The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 4 Chapter 16: The road is obvious

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In fact, Li Yan already felt something, otherwise he wouldn't think so much.

When Wu You appeared before Qishan, memories of Fu Su, Liu Xie and Fu Shou's memories emerged in his mind, but they were fashionable and vague. In these days, because I remember Wu You, Li Ji is thinking about everything, and even these memories are becoming clearer, even though it is only the past and present life of Li Qi in this world.

There is no need for the monkey to lie to itself. Li Ye confirmed the memories of previous lives here at the monkey, so he was a little at a loss at this moment. In fact, there is another way to corroborate this matter, and to talk to Wu You directly.

Li Yan looked back at Wu You floating in the stone cave, and Wu You could hear the conversation clearly. Seeing Wu You's complex expression, Li Yan knew that he didn't need to ask at all, at least what the monkey said was no different from her awakening memory.

After listening to the monkey's words, Su Emei's look was the same, as if she had expected it. Jiuwei was astonished. When he looked at Li Yan, his eyes were all staring out. After the first consternation, the Son was again in meditation.

Taking everyone's expression into his eyes, Li Min groaned, and for a while he didn't know what to do.

Su Emei suddenly said: "When the Great Holy Saint made trouble in the imperial court, it echoed the emperor's eunuchs and heavens and earth, but it was also a kind of friendship. At that time, if there were no releases, there was no support from the power of the faith in the world The court may not be able to deal with the great saint. If there is an **** who can help the great saint, it is impossible to overthrow Daomen Xianting. Even if the **** does not help the eunuch, if Fusu succeeds in his throne, with his talents, More than death? At that time, Fu Su will use the power of the emperors to punish and eradicate evil, stabilize the Jiangshan community, and let the fairy court be able to take advantage of it, and the Da Sheng will not fail so quickly. If Fu Su and Da Sheng join hands, even if It is Shimen Rulai Buddha who came, and it may not be an opponent. This world to this day must be another look. "

Li Yan sighed only to express regret.

The monkeys started to make trouble at the Fairy Grounds, just as Wuzheng ruled the six kingdoms of Shandong. Even if it was n’t for the practitioners, it could be inferred from the book written by Wu Chengen. It was only one day in the sky, one year on the ground, when the monkey was defeated and captured, tortured, escaped, and finally escaped, and after many twists and turns, the world has been for many years.

The monkey chuckled: "Although these words are not unreasonable, things are not so easy."

Su Emei insisted: "Even if the Shimen calculation is first, the calculation is only an calculation after all, and the future of the machine is only an observation. In the future, who would dare to say that there will be no change? If Fu Su really succeeds, he will realize the emperor Tao, then you can bring together the power of the world and the power of life, even if it was like a Buddha! "

Li Yan glanced at Su Emei strangely. This girl looks like the fairy's memory awakens very quickly. Now she even knows Emperor Tao.

"Everywhere in the world, I just heard that I have never seen anyone really understand it. Even the Qin Emperor Han Wu, I haven't fully comprehended it."

The Son shook his head and discussed the matter: "Besides, Shimen dare to lay such a situation, there will be no preparation, Fusu will not be allowed to take the throne. You know, although Xianting can affect things in the world, but in the end it only affects Everything in the world has its own trajectory ... and only through the cooperation of Shimen and Daomen can it be possible to reverse the front line. Otherwise, how can the Emperor's heroes not be arranged for the succession of II? "

"The more the matter becomes more and more complicated, just stop it." Li Min waved his hand. "Even a strong monk, even a saint, can only affect the future and cannot do anything about the past-why don't we talk about the future?"

Everyone looked at each other and was silent for a while.

Li Min glanced at the Son, but his heart was filled with doubts. It stands to reason that this uncle should kill him for Xianting, but judging from what he did, it didn't seem to mean that. Right now, everyone was sitting and talking, and they felt like they were on a boat. Did he send the demon to come before, just to pretend to deal with Xianting? In fact, there is another secret plan?

At this moment, the metamorphosis was abrupt, and the cloudless sky was only returned. Suddenly, the wind and clouds surged, the sky and the earth suddenly darkened, and the entire sky was covered by thick clouds.

Everyone got up and looked up.

After the thick clouds, red light suddenly appeared, burning the clouds, as if the sun was falling behind the clouds. The earth and mountains bathed in red, as if wearing Xia makeup.

Everyone changed in color, and when there was a vision, something great would happen.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the sky to whistle and deafening. A sense of desolation and barrenness came from the whistling sound, I don't know how many years I have gone through, and the inexplicable vastness.

Li Yan asked Su Emei: "Is Xianting in trouble, and you have to send the immortal to go straight to the earth?"

This may indeed be true.

Su Emei shook her head: "It should not be, Xianting would not be so direct."

At first, the Son was full of face, and then he gradually became happy in his eyes. Later, he could hardly restrain it, and his excited hands shivered. Seeing his appearance, Li Huan thoughtfully.

In the red clouds of heavenly machines, there was a sudden blue light, which burst out from the vortex in the center, and split in an instant, divided into several streamers, and shot in different directions, as if the meteor fell.

After the blue light dissipated, the red light gradually faded away, the red clouds also slowly dissipated, and the blue sky slowly showed its appearance.

Everyone looked different, but Li Yan's eyes were already startled.

At the moment when the talent was only brilliant, his heartbeat suddenly increased sharply, as if the drums were beating. Long Qi was screaming in the sky, as if to break out of the body, following the blue streamers. The desire for excitement is extraordinarily obvious, as if summoned by fate, and it seems to have seen a taste that has not been seen in life.

This change in Long Qi was encountered for the first time by Li Yan. When he saw the Chuanyu Jade Seal before, the Dragon Qi also had such a change, but the action was far less intense and his will was not so obvious.

The world was restored to its original state, and everyone was still immersed in the shock brought by the vision. The Son was flushed with excitement, and even the color in the eyes of the monkey was obviously different.

"What's that?" Li Yan asked.

The Son took a deep breath and tried to calm down and spit out a few words: "Tiandao future!"


Xianting sounded a long and distant bell, and spread from the Ling Xiao Bao Dian. It stopped after 981, and the sound was endless.

Not long after, countless immortal officials quickly rushed from everywhere, all gathered outside the palace gate. There are the officers in the purple dress, and the officers in the green official robes.

"When did it happen, the hall sounded eighty-one bells and called all the immortal officials? This hasn't happened in a long time." The **** Tiankui in the thirty-sixth day's concubine will be Gao Yan, and whispered in amazement. Ask people around you.

"Who knows, it must be a terrible event. Last time, the ringing of eighty-one sounded the bell, but it was still the time when Wuhu invaded the south." The God of Heaven's City turned Huang Zhen's face calmly.

"I heard that the heavens and earth have risen sharply, and Tianjige's Tianshu reflects the words, and the heavens are revealed ..." On the other side, Zhang Guolao in the Eight Immortals whispered to Lu Dongbin.

Lu Dongbin looked shocked: "Tianshu Yingzi ?! What are the instructions for Heaven?"

"I don't know. Except on duty of the immortal officials and the emperor, who else can see the words on the heavenly books?" Zhang Guolao shook his head, his expression solemn.

If the gate is the spokesperson of Xianting in the world, then Xianting is the spokesperson of Tiandao in heaven and earth, and he is in charge of heaven and earth for Tiandao.

Heaven, the most mysterious existence above all things. The heavenly path is invisible and immaterial, and it is the highest rule for the operation of the universe. Even the saints cannot grasp it.

The officials of the celestial princes talked and talked, and even Taibai and Tota who were standing in front of the queue, the closest to the palace gate, looked somber. It's just that, compared with the opinions of the immortal officials, these big men are just showing their eyes.

Soon, following the order of the immortal officials, the immortal officials entered the palace gate and came to the Ling Xiao Bao Dian. At this point, no one dared to whisper any more, because in the purple clouds on the throne, the breath and coercion of the immortal emperor had clearly radiated.

"Countries." The immortal voice of the Emperor passed slowly, and the immortal officials in the hall calmly listened to the instructions. "The talented books reflect the word, the road is obvious, and the future has come."

After hearing the words, the officials of the immortals were shocked. Even Zhang Guolao, Lu Dongbin, and others who already knew this, were still shocked when they heard the rumors.

Each time the Tao manifests, it will show where the future Qiqi is and guide the monks in the world. Because of this, every time the Tao manifests, it means that the real war is about to begin. This is what the future means.

For Xianting, such a war is bound to bring chaos, so Xianguan has always regarded it as a calamity. During the catastrophe, there must be countless monks falling, and the immortal officials are no exception. After the catastrophe, it is the destruction of old things and the reconstruction of new things.

If we say that the heroes of the world take the world as a chessboard and Cangsheng as a chess piece, then for heaven and earth, the universe is a chessboard and it is a chess piece for life. The avenue is ruthless, and under the saints are ants, regardless of the immortals, they can die.

Life and death are endless, and the cycle is endless.

In front of Tiandao Will, in the face of such a catastrophe, Xianting, where the immortals gather, is nothing great. What's more, even Xianting was controlled by the demon tribe thousands of years ago, not the inherent site of the Taoist fairy.

The voice of the Emperor was still stable. He continued: "It is a matter of heaven and earth, and you must ask. Laojun has asked Laojun. Laojun told Lai that the heavens are scattered, and they are brought into the dynasty of the dynasty. Those who have the opportunity will have the future. "

As soon as this remark was made, Rao was impressed by the immortality of the Emperor, and he could not suppress the discussion of the immortal officials, and the hall was noisy.

The so-called natural opportunity represents the will of heaven. The integration of heaven and earth, and the integration of heaven and earth into the dynasty's luck, is nothing new. If not, it would not be necessary for Xianting to keep in control of the general trend of the world.

But in the past, although human fortune was scattered with the collapse of the dynasty, there were few occasions when the heavens were scattered. When the emperors who questioned the world gathered the luck, they got the chance, and then the luck got better, and they became the true dragon, and they had to admit it.

Since ancient times, the only time that the heavens were scattered was the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods.

Especially during the Warring States Period, the Five Heroes contended for hegemony for many years, each with its own share of luck and luck. That was also the only time when Xianting lost control of the general situation of the world, and finally Daqin unified the world. Daomen Xianting suffered a fatal blow, almost disappeared.

But now, once again, the natural world is scattered, making people think of the catastrophe.

Xianting snorted, and the hall calmed down. He slowly said, "The first ray of heaven is about to manifest in the world, and the old man reckons that it will land in Hedong. There is no need to say anything about the general situation in the world, so everyone must know. The decree opened the Kunlun passage, and the immortals descended to the east to go to Hedong to seize the opportunity and grant those selected by Xianting! "


Buddhism, golden light.

Rugao sat on the altar of Buddha, and the Bodhisattva ranked in front of him, and more than eight thousand Luohan far away, all within the golden light.

Today is the period of teaching the Fa. If the Dharma was originally taught, the sound of the Buddha penetrated the realm of Buddhism, but suddenly he stopped and fell into a state of contemplation without warning. The Bodhisattva Luohan didn't know what they meant, and they didn't dare to say much, and waited intently.

For a long time, Rulai opened her eyes, and the golden light on the lotus stage seemed to be open, which made people unable to look directly.

In the eyes of all the Buddhas, Rulai slowly said: "The avenue is manifested, the heavens are scattered, and the first strand is in the east of the Datang River. So, the Buddha descended to the world and went to fight!"

After hearing this, the Buddha's field suddenly became golden and indistinguishable, which was the effect of all the Bodhisattva, Luohan, and Xianli.

Compared with the free and unrestrained prevalence of monks in Daomen, Shimen has always been well-organized and well-regulated. At this time, no one dared to speak out even when he heard such news, but the outbreak of immortal force inadvertently expressed the will of everyone.


Neither Li Zhi nor Shengzi spoke at this moment, but set their sights on the monkey.

Among the crowd, the monkey is the highest and the most widely seen. If he can see what the vision is, he is the only one.

The monkey turned around, glanced at the Son, and finally fell on Li Yan. "The avenue is manifested, and the heavens are scattered. I ca n’t know too much. But the first heavenly manifestation is in Hedong. If you want to In the world, it's time to prepare to send troops to Hedong. But you have to be mentally prepared. This time, Xianting and Buddhism will not sit idly by and will each act. "

Li Weiwei, based on his knowledge, it is not difficult to understand what is the natural opportunity. He wondered why the Buddha Realm would also come forward, "The Buddha Realm can also see the avenue?"

"Dao Kedao, very Taoism, famous name, very famous name. Daomen is named after Dao, and Shimen is named after Buddha. It's just a sign. When it comes to the road, the road has the same goal."

The monkey dangled his hands. "The Buddha said that everything is extremely Dharma, and it can be a Buddha for life. Dharma can say everything, everything. Although in the end, the Buddha never forgets to add a word, the Buddha said nothing. Say And did not say, of course, you need to comprehend it yourself. But whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, it is the elaboration of the avenue, they are all pursuing the avenue, but the angle is different, the way is different. Within the avenue, regardless of the Buddha, the Lich. "

Li Yan silently, so to speak, it is indeed time to send troops to Hedong.

With this in mind, he glanced at the Son.

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