The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 5 Chapter 13: unfavorable

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Bubu Shenglian was originally a group attack sword, even if Li Xun was facing Tian Wonderland at the moment, with the help of the dragon's power that merged the power of the avenue, it also exerted its due power.

However, because the other party is a heaven wonderland, they can always deal with it a little at a critical moment, so the seven people only die two and get five injuries. The gap between the two realms is still too large.

At this point, under the leadership of Li Zhi, the monk monk has been fighting with the **** monk,

Flying across the sky in the air, all kinds of methods are bright, and the night sky is full of sights, like heaven and earth. In particular, the true fire of the red child's Samadhi is also a range killing technique, which is difficult to cope with when it is basically applied, causing great distress and killing to the theological monks.

Yeluabaoji has also shot. He is fighting with the monk monk. Compared to Li Ye, his body skills are not very agile, and the time for launching the spell is longer, but the power is equal. Not much to lose.

During Yeluabao ’s fuselage week, he was surrounded by two heavenly wonderland and four earth wonderland, while defending against the monks who attacked him, while protecting him, this allowed him to launch a mighty attack with impunity.

Among the monks who are most highly regarded as heaven fairyland, Li Xun's combat power is already one of the best. Yelua Baoji's combat power is almost the same as him, causing much trouble to the monk monks.

Three or five hordes attacked his monk monks. Faced with his attacks, they fell from the air one by one after a while.

Yelu Abaoji ’s method of attack is the same, using the fire that the Central Plains monk is most familiar with, but his condensed fireball is half red and half black, and the diameter reaches ten feet. The power is equivalent to the full power of Tianxianjing. hit.

The monk monk attacked, and one of the land wonderland could only fall badly, and the heaven wonderland had to fight hard. Sometimes several people resist together in order to eliminate the lethality brought about by the fire. Fortunately, the lead time for Yeluabaoji to launch the fire technique was quite long, so the monk monk did not lose quickly.

"Li Yan, we ca n’t tell the difference today. Do n’t let anyone go. Let ’s have a good fight, haha!" Yelua Baoji was full of excitement, and the whole person was in a state of excitement. After the attack, he still Energetic laughed and challenged Li Yan.

"Shut up, you!" Just use a sword to breathe a lotus, and beheaded a sorrowful monk, Li Shu, heard a sneer, and attacked another monk in heaven.

The total number of demon monks is about the same as that of the **** monks, but Tianxian Realm has only half the number of the other party. Thanks to the true fire of him and the red baby, this situation barely stabilizes the situation.

In addition, after Li Zhi successively launched the exercises of Ziqi Dong from the east, which caused a lot of killing to the religious monks, his energy consumption was not small. As a Yang Shen real person, although Li Zhi has all kinds of methods and has the power of heaven wonderland, but the amount of aura in Qi Qi is still only the real state of Yang Shen. In terms of durability, he cannot compare with these heaven wonderland and earth wonderland. .

In addition, although his sword style is overwhelming, in fact, there are very few changes. As the battle progresses, the monks are also prepared for it.

They divided a few heaven wonderland, and brought a group of earth wonderland to besiege Li Xun. They didn't ask for attack but just defense. What they did was to seduce Li Xun to death. This also made Li Zhi unable to quickly expand the results of the war and had to fall into a hard fight.

The lack of realm is Li Zhi's fatal shortcoming. In a one-on-one and one-stroke battle, he can give his opponent an unexpected blow, but in a group battle, once he falls into a tug-of-war, he is not much. Advantage.

Therefore, the situation of Li Xun and the monk monks is not very optimistic at this moment, which is why Yeluabaoji is arrogant.

Li Yan frowned slightly.

Although Li Keyong had been fighting with Yelua Baoji once before hunting Li Keyong in Hedong, in fact Li Zhi knew little about the monks. He didn't know how great the religious monks were, and he didn't know how many other monks in the fairyland appeared in the world.

Yeluabaoji is the tomorrow's hope of the entire Khitan. Li Zhi knows this. After all, the other party will build the Great Khitan country in the future and is the founder of the Liao Dynasty.

That is to say, this time the Yaluapo machine was prepared this time, and it is very likely that all the monks who can bring it will be brought.

Although Li Ye did not deal with Yelu Abaoji very much, but he had some understanding of his temperament. Although this guy seemed to escape, he was extremely meticulous and extremely pragmatic. This can be seen from the other side's decisive abandonment of Li Ke that day and taking away.

Now that Li Zhi has almost unified the northern part of the Great Tang Dynasty, at this time, Yeluabaoji appeared at the border. If he wanted to form an alliance with Liu Shouguang, the monk power brought by him would never be reserved. The divine monks in front of Li Zhi are likely to be the main force of the divine religion, and they are all the family members of the divine monks who can now take out their maneuvers.

Li Yan secretly said: "If all the monks in front of you can be killed, then within a short time, the Khitan and the monks will no longer have the ability to invade the south. The backyard will be stable and I will be able to focus on Zhu Wen. To resolve the princes in the country. After I cleared Kyushu and overwhelmed my strength, it would be much more convenient to come back to deal with Khitan and the gods, at least not on two fronts. "

How harmful the Khitan is, as a guest of the earth, Li Zhi knows.

Not to mention the Five Dynasties, the other party took advantage of the opportunity to help Shi Jinglian and sent troops to plunder the Central Plains, leaving the Central Plains with ten rooms and nine empty lives, countless deaths and injuries, and possession of Youyun Sixteen States.

It is said that after the Northern Song Dynasty unified the Central Plains, Song Taizong devoted himself to the country several times in the Northern Expedition, all defeated in the north, and he could not regain the Youyun Sixteen States. He also lost the national elite, so that in the end he could only be oppressed by Khitan. .

In this world, heaven and earth are united, Xianfan is common, and the failure of the war in the world also means the failure of the battle of immortals, that is, the power of the gods has actually suppressed the immortal court later!

If now, when Li Qi has not yet unified the Mobe steppe and the theology has not yet reached its heyday, he will seriously damage it, then he can delay the development of the theology and give the Tang army a northern expedition in the future. condition!

Mindful of this, Li Yanmei Yuran.

However, it is not easy to defeat the theological monks right now.

The third group of monks who support Li Xun is now resisting He Jingcheng's team in Qingzhou. They have no time to go north. Therefore, the monk group that Li Yan was carrying was actually only half of his strength. It was really difficult to overcome the gods who came out from the main force.

The red baby came to Li Yan with a fire pistol and helped him make a siege, while shouting to him: "They have too many fairyland, we can barely maintain a tie. It must be that we ca n’t afford it, and they There are also a lot of wonderland, it is too difficult for us to win this battle! "

The true fire of the red babies is indeed extraordinary. It has burned two heavenly wonderlands and burned a lot of wonderland, but for him, it also means a great loss of aura.

And later, the other's positions became more dispersed.

When the red baby fought against the monkeys, it was a one-on-one match. The red baby burned in flames, and the monkeys could only run around with little consumption. Now that the monk is dodging everywhere, and there are too many people, he seems incapable of taking care of the monks.

According to the meaning of the red child, Qingshan stayed in the same place without worrying about burning wood. Since this battle could not be fought, let's retreat first, and wait until later to mobilize all the monk monks' strengths, and then kill the other party.

Li Zheng couldn't agree with this plan. He couldn't say something to the red baby because the other party might not care. What he thought was: "If we retire now, Khitan can help Liu Shouguang to sit in Youzhou. With their strength, they will have to It is not difficult at all to help Lu Longjun invade Yiwu and Chengde in the south, and it may endanger Hedong. There was a fire in the backyard and he was too busy taking care of himself. How can he fight with Zhu Wen? "

Moreover, Li Yan always felt that Xianting's current measures against him were not Xianting's true strength.

Although the immortals passed the Kunlun lower bound to Xianting, it was not worth the trouble for Xianting. Although Xianyu is also fighting, Xianting's manpower cannot be transferred too much, and power cannot be transferred. Although there are some immortals in the family of mud dust people, Help him constrain the Emperor, but these are not problems that cannot be solved.

Moreover, the system of the muddust Taoist is only a small part of the strength after all, the main body of Xianting is still in the hands of the Emperor, and it makes no sense that the Emperor will develop and grow with him.

Therefore, after Li Jing secretly said that Xianting hadn't moved for a long time after He Jingcheng and other people went down, it is very likely that he was preparing a big move, one can slap him with a slap, and completely determine the big move in the world.

"Today, we must fight back these religious monks!" Li Yan said with a deep eyebrow, and said to the red child without a doubt. When he was fighting, he had also been observing the methods of warfare monks in order to find a way to break the situation.

The red child was quite anxious. He was not a stable person. Most of the time, he was anxious. "Our people have already been seriously injured and wounded, and their fighting power is still complete, but six out of ten. If they do not withdraw and break out, I am afraid There is danger of destruction of the entire army! "

Li Yan did not speak or respond.

He is attacking left and right, and will try to get around and kill the theological monks who compressed his fighting space. Sharp and deep eyes swept across the battlefield from time to time.

On this battlefield, monks and gods of monks are fighting dead and wounded, and more than two hundred people fight in real and fairy realms. The fighting range reaches ten miles, and the boundary of spiritual flow is wider, and it looks chaotic.

Of course, in Li Yan's eyes, this is not all chaos!

He is not only a monk, but also a Pinglu Jiedushi. In addition to his personal combat power, he also has the ability to govern civil affairs and battlefield battles, which is determined by his position. If he wants to sweep the world, every ability is indispensable.

On the battlefield, he is good at observing the enemy and me, and seeing the enemy's actual situation, thinking about the enemy's tactics, and predicting the situation, so as to catch the fleeting fighters and let the Pinglu army win the battle.

This ability, or habit, has penetrated his bone marrow.

In many battles, it was with this excellent military quality that he was able to command the Ping Lu Army to win one victory after another, ping Huang Chao and Hedong.

Now Li Zhi is observing the warfare of monks. Soon, he found some clues. This brightened his eyes, and while he was fighting, he scrutinized the opponent's tactics in order to verify his conjecture.

The red baby was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. He had explained the plight of the monk monk, but Li Ye seemed indifferent. While controlling the cloud of fire formed by the true fire of Samadhi, sweeping towards the surrounding religious monks who intend to approach, he watched the war situation of the monks with anxiety.

It's okay not to look at it. The red baby frowned at the sight of it. Several extremely familiar figures were successively injured under the attack of the religious monks, and some even fell straight to the ground.

In the fairyland, Yang Tingge was delayed by the guard next to him when attacking Yeluo Baobao. The fireball blasted by Yeluo Baobao hit the opponent the next moment. Rao is the opponent's defense law. Device, still spitting blood and flying out.

Zuo Cheer and his companions in Di Wonderland attacked two theological monks.

The two sides did not fight for a while, and a master from heaven wonderland flew behind him, waving black gas between his hands to form a long whip, and drew on his companion next to him, directly sucking each other into flesh, and fell straight to the ground.

Zuo Che'er lost his companion's response, and was pressed by his deity monk in the wonderland of the earth with his palm, while spitting blood, his head fell down in the barren mountains.

The red child was stunned, and the cloud of fire formed by the true fire of Samadhi suddenly increased by three points. He wrapped a few gods in the fairyland, and the burning partner cried, his mother crying, and his face darted. Followed by the white, obviously consumes a lot.

He shouted at Li Yan: "Li Yan! Fight like this, we all have to explain here today!"

Li Xun said at this time: "Follow me, I have a way to defeat the enemy!"

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