The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 4 Chapter 119: plan

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The realization of the yin and yang of the Tao also allowed Li Zhi to further understand the Tao of the Emperor. There are many ways in the world, they are similar to each other, they share the same path, and the emperor is also related to yin and yang. For example, the patriarchal means of grace and softness.

Before that, Li Zhi had already realized the second realm of Emperor Tao. This time the realization of Yin and Yang of Dao was not a small promotion, but he did not understand the third realm of Emperor Tao. From another aspect, Emperor Tao also has its independence.

However, this is definitely helpful to Li Zhi's understanding of the third realm of Emperor Tao, or the latter realm. Just like now, he clearly felt the vitality of Long Qi, and was quite happy.

After coming out of the small village checkpoint, Li Zhi's strength returned to before entering the small village checkpoint-infinitely close to the level of Wuzong in the Qi training level. The Feihong Shi is still a layer of Qi training, there is still a clear gap between the two.

The discussion of the yin and yang way made Li Yan annoyed Master Feihong and caused his opponent to stab his sword. Of course, Li Zhi was also unambiguous, offering Lu Gujian to stand up to meet them, and the two instantly fought together in a group, with swords and swords.

The question that Li Min asked Master Feihong was actually very simple. It was to ask the other party if he knew the way of integration of yin and yang. It's just that he translated "yin and yang" into "men and women".

Li Xun, who has no awe to Master Feihong, asks this question, and in the eyes of ordinary people, he is blaspheming the other person ’s personality. But in Li Zhi's view, this is nothing more than ordinary doctrine.

For true monks, there is nothing in this world. If you have a taboo, you have a demon. How can you talk about proof if you have a demon? Fei Hongshi should not be angry.

But the facts are clear, Chief Feihong is still angry.

The two sides have been fighting for half a day, and they have not been able to separate the winners and losers.


At the mountainside of the peak, the monk monks and the Buddhist monks who had been carried by the Holy Child and His Son had stared at each other for a few days.

Just because the legs and feet were stuck in the steps and the movement was inconvenient, nothing happened. After all, everyone's strength is now suppressed, and they can't use too many long-range attacks.

But when Li Zhi and Master Feihong left the small village checkpoint, the monks and Buddhist monks suddenly recovered their ability to move, and their feet were able to be pulled out of the "mud" on the steps.

This time the pan was immediately fried, and the scene was completely chaotic.

The monk monk relied on the number of times superior to the opponent, and swarmed up without a word. Tigers and wolves generally rushed at the opponent, and the shot was the sharpest move. The Buddhist monks are also unambiguous, and they will fight with each other at the same time.

There was no suspense in the outcome of the battle. In half an hour, the monk monks, under the leadership of the Holy Infant, subdued all the Buddhist monks. After paying the price of the death of the two monks, the Buddhist monks also no longer know how to fight the beasts.

Nangong No.1 and Su Emei were rescued because of this. The fighting happened too suddenly, and the holy infant and saint are all savvy. First they rushed to rescue Nangong No.1 and Su Emei, so they did not take the hostage What time is it going to take?

The monks of the Buddhist domain were subdued, and the holy infant and the son gathered together with Nangong No. 1 and Su Emei to discuss next actions.

"Lee Ye and Feihong Shi don't know where they are now. Should we go to them?" Yodah raised this question.

The infant child took it for granted: "Of course we have to find it. This secret is too weird. We have been here for so many days, and I do n’t know what the situation is now with Li Zhi and Master Feihong."

Everyone, you said something to me, and started a lively discussion.

After everyone almost talked, Su Emei didn't open his mouth, and Xu Xu concluded: "We stopped only on the mountainside, did not pass the test of the mystery, and deserved to be punished, but now we can move freely, which shows the secret level It has been successfully connected and no longer exists. I think that at least one of Li Zhi and Master Feihong has now been recognized by Heaven. "

"Then where will they be?" The holy infant pressed urgently.

Su Emei stood up and looked to the top of the mountain. She was surrounded by dense fog and could not see anything, but her eyes were firm. "This mountain is the center of the mystery. We are all climbing the mountain. So those who successfully pass the barrier should be On the top of the mountain. "

Everyone felt very reasonable after listening, and decided immediately, and go to the top of the mountain to see the situation-even if it doesn't, there may be something to discover on the road.

"If the person who passed the test of the mystery is Li Ye, then naturally everyone is happy, but what about the Feihong Master?" Suddenly Yoda asked a serious question.

Everyone was silent for a long time, and they all felt very tricky, after all, Master Feihong was too powerful.

In the end, the holy infant could not be lawless: "What are you afraid of? If it is a prince Feihong, we will go together and leave her in a secret place!"

These words were resolute and domineering. They were also full of rebellious will and immediately infected many people. Everyone looked at each other, their eyes gradually lightened.

Now there are more than twenty monks in the tribe, and they really want to hold them up. Even if Master Feihong is very powerful, in the case that the cultivation is suppressed and many methods cannot be used, I am afraid that it is also difficult to fight with both hands.

Everyone had no chance of defeating each other.

The plan was decided, and everyone didn't delay, and immediately climbed the stairs to the mountain. As for the captured Buddhist monks, everyone did not forget to bring them. Originally according to the character of the holy infant, these people were cut to save trouble.

However, Su E's eyebrows were very careful, and she did not agree with this. She said that in order to prevent accidents, it is better to bring them. If the situation is not as expected, you can also use them to threaten Feihong.

Climbing all the way to the top of the mountain, everyone did not encounter any obstacles.



After the meeting, Li Changgeng came out of the hall and looked around for a while. He saw a figure leaving the crowd and headed towards the direction of transmitting the magic circle outside the city. He quickly rushed to catch up, "Brother Zhang, wait a moment."

The immortal official stopped and saw Taibai catching up, then bowed down and said, "What's Brother Li to teach?"

The immortal official had a soft face, sharp eyebrows, hidden sharp eyes, and a long and thin body. Even talking to Li Changgeng, his jaw was slightly lifted, and he was quite proud.

"Brother Zhang, take a few steps to speak." Li Changgeng motioned the other party to go to a place with few people, and then he said: "This time he has taken the Nether to handle the errand of the heaven, what plan does Brother Zhang have?"

"Why does Brother Zhang teach me?" Zhang Ji frowned slightly, as if he thought Li Changgeng was too wide, and even his errands had to be questioned-after all, they had no affiliation.

Li Changgeng did not seem to see the impatience in the other person's eyes, and said seriously: "There is no one in our secret world. What is going on inside now, we don't know anything. But whether it is Fei Hongshi or Li Yi, Don't be underestimated, Brother Zhang must not be taken lightly ... "

Zhang Ji waved impatiently: "What does Brother Li want to say?"

Li Changgeng took a deep breath and said, "Taiyuan City! Whoever occupies Taiyuan City kills! Hedong army wins, kill Li Keyong, Pinglu army wins, kill their master! In this way, the other party can launch a counterattack . In any case, we cannot allow any of them to completely occupy Taiyuan City and control the altar in Taiyuan City! We must ensure that the two sides of the war are evenly matched! "

After hearing this, Zhang Ji froze, and looked at Li Changgeng's eyes, which also became very weird, and said directly: "Brother Li's strategy is too toxic."

Seeing that the other party did not immediately oppose it, Li Changgeng secretly sighed with relief, and said with a smile on his face: "Taking Zhang Xiu's cultivation as the combat power, it is natural for you to take the first rank of the army. Nothing. This lower bound is bound to be smooth sailing! "

Zhang Ji chuckled twice, uncomfortable, but he did not intend to tell Taibai more, hugging his fist and saying, "Thank you Brother Li for your suggestions. Wait for my lower bound to resolve the crisis in Hedong, help Zhu Wen to calm the world, and then fly back Thank you, Brother Li! "

Li Changgeng smiled with his fists: "It's easy to say, it's easy to say."

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