The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 5 Chapter 148: As old as

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The return of Li Xun was the first to get news from Shangguan. It was already late at night, and she was the first time to arrive outside the courtyard, looking up at the attic where Li Xing was. However, she didn't meet. After a while, she turned around and stood outside the hospital. She is already a senior in the fourth grade, playing the role of duty like a soldier.

The next day, all officials in the palace heard of the return of Li Zhi and Shangguan ’s pour out of the city late at night. Both the senior officials in Siping and Jiupin in Jiupin praised Shangguan's loyalty and passed on to him for a while, setting an example for Pinglu generals.

Of course, this is something.

Now Li Yan is meditating in the room. On the one hand, he continues to digest the secrets of the heavenly Tao and deepen his understanding of the avenue; on the other hand, he carefully appreciates the speed of the people's confluence and judges the return of the people in the north.

The speed of people's confluence is a direct response of the people to Li Zhi's return to heart, and also reflects the effect of Li Zhi's administration of the local government. Relying on this standard, Li Xie knew whether the magistrate had done his best to take care of the state and county, without leaving the house.

Where people's luck gathers fast, needless to say that there must be peace and harmony between the people, the people have benefited from the government, they can live and work in peace, and their lives are getting better and better, then the officials should be rewarded.

Conversely, if the people ’s gathering of luck is slow, or there is no gathering of luck at all, then Li Zhi will have to send officials from the Wangfu to patrol, sacrifice the officials of the corpse vegetarian meal, and punish the officials. Principal.

This is really the best weapon for Li Zhi to manage the ranks of his officials. It is extremely convenient and powerful.

The most taboo of the Lord is being blinded by His Majesty's officials. There are always people at their disposal. On the one hand, they can find out the temperament and personality of the Lord, please the Lord to gain trust, and on the other hand, they can make good relations with the governing officials. They are in the top ranks in the performance test. Such people are undoubtedly Sheepworm.

After all, Li Yan is in awe of every chance, and he can't accurately distinguish each official. Now, by examining the confluence of the people's luck, he can make a clear observation.

Meditating all night, Li Xuan rose at dawn and came to the window to open it. Watching the morning glimmer rising from behind the city walls of Qingzhou, breathing fresh air, he already had a general understanding and planning of various matters in his mind.

Li Yan stood with his hands in his hands and thought: "People in the northern states and counties have come together to varying degrees. Weibo and Hedong are directly under my jurisdiction, so the people have gathered the fastest and most thorough luck, but the other towns are worse Many ... if the concentration of people in the northern town of Fengqi meets the standard of Pinglu, enough for me to be promoted to the real wonderland, or even to touch the threshold of Taiyi true wonderland. But it is still a little bit worse. "

This problem is time to find a solution.

The solution is very simple. In the various towns, comprehensively push the luggage policy to govern Pinglu's policies, that is, the "New Deal" that Li Zhixia officials often said.

However, the implementation of the "New Deal" will touch the interests of some people, the resistance will not be small, and the affairs will be complicated. It is not something that ordinary state and county officials can do well. This requires Li Zhi to send his team of civilian officials to preside, and it is also necessary for the towns and cities to fully bow to Li Zhi and accept the officials sent by Li Zhi to receive authority.

At present, the Jiedushi of the northern feudal towns, although they are awesome to Li Zhi, it is not so easy for them to give up the authority of the state and change from a prince to a pure minister.

But Li Yan has a solution.

This only needs an opportunity.

An opportunity to make towns impossible to refuse.

This opportunity is to send troops to the Central Plains.

Li Xun thought: "Consult Zhu Wen, I will be able to send the leaders of the towns to the army and follow me. These festivals make the control of their respective jurisdictions weak once they leave the town with the army. It ’s a lot. By then I will find some more suitable excuses, and it will be easy to send officials into the towns to take over the authority, promote the New Deal, and speed up the return of people everywhere. "

"Even if you do not agree with these measures, there will be no waves under my eyelids. When the New Deal is almost implemented, everything is a foregone conclusion. I will let them go back. Unless they rebel, they can only accept the reality. ... Moreover, the New Deal is a good thing after all, they can increase the local wealth, they will also benefit, even if there are some dissatisfaction, I will put back some authority afterwards, enough to appease them. "

"Of course, if anyone doesn't have long eyes and dare to rebel, I don't mind killing the chickens and tamarins and erasing the establishment of the fan town! Whether to live with some interests or to die with all the benefits, I believe they know how to choose. "

With this in mind, Li Yan's eyes gradually became iron-blooded, with Cheng Zhu's smile on his chest, and he began to contemplate the corresponding arrangements and layout.

Gradually, Li Ye in front of the window had a life-like momentum.

After clearing some important affairs in his mind, Li Yan retracted his eyes and converged his thoughts, preparing to go downstairs for breakfast. At this moment, Yu Guang, at the corner of his eyes, saw the outside of the courtyard, and Shangguan, who was standing guard with a few armored men, fell into the city.

When did Shangguan Qingcheng come, of course Li Zhi knew it, but later she didn't pay much attention. She thought it was not easy to take a look at it late at night, but she didn't expect to stand here all night.

Today's Shangguan Qingcheng is already in the late state of the military general. In Pinglu, he holds a considerable part of military power and has a distinguished position. The only person who can overpower her is Liu Dazheng, who is even willing to play the role of guard.

Li Yan came downstairs, and before entering the hall, told her to have an extra breakfast, and then called Shangguan into the city.

Shangguan Qingcheng clamped his pockets under his armpits and entered the house with his fists and salutes. Every move was neat and clear. The whole man was bright and rosy, and his face was white and lip-red, adding a little different charm.

"How's it going?" Li Min signaled the other party to sit down, and the tone of the interrogation was like an old friend's gossip. The easy-going smile from his heart was as usual. The closeness he did not intentionally create, but Shangguan Qingcheng felt a familiar peace of mind.

It's as if years have not passed, and the two are still in An'an Mansion in Chang'an City.

Li Yan is still the unsuccessful world boy, Shangguan Qingcheng is still a small capital-after playing with the other party for many years, and studying with the other party for many years, she finally grew up with the other party, she can also wear armor Persistent, standing upright next to each other, like her father to follow the old King An, to defend this destined protagonist.

Shangguan Qingcheng knelt aside, bent over and put his pockets on his feet, and answered Li's words: "His Royal Highness explained to me that I've been training hard, and now it's working well. The fangs are eight thousand soldiers enough to fight any of the world's elite. Division, also invited His Royal Highness to visit the barracks when he was free. "

What she said was very modest.

At first, Langyadu had only 3,000 people and followed the route of elite soldiers. After the battle of Hedong, it expanded to 8,000. This is in line with the military realm of Shangguan Qingcheng.

Li Wei looked at Shangguan Qingcheng with a smile, "Go and see tomorrow."

Ping Lujun has more than 100,000, not everyone is eligible for Li Xun to review, and Li Xun also said that he will go tomorrow. This is a glory, which shows Li Xun's unique closeness to Shangguan. Her eyes flashed immediately, "Thank Your Highness!"

Li Yan looked at Shangguan Qingcheng with a smile and said nothing.

Today's Shangguan Qingcheng has become more general-minded after being sharpened and grown up. Even if it is sitting properly, it also has the power of a tiger and a wolf with Jinge's strength. The words and deeds are calm and easy to reveal emotions.

Since entering the house, the look of Shangguan's allure has not changed, and he can't see the joy of reuniting with Li Yanjiu, nor has he expressed such joy, as if Li Zhi had never left Qingzhou for several months.

However, Li Zhi knew that this pretty face was extremely white, and the lips were extremely red, and the scarf with a unique charm was actually a facial paralysis since childhood. Regardless of her anger or joy, it is difficult for others to see the change in her look, because she has no change in her face at all.

In addition, she played with a small temper, even with some restrained mules, and never bounced like Wu You, and never flirted with Li Yanmei like Su Emei. Even when playing in the mud as a child, Shangguan Qingcheng has always been quiet, and after wearing armor, it is even more habit to stand behind Li Yan silently.

But Li Zhi was very clear that the mud soldiers pinched by Shangguan Qingcheng were the most vivid of the three, and the details were impeccable; she stood silent behind her, but as long as someone dared to violate his dignity, Hengdao The sound of the sheath will explode like a silver bottle.

This is a woman who does not show her own emotions, which makes people feel that she has no emotions, but in fact, her mind is more delicate than anyone else. It's as though her face is paralyzed, but she still looks pretty.

Breakfast was quickly brought up by the girls, Li Yan and Shangguan Qingcheng each had a meal, and enjoyed the delicious light porridge quietly. It is not Li Li's habit to eat without talking, but it is Shangguan's allure, so Li Yan did not speak at this time.

Chen Yang leaped across the window sill and splashed into the room, hitting Shangguan Qingcheng's side face, and applying red makeup to her snow-white skin.

Li Yan occasionally looked up to see the appearance of Shangguan's allure. For a while, he was shocked and lost his mind. There was an illusion of time forever. However, he quickly lowered his head again, not always admiring the beautiful face. He understands Shangguan's pity, and does not want to be shy and helpless, which affects the biggest thing in his opinion.

This is the case, and Li Yan's mood has become particularly good. The grin on the corner of his mouth lasts a long time while drinking porridge.

Shangguan Qingcheng, whose face was smeared with red makeup by Chen Xi, was actually fortunate to have met Li Chang, when he was in the An's Mansion in Chang'an City, when they were still young.

Li Ye feels lucky to have come through this life.

In life, the most hurtful thing is that things are right and wrong, and the most affectionate things are better than the old.

After having breakfast, Li Yan asked Shangguan to retreat to rest. After all, the other party stayed outside the hospital yesterday and stayed in the middle of the night—her bad words did not change her facial paralysis to convey emotions, so she could only use actions to express her return to Li Yan Rejoice, of course Li Yan has to be thoughtful for her.

Six hours later, Li Yan had a message to Shangguan Qingcheng and asked her to draft a plan to send troops to Central Plains.

When Shangguan fell into a city and began to formulate strategies and tactics for the division according to Li Ye ’s arrangements, important civilian officials such as Cui Keli, Li Zhen, and Jiedushi of the northern towns successively received orders from Li Ye, asking them to quickly Rushing to Qingzhou, there are urgent matters to be discussed and arranged.

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