met him after being deposed from Changan before, but he believed in the Buddha. However, if this is true, it means that Huiming had expected that today, Wang Duo would be of great use to him. If not, he would not arrange for Wang Duo to believe in Buddha in advance. But when all these things have not happened yet, how can Huiming know in advance?

Huiming once said that Shimen has Buddha's eyes, and he knows the past, present, and future.

Before Li Ke used to believe it, now he suddenly felt that maybe he couldn't believe it at all.

If that's the case, then even Li Wei wouldn't be able to detect anything unusual.

The barracks gate was already in sight. Li Ke used to see the generals greeted at the gate, but he didn't see it. He didn't find it strange. Li Qigui was the prince of the dynasty. Naturally, he did not welcome him. It is enough to give him face.

In addition to those generals, Li Keyong also saw a person, he stood among the crowd, and was only a few steps ahead, looking like a leader.

Wang Duo.

Li Ke stared for a moment.

When he came to the yamen, Li Ke rolled over and met everyone.

Wang Duo stepped forward and laughed, "I'm waiting for Li Lian to come here, but like Jiuhan looking forward to manna, now that Li Lianshi finally arrives, I'm waiting for peace of mind."

Li Keyong had been appointed as Yanmen Jiedushi, so Wang Duo called him Lianglian.

"The Prince is ridiculous, and the end will be ashamed." Li Ke quickly responded to the ceremony and met with other generals. There were General Pinglu Jun and the generals brought by Wang Duo. Yang Fuguang is not here.

After everyone saw the ceremony, a few words of greetings, Wang Duo asked Li Keyong to enter the camp: "An Wang has been waiting for a long time, Lian Shi, please wait for me to enter the camp."

"Troublesome Prince leads the way."

Li Ke used to follow Wang Duo to enter the camp. Wang Duo was greeted with warmth along the way. Of course, he asked about the situation of the army. At the same time, he also exchanged the latest situation with Li Ke. The military camp of more than 100,000 people was naturally very large. The military account is also far away, so the two spoke a lot.

Li Ke sinks gradually with one heart. It is not that Wang Duo is abnormal, but it is too normal. No matter in manners or speech, including his intimacy and confidence, Li Ke took a look at Huiming and the other side Eyes are not squinting, and look at ease.

Li Ke used it very clearly. Huiming has never done anything that is unsure and never missed. Since he said that Wang Duo believed in Buddhism, then he really has controlled Wang Duo. The more normal Wang Duo ’s behavior is, the more normal The more clever the means of cleverness are unpredictable.

"Jiaoxiao Temple ..." Li Keyong suddenly felt that he might have always belittled this northern Shimen leader.

Before entering the army's large account, Li Ke used the law to release the sword and gave it to the guards outside the account. He would see the coach and receive the sword. This is the intended meaning of the problem, but for the monks, the hidden law The device is obviously not in this column.

Entering the big account, Li Ke looked at it with wide eyes. The space inside was very wide. It was not a problem to accommodate hundreds of people. After a dozen handsome steps, a handsome young man in bright light armor was working on it. Sit up, who isn't Li Yan?

On both sides of the big account, there are no more idle people and so on. There are only a few staff and generals sitting behind the small case.

When Li Ke used the account, he saw Li Yan stood up and smiled as a welcome gesture, which made him feel relieved. Li Yan did not pinch his gestures. This is good news, otherwise the atmosphere will be loud. Stiff, both sides will be unhappy.

Li Ke used to see the ceremony after entering the account, "Li Ke used to meet His Royal Highness King!"

"General Li doesn't have to be polite, please sit down quickly."

Li Xun did not step down to support him, nor did he pretend to be kind, and Gao Jushu was in a state of steadfastness after the case. Li Keyong didn't feel wrong, but thought it was good. Li Yan really wanted to come and pretend to be kind with him, he was not used to it. After all, he is also in the army, not used to the civilian set.

After the crowds took their seats, they first greeted the situation as usual, because the war situation was quite tense, Li Zhi didn't gossip much, and then he led the people to discuss the battle against Tongguan.

Li Ke used his troops to move south to fight wars. Only by building a merit can he increase his ranks and ranks. In the future, he will flex his muscles. According to his nature, he must rush to attack the pass.

Although Tongguan is easy to defend, Li Ke has confidence in the strength of his own song. Furthermore, because Tongguan is difficult to attack, it will be a great achievement after he has won it.

For Li Yong and Li Keyong, the battle against Huang Chao was actually three major achievements.

One is to overcome Tongguan and capture Huazhou.

The second was to revive Chang'an and welcome the emperor to Beijing.

Third, defeat the thief army and kill Huang Chao.

Huang Chao's calamity in the south and north of the river for seven years, and then captured Chang'an, forcing Li Zhi to retreat from Shu, and the military merit of annihilating Huang Chao was enough to make the king. If Li Ke does a great job, he will be banished as a county king.

If Li Xun has made great achievements, the title of monk Shuling of the six rebels will be indispensable. That is, if Li Xuan returns to Changan afterwards, he will pass Li Xian and become the governing prime minister. Ping Lujun can even replace him. The position of the strategists controlled Gyeonggi in their hands.

If Li Yan continues to sit in Pinglu, where there is war or chaos in the fan town, he will definitely have the right to act cheaply, regardless of his own conquest. If so, Li Zhi is the biggest prince in the world. Although the second emperor's statement is not good, I am afraid that this title can only describe his power at that time.

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