The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 4 Chapter 64: Tactics (three more)

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At the Jiedushi Government Office, Li Ke looked at the letter in his hand for a long time, and his face was cloudy. The civil servants and confidantes who sat on both sides of the seat looked at Li Keyong on the main seat nervously, and the atmosphere did not dare to pant.

Li Cunxiao, who had high hopes with Li Ke with a 70,000 army sitting in Yizhou City, even when the battle was so tense, even had private correspondence with Li Yan's uncle!

In addition, in Li Zhi ’s letter, the main part is the content of persuasion. The words are extremely cordial and enthusiastic, full of admiration for Li Cunxiao, and the rich conditions of commitment make the onlookers jealous!

Not only that, but Li Ke was arranged in Yizhou to help Li Cunxiao. In fact, he was reporting to Li Liben who was monitoring him. For so many days, the siege of the government army not only failed to fight a siege, but also he was persuading to descend to Yizhou. military!

Although the response of the garrison soldiers was far from enthusiastic, it was inevitable. After all, the opponent is an army, representing the court, and has just won a game. In case someone can't think of it and opens a defection, the matter will soon become very serious!

Yizhou ... it doesn't look so solid anymore!

The two fortresses south of Taiyuan, Fenzhou have been lost. If Yizhou misses again, then Taiyuan will be completely exposed to the officers and soldiers, and Li Zhi will be able to use the hundreds of thousands of troops to directly surround Taiyuan City!

Just when the staff and generals were thinking and feeling heavy, Li Ke burst out with a loud laugh.

When everyone looked up, they saw Li Ke smile with his face and said, "This is Li Yan's trick, and he wants me to doubt Li Cunxiao, so he can take advantage of the fishermen. Where can I hide my eyes from such small tricks?" It would be a big laugh if we thought that we could be separated from our minister. "

Then, Li Ke stood up, raised the Aura Flame in his hand, and burned the letter in public.

"Leave an order to Li Cunxiao to keep him safe and secure the city without having to rush to fight. As long as Yizhou does not lose, he is the leader of this battle. When the coach recaptures Fenzhou, he will lead the army to support Yizhou himself!" Li Ke used his negative hand Looking at the crowd, he looked sternly ordered.

He showed unreserved trust in Li Cunxiao.

The people in the hall looked shocked and got up to salute: "King Yingming!"

When everyone was dispersed, Li Ke sat back and turned, with the expression of excitement and conviction that had just turned on his face, and was gradually replaced by killing and dignity.

No one will fully trust his subjects.

Who deserves to be fully believed?

Right now, Li Cunxiao, but the general of the military, he used Li Ke, but he was just the general of the military.


Fang Qingzhen is one of the three staffs most trusted and valued by Li Ke. He has reached the age of knowing his fate. Before that, he was the confidant of Li Guochang. After counting, it has been 20 years since Li Guochang's father and son were the oldest. A group of veterans.

After coming out of Jiedushi, sit in the iconic simple carriage, and after half an hour of driving, Fang Qingzhen returned to his mansion. It is not appropriate to say that it is a mansion, because it is only a three-in courtyard.

Three entrances to the courtyard means that ordinary wealthy people would live in disgust, but this is the only house where Fang halal lives. Everyone in Hedong knows that the Grand Duke of Fang and Muslims forgot about selfishness, worried about the country and the people, and was diligent and frugal. Although he is in a high position, he treats people peacefully, without a little bit of shelf, it is perfect.

Returning to the home of only three servants, Fang halal learned that his old friends had come to visit, and he was already waiting in the hall.

The other party is an old Confucian student who is even more pedantic than him. He is only an eight-rank junior official, and has a straight temper that offends people. He has a bad temper with Fang Hal, and they are like stinks.

Furthermore, when the two met each other during their study tour, it was already 30 years of friendship, but the other party did not have the opportunity of Fang Halal and was appreciated by Li Guochang early. This old Confucian student named Xu Maoda often carried fresh fat fish with two tails, and went to visit the Fang Halal House.

The two soon set up a food case in the side hall, and began to sit down and talk. By the time the dishes had gone through three flavors and three tours, the topic of the two had also come to the immediate event, the battle in Yizhou.

"An Wang has been besieging Yizhou for more than a month. I heard that Li Cunxiao and An Wang frequently communicate with each other, and that An Wang is constantly persuading the defenders. Yizhou is already in a turbulent state, and people's hearts are trembling?" Asked with interest.

Fang Qingzhen nodded: "An Wang's strong interest in Li Cunxiao is already well known. But this is also normal. In the realm of Li Cunxiao's general, anyone who wants to persuade him will be persuaded."

Xu Maoda raised a glass, and they drank a glass of wine and wine. He sipped his mouth and said, "The smell of Jiannan Shaochun is mellow and strong, which is different from other wines ... But then again, Will Li Cunxiao really not surrender? "

Fang Qingzhen thought: "How can Li Cunxiao be a loyal one, how could he be easily surrendered?"

Xu Maoda shook his head, apparently having no confidence in people's hearts: "It's hard to say. Li Cunxiao might not surrender if he is advised to surrender by ordinary people, but in the eyes, An Wang himself! An Wang, can it be the same as everyone else? "

Fang Qingzhen was silent, and apparently Xu Maoda's words touched him. King An is not only personally prestigious, but also represents the court.

Xu Maoda continued to eat while eating: "The battle of Yizhou was weird from the beginning. An Wang, who had a 300,000 army and took the victory of Qinzhou, did not attack the city, but started abnormally. Digging a siege siege and actively abandoned the great offensive! An Wang's use of this time-consuming strategy was also inconsistent with his usual style of battle. From his conquest of Huang Chao to the stabilization of Weibo, it was all Thunder wrists. When was this? Conservative? "

Fang Qingzhen thought, "After all, Li Cunxiao has succeeded as a military general, and His Majesty King An is invincible. If he ventures to attack the city, will he be wrong?"

Xu Maoda drank a glass of wine by himself, his eyes brightly looked at Fang Qingzhen, and said in a deep voice: "His Majesty King, the highest realm is Liu Dazheng and Shangguan, and they are not Li Cunxiao's opponents. It is true that no one can confront Li Cunxiao. But there is another person, you have forgotten it intentionally or unintentionally! "

"Who?" Fang Qingzhen stunned, but immediately he responded, "You mean?"

Xu Maoda looked solemnly: "Yes, it is An Wang himself!"

"It's ..." Fang Qingzhen opened his mouth open and stopped talking several times. "An Wang also practiced the military strategy? How is this possible?"

Xu Maoda asked, "Why is it impossible? King An quickly quells the Chaos in Huang Chao, and is famous all over the world, but it depends on one victory after another on the battlefield! How can it be impossible to say that he has cultivated the military strategy?" At that time, Wenzhi Wugong won the crown, and he was never defeated in peace and chaos. Prince Xin'an inherited his father's business. Everyone said that he was the official of ZTE and had a clear vision in the world! In the battlefield, isn't it right? "

Some words made Fang Halal and silent again. This time he was silent longer, because his heart was too shaken.

Li Yan is a warrior? Never heard of it before! But who can deny this, saying that it is completely impossible?

"King An's army has fought for many years, and it is reasonable for him to cultivate his soldiers. The only thing worth noting is where his realm is. Because King An's time has not been in the army for a long time, at least compared to King Longxi County. They will not be in the realm of soldiers. "

Xu Maoda continued: "But for An Wang, it is not a problem at all. He practiced his qi in one day and became a real man in less than ten years! If he was a stranger, he would be able to say that within the same decade It is impossible to achieve the realm of military generals, but if it is King An, then no one can say that it is completely impossible! "

Fang Qingzhen put down his chopsticks, only feeling that his throat was dry. He looked at Xu Maoda and asked hard: "If this is the case, then the battle of Yizhou?"

Fang Qingzhen is a wise man. Of all his friends and relatives, only Xu Maoda's knowledge and insight made him admire, and many times he was ashamed. In the past 20 years, he used Li Guochang and Li Ke to give speeches, sometimes he was inspired by the other party, and the effect was very good.

Xu Maoda said: "An Wang did not attack Yizhou to avoid **** battles between the two armies and the death of the net. He used the method of trapping the city and locked Li Cunxiao in the city to persuade him! An Wang attacked Yizhou from the beginning. It's just attacking the city of Yizhou, but by the way, to conquer Li Cunxiao, a military general! "

Fang Qingzhen wakes up like a dream!

Anyone who is interested in the world will not have no idea in the face of a general like Li Cunxiao, let alone Li Ye?

No wonder, from the very beginning, Li Min had not hesitated to take risks and condescended to Yizhou City, inviting Li Cunxiao to meet in the city. It was not irritated to be rejected, but he took out the fine wine on his own initiative and congratulated Li Cunxiao for his promotion to the general. Is he trying to do something like this?

In order to persuade Li Cunxiao, the conditions given by Li Yan are full of sincerity. When he comes here, he will perform the ritual, and promises that he will be sealed in the future, and even the possibility of worshiping the king of a different name! Someone else said this, it was laughable and generous, but Li Ye ’s words were just like Li Ye ’s words, even more effective than Li Ye ’s words!

"An Wang persuaded the Yizhou garrison to launch a rebellion against ordinary officers and soldiers, precisely to give Li Cunxiao's reliance to build momentum!" Xu Maoda said, "With Wang An's prestige and status today, he can ensure that Li Cunxiao can do this. Li Cunxiao is unmoved? Scholars die for those who know themselves! "

Fang Halal nodded suddenly.

The two talked for a long time and kept talking about late at night.

In the end, Fang halal was fully convinced that Li Cunxiao was very likely to surrender.

He was restless, and immediately set out, and went to see Li Keyong overnight, to persuade the other party to transfer Li Cunxiao back to Taiyuan City!

After Fang halal went out, Xu Maoda didn't stop, and soon left Fangfu, returned home in an ox cart, and entered his own yard.

He got out of the ox cart and someone waited anxiously by the car.

It was a young man under thirty.

"Father, how are you, can you convince Fang Halal?" Xu Maoda got out of the car and the young man greeted immediately.

Seeing his inexperienced son, Xu Maoda had mixed tastes in his heart, and his instinct was angry, but before he breathed out, he turned into a long sigh and disappeared.

If it wasn't for his own unhelpful son, how could he promise that person, using the name of drinking and talking, to persuade Fang Hal to believe that Li Cunxiao would turn to Li Ye and lead the other party to give Li Ke a voice?

"Mr. Why sigh. What you are doing now is for the benefit of the family and the society. After this incident, not only will Lang Lang be exceptionally qualified to become an official, you will also be awarded a title."

A cold voice suddenly sounded beside Xu Maoda. A gorgeous woman in a purple robe emerged from the dark tree shadow.

Seeing each other, Xu Maoda shivered.

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