The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 7 Chapter 43: Changer

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Wenshu sat in the hall opposite Feihong.

This is the main hall of Wenshu.

There are many Buddhist monks outside the hall.

His Majesty Feihong and His Majesty Wenshu had thousands of people, each sitting cross-legged on a futon with a solemn look.

Couldn't help them not be solemn.

It's about the future of Buddhism. Everyone is in the bureau. Who dares to be half-minded?

Feihong and Wenshu will hold a discussion on Fa. If the former wins, Wenshu will bring his monk to stand with Feihong; if the latter wins, without the Holy Buddha's shot, Wenshu and his monks will immediately fight Feihong.

The core of Dharma is why Feihong chose to lead his monks at this time to take a different path from the Holy Buddha.

Wenshu must distinguish why Feihong believes that her path is right, and will bring a future to Shimen, not when the Holy Buddha is injured, and when the Shimon is turbulent, she simply wants to rely on everyone's dissatisfaction with the Holy Buddha. , Usurping the seat of the Holy Buddha, fulfilling his desire for power.

Even if the Holy Buddha is injured, his strength is still strong.

For Feihong, she must fight for Manjusri. Together, they have the possibility of living under the hands of the Holy Buddha. If not, when the Holy Buddha returns from the battlefield on the front line, Feihong will immediately die.

For the existence of Wenshu at this level, the individual has long been integrated with Shimen. The life and death of Shimen is the only issue worthy of attention.

Seeing that the monks were already here, Wenshu said to Feihong: "You can start. You say that the Holy Buddha is wrong. If you make mistakes again and again, first tell me what the Holy Buddha is wrong."

Feihong nodded, and said in a hurry: "East soil of Tang Dynasty, the best blessing in the world. Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, Shimen East has been spreading smoothly. With the help of the Han emperor, the development has been smooth. Although, after hundreds of years, Shimen still couldn't do it, making the eastern soil, like those states in the Western Regions, a real Buddhist country.

"Shimen was a big plan. First, he planned a great lesson, and the results were remarkable. This has passed, let alone. Then, Shimen concealed a large number of monks in the Vajrayana, and he was ready to give Damon a blow when the Eastern Turmoil came. Let Shimen be the only one in the East Tu family. The Holy Buddha has made mistakes again and again, and this is the beginning of this operation. "

Wenshu frowned slightly: "Battle of Fengqishan?"

In the battle of Fengqi Mountain, Li Xie killed the Shimen Monk Corps, defeated a hundred King Kong monks, and frustrated Shimen Dong's plan.

Fei Hongyi first said: "Shimen was attacked by Islam from the west, where the war in the world was unfavorable, and defeated again and again. The sect that emerged within Tianzhu even caused Shimen to fall into internal and external troubles. In order to break the situation, the Holy Buddha chose to let the monk regiment and King Kong They go out ahead of time. "

Wenshu said: "If this campaign is successful, the monks will be able to build a true Buddhist nation. If the people of the east and the powerful Han civilization can be used for monks, we will be able to gather an unprecedented Is there any reason to counterattack Islam by then? "

Feihong shook his head: "Can't win."

Wenshu frowned: "At the time of the battle of Henros, Tang General Gao Xianzhi, but was a frontier who led two or thirty thousand Anxi four towns. After months of trek, he fought with more than one hundred thousand Islamic army, and he was able to completely suppress it. But just because there are too many people in Islam, there is no decisive victory in a short time.

"Then, if it wasn't for the alien fan soldiers to rebel against Tang and attack the Tang army from behind, how would the Tang army lose? Rao is so, Gao Xianzhi can still lead thousands of people to kill the siege and return to the Tang. This battle, although Islam was lucky, However, he never dared to confront Tang Jun. After that, Tang Jun still controlled the Western Regions, and soon recovered his strength, and expanded westward again until the Anshi Rebellion.

"If the Tang people are so powerful, if they can make them an army of release and Islam, then what fear?"

Feihong smiled: "I ca n’t win, not because Tang Jun ca n’t defeat Islam ’s army, but because the monks and Kings who have left the country are not destined to win Li Zhi."

Wenshu's eyes drooped.

She said coldly: "You are inferring the cause from the effect, and cannot prove that the Holy Buddha is wrong."

Feihong said: "If the battle of Fengqi Mountain is still negotiable, then the Holy Buddha's mistake in the battle of Hedong is too great."

"Hedong is the center of Shimen's focus in Datang. It is logical that Shimen supports Li Keyong. What's wrong?"

"What was wrong was to let me lead Luo Han to the lower realm and use the power of the immortal to directly intervene in the struggle between mortals."

"You lost, the Holy Buddha was wrong?"

"It is wrong to directly intervene in the world with immortals."

Feihong sighed and continued: "I didn't justify myself for my fault. When I arrived in Hedong, I was suppressed by Daomen Xianting. It was because of the suppressive power of the Nether. I didn't save anything at first. When I saw Li Yan at first, I did. I have the heart to kill him, but I ca n’t catch it. In the Tang Dynasty, Daomen ’s power is greater than Shimen. After all, I ’m on my own. How can I not anger Daomen ’s fairy court? Will they not kill me?

Wenshu sneered: "As you say, Shimen tried to make things east, but it was wrong."

Feihong shook his head: "It is not the purpose that is wrong, but the method."


"The monk regiment is not strong enough to go eastward, and the holy Buddha is in a hurry. After the monk regiment was defeated, the holy Buddha was almost anxious and corrupted. This disregarded reality and allowed me to go directly to the lower bound; after I failed, the holy Buddha did not realize Li Zhe ’s extraordinaryness still has to fight him to the end, even more mistakes! "

Wenshu chuckled: "If you are a holy Buddha, what do you do? You can do better than a holy Buddha?"

Feihong Road: "Yes."

Wen Shu glared, looking at Feihong sarcastically, waiting for her to continue.

If what Feihong says next is not enough to get her approval, she will go straight to Feihong.

As one of the most powerful Buddhist monks under the Holy Buddha, Wenshu is actually not loyal to the Holy Buddha, so she can discuss the law with Feihong, but she is loyal to the monk. If Feihong is indeed harming the monk, she will not Will show mercy-she and Feihong have no sympathy.

Such things as private feelings do not belong to their existence.

Felicity Feihong noticed Wenshu's mentality change, but she was still not in a hurry and looked at the other party seriously: "Did you not find out that for many years, Shimen might be dominant in the Dongtu family, and he could suppress Daomen? You have to die hard, but it is absolutely impossible to completely make the Tao gate disappear, let alone to make Dongtu a Buddhist nation? "

After waiting for Wenshu's anger, Feihong said: "Did the past of the Three Wus destroy the Buddha, haven't you made yourself reflect on yourself?"

Wenshu shut up.

Feihong sighed, "Why do you think I chose Li Zhe? Because he is personally strong? That is only a direct reason, not a root cause. His personal strength is actually nothing, the Tang people are strong, or the Han civilization is strong. This is the essence. You just said that Tang Jun is invincible. "

Wenshu opened his mouth and tried to refute, but was speechless.

Disagreeing with this sentence is to roll yourself in the foot.

Feihong continued: "At the time of the Battle of Fengqishan, it was indeed an opportunity to release the door, but the choice of the Holy Buddha was wrong."

"What's wrong?" Wenshu asked. Now, she is not in a hurry to deny that the Holy Buddha was wrong in this judgment.

Feihongdao: "He should not choose to let Shimen fight alone and fight himself in troubled times, but he should choose to support one person."

"Shimen supported Li Keyong!" Wenshu blurted out. With that said, she shut up again with a sad look. Obviously, this choice is wrong.

Feihongdao: "At that time, the Chaos of Huang Chao was calmed down. On merit, Li Zhi was the heaviest. On strength, he was also one of the strongest. What Shimen should support is Li Zhi, not Li Ke!"

Wenshu said: "But Li Zhi is the Li Tang clan. He will not die. Datang world will not be really chaotic! Datang is not really chaotic. How can Shimen take the opportunity?"

Feihong looked at Wenshu's eyes and became compassionate.

This made Wenshu angry.

After waiting for Wenshu's anger, Feihong said: "Why does Shimen have a big mess in Tang Dynasty? What Shimen has to do is to strengthen himself and suppress Daomen. This is the fundamental thing! Only Daomen wants to make Datang completely chaotic, so they Only then will we have the opportunity to establish a kingdom where theocratic power is greater than imperial power. "

"It's like us ..." Wenshu opened his mouth.

Feihong shook his head again: "It's the same as what the Holy Buddha thought, not what I thought.

"Why did Shimen support Li Zhe at that time? Because Dao Men thought about killing Li Zhe and wanted to overthrow the Tang dynasty! When did Shi Men's enemies in the East become a person? It was always Daomen! If we help Li Yan, defeat Daomen and ping Dingfan town, then how do you say Shimen will grow? What kind of field will Daomen fall into? "

Manju stayed.

Feihong's eyes were gradually sharpening. "If Daomen wants to change in the Tang Dynasty, we should help Datang defeat Daomen and calm down the civil strife. At that time, the merits of the door are immense, and the emperor's praise will be obtained. Gong, expand the disciples of worshippers, and feed back the fairyland with the power of incense worship. In just ten years, you can completely destroy Daomen and Daomen Xianting!

"At that time, the emperor still wanted to restrict the release of the gate? Can he also restrict the release of the gate?

"Under the general trend, disciples of Shimen practice diligently and diligently, do not compete with the people for benefit, and show favor to the people. In time, it is not impossible to build a true Eastern Turkmenistan! Even if it cannot, at least, within the East , No one can shake the door anymore! "

Wenshu is stupid.

Feihong continued: "When Shimen is completely integrated with the Han people, and with the strength of the Han civilization, we will expand westward. At that time, Tianzhu will definitely recover and Persia will only tremble under the iron hooves of the Tang army! Shimen's temple, will It has been built to the horizon, filling every corner of the world! "

Wenshu couldn't say a word.

Feihong stopped, folded his hands, and said with kind eyes: "There is a big battle between heaven and earth. Why does Shimen always think the same way as Daomen? The enemy agrees, we should oppose, what the enemy wants to do, we should destroy, the enemy's enemy, It ’s our most powerful ally. What we have to do is just put down a bit and change our strategy, so that we can achieve supreme feats, why not?

"Unfortunately, the Holy Buddha did not see this. Because of this, Shimon became what it is now. In the autumn of Shimen, you say, should I stand up? Should I stand up? I If you do n’t stand up and let the Holy Buddha continue to make such mistakes, what is the way to go? ”

Having said that, Feihong announced the Buddha's name and stopped speaking, giving Wenshu time to think.

Shimen should have been in a good situation, lost because of the error of the Holy Buddha.

Not only is the good situation lost, but now Shimen is also unpredictable.

For Shimen, the sin of the Holy Buddha is extremely serious.

Such a holy Buddha does indeed need to be changed.

After a long time, Wenshu raised his head. "After all, it's Li Yan."

This time, there was no more hostility in her voice, but more recognition.

"Yes, it's Li Yan." Feihong smiled, and she didn't cover it slowly this time.

Speaking of this, she paused, her eyes became distant, Xu Xu said: "Actually, I have been paying attention to the heroes of Datang. In previous years, Li Xianwen's martial arts, I thought he would achieve great merit. Unfortunately, fate Did not choose him. "

Wenshu suddenly asked: "At the beginning of the Battle of Hedong, you could actually kill Li Zhi. Initially you could n’t, but after entering the secret world of heaven, the repressive power of Daomen Xianting lost its effect. You can kill him. So, you Actually he let him go. "

Feihong did not deny or admit it, with a gentle smile: "Who knows if things have not been done will succeed? How many things that I think will definitely succeed will eventually fail?"

Wenshu nodded and endorsed the truth.

As to whether the specific events under this doctrine have been recognized, it is unknown.

She sighed longly: "If you killed Li Min at the beginning, Datang still doesn't know what it will look like. It may be that Li Ke has accomplished the great cause ... but there is a Taoist fairy court, that is not inevitable. . It is more likely that the men and women in Datang will consolidate and conquer each other. If so, when the situation of Shimen appears today, we will not have a strong foreign aid. "

Feihong asked, "Do you agree to stand by my side?"

Wenshu groaned for a moment. "The choice under the Holy Buddha's eyes cannot be said to have no room for success. As long as we remove Li Zhi and the situation of internal chaos in Daomen, we are still able to profit from it. As long as we capture Daomen Xianting, then the Buddha will Yuxianli shrouded the east soil ... "

Feihong declined to comment.

After half a ring, Wenshu continued to take care of himself and said, "But if we can't get rid of Li Zhi and the door is pinched by things, then it's really ..."

She didn't say any more.

Feihong looked at her and did not correct the loophole in her speech.

Even if Shimen removed Li Zhi, and when Islam came to the east, Shimen would win?

Without a strong Tang dynasty, Shimen could not survive for long.

This is the biggest reason why Feihong did not hesitate to release Li Men to Li Li, but also joined Li Li to join forces.

Wen Shu looked at Feihong with solemn solemnity and said solemnly: "Why did the once powerful Shimen become the way it is now? It is because of several wrong decisions by the Holy Buddha? If we oppose the Holy Buddha, we will provoke civil unrest, and the Shimon will inevitably pay. A very heavy price, the outcome is unpredictable, the success or failure is unknown! "

Feihong folded his hands and bowed his head religiously: "As a sect, Shimen is a culture that was once successful. It has made many ordinary people become believers in the sect, condensed under the banner of Shimen, and let Shimen Development and growth. But the culture that was once successful may not always be glorious. When glory is no longer, survival is the biggest problem, especially when facing powerful foreign enemies.

"Now that Shimen is at the end of his life, this shows that our culture has produced many problems in the process of continuation. If Shimen is to continue to exist, the first thing to change is the culture itself, and let it be in the rotten dirt of the past. In, new branches and leaves emerge. "

Wenshu opened his mouth and stopped talking.

Feihong knew what she wanted to say, and continued: "The Holy Buddha can be wrong, not terrible. The terrible thing is that he has made mistakes again and again, which shows that he has something wrong, just like our culture of release.

"Manjusri, in the world, once every culture and every denomination lasts for hundreds of years, there will be a variety of problems. We must give them a new look and give them new vitality. This process is not easy. We will have a **** storm in the sect. The Shimen culture will inevitably experience cruel pains. Many people will die, even many innocent people.

"But only in this way can we strip away decadent, outdated, things that should be abandoned. They may be wrong, they may be right, but they are abandoned by the times, and they must be destroyed. The new Shimen culture will have a future. This is the price we must pay and the risk we must bear. "

Wenshu smiled bitterly: "If we fail? Then we are the eternal sinners who have been released, and will be cast aside by thousands of people and will stink for thousands of years."

Feihong lowered his head to meditate on the Buddha, with a solemn look, "Phoenix nirvana, rebirth of fire. We may not see the road of tomorrow, but we must firmly believe in the direction we have identified, and are not afraid of storms, lightning, swords and mountains. Because this is the only choice we can make .

"Manjushri, the times have chosen you and me, and we are destined to be changers. As a changer, you and I cannot escape reality, we can't turn a blind eye to the problem, we must bear this load, sweat, blood, sacrifice, and even for release. ..... bear infamy.

"You and I, and all the changers who follow us, need courage, wisdom, and conviction, and only then can we complete our transformation, let new releases emerge in our hands, and continue."

Wenshu has been silent for a long time.

Suddenly she stared at Feihong, "Since you want to change, you can't be above your blood and say the direction you want."

Feihong's mouth had a smile, a knowing and wise smile.

She said: "Shimen has a strong foreign aid, that is our greatest support for the success of the transformation. He is Li Yan, it is Datang, but also a powerful Han civilization. Tang Jun, the most powerful army in the world, Han civilization It is the most powerful civilization and cultural river in the world. Only when it flows into the sea of ​​civilization can we be afraid of any storms.

"Wenju, since we have to choose, of course, we have to choose the most powerful. Incorporate into the Han civilization, use its power to transform ourselves, help us to eliminate decadent and outdated things, let us regain vitality, and become strong again .

"Since then, in the Han civilization, there will be a banner of Shimen culture. We will survive and continue with them, and fight for the Quartet to share honor and shame.

"Wenju, when you stand with me, you must remember that the Tang people think that is good, that is, Shimen thinks that it is good, that the Tang people stand by, that is, Shimen is furious, that the Tang people hate, that is, that Shimen needs to be eliminated. The enemy of the Tang people is the enemy of Shimen. "

Wen Shu closed his eyes and meditated.

For a long time, she folded her hands and bowed.

Feihong, who had Wenshu's support, stood up, came to the gate of the hall, and faced the thousands of Buddhist monks who bowed down.

At this moment, she stood solemnly.

She said: "From now on, the Shimen will be the Tang Dynasty's Shimen, not the Shimen which was introduced elsewhere in the Tang soil! The old story of Sanwu's destruction of the Buddha will never reappear, because we will be with the flesh and blood of the Tang people. Will share the glorious Tang glory with every Tang man, and dedicate himself to the glory of Tang, even if it is life! This is the future of Shimen; and now, it has come, in the hands of each of you! "

Thousands of Buddhism monks, said to be.

From this moment, Feihong Tuoshi holds the new release door.

She ordered the Buddhist monks to rely on not powerful power, but she dared to slay the holy Buddha, and did not rely on her cultivation.

Instead, wisdom.

In the abyss of darkness and horror, through the heavy fog, see the light of wisdom in the future.

Since then, she has been the greatest wise man in the millennium.

The future belongs to the wise.

Belong to everyone who sees the situation and unites.

Become a changer.

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