The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 4 Chapter 116: Forty years

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The words of Li Zhi are not groundless, but it is the description of Master Feihong that is so precise that it can only remind people of this. However, as soon as the words came out, Li Yan felt funny. In the past three years, although he has been with the Feihong Shishi day and night, together to cope with the test of the mysterious realm, but they can not be more innocent.

So even though Li Zhi said this, he did not think that this would be the case. And he soon regretted it. After all, saying such words was offensive to Master Feihong, but he was afraid it was the same as a fight.

But Feihong had no resentment.

Not only was there no resentment, but he was serious. What she said later made Li Yan almost startled.

"That's probably the case," she said.

Li Yan looked at her very seriously: "Are you sure?"

Master Feihong gave him a white look: "What do you think?"

Since Dr. Feihong said so, it would be close to ten. Although they are now completely suppressed, they are almost ordinary people. They cannot look inside the body and see the growth of new creatures. .

Li Yan was silent.

He can only be silent.

Not only was he silent, he also felt ridiculous.

For a long time, he looked up at the sky: "Heaven is unpredictable. Do we really want us to live a normal life here?"

As a monk, especially a great monk who has become a fairy, his growth trajectory is naturally different from that of ordinary people. Cultivation has always been a top priority. It does not work in the field, nor does it consider wood, oil, and salt. In this sense, monks are separated from ordinary life.

Now it seems that this pass in the secret realm is to let Li Zhi and Master Feihong return to the lives of ordinary people completely.

If not, the mystery will not even torment new life.

Facts have proved that Li Yan thinks very well, Fei Hongshi conceived in October, and he is really about to produce.

At dusk on that day, after a long day of hard work, Li Min and Feihong stepped on the ladder, climbed the roof and sat side by side to enjoy the sunset.

Li hesitated for a while, then finally disturbed: "Would you like to find a midwife for you?"

Because he had a big belly, he could only half-lay on the thatched roof, Fei Hongshi, and took an unpleasant look at Li Yan: "I can do it myself."

Li Yue was surprised: "Have you ever had a child?"

Doctor Feihong almost bit his tongue.

If you have n’t had any children before and do n’t have any experience, it ’s not difficult to give birth yourself.

Li Yan stared at Master Feihong, as if to find a flower on her face: "In the kingdom of Buddha, you are the **** in the minds of ordinary people, but if you have not experienced everything in the world, Understood, so how to talk about omniscient and omnipotent? How to help people when they need it? For example, to send someone ... "

Master Feihong said darkly, "I am a monk!"

Li Yan made a long sound.

This meaning is of course very clear. I am just a monk, not an omnipotent **** that the people think.

In other words, almost all monks are not omnipotent.

It is only when the sage is reached that the monks are qualified to talk about so-called omnipotence.

Li Yan looked at the sky and sighed: "So there is no God in this world!"

Chief Feihong said coldly: "There is no god, but there is a fairy!"

The so-called immortal refers to those great monks in the immortal realm. They are certainly different from the so-called gods. They are only powerful monks, monks who seek self-power, not gods who bless people and observe the sufferings of the people.

Li Xun did not refute Master Feihong. Seeing that the sun was about to go down, he stood up and patted his buttocks, and then turned sharply, "I'll go find a midwife."

Fei Hongshi: "..."

After Li Yan had finished speaking, he jumped off the roof. Although he has no practice for the time being, after all, he is physically fit and the thatched hut is not high. It is easy to jump down, but as soon as he landed, the roar of Master Feihong came from behind.

Fei Hongshi: "You come back to me!"

Li Yan turned around, looked up at Master Feihong, and said earnestly, "Do you want me to deliver you?"

From his point of view, the golden sunlight just came from behind Fei Hongshi, making the other party look beautiful.

However, Master Feihong's behavior perfectly destroyed this wonderful mood. She glared at Li Yan: "You get me down first!"

Without the repair, Feihong, who was still pregnant in October with a pregnant belly, of course, had difficulty moving, she just had to go to the roof to watch the sunset.

Li Xie shook his head, feeling very bitter: "This child is not mine, why should I serve you like my ancestors?" Having said that, Li Xie climbed up the roof obediently.

Although the first three years of life were hard and poor, and the two were often hungry, they were sometimes served by electric torture, but they were generally harmonious and relaxed, because they knew that this was a secret test, so their mentalities were good.

Three years of life made Feihongshi a mortal. At least in terms of words and deeds, he is no longer as old-fashioned as before, and is not lively at all, like the people in the painting.

However, since she was pregnant, especially in recent days, the feudal prince has a temperament, moody, and looks like an old ancestor. He often drinks six to Li, which is almost the same as a woman who conceived in October.

Such an "ordinary" Feihong priest, while making Li Yan feel interesting, he also secretly grieved.

Sorrow is actually caused by injustice and grievance.

The child is not his ...

But Li Ye rarely said this, after all, how to listen is very weird.

That night, the thatched house was lively in the middle of the night. The mother-in-law and the helping woman came and went back and forth, and the pots of hot water came in and out. Of course, the most powerful thing was the cry of Feihong's labor.

She seemed to have made up her mind to be an ordinary person completely.

Li Yan was sitting on a wooden pier in the yard, looking at the brightly lit room. Beside him, a large number of people rushing around the village were comforting him and persuading him not to worry.

Li Huan was not in a hurry. Although Master Feihong shouted awfully, there was obviously nothing to do. The secret realm was for her to experience life, and of course it would not kill her.

After tossing for an hour or two, with a loud cry coming out, Li Ye was shaken all the time, as if pouring a puddle of cold water to the head. The whole person felt a great fear, as if pulled into a bottomless abyss.

The child really was born.

When the child was held in Li's arms by the smiling mother-in-law, his whole head was blank.

After finally recovering from the congratulations and noises of everyone, Li Yan looked up at the sky and sighed. He knew that a life of misery had begun.

The facts still did not surprise Li Yan, and the next life became more difficult, because with one more mouth, he worked harder, especially ... In a few years, Master Feihong turned out to be Two more babies were born ...

Of course, nothing happened between him and Master Feihong.

Of course Li Li felt uncomfortable, but Feihong was even more annoyed. After all, pregnant in October is a hard job ...

The good news is that since the baby was born, Master Feihong's temper has changed again. This time, he has become very gentle, like a husband and a son, a wife and a mother. If you put it in the past, Li Yan will be very frightened and hard to accept, after all, it is Feihong Shi.

However, the years of working together day and night, and the common hard work, have left no sense of distance between each other, Li Yan feels that it should be logical and logical for the change in the temperament of Feihong.

There is something more logical.

Li Yan and Feihong are getting old.

This isn't the worst thing Li has ever felt.

Because there is something worse ... As the body ages, he starts to get sick ... Sometimes it will cause backache and backache when it gets worse. In the worst case, he went hunting in the mountains, accidentally broke his leg, and lay in bed for more than three months. Fortunately, there was more than one labor force in the house, so he was not starved to death.

It's dusk again.

Li Yan climbed up the roof along the ladder and sat down next to Feihong, who was watching the sunset in the sky. The scenery in front of me is really good. There is a winding river outside the vast farmland, which has been flowing into the distant barren mountains and wild ridges. The setting sun hangs at the end of the river.

In years of poor life, the only hobby of Feihongshi has been watching the sunset.

But as soon as Li Yan sat down, before he could dissolve the fatigue of working all day, Master Feihong looked over at him and said, "Do you know what day it is?"

Li stroking Lao Han's legs and glanced at the wrinkles in the corner of Feihong's eye, "Your birthday?"

"It's Dalang's birthday!" Master Feihong was serious. The so-called Dalang refers to their eldest son. Although strictly speaking, it was not their son.

Li Ye was puzzled: "So what?"

Doctor Feihong glanced at him without complaining, but did not blame him, but said happily: "Dalang has reached the age of marrying a wife, and it is time to give him a personal relationship. Today, I will buy salt. I met Mrs. Wang, and we both talked about it. She and I both felt that the little lady of the old Xu family was good, smart and sensible, with big buttocks, and she was very healthy at first sight ... "

Li Yan listened and then hesitated.

Master Feihong talked and stopped.

The two were relatively silent.

For a long time, Li Yan smiled helplessly and shook his head: "Twenty years. We have lived here for twenty years!"

"Twenty years, there is still no hint in Secret." Master Feihong sighed, and then she gathered her silk hair, suddenly her voice was full of vitality again, "When Dalang's family affairs are resolved, it should be It ’s Yuer ’s turn, and she is in her old age ... "

Li Yan: "..."

Time passed, and another twenty years passed quickly.

In the setting sun, Li Yong and Master Feihong sat in the yard together, took a cool walk under the big locust trees, and looked at the farmland outside Chai Yue in a daze.

The roof couldn't go up, because the two of them were old and pale, and it was difficult to move around, and they couldn't climb the ladder at all. Forty years of hard work made them grow old quickly.

There are a few strong and young men working in the fields, women preparing food in the kitchen, and several children chasing and quarreling in the yard—these children are not their grandchildren, but their grandchildren. After all, this is an era when people get married and have children in their teens.

Li Yan held his head half asleep and awake. Although it looked ugly, fortunately, there was no salivation flowing out. The next-generation Feihong priest looked at the sunset and was half alive. He looked back at Li Yan and saw that the other party was motionless. Without saying a word, his face changed.

She quickly pushed Li Yan: "Li Yan, don't sleep here, you will catch cold easily!"

Li Yan opened his hazy eyes, a little at a loss, and then woke up halfway. Seeing him look like this, Feihongshi breathed a sigh of relief, "You can scare me."

Li Yan smiled: "Do you think I can't sleep?"

Master Feihong labored to move his body and changed his posture slightly: "That's not necessarily the case."

Li Xuan looked to the horizon and said with emotion: "Relax, I will die behind you."

"Then you have to keep struggling, just your body. I didn't get through last winter, but don't get up one day ... Anyway, don't catch cold. If you are sick, maybe Nothing better ... "said Feihong, the voice went down, his head gradually drooped, and his gray hair would be golden in the setting sun.

Li Yan waited for a long time, but did not hear the following, could not help but turn around curiously, when he saw the appearance of Master Feihong, he was so confused. Then he seemed to sense something, his eyes changed dramatically, he trembled quickly and reached out his hand to touch the other person's breath.

Sure enough, Master Feihong had no voice.

Withdrawing his hand, Li Zhi calmed down instead. He smiled lightly from his heart, "I worked so hard for so long and finally let you die ..."

Before he finished speaking, his hand fell to his side, his eyes closed slowly.

When it came, there was a smile on his face. Like victory.

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