The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 3 Chapter 70: Xianting Orthodox (third more)

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The immortal emperor was interested: "What do you mean?"

Li Changgeng's face wasn't red, and his heart wasn't beating. "The wicked has his own wicked grind. Since Li Yan is a demon, then let him face the real demon."

The immortal groaned and seemed to be thinking.

Li Changgeng continued: "For thousands of years, the monks have ruled heaven and earth, and if monks want to rise, they must be approved by the fairy courts. Outside of mortals, those creatures in the mountains and lakes must be looked at in heaven and earth and practiced for thousands of years. There are also many people who have reached the standard of immortals. If His Majesty can promise that after they are done, they will be able to ascend to immortality and be placed in the immortal class, presumably they will be willing to drive for Her Majesty. "

King Tota's face changed, and he immediately said, "This is absolutely impossible! Since ancient times, only Taoist monks can become immortals. Even if the mountain wild repairs are strong, they cannot be placed in the immortal class. This is the iron law, more It is the most important way for Xianting to maintain the orthodox status of Daomen! If Xianting makes these scattered repairs become immortals, wouldn't the predominant status of Daomen be at stake? "

The Emperor once again fell into deep contemplation.


The weight of these two words is extremely important.

What is most important in heaven and earth?


For monks, cultivation resources are the most important. The elixir of heaven and earth is the future of monks' lives.

For ordinary people, resources are land, food, and property. Without these people cannot survive. With more resources, people can live better. What resources are allocated? Rely on power. Who has power? Officials. Why do officials have this power? Because the official is the official of the court. The court is orthodox.

What is Orthodox? Honesty rules the world.

In the world, the emperor ruled the world, and the weapon in his hands was the career path. Geniuses in the world, no matter what they do, must pass the assessment of the court to become an official. Once an official, he has grasped the power, the right to allocate resources, and become the ruling class. The strength of one's own status has risen and risen, and he has lived a better life, becoming a noble person on earth.

Without passing the court assessment, no matter how talented a disciple is, it is impossible to be an official and it is impossible to grasp the right to allocate resources. The court used the official selection system to control official careers and control resource allocation. This is orthodoxy.

Xianting, by controlling the monks into immortals, ruled the monks in heaven and earth. No matter how high you cultivate, you cannot become immortal without the approval of Xianting, and it will inevitably die in the end. The selection of immortals by Xianting is only among the monks in Daomen. Daomen is Xianting's private school, Taixue, and army. It is the only way for Xianting to choose monks. You can't become immortal without entering the gate and doing your best under the gate system.

At present the court, the only way to select officials is to tribute, and the only way for Xianting to select immortals is meritorious virtue. By controlling the ascending paths of scholars and monks, we can control the scholars and monks in the world, and maintain their orthodoxy through the uniqueness of the ascending paths.

Of course, outside of this approach, senior officials' children can also go into office through Mengyin. This is the privilege of the ruling class. The ruling order serves the ruling class. Just leave it alone.

What if one day those who did not pass the court assessment can also be officials? The orthodox status of the court was challenged. People no longer fear the court, and the world will be in chaos.

The current situation at the end of the Tang Dynasty is like this. The butchers, the green forest heroes, failed the assessment of the imperial court, gathered a group of people, occupied the prefectures and counties, the imperial court had to recognize their status and sealed them as officials. In this way, the only way to promote identity is broken, and the legitimacy of the court will be questioned.

People in the world no longer fear the court, so the men and women rise together, the world is chaotic, and the Central Plains is chased. Whoever is strong and who is strong can become an emperor. At this time, strength is the only reliance on promotion. After the new emperor succeeded, he ruled the world and rebuilt the only way for the court to evaluate and select talents-no matter the tribute or the imperial examinations, or the merits of the court, to maintain the orthodoxy of the court.

Shi Nong industry and commerce, this ranking has not changed since ancient times, why is the status of scholars so high, why do emperors on earth have been degrading businessmen? For thousands of years, countless people and people with lofty ideals can't really see the role of businessmen in the country? Why have we been focusing on agriculture and business suppression?

The simple truth is that when merchants made money, they had more resources, but they were not under the direct control of the court. Only scholars, only officials who become officials, are the minions of the court to rule the world, and are the support for maintaining the orthodox status of the court.

In the eyes of the court, only they were eligible to have more resources and have the power to allocate resources.

Suppressing merchants is an inevitable choice for the emperor to rule the world, maintain the order of the rule, and maintain his orthodoxy.

Immortal court is the immortal court of Daomen. It has never recognized the status of casual repairs and prevented them from becoming immortals.

Because Sanshou is not a disciple of Daomen, he has not contributed to Daomen. Even the strongest monk will eventually die. These casual repairs may have done good deeds for the people, and they have done merit for the people, but they have no use. It's like making contributions for Cang Sheng, not equal to making contributions to the court.

But now, Li Changgeng said that if those casual repairs are to have the chance to become immortals, the orthodox status of Daomen is a big challenge. No wonder King Tota disagrees.

Li Changgeng was not arrogant and impatient, and smiled, "Heaven is not angry, and listen to what I have said. No service for the imperial court, no official, no service for the Taoist fairy court, no immortality. Right now, it ’s an extraordinary period. As long as those casual practitioners are able to deal with Li Yan, even if they have done a good job for Xianting to give them a chance to become immortals, it is naturally deserved. This has not endangered the orthodox status of the Taoist gates of Xianting. "

King Tota still disagreed, and he said unjustly: "These meditations have never been subject to discipline, have not entered the Taoist practice, and have not been educated by the Taoist mediocrity. They are lowly and crude barbarians, and they cannot be immortal!"

Li Changgeng shook his head and said: "The world says that learning is excellent, and you say that you have learned the art of martial arts and sold it to the emperor's house. It's very straightforward. The emperor and the court rule the world. Officials, you will not get status and wealth. "

"Those mountain field repairs, although they refuse to accept the control, but they do not accept, we do not care? Heaven and earth are all the land of immortal court. The so-called princely earth under the sky, the princely governor of the earth! Now, it is also the time Let those casual practitioners know that they have succeeded in cultivation, and serving Xianting is the only way out! "

King Tota refused to accept, he fisted to the Emperor: "Your Majesty, I thought ..."

"Okay, just do as Chang Geng said." Xiandi made up his mind. "At the moment, there is a fierce battle in Xianyu. The gods of the four parties want to occupy Xianting. Xianting is at the time of employment. Absorb these scattered repairs to Xianting and enrich them. Xianting's combat power is also very necessary. Chang Geng, you will preside over this matter. "

White robe fairy officer bowed to promise.


After annihilating Li Changyan, Li Zhi stayed in Chencang for two days. On the one hand, it was to solve the problem of Feng Xiangjun's remnants; on the other hand, he was waiting for Pinglu's army to arrive. A few days later, under the **** of the Ping Lu Army, Li Xuan and Li Xuan returned to Chang'an in the same car.

Riding with the emperor, the significance of this honor is naturally self-evident.

When Li Min returned to Changan, the Fangzhen Army stationed outside Changan City, including the Yanmen Army used by Li Ke, and the Wang Zhongrong's Hezhong Army, met in an array, and countless civilian and military officials waited 30 miles outside the city.

In the following days, it was to determine the achievements of peace and chaos, and to reward the ministers, except for being busy, there was nothing good to say.

Li Xun's identity as the first contributor to peace and chaos is unquestionable. Li Xuan also pulled him together to appraise the army of the world ’s vassals. For many days, Li Zhibai entered the palace at sunrise and was so busy that when he returned to the An Wang Mansion, he had to entertain a continuous stream of visitors.

At present, the degree of An Wangfu's gate is more than ever, even when Li Xian's power is at its peak.

Officials at all levels and ambassadors from all vassals and towns lined up to see An An. And he piled up his wealth by all means, and don't give him all the money as much as possible, on the one hand to pay him well, on the other hand, I hope that Li can give them a lot of good words and comment on some military achievements.

In this regard, Li Zhi naturally refused, all gifts were not received. At first he also selected some heavyweight characters and met one or two. Later, he was too busy and annoying, so he closed the door and thanked the guests.

He made great contributions to the sky, but also had to converge, and arbitrarily made officials to jealousy, inevitably jealous of the emperor. Even though Li Xun didn't care, Li Xun was unwilling to give people a handle and give Tian Lingzi those who attacked him.

In this way, military merit evaluations have been completed one after another, and countless candidates have been added to the ranks.

Zhu Wen served as Xuanwu Jiedushi, and Li Ke used Hedong Jiedushi to become the king of the county. Wang Chongrong also received the title of Tongping Zhangshi. Li Maozhen succeeded Li Changyan and became Fengxiang's ambassador. Wang Jian was transferred to the army of Shence. Gao Ye was not temporarily closed because the battle in Chenzhou had not stopped, but Huainan Jiedushi's seat would have settled.

As the chief contributor, Li Zhi received the most benefits.

Wen Jiashang Order. Shang Shuling, since this dynasty, only one person has served in this position, that is, Taizong Li Shimin. Since Li Shimin's throne, this post has been vacant.

Wufeng all the soldiers and horses are in uniform. At the confederate, Li Xun stated clearly that Kanto's affairs and Li Xun both had the power to interrogate, and all the military in the world were in charge of Li Xuan.

In this way, Li Zhi became the first of its kind in the military and political affairs. In particular, the strength of the military power can already be compared with that of Tianzi. Li Xian in the past can't keep up with Li Zhi's power status now.

With these powers, Li Yan wouldn't talk about mobilizing soldiers and horses in the world, at least wherever there is war, he can ask questions. For example, if two vassals fight, he can send troops directly without mediation.

As a result, rumors appeared in the market.

They all said that Xuanzong's gift of Li Xiantianzi sword was intended to pass the throne to him, so now Li Zhi added Li Shu as a Shang Shuling, I'm afraid it has the same meaning.

Hearing such rumors, Li Min naturally did not react. This is something that happened before rebirth, so it is not surprising.

But after hearing this rumor, Tian Lingzi was restless day and night. In these days, what is Li Yan ’s attitude towards Li Yan? Tian Lingzi sees it clearly, saying that Li Ye really will pass on to Li Yan. How can he make a difference then?

Tian Lingzi was anxious and hesitant. After a few days, he finally decided to take the risk.

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