The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 5 Chapter 152: Compete for the Central Plains Heroes (below)

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Everyone was talking loudly for a while.

Cui Lili thought: "Li Maozhen has the weakest strength. If he sends troops, he must wait for the right time. That is to say, he will not take the initiative at the beginning of the war. He must wait for the deadlock when we fight with Zhu Wen. Opportunity. "

Li Zhen took the conversation: "Li Maozhen sent troops, there may be two strategic goals. First, seek to enter the Central Plains, and take advantage of this war to seize the Central Plains and even the entire northern trend. If he holds this purpose, also There may be two tactical arrangements. "

"First, when we and Zhu Wenmao kill fiercely, each of them suffers a lot of losses, and after the battle situation is clear, help the weak to deal with the strong, first defeat the strong who may win, and then annex the weak side, so he will Become the final winner; second, when the winner is divided, when the winner is exhausted, give a direct fatal blow. "

"Which tactics Li Maozhen chooses depends on the specific situation of our battle with Zhu Wen."

"The second strategic goal is to take advantage of the fire."

"After we fought against Zhu Wen and each other was attracted to each other by large forces, we attacked the counties and counties. The goal was to seize the land and strengthen ourselves. Only when he thought that the goal of the first strategy could not be achieved, He will choose this way. If he chooses this goal, then he will be well prepared for the future and the Central Plains and the North to be side by side.

Li Yan tapped his finger on the desk and pondered for a moment.

He then said: "If Li Maozhen chooses the first strategic goal, he will not send troops at the beginning, but will only assemble heavy troops in Tongguan and Hezhong Prefecture, waiting for the opportunity. But if he chooses the second strategic goal from the beginning, there are also Maybe we do n’t wait for our side to win the game, we will send troops from Hezhong Prefecture to directly attack the Zhaoyi Army and Hedong Army ’s territory! "

"After all, if you seize the north, you can overlook the Central Plains. This is the general trend. If he wants to seize the site, he must first consider seizing Hebei."

Zhao Polu asked nervously: "What should we do?"

Li Min smiled, "It's hard to deal with."

Zhao Polu: "..."

Li Yan glanced at Li Zhen.

Li Zhen understood Li Li's eyes. He did not hide his thoughts and directly said, "To deal with Li Maozhen, there are nothing but three choices: alliance, restraint, and attack."

"Allied with Li Maozhen to prevent us from attacking the Central Plains, Li Maozhen gave us trouble. In this way, Li Maozhen would attack Luoyang, Heyang and other places even if he wanted to robbery in the fire. However, this concept was basically unrealizable. To attack Zhongyuanzhou County, he must face several enemy Is tantamount to reaching out to the princes of all parties. "

"The constraint on Li Maozhen was to make an alliance with Wang Jian of Shuzhong, and let Wang Jian attack from behind when Li Maozhen used his troops to the east. This is a strategy of long-distance and close attack, which is relatively easy to implement. After all, Wang Jian also wanted to seek Shu. This was his intervention. The opportunity to go back to the Central Plains and not be excluded from the general trend. "

"The problem with this plan is that far water does not quench your thirst. We cannot control Wang Jian's actions, whether it is timing or strength. Moreover, Wang Jian must have his own calculations, and it is unlikely that we will be completely satisfied. "

"The offensive is to start first, and make Zhaoyi, Hedong, and other soldiers of Hebei Fanzhen attack the Hezhong government first, so that they can use the Yellow River as a barrier to defend Guanzhong."

"This strategy is also very easy to implement, but we will be forced to divide the troops. Defending the soldiers in Guanzhong will not work, because Li Maozhen will not be willing to lose the Hezhong government and will actively fight back. In this way, we will face from the beginning The dilemma of two-line combat! "

After finishing his remarks, Li Maozhen arched his hand to Li Yan. "Three choices, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no perfect plan. Please make a decision."

Li Yan groaned.

Cui Keli suddenly said: "We will fight against Zhu Wen and set off the Central Plains war. The winner will be the seventh town in Hebei and the nine towns in Central Plains (Pinglu and Tianping belong to the Central Plains category). By then, it will be the most powerful force in the world. All become weak, and the trend of Kyushu will change accordingly. It can even be said that who can become the master of the seven towns in the north and the nine towns in the Central Plains has the foundation that sweeps the world! "

"Thus, the princes who can participate in this war will never stand idly by, watching someone become so big, which will be a deadly threat to them! They will certainly find ways to participate in this war in various ways, instead of directly participating in the Central Plains battlefield. It's about taking the opportunity to siege the city and grow yourself! "

"Except for Guanzhong Li Maozhen and Shuzhong Wang Jian, the Huainan Gaobang will also take action. Once the Huainan Army goes north and participates in the Central Plains War, the situation will be a mess!"

After he had said this, there was a sound of breathlessness in the hall.

Everyone originally thought that this war was about the Li Li side and the attack on Zhu Wen. The winner was the Central Plains. However, I did not expect that the battle of the Central Plains would affect the whole body.

In the face of the chaos in the world and the multitude of heroes, the situation in this central place in the Central Plains is changing enough to affect the nerves of the whole Kyushu and cause all parties to move.

Chase the Central Plains.

This is the biggest dream of each prince, and the ultimate goal of their chaos.

Now is the time, and no one is willing to stand idly by.

Li Yan's eyes once again fell on the map in the church, his voice was smooth: "Except for Zhongyuan Zhu Wen, Guan Zhong Li Maozhen, Shu Zhong Wang Jian, Huainan Gaopi, Xiangyang, Jingzhou, Hunan, and other localities There are also many strong fans. Although they cannot enter the Central Plains, they have the opportunity to strengthen their own strength. "

"Even Hexi in the northwest, Tubo in the west, Nanzhao in the southwest, and Qidan in the northern grasslands, they will not stand still when our country is at war and the border defense strength of each town is empty. Even if they do not have the ability to chase the Central Plains, they can still Raising border states and counties in fact plays a role in containing the vassals of all parties. "

Speaking of which, Li Yan stopped.

After a moment, he laughed at himself: "It seems that the solitary king is destined to change the color of the world. As the saying goes, chaos is in power, material desires flow, only true heroes can be true, and only true men can be romantic. There must be millions of dead bodies, blood flowing into the river, the mountains and rivers withering, the celebrity is just a leaf duckweed, and the hero can only splash five steps in blood. "

Li Yan looked at the people in the hall with a calm tone: "With the command of the King of Solitude, the world was reduced to purgatory, and prosperity turned into a bubble, and I will have no way back!"

Everyone heard the words and felt Li Zhi's mood, for a moment they didn't know what to say.

The hall was silent again, and the needle could be heard.

Li Zhen and Cui Keli looked at each other one after the other, got up one after another, came to the hall, and bowed to Li Yan to salute.

Li Zhendao: "A big battle in a troubled world, when the heroes come together, they will move, and the world will change color. His Royal Highness has a million masters, and there are countless good men. The counselors are rainy enough to determine the Central Plains. Don't hesitate!"

Cui Keli said: "In a world of great contention, hundreds of schools of contention, immortals fighting in the wild, the rivers will inevitably sink and fall, and Li Min will inevitably be upside down. His Highness has the help of 100,000 monsters, and the monks in the fairyland are like clouds covering the sky. Your Highness, please settle down the state, Kuang Fu Society! "

The generals saw Li Zhen and Cui Keli's behavior, and then realized that it was time to express their attitudes, and then they all got up and came to the hall to hold their fists. They said in unison: "Please, Your Highness, please let me wait for the forerunner. Do not hesitate! "

Li Yan slowly stood up, facing the officer in the lobby.

"Okay!" His eyes were as iron, a roll of sleeves, and a voice like Jin Ge: "Longguan army orders, Shangguan Qingcheng led the wolf teeth 8,000 fine ride and 20,000 pawns, choose another day, help Caozhou City! Ling The King of the Holy Infantry led the 3,000 demon soldiers to the city of Caozhou, obedient to the city of Shangguan! "

"Let Zhao Polu lead the army of 30,000, go with Shangguan to the city and go straight to Huazhou!"

"Liu Dazheng led an 80,000 step ride and marched into Luzhou on another day!"

"Let General Li Zhen lead the He Dongjun, Zhao Yijun, and the soldiers from Qinzhou and Zezhou, moving with the camera."

"Let Cui Keli sit in Qingzhou, behind the governor, and prepare food for the army!"

"Ling Zhou Ce, Sun Zhiwen, Guo Feng ... were special envoys of the lone king, and went to Changan, Chengdu, Xiangyang, Yangzhou and other places to spread the lone king Wang Wenwen ..."


"Order again ..."

"When the soldiers and horses in Hebei, Henghai, Weibo, Chengde and other towns are all assembled, the lone king will personally lead and rush to the Central Plains!"

Shangguan Qingcheng, Zhao Polu, Liu Dazheng, Li Zhen, Cui Keli, and Tang Zhongguan, all took orders.

For a while, the hall was full of spirits of killing, and the momentum of the people rose sharply, converging like a rushing river, trying to lift the house beam.

After the military order was issued, Li Wei did not sit down immediately, but looked out of the hall.

His gaze crossed the eaves and reached the vast sky.

A turmoil of wind and earth moved, and millions of fairies cast their heads.

This is Li Li today!

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