The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 5 Chapter 10: Dedingzhou

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Liu Shouguang was overjoyed: "I have a good plan, just do it!"

"You follow me to the barracks now!" The general immediately took the initiative and ordered two armored men to monitor the Jiedushi and return to the barracks with Liu Shouguang himself.

His name is Huang Xingqin and he is the relative of Liu Shouguang. Some time ago, he was in the border with the soldiers. He returned to Youzhou to report his job.

The so-called dental soldiers are the soldiers of Jiedo's guards. They are stationed near Jiedo's palace. They are powerful and the songs are elite.

The reason why Huang Xingqin helped Liu Shouguang was because of their close relationship. He was worried that Liu Shouguang's affairs had been implicated in him, and he was alienated by Liu Rengong.

He simply supported Liu Shouguang in his position. He could go a step further with his great efforts. When Liu Shouguang succeeded, even if he was in charge of all the soldiers and horses in Youzhou, it was not impossible.

The chaos in the world is the perfect time for ambitious people to take advantage.

Huang Xingqin returned to the barracks with Liu Shouguang, and immediately convened a meeting of the army's main generals in secret.

Of course, he did not say that Liu Shouguang had committed adultery with his aunt, and was caught by Liu Rengong on the spot. He only said that Liu Rengong was faint when he was old, and did not think about progress, so that the public would not have the opportunity to build a career and be trapped in Youzhou. By the way, he also made some bad things about Liu Rengong, saying that he had lost the hearts of Youzhou people.

Next, Huang Xingqin also said that Liu Shouguang is wise and well-loved, and he has high aspirations, and it is his son to inherit his father's business, lead the Youzhou Army to fight in the Quartet, eat sweet and spicy, and so on.

Part of the generals attending the meeting were Huang Xingqin's cronies. Naturally, he was the only one who took the lead. The other part was the sectarians, who did not express their opinions and followed the trend. The rest were loyal to Liu Rengong, and did not believe Huang Xingqin's words. , Said he was plotting wrongdoing.

Huang Xingqin acted decisively, and immediately ordered Jiashi to rush into the tent, facing those who opposed him. Although there are many brave soldiers among these generals, before entering the army's account, they had all their sabers. Now they are empty-handed. Where are the opponents of the soldiers, they are killed in no time.

After ordering the body to be taken out, Huang Xingqin looked around the audience coldly, his eyes focused on those sectarians, "Who else is against the succession of the son?"

In the tangy **** taste, where did the generals still dare to oppose, and all of them immediately held their fists and said, "I'll wait for the protagonist to succeed!"

Huang Xingqin then ordered the assembly of elite soldiers. After briefly explaining the operation tonight on the school ground, he left two cronies to sit in the garrison camp, and took Liu Shouguang and the generals to the Jiedushi envoy.

After Liu Rengong's killing of the woman, her anger remained for a long time, and she was sitting in the study with sulking. I don't know how long it was. When there was silence, suddenly I heard a loud noise outside, as if there were hundreds of people at war, he was furious: "What's the noise? Come!"

A moment later, a blood-covered soldier ran to the small courtyard and reported to Liu Rengong in amazement: "Master, great things are not good! Huang Xingqin gathered in the mutiny, is attacking the mansion, and has already entered the weeping gate!"

Liu Rengong was shocked: "Huang Xingqin? How dare he ?!"

He quickly dispatched the man in the Fu to fight, and sent all the monks in the high-level training. He thought for a long time, and sent someone to the military camp outside the city to let the other party to help, and finally he ran to the front yard.

When he saw the chaos, he couldn't help turning his face white. The relatives in his house have been beheaded and killed by the other party, and the bodies have fallen to the ground. Some of the monks who practiced high Qi were killed and some of them stood behind Huang Xingqin!

At this time, the Jiashi and monks who flooded into the palace in all directions had surrounded him faintly.

Seeing Huang Xingqin and Liu Shouguang, where could Liu Rengong not understand what was going on? He pointed at the other side and yelled: "You, this son! You and your aunt are committing adultery in front of you, and after the crowd mutiny is behind, you are despondent! I must clean up the portal today! "

As a result, Liu Rengong rushed to Liu Shouguang to kill the other party. He has a real-world practice, and there is a possibility of taking the enemy general in the chaos.

However, how could Liu Shouguang be willing to sit back and wait for his death? He was only slightly worse than Liu Rengong when he was repairing. Now Huang Xingqin was swooping in, and he was so ruthless that he fought with Liu Rengong.

The drama of the father and the son's disability did not take long. Liu Rengong was seriously injured during the siege and was quickly captured by Huang Xingqin.

Huang Xingqin breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the mutiny was unreasonable, relying on **** support. He was also afraid that when the army outside the city arrived, he had not captured Liu Rengong and gave the other party a chance to make a comeback. Fortunately, Liu Rengong did not insist on breaking through, but fought directly, so that he could easily win the opponent.

Liu Rengong was already in a state of chaos. His son had adultery with his own sister-in-law, and his most trusted general gathered together for mutiny. His heart seemed to be bleeding, and even if he was seriously injured and captured, his head was circulated, he kept cursing at the other side.

Liu Shouguang was ashamed, and he didn't want to hear Liu Rengong continue to yell at him. After all, so many people watched, the scene was too ugly, and he immediately ordered Liu Rengong to be taken.

He wasn't completely inhuman, at least he didn't kill the other party, he just ordered his imprisonment.

Huang Xingqin thought that Liu Rengong should be killed to avoid suffering later, but Liu Shouguang disagreed: "There are many generals in the army, all of whom are fathers and close friends. If they kill their fathers, they may make them dissatisfied, and they will use this to make troubles. Father, can restrain them. "

As soon as Huang Xingqin thought it was reasonable, he didn't insist.

So Liu Shouguang issued a notice overnight saying that Liu Rengong was seriously ill, and passed Jijie to him, and ordered that he be sent to the army barracks without any order, or he would be treated by mutiny without order.

After a night of trouble and handling various matters, Liu Shouguang did not feel tired at all. Now he has become the owner of Youzhou, and the restraints and scrupulousness of the past no longer exist. No one can drink anything to him anymore. He can sleep any woman he wants.

Thinking of this, Liu Shouguang also felt a bit regretful. After all, the Liu Rengong's sister-in-law who had committed adultery with him had been killed by Liu Rengong, and he still missed the taste of the other person.

But that's it, Liu Shouguang is not too sad, after all, women always have.

Huang Xingqin was now entrusted by Liu Shouguang with all the military. After going around the battalions, he returned to Jiedushi Mansion and immediately came to Liu Shouguang to discuss plans.

"Just received the news, King An has subdued Chengde, I'm afraid that it means to go north to Youzhou." Huang Xingqin looked serious. "Now we have to deal with it."

Liu Shouguang's face changed, and the bottom of his eyes couldn't help flashing a touch of fear.

Li Yongping settled Huang Chao and captured Hedong with almost no effort. When it is usually mentioned, some people may disagree and think that if he is Li Yan, he can do the same as him.

However, when they heard that Li Zhi aimed his soldiers at himself, fear would grow out of control, and then they would take a serious look at how far the opponent was from himself.

It's okay not to look at it. On examination, you will find that the other party is a behemoth. He is just an ant. He is not qualified to confront the other party at all.

Liu Shouguang trembled: "I heard that King An is fairly benevolent, and the princes of the various towns have no trouble. As long as he obeys his orders, he will have no trouble. We might as well learn from the towns of Henghai and Zhaoyi and take the initiative to What about An Wangbeizhong? "

Huang Xingqin obviously did not agree with this, and he said coldly: "You just made the Jiedushi, do you want to let the power be handed over to someone, King Angan will ride on your head and give you impetus?"

Liu Shouguang thought for a while, this is really not very acceptable. He is now the owner of Youzhou. What he wants is to do whatever he wants. Now let him obey Li Zhi's orders and accept Li Zhi's fingertips on Youzhou. He is really unwilling.

However, Liu Shouguang still did not dare to stand against Li Zhi. He tentatively said: "But An Wang is powerful. If he sends troops to attack, how can we deal with it?"

Huang Xingqin seemed to be well-informed, clearly thinking about this question: "We can ask Khitan for help!"

Liu Shouguang froze: "Calling for help from Khitan? We have been fighting with Khitan for years. Will they help us?"

Huang Xingqin snorted coldly: "This time and every other time. Khitan has swept the grasslands in recent years, and it has become a trend. I heard people say that Khitan has the ambition to go south to the Yellow River. This is where we can use. An alliance with Khitan can suppress An Wang Zhongxing Datang, this is what Khitan wants! When we defeat King An, we will attack them! "

Liu Shouguang's eyes lit up: "So do it!"

But then he was worried again: "But if Khitan sends too many soldiers to go south, he is afraid of having the ability to be mainly anti-customers, but he sends too few reinforcements, and he may not be able to stop An An. How can this be good?"

Huang Xingqin said: "It is not necessary to let them send an army, just send monks to protect you. As for the army, our Lu Longjun is outstanding and not lost to the Pinglu army. It is not difficult to stop them. And you must not forget that the Central Plains Zhu Wen, but still igniting in King An's backyard! "

Liu Shouguang stroked his hand and praised him: "I am really talented, so this matter is settled."

. . . . . .

After Li Zhi arrived in Dingzhou, he received a warm hospitality from the Jiuyi Envoy of the Yiwu Army.

At the banquet, the Jiedu Army ’s Jiedushi said in front of officials at all levels in Dingzhou that he was loyal to the Tang Dynasty. The Yiwu Army was sent by Li Yi. Not only him, but the officials and officials present also expressed their strong support for the decision of Yiwu Jiedushi.

It is clear that there is a plan, so we can work together. The other party was so sensible, Li Ye was very satisfied, so he had to say some encouragement.

The Volunteer Army took the initiative to take effect, although it was unexpected, but also reasonable.

Before Li Yan conquered Hedong, with the record of conquering Wei Bo, the Zhaoyi Army volunteered to help. Now that he even has Hedong in his pocket, all the princes who have not been stunned by ambition and not supported by Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Taoism should know what attitude to take when Li Zhi comes.

Since the Yiwu Army took the initiative to take effect, Li Zhi did not send Pinglu Army to the Yiwu City Pond. His meaning was clear. As long as Jiedushi obeyed the orders, he would not reduce Jiedushi's authority.

After receiving the help of the Yiwu Army, Li Yan stayed in Dingzhou for a day as usual, mainly watching the other party posted a notice to make the matter public. After receiving a lot of luck in the night, Li Zhi continued to go north after dawn.

His schedule was quite tight, also because Xuanwu Army was still attacking Qingzhou. Although the war is for the time being, no one can guarantee that there will be no sudden changes, so it is better to resolve the issue in the north earlier.

When departing from Dingzhou, the intelligence of Youzhou brought by Tsing Yi Yamen.

According to the previous speculation of Li Zhi, based on his friendship with Liu Rengong, Youzhou is likely to end without a fight.

After all, he did not plan to let Lu Longjun send troops to follow him to fight, and after the situation in Pinglu was stable, he would support Liu Rengong with some money, armor, and monks to help him guard the border. Liu Rengong wouldn't appreciate such favorable conditions.

Unexpectedly, Li Yan's plan, but did not have the opportunity to tell Liu Rengong.

"Liu Shouguang committed adultery with his aunt and was caught by Liu Rengong on the spot. He was injured by a random club. On the night, Liu Shouguang gathered his teeth and carried Huang Xingqin, launched a mutiny, and imprisoned Liu Rengong?" After reading the newsletter in his hand, Li Ye laughed and laughed.

"Not only that, Liu Shouguang also sent monks to Khitan and intended to beg for Khitan." Song Jiao, a servant of the dust, had just arrived from Youzhou, and her eyebrows with beautiful makeup were a little tired, which seemed to be a long journey. .

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