The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 6 Chapter 46: Make the Shuzi famous (1)

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Kunlun Passage at the end of the earth.

Over the towering rolling hills, the blue sky like a wash of sky has disappeared from the vast clouds like the eye of the hurricane, which means that the Kunlun Passage has disappeared-closed.

From now on, unless there is another Qidao Qiqi uniting force here, there will no longer be immortals.

The world and the fairyland are completely isolated for the time being.

The overall ideal of mortal affairs and ethics has thus been realized.

Li Maozhen, Zhu Wen, Gao Yi, Wang Jian and others, as well as Baijiamen looked up, and for a long time there was no speech.

Everyone looked roughly the same, but the details were different. Li Maozhen's eyes were intertwined with the two contradictory emotions of killing and shame. Gao Zhicheng was in his chest. Even if he squinted, Wang Jian couldn't completely cover the fighting spirit in his eyes. Zhu Wen's look was indifferent. .

"From today on, there will be no King An!"

Gao's mouth smiled. Although he wanted to laugh loudly, he was holding back.

In these circumstances, he could not help but think of the battle of the Eight Gongshan that year, during the battle, the old King Li Xian died.

Everyone in the world thinks that Li Zhi is just a wasteful son, and there will be no coercion of power in the world. However, I did not expect that the waste that could not be practiced for twenty years would be born overnight. Since then, it has grown up step by step, becoming the backbone of the Tang Dynasty. After years of battle, the site in the hands is getting larger and larger. His Majesty's soldiers and horses are increasing, and all the heroes in the world are lifted up.

Now, even Li Wei has gone to Xianyu. The dynasty no longer has the so-called talents that can be used by the ZTE community. The princes of the world finally have a day to start, and they can let go of the Central Plains.

How can these vassals be unhappy?

Overturning Datang, changing the day, I am waiting, coming to Japan!

This is a good situation where there is no King An in the world.

Gao Yi, Wang Jian, and others were relieved. When they looked at each other, they saw the deep meaning and smile in the other's eyes, but the people turned back and looked at each other, full of vigilance.

There is no King An in the world, and without that biggest enemy, they are both their biggest opponents.

"Xian Fan is isolated. There are no more immortals in the world. Now you and I are both real gods. No one can say for sure now that it is better to get together and break up. How about Xufen's victory?" Beard, said calmly.

Li Maozheng obliquely raised Gao Yan: "Seven towns in Central Plains, how do you and I divide?"

Gao Xie chuckled: "Where is Qi King talking? Now that King An has gone to Xianyu, are we only seeking the Seven Towns of Central Plains? The entire Central Plains and Hebei are our possessions!"

He stroked his beard and said meaningfully, "As for who gets what, not just by means?"

Speaking of this, he glanced at Zhu Wen, and there was a touch of irony under his eyes.

When Zhu Wen touched Gao Yong's gaze, he had no expression on his face.

In previous deliberations, Gao Yong proposed that, with the consent of everyone, Zhu Wen had once promised that if the four people joined forces to send Li Zhi into Xianyu, then Li Zhi's foundation would be divided equally between the four. In order to appease Zhu Wen, everyone made it clear that the seven towns in the Central Plains were still owned by Zhu Wen, and they only needed to give up Xuzhou and Luoyang.

But now, the meaning of Gao Ling's sentence, the so-called "but by means", is the same as the redemption of the covenant established before Chiguo.

If everyone had their own abilities and Zhu Wen's current situation, without the support of other princes, it would be impossible to sit in the Central Plains again.

He didn't have one soldier and one soldier, and the Central Plains had been occupied by Li Xi's soldiers and horses. Wouldn't it be more difficult for the town princes to obey his orders? There is no possibility at all?

And at this time Li Maozhen owns Guanzhong, Gao Gao owns Huainan, Wang Jian owns Shuzhong, and they all have sectarian support. His Majesty has hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses, and Zhu Wen has nothing.

Zhu Wen, as if he had not heard the deep meaning in Gao Yan's words, turned and walked straight away, and rose up in silence in two steps, without a word, turned into a white rainbow and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Seeing his direction, he still went to the Central Plains.

Gao Yong's face was full of scornful and ironic smiles: "It is clear that the great cause has been destroyed, and he is still not willing to die, and he has no self-knowledge, so he wants to do something with such a mentality?"

In his heart, he thought: Wait for my army to cross the Huaihe River and the North Central Plains, a prince who has lost his foundation and a group of disabled soldiers who have lost his main character, to see how you resist!

With this in mind, Gao Yan glanced at Li Maozhen. The other party seemed to be thinking about his mind and didn't notice his gaze. Gao Yan's eyes were a bit low, and he was fighting for the Central Plains and capturing Li Zhi's former territory. His biggest opponent was naturally Li Maozhen.

Li Maozhen only needs to go out of Tongguan in the south and cross the Yellow River in the north to break into the borders of Central Plains and Hebei.

As for Wang Jian, as far away as Shu, the soldiers can only attack Hanzhong and Bachu, which is beyond the reach of the Central Plains. Don't worry about it for the time being.

Gao Yan suppressed his murderous spirit and put on a smile, and was about to say goodbye to Li Maozhen and Wang Jian, who suddenly spoke and said solemnly: "Before launching Jiuhe Dingding, I waited with An Wang There was a covenant. Once the Taoist immortals in the world were expelled, we would divide each of the seven towns in the Central Plains into two towns. "

"At that time, the situation was critical. I didn't have time to divide up the respective towns. Now that the major events have been settled, this matter should be settled. In case we will get into disputes and hurt our peace, that is to give others a chance. "

Upon hearing this, Gao Yong and Li Maozhen looked at Wang Jian at the same time.

Gao Yan raised his head, looked upright, and looked like Zhizhu was holding it. He asked knowingly, "The king of Shu wants to divide the two towns in the Central Plains?"

Li Maozhen retracted his eyes, his eyes, his nose, his nose, and his heart. He had always been sharp, but at this moment he was silent and did not intend to get ahead.

Wang Jianshen said in a loud voice: "Why did King Wu say this? Shouldn't my king be divided into two towns?"

Gao Yan smiled deeply: "That was an agreement with King An ... Hehe, now King An is no longer in the world, and ..."

What he meant was naturally not counting.

Gao Yan certainly did not want Wang Jianfen to go to the second town of Central Plains. In the Central Plains and Hebei, it is enough for him to compete with Li Maozhen. If one opponent is one opponent, how can one sit and watch his own interests and be divided by Wang Jian?

Once Gao Yong gained an advantage in the struggle with Li Maozhen, and divided up most of the Central Plains and Hebei, or all of them were collected, he is the strongest prince in the world. At that time, he will command the conquest of the Quartet, who can counter it?

If so, the world will surely fall into his hands!

In addition, Wang Jian and Li Maozhen used to be in the same robes. They not only served in the army of Shen Ce, but also fought with Feng Xiang.

With Zhu Wen ’s great cause basically annihilating, and Li Zhi reaching the immortal realm, only three of the world ’s five princes are left, and the battle is already very simple. If at this time Wang Jian was allowed to occupy two towns in the Central Plains, once he and Li Maozhen had alliance, the soldiers and horses of the two sides would be merged into one, wouldn't Gao Yue have to use one to two?

Although in the face of the interests of the whole world, even the fatal friendship often seems insignificant. Wang Jian and Li Maozhen are still contending for Han, that is, no more tearing his face. But who can guarantee that they will not have the possibility of joining forces?

Especially when there are common enemies.

Gao Yan had to dread this.

Therefore, no matter what, he will not allow Wang Jian's forces to enter the Central Plains.

Before Gao Yan's words were finished, he felt that his sleeves had been pulled a little, but it was Wang Zaifeng who was doing small moves for him.

Gao Ling stopped his words and turned to Wang Zaifeng in doubt.

Wang Zaifeng smiled kindly: "His Royal Highness, although the former alliance was established in front of King An, but it is also in the interest of all parties, and it would be inappropriate to abruptly abolish it now. It is still a long-term negotiation for such major events."

As he said, he looked to Li Maozhen and Wang Jian: "You are all tired just to close the Kunlun passage just now. It's better to take a break. After two hours, let's discuss it in our accounts. How about it?"

Gao Yue didn't expect that Wang Zaifeng said something like this, and he felt puzzled and dissatisfied in his heart, but the other party was his help, which prevented him from refusing to refute on the spot.

Li Maozhen didn't agree with Wang Zaifeng's proposal, and Wang Jian naturally strongly agreed with it.


Going back to his own account, Gao Zheng didn't have time to sit down, and asked Wang Zaifeng: "Wang Jian delusional wants to extend the guard into the Central Plains. What is negotiable? Sir, don't you know that once Wang Jian and Li Maozhen have a common interest in the Central Plains, go to When the Lone King attacked the Central Plains, they might jointly deal with the Lone King! "

"At that time, Li Maozhen only needs to drag the lone king soldiers and horses in the Central Plains, and Wang Jian will be able to leave from the Middle East of Shu. Once he is asked to capture Jing Xiang, Shu soldiers and horses will be able to run down the river, threatening our land and threatening our hearts! If this is the case, would n’t the solitary king suffer from his back and his great cause be in danger? "

With a smile on his face, Wang Zaifeng calmly, facing Gao Yong's questioning, he calmly said, "Why don't your highness take a seat first? As a king, your highness should be the mountain of Taishan collapsed without moving."

Gao Yan was angry, his chest was swollen and half-squeaked, and finally he held back his irritability and took a few steps to sit down in the main seat. "Sir can now say?"

Wang Zaifeng said, "If Li Maozhen and Wang Jian are united, it will naturally be a big trouble, but this situation will not happen."

Gao Yan asked: "Why won't it appear?"

Wang Zaifeng replied: "Just build the two towns of Luoyang and Heyang for Wang."

Luoyang and Heyang are close to Tongguan. Li Maozhen's troops must pass through these two towns to enter the Central Plains. If Wang Jian had these two towns, it would be like locking the gate of Li Maozhen's intervention in the Central Plains from Tongguan.

Gao Yong immediately understood: "Mr. Want to stir up the dispute between Li Maozhen and Wang Jian first?"

Wang Zaifeng has a good idea: "Wang Jian and Li Maozhen were already competing for the Han Dynasty. The relationship was not harmonious. The reason why they have not completely torn their faces is that the situation has not yet reached that point. His Highness only needs to give them a fire. Why worry about them? Can't look back? "

Gao Yan's eyes lit up.

Wang Zaifeng continued: "His Highness is worried that Li Maozhen and Wang Jian will form an alliance, but His Highness believes that His Highness can be an early step to ally with Wang Jian."

Gao Yan quickly asked: "How to form an alliance?"

Wang Zaifeng said: "The middle of Shu is remote, and there are only two ways to choose if you want to compete in the Central Plains. You can either go out east of the river, occupy Jingxiang first, and then seize the south of the river. After sitting on the entire south, wait for the opportunity to go north to imitate the old things of Liu Yu in the Southern Dynasty; Either go out of Hanzhong, take Guanzhong, occupy both Changan and Luoyang, then enter Central Plains and Hebei, and then stabilize the Quartet, following the strategy of Han and Tang Gaozu. "

Speaking of this, Wang Zaifeng's eyes sharpened two points. "Since His Highness was worried that Wang Jian and Li Maozhen chose the former strategy, why didn't he take the initiative and form an alliance with Wang Jian to induce him to choose the latter policy?"

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