The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 5 Chapter 143: Blood mill

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Luzhou City.

The sun rises to the east, and the morning sun sprinkles on the windowsill, with a slight coolness.

From the practice, Zhu Wen opened his eyes and breathed a breath of fresh air. The whole person felt refreshed.

He came to the window sill and looked out of the mansion with a negative hand. His eyes were deep and sharp. Although he did not intentionally act, he already had a magnificence overlooking all directions.

At this time, Zhu Wenxiu was boundless in volatility, as if the ocean was unpredictable. On the surface, it seems calm and calm, but it can make people clearly feel the hidden current turbulent inside, as if he only need to lift his finger, the mountains can be collapsed and the rivers can flow backwards.

Such Zhu Wen made the monks secretly guarding outside the courtyard feel awe from their hearts. They are all very clear that Zhu Wen, who had obtained the opportunity in the secret world of heaven, is no longer the same as usual. That is not only the refinement of the realm of cultivation, but also the breath of the king only after peeking into the avenue.

"Congratulations to Zhu Gong, you have to be cared for by heaven, and cultivated a breakthrough wonderland!"

There was an immortal in the room. He came without warning and without the permission of Zhu Wen. He just stood behind Zhu Wen and gave a hearty laugh.

It is He Jingcheng, the principal of Xianting in the world.

Zhu Wen frowned slightly, showing unhappiness in his eyes. He didn't hide his emotions, and his voice was ruthless: "I heard that the monk Xiu can see for a long time and live up to the speed of the immortal world. Lie Xianban. Why did I achieve the immortal realm, but I did n’t see the immortal boy greet me, Xianglong rose, and led me to Xianting? ”

He Jingcheng's smile added some meanings that could not be clearly explained, and the meaning was far-reaching: "Zhu Gong knows something, and the monk breaks through the immortal realm, and must be approved by Xianting. Send the fairy child to lead the way to rise to Xianting. Then, even if the monk's realm breaks through, he won't be qualified as a fairy class. It is not much different from real life. At best, it is more powerful. "

Zhu Wenmo asked for a moment, "What do you mean, although I have achieved the fairyland, I have not yet been approved by Xianting?"

He Jingcheng nodded, a look that was indeed true, "Zhu Gong needs to know that the Taoist fairy court is the master of this world. Anyone who does not submit to the existence of the immortal emperor cannot be placed in the immortal class."

Zhu Wen realized the profound meaning in the words of the other party: "I understand. According to your meaning, I should set up an altar, put on sacrifices, lead the monks, sacrifice the heaven and earth, show my surrender to the fairy court, and receive the blessing from the fairy court. It really became a fairy. "

He Jingcheng raised his palm and praised: "Zhu Gong is really wise, that's exactly what it is!"

Suddenly, Zhu Wen laughed loudly, and the laughter was bold and unrestrained, and he did not hide the ridicule.

He Jingcheng's eyes changed slightly: "Why is Zhu Gong laughing?"

Zhu Wen laughed enough to stop the laughter, and laughed: "There are ridiculous people, ridiculous, can I not laugh?"

He Jingcheng's face sank.

Before waiting for him to speak, Zhu Wen brushed his sleeves, and lived a domineering arrogance all over the world. He said coldly: "I Zhu Wen got the heavenly Qi machine and was recognized by the heavenly way, so it was repaired for thousands of miles a day, and it was a fairyland. What's the matter? Without the approval of Xianting, the monks can't achieve the fairyland, can't be placed in the immortal class? Ridiculous! Such words can deceive those stupid burlesques, but they can't deceive me Zhu Wen! "

"Monks in the world, comprehend the avenue and enter the fairyland, this is the law of heaven! Are those monks who couldn't achieve the fairyland before, can't they? Only your gates and fairy courts are not allowed. It is your gates and fairy courts, in order to maintain their status, And limiting the possibility of monks becoming immortals is that you curb the ability of monks who can enter the fairy gate without submitting to you and cross the threshold of the fairyland! "

"If you do this shameless thing, you can still justly say that you ca n’t be a fairy without the gift of fairy court? It ’s shameless! Today I am a fairyland, you are caught by surprise? Not only you, but also Taomen fairy court. This is of course, after all, I was just a real Lingchi before. "

"Because you were caught off guard and because you wanted to maintain the authority of your Taoist fairy court, you suddenly appeared before me without my permission to show that you are still stronger than me, and told me this ridiculous thing. Purpose Isn't it just trying to redeem the situation and maintain the majesty of Xianting, afraid that I could pry into the truth? "

Having said that, Zhu Wen turned to look at the startled He Jingcheng, his eyes full of contempt and contempt.

He said: "Want me to subdue Zhu Wenchen to Xianting? I still say that, delusional! I have a commoner, Zhu Wen, who has the trend of today. The gift of your fairy court! Your gate wants to seize the world and maintain its orthodox status. It is okay to be with me. You want me to be your puppet and listen to your orders completely. Dream it!

In these words, Zhu Wen said that the majesty as the owner was fully revealed.

He was originally a landlord, and even if he became the owner now, some of his temperament could not be changed, such as speaking directly or even crudely. But this did not affect his coercion in the slightest, but it showed a kind of pride that cannot be overwhelmed.

Although He Jingcheng was outraged, he was speechless.

His response showed that what Zhu Wen said was basically true, so he couldn't refute it for a moment.

For a long time, He Jingcheng faced Shen Rudao: "If you want to be successful, you have to rely on the help of Daomen, otherwise there is only the fate of ruin! With so many princes in the world, Daomen has huge power in all states and counties, and you must not choose you!"

"This is true." Zhu Wen said lightly, "If you are going to support other princes, you can leave now, I will not stay strong."

He Jingcheng froze for a moment, then immediately saw the murderous vision: "You should know that this is provocation, and you will only lose your power, status and prosperity!"

Zhu Wenzhang laughed, "Ronghua is rich and rich? How can you understand the aspirations of the Lord as a running dog! What is Zhu Wen going to do if it is not the crown of power and power? If Zhu Wen is willing to be subordinate to the people, why bother returning? Want to be the princes of the Central Plains? I can directly rely on King An. In my ability, I would say that it is also His Majesty King An. It ’s not easy to get rich and rich? I do n’t even surrender King An, what can you do? Let me bow my head ?! "

Some words are like the voice of Jin Ge in the battlefield.

He Jingcheng was trembling with anger.

He is indeed angry. But because of his anger, he would not really consider the issues raised by Zhu Wen, which meant that he could not understand Zhu Wen's will.

As Zhu Wen said, He Jingcheng Xiu is no matter how high, that is, a running dog, he can never understand what makes people feel good.

The game between the two sides has existed since Monk Daomen first appeared in front of Zhu Wen.

Perhaps Zhu Wen and He Jingcheng did not realize that their words and clashing attitudes had collided fiercely. They had appeared many times in the previous troubled times, and appeared between the masters of Taoism and the people.

Is religion overriding imperial power, or is it supreme?

In some places, religions as powerful as Daomen are the true masters of secular power, and the crown of the king has to take over the crown from the master of religion. Under the will of the Lord of Religion, the King can only obey, and the Lord of Religion launches a holy war, and the King will have to order the army.

But in the land of Shenzhou, under the whole world, there is no land for kings, no shore for land, no court for kings.

When it came, He Jingcheng had to reconcile his hostility, and said stiffly: "Now Li Zhi has returned from the demon tribe, while he is still on the road, we must kill him. Otherwise, once the demon tribe moves, the situation will be out of control!"

Zhu Wen shuddered his sleeves. "Even if the business is not finished, why have to do that tricky set? Remember, I am the Lord and you are only ministers. I have everything to do, not you. Before This is so, and even more so in the future! Now, my father ordered: Rob King An! "

He Jingcheng twitched in the corner of his mouth, but said nothing in the end. To save face, he snorted and left.

He Jingcheng returned to his residence from Zhu Wen's courtyard, and immediately called all the immortal monks in Luzhou City, and ordered to leave after two hours.

For He Jingcheng, time is very urgent, and it is reasonable to start immediately, but he still has to wait for something. To be precise, it is a magic weapon waiting for a magic weapon, which is given by the Emperor.

An hour later, a Changhong descended on Jiedushi, revealing a personable and energetic fairy.

He Jingcheng has been watching for a long time, at this moment he rushed up to salute, "I have seen Lord Baihe."

Since he is His Holiness, that is the power of Da Luo Jin Wonderland. It's just that this realm is in Xianting. Now that it is in the realm, this realm can't be maintained.

Although Lord Baihe's grace is elegant, he looks rather embarrassed. It seems that after Kunlun's lower bound, he is still in the "sickness" stage. But at this time he still showed a kind smile, "He Gong doesn't have to be polite. This time, I brought you the magic weapon given by the Emperor, and you must have waited for a long time."

Speaking, Lord Baihe stretched out his hand, a mass of nimbus erupted in the palm of his hand, and a brass-colored grinding disc appeared in it, spinning continuously, exuding a strong **** killing gas.

He Jingcheng was attracted by his eyes and fell into it with only one glance. The whole person was immediately lost, as if demented, and a strong fear appeared in the eyebrows, as if he was suffering severe torture.

Fortunately, Lord Baihe quickly put away the millstone, and He Jingcheng returned to God in time. He turned pale for a while, and said with a guilty grin: "The evil blood millstone! I never imagined that Emperor Xian would even invite such magic weapons!"

His Majesty Baihe sighed, not without regret: "The evil blood mill is a unique magic weapon, instinctively played a greater role in the war of immortals, but this time in order to ensure that Li Ye foolproof, Xiandi had to endure pain."

Unlike the immortals, there is still a small chance to return to Xianting. The magic magic of Xianting reaches the world, and it is basically destroyed once. Therefore, the Supreme Lord Baihe said that the Emperor was suffering. With so many innate magic weapons, and basically having a master, Xiandi can come up with a unique magic weapon, the determination is already great.

——There are also some magical gems. The magical gems in the hands of the Seven Sages of the Demon Clan are just the magical gems, and not all of them.

This is why the former Emperor would rather send the immortal to the lower realm than use the magic treasure.

According to the method delivered by His Excellency Baihe, He Jingcheng obtained the right to use the evil blood mill, so he dared to take it over. He solemnly closed it and said calmly: "Respect the Lord, rest assured that there is evil blood in his hands, Li Zhi will die, no doubt, Hemou will not insult the mission!"

His Excellency Baihe encouragingly said: "He Gong will definitely succeed when he goes here. However, the lower bound of this seat is already tired and hurried in again, and his strength is really poor. It will take a few days to recover. He Gong is traveling. He Gong needs to know that the third batch of Dao Ping has been assembled and will be lowered later. As long as he can kill Li Zhi and make the monsters chaotic, Dao Ping will soon destroy Ping Lu. The monk monk, the world will be determined! "

He Jingcheng felt that his mission was great and promised: "If things fail, he will come up and see you!"

With that said, he flew up, greeted the monk, and joined Zhu Wen again, and flew towards the east together.

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