The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 4 Chapter 138: The plot of White Deer Cave (2)

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Li Yan, who was kneeling in front of the small case, was silent.

The wind roared this night, and the window panes were afraid of being shaken constantly, as if afraid of something. I don't know when the sound of the wind is getting weaker, and there is a crackling faint rain in the yard.

When Li Yan returned from his contemplation, the dull rain on the eaves was dense like a drum in the sand. The rain on the old locust tree in the courtyard was crisp, but this did not make Li Yan feel a little lighter. some.

The rain mixed with the faint smell of earth, poured into the house in the breeze, and the candlelight swayed slightly. The dim light on the floor flashed, and Li Xian was also silent.

In fact, the layout of the White Deer Cave is simple.

But many things are not simple, so it's easy to accept.

The answer that Chu Nanhuai gave to Li Yan had only one simple sentence: the old king died and the old dynasty collapsed, and the new king established a new dynasty.

What caused the collapse of the old dynasty was naturally not Li Zhi, but Confucianism, Buddhism, envoys of the confederate towns, officials of various sizes, green forests, and wild heroes.

Chu Nanhuai ’s explanation In fact, everyone understands that there is little left for Datang ’s National Games. It is something that can be saved by several ZTE officials. There is no soil for the survival of famous officials in the troubled times, and only the opportunity for the rise of the hero.

Li Xuan didn't taboo about these. As a traverser, the Tang Dynasty in this world did not care about his death. The birth and death of all things, the prosperity of the country and the decline of the dynasty, the rise and fall of the dynasty, is the basic law of yin and yang.

Even if this once-dazzling dynasty was called Datang, Zeng today brought to the people on this land glory with countless merits, but as Huang Chao captured the palace, the dynasty's majestic body collapsed, leaving only The next lonely back that blew away in the blood and fire.

In addition to his own ascension and long-term longevity, compared with maintaining a well-known national dynasty, Li Zhi cares more about whether the people in this land can live well.

If the world is indifferent and all things are ruminant dogs, then whether the mountains and rivers can be harmonious and whether people and plants and animals can continue is the object of Li Zhi's attention.

Li Yan didn't even care who ruled the land, and Daomen was easy to release. He didn't even care if the later dynasty was called the Great Song or the Mongolian Yuan.

Compared with this iron-clad mountains and rivers and billions of years, any ruler is just a hurry, and every civilization is just a flash in the pan.

The rise and fall of the dynasty has its own rules, and Dadao will eventually make the best choice.

No matter how people are fighting now, no matter how much power, or enemies or friends, there is, fighting for power, holding various flags, and sacrificing blood for the benefit of a small team. In the end, the world will be irreversible and move towards the choice of the avenue.

Survival, integration, coexistence, and harmony are the final results.

What Li Yan wants to do, what he can do, and what he can do is nothing more than speed up the process.

Only so, only if that result appeared earlier, could Cangsheng have less suffering.

This is his basic accomplishment as an emperor of Taoism.

After realizing the yin and yang, Li Yan can not care about the rise and fall of Datang, but can't ignore Li Xian's feelings.

He cannot ignore the feelings of any relatives and friends around him, which is his basic as a person.

Suddenly the sound of the wind suddenly grew louder, and the raindrops of the beans dropped obliquely and slapped on the window lattice, as if to overturn the house.

Li Xian's voice sounded in the sound of wind and rain: "Everyone has an obsession. Shi Men said that if he can't let go, or if he can't let himself go, he won't be able to become enlightened. Dao Men said that if he can't let go, he won't be true Happy, ca n’t justify flying to the rank of Xian. However, if there is no obsession and no self, why should Shimen compete with others and insist on crossing the Buddha, and when Xianting faces the attack of the gods, why should he start the battle of immortals? . "

"I have been with Xuanzong since I had only one idea. What can fit in my chest is only the Tangshan Jiangshan Community. Now, if I want to give up the Tang Dynasty and face the collapse of the community, I will turn a blind eye, then my existence still has What's the point? "

Li Yan knew that Li Xian would say so, and he was not surprised at all, which was also the situation he was most worried about.

Chu Nanhuai wanted to let the Tang Dynasty perish and Bailudong set up a new monarch to establish a new dynasty. Their layout in the world also worked for this, so Li Zhi and Li Xian stood on the opposite side.

Li Xian continued: "Today's report, Li Maozhen took advantage of the battle of Hedong, sent troops to attack Wang Chongrong, victory, and then sent his commander eastward, Chen Bing Chang'an City, hesitant to ask his Majesty to move the capital Fengxiang."

Li Ye was also informed of the incident today. He was not surprised at all. In his previous life, he succeeded as emperor and was also persecuted by Li Maozhen.

At that time, he had just set up a new strategy army, and wanted to do his best to save the Tang Dynasty club, because of the huge momentum, Fanzhen was shaken.

However, because Li Ke was defeated first, the army was destroyed by God's strategy, and then insulted by Li Maozhen, the emperor's majesty was lost, and the situation became uncontrollable since then. He also became a real emperor in the city. Chang'an City.

It can be said that Li Keyong and Li Maozhen were the life-giving ghosts of Li Zhi's previous life.

It is just that things in this life have developed much faster than in previous lives. At this time, Li Maozhen was still recruiting soldiers and was still a few years away from Chen Bing Chang'an.

Li Zheng Shen chanted: "Li Maozhen wants to kill his son in order to make the princes and Chang'an endangered. My father wants to save Changan?"

Li Xian smiled: "Feng Xiang's soldiers did fight well, but Wang Chongrong was not an easy generation. Soon after Li Maozhen had just left Fengxiang, he had the power to defeat Wang Chongrong in such a short period of time. It was amazing enough. Now he keeps on racing Chen Bing Chang'an, forcing the emperor to move westward. Where can he be so brave? "

Li Min frowned slightly. If Li Xian didn't say this, he wouldn't think too much. With such a reminder from the other party, he immediately felt that something was wrong, and there was a lot of meaning in it.

Li Yidao: "If the emperor moved west to Fengxiang, he would be constrained by this. Li Maozhen would operate a little. After a few years, he would be able to make the emperor Zen and become emperor. So ... Tangtang died."

Li Xian nodded: "Yes. Accelerating the demise of Datang is exactly the meaning of this matter."

Li Min asked: "Who wants to make Datang quickly die?"

Li Xian said: "Who doesn't want Datang to perish quickly? Daomen Xianting is the first possibility. At this moment, you are in Hedong, you have no skills, and you know that Li Maozhen's intentions are wrong, and you can't send troops to conquer. Once Datang dies, you Datang Isn't ZTE's minister unrooted duckweed? It's hardly a poison to draw a salary at the bottom of the pot. "

Li Yan silently.

It is indeed possible for Xianting to do this, and it is easy to do so.

Xianting has sent people to the underworld twice to kill him directly, so naturally there is strength to help Li Maozhen. The immense Xianting and talented people must deal with him. In order to ensure thoroughness, he may not use only one method.

However, Xianting is already helping Zhu Wen ...

So Xianting helped Li Maozhen not only had the effect of dying Tang, but also helped Zhu Wen make wedding clothes. When Zhu Wen occupies the Central Plains in the future, Xian Ting will let Li Maozhen defeat Zhu Zhu, can Zhu Wen easily occupy Guanzhong and Fengxiang?

one stone two bird.

Li Xian waited for a moment for Li Xun and then continued: "Apart from Xianting, is it possible for Confucianists and soldiers to help Li Maozhen? Of course it is possible. Right now you have huge power and they can't deal with you directly, but you ZTE Datang, and They couldn't tolerate it. So they took a different approach and assisted Li Maozhen to gain momentum, and then let him get a son. Then Datang can quickly die, Li Maozhen can also gain momentum, and can immediately expand the site, and you will be positive in a short time. Competitive strength! "

After all, Li Xian has been in the center for a long time, and it is true that few people can reach the opinions on the state affairs of the community.

Li Yan's vision gradually opened, and he sighed softly, "It's true. And according to the information received from Qingyi Qinmen in the afternoon, Qin Zongquan had defeated Xuanwu Jiedo to make Zhou Zhen and occupy Xuzhou. Huainan Gao Lu and Shu Zhong Wang Jian also also Recruiting horses and forcibly occupying nearby states and counties, it seems that they are preparing to set up their own flags! "

"Not only that, the recklessness of all states and counties has risen, assassination and assassination history, countless people who occupy the house! Although I captured Taiyuan, it seems to help the court solve a scourge, but the scourge of the world is more. It is indeed a chaos. Now. "

Li Xian nodded and said, "When you go to Hedong, you have given the world ’s heroes a chance to do things. In the eyes of the world ’s heroes, Pinglu and Hedong are a close-fighting battle, and they are likely to fight for a long time. At this moment, what time are you waiting for? Among the hundred officials of the Tang Dynasty, only you have the power and ability to check and balance the town of Fan. "

Hearing here, Li Su suddenly felt something wrong.

Listening to Li Xian's tone, although serious and heavy, he didn't mean to hate it. If he still believes in helping the Tang dynasty society, in the face of such a situation in the world, it should be sad.

Without waiting for Li Yong to ask, Li Xian suddenly asked again, "Isn't it Bailu Cave for Li Maozhen?"

Li Min was shocked.

White Deer Cave may indeed do the same.

He didn't know what to say for a moment.

Li Xian stood up, came to the door and stood with his hands, watching the storm in the courtyard silent.

His body was thin and thin in the stormy night.

He said: "You all say that my life club dies the society, although this statement is absurd, but it also expresses some true meaning. I will ask you a question now."

Li Zheng stood up and said, "Father, please."

"Would you like to be Emperor Guangwu?" Li Xian turned and looked at Li Yan's eyes, his eyes killed.

He has always appeared lonely and unsophisticated since he came out after the Battle of Hakoneyama. He has never had such a serious moment, even when he was just talking about the broken society.

Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty defeated Wang Mang, who reigned as Emperor, and re-established the Han Dynasty.

Li Xian asked, of course, Li Li, whether he would still be named "Tang" after his success.

Even if he knew that the world was in chaos and Datang was about to die, he still couldn't hold his mind.

His question is a big one for ordinary people, because any hero who establishes imperialism wants to have his own national title, but in this way, they are the founding monarchs who have a history of history.

But Li Yan obviously did not have this problem.

He solemnly said: "If I calm down the world, this world is still Li Tang world!"

Li Xian was relieved.

"That's the case, I will start tomorrow," Li Xian said.

Li stunned: "Where is my father going?"

"Hexi." Li Xianfu looked again at the night sky blocked by the wind and rain, his tone was slow and powerful, as if the whole river and mountains were stuck in his throat, "I can see you sweeping the world, but I cannot be a minister to destroy Datang, and follow you to abandon today The emperor is a self-reliance Zhenlong great cause. So I went to Hedong to resist the invading Tubo and Uighur army for the Tang people there. In this way, I was still a Tang Chen and still working for the community. "

Li Xun looked at Li Xian's back, speechless for a long time.

Li Xian suddenly smiled: "I have walked many places in my life, met many people, done many things, not many people admire, only two. Xuanzong need not say, the other one is from Tubo , The rebellion of the Guiyi Army who recaptured the eleven states of Hexi Shagua and reincorporated it into the territory of the Great Tang, led Zhang Yichao. "

"In the past, when Zhang Yichao returned to the dynasty, I once had a song with him about wine, held a candlelight night talk, reached all night, hated each other late, and became a confidant in life. Now, Zhang Gong has already taken a step first, and Hexi Fuwei Back to the attack, the land of Eleven States is in danger of losing again. To this day, I can do very little. I can keep the **** frontier for my old friends while I am alive. A game. "

Li Yan opened his mouth and once again wondered what to say.

Even if he was a man and cultivated as a high master, at this moment he can only surging silently.

Some people have things that do not need to be evaluated. Some people do something without even having to praise.

That's when they face their own souls. It's their own business.

Li Yan came to Li Xian, and the two stood side by side at the door, silent for a long time in the face of Ye Yu.

Lightning appeared at night, and thunder exploded in the ground.

In this world, no matter what the chaos is, things need to be done.

"No need to send it tomorrow." Li Xian waved his hand and turned into the house, ready to go to rest.

Li Min nodded.

Li Xian took two steps and suddenly stopped.

He didn't look back and paused for a moment before he said quietly: "I'm old, some stubborn, some things have no courage to face. You are young and can do much more than me There can also be many changes, both to myself and to this world. I am assured of you. "

He paused again, and his voice gradually began to feel unclear and inexplicable, and his tone was thick and deep, with a touch of gentleness: "This mountain and river are worried about the outside, I go to Hexi ... for you Keep the gate of the country. You will leave the affairs of the country. "

For a time, Li Yan's throat was as hard as a rock.

He could only bow to the back and salute: "Yes, father."

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