The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 7 Chapter 46: border town

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Li Xian was gone, and took Li Shu to his monk team.

Li Ye didn't have much manpower for Li Xian. Five people were Chu Nanhuai, Su Emei, Wei Xiaozhuang, Li Wenwen, and Liu Xiaohei, plus Zhang Changan and Chu Yan.

In terms of combat power, Chu Nanhuai's masters and apprentices are already His Majesty's top combat power, only weak Qi King. Zhang Chang'an and Chu Yan, going to Yangguan is purely an experience. If they are alive, they may be greatly used in the future.

"Unexpectedly, Lao An is still alive."

After Li Xuan bid farewell to Li Xian alone, Sheng Ji came to him, and said something with great emotion while nobody was around.

Having said that, before Li Yan answered, she went on to say: "Chu Nanhuai et al. Although their strength is extraordinary, their fists are hard to beat with their four hands, two and a half big boys, which is the strength of ordinary real life. When it comes to fierce battles, you ca n’t afford the reiki, throw them to Shazhou, are you really assured? ”

Li Xuan looked at the sky and said, "Don't worry."

"What backhand did you keep?" Li Maozhen asked strangely. Li Xian, Chu Nanhuai, and others were of great significance to Li Zhi. Li Maozhen did not believe that Li Zhi would let his life and death go.

Li Min glanced back at Li Maozhen and smiled, "You are my backhand."

Li Maozhen stunned for a moment, first blushing slightly, then took a sip, and then understood Li Zhi's meaning.

She patted Li Yan's shoulders. I was the older sister. I was very strong, and said with a serious heart: "When it comes to that, you can just rest assured."

Li Min nodded.

The agreement was reached.

If the situation of Guiyi Army is really critical, Li Wei will go there in person. The burden of commanding and scheduling the frontal battle naturally fell on Li Maozhen's shoulders. She is not a thug, but a qualified commander. When she gave the front battlefield to her, there was nothing to worry about.

One or twenty miles east from Yangguan, there is a county town named Shouchang. Although the city is not large and there are only tens of thousands of residents, it is the only county in Shazhou, second only to Dunhuang in Shazhou. county.

In the dry Loess City Pond, the architectural style is simple, adobe houses are connected one by one, and the residents are dressed in simple clothes, mostly linen cloth shirts. In the winter, one extra sheepskin mule is worn.

Today is a good day, the sun is shining, there is no rare wind and sand, there are many people who come out for activities, there are more people in the yard, and there are various places in the humble and narrow shops. The guests.

Nangong walking on the street first was still a white crescent robe with chest ornaments on the chest. It's just that the line has been worn out a lot, and the original look is almost impossible. The white robe is almost yellowish and dry. Fortunately, the material is good and there are no wrinkles. This can barely set off some grace.

Rao's clothes are no longer gorgeous, but when Nangong first walked among the crowd, he still stood out from the crowd. No matter who it is, he can see that he is different from ordinary people. Not much to say about his robes, his stubble was shaved cleanly, and his hair was well-groomed, even if one of the sleeves was empty, there was a sense of romantic spirit.

If, his look is not so indifferent, and his eyes are not often loose.

People walking on the street, no matter they are poor or rich, no matter they are successful or humble, have a gesture of making themselves comfortable. Compared with these people, Nangong is very uncomfortable and dares not to look at others. , Dare not walk uncomfortably, as if Mang was on his back, as if people all over the world looked down on him.

He doesn't seem to be wearing clothes.

Even if he straightened his waist bar, raised his chest very high, and walked very smartly, he showed stiffness, cowardice, unnaturalness and self-confidence everywhere.

His right hand holding the sword, the knuckles were always pale, because he held the sword tight.

Only by clenching the sword in his hand can he be a little more stable, but only a little more stable.

Taking to the street and facing many people is a torture for the current Nangong First.

Soon, Nangong bowed into a small shop.

The shop at the end of the alley cannot really be called a shop. It is too small, only the next table can be accommodated, and the light is too dim. Ordinary people can't see much things when they come in. At most, it is a shack.

It has only one wall, supporting dry wood and thatch to build another wall. The front is empty, tied with two dilapidated cloth curtains, and put together to leave a gap. Even if it is a door, the narrow place at the back is Stop with firewood.

Sit down in this shop, Nangong first secretly breathed a long sigh of relief, finally a little more comfortable, and then use the strongest possible tone to rush the humanity inside the shed: "Whatever comes up."

A shack, a simple cooktop erected with blocks of stone and soil, is divided into two spaces. The table outside is a place for guests. It's a little bit more spacious. Inside it is piled with miscellaneous things-some firewood, pots and pans, and even no cabinets.

The darkest corner on the innermost side was a place not bigger than a kennel, covered with hay, and a thin quilt full of patches.

Behind the stove and in front of the kennel, squatting is a girl with yellow hair and a small figure, about 13 or 14 years old, with a full face, slightly black skin, and only red cheeks, because of the cold winter. , Showing rough crusts.

Such a little girl has nothing to do with being beautiful, that is, not ugly.

When she saw the first entrance of Nangong, the little girl blinked in front of her eyes. She quickly stood up. She didn't stand upright because her head would touch the roof—a dry wood and thatched roof. .

Hearing the first words from Nangong, the little girl answered gently, turned out to be pure Guanzhong cavity, and picked up a clean notched pottery from the ground and placed it on the stove.

Because of the uneven surface of the stove, she tried it twice to control the balance. She bent over from the corner in front of the stove, took out a sloppy pocket, and began to pour flour into the pot. .

The wait was long, but Nangong No. 1 didn't care. He sat at the table with the sword on the table, still holding it in his hand, and looked sideways to the sunny alleyway, so quiet that his breath calmed down.

Except for the courtyard in which he lives, the entire Shouchang City, a shop with few customers, is the only place where Nangong No. 1 will not be so uncomfortable. The reason is simple, because no one comes.

Nangong First is not short of money, but does not cook by himself. He will try once a day. If he fails, he can only come here obediently. He refused to go anywhere else, there were many people.

He used to be very particular about wine and food, but now, no one is better.

The little girl is neither beautiful nor ugly, and Nangong First is very satisfied. There is not much to say. Nangong No. 1 does not speak. She flatly does not speak actively. What Nangong No. 1 says, she only answers simple words that must be answered. This is where Nangong No. 1 feels most comfortable.

He didn't want to talk, if he could, he didn't want to say a word, so he didn't want others to talk to him. Quietly watching the streets with no scenery, it is best that no one walks. Someone glances at him, and he will be bored from the heart. If he looks a few more times, he wants to split the opponent with a sword. Already.

The food was ready quickly and was brought to the table by the little girl.

The two miserable pottery bowls were cracked. Fortunately, there are no seams and they are clean. This is very important. One is filled with mutton, and the pieces are cut evenly. Noodles, three pieces of the same size, are leaning against the edge of the bowl. They are hot and fragrant. The meat and noodles are originally fragrant.

Finally there is a wine gourd.

Nangong First took the wine gourd first, opened the stopper, and poured it into the third bowl. It was gone without being full, and shaken the gourd two times, only pouring out two more drops. This caused Nangong No. 1 to frown. He looked up at the little girl who was holding the corner of the dress tightly and motioned to the other side with a doubtful look to explain.

"Lao Huang fell ill last night, and the prices of other places have all risen ... the price has risen, and only ... can buy so much." The little girl lowered her head, her face flushed red There seems to be blood dripping from the cracked cheeks.

Nangong nodded for the first time, and said nothing, and concentrated on dealing with his own food. Because there is less wine, only one bite of meat, one bite, and one bite. Before, he had a mouthful of meat, a mouthful of wine, a mouthful of bread and a mouthful of wine.

Lao Huang's wine shop is a fixed place for the little girl to sell wine. The other party takes care of her and the price is cheap. The dispensers elsewhere will naturally not give her this preferential treatment.

When Nangong No.1 ate, the little girl squatted back to the stovetop and silently looked at the street outside the curtain, looking exactly the same as Nangong No.1 just now. There is still Mars in the cooktop. It's still hot at this time, and she can feel some residual temperature near her. When Mars goes out, she can only retract into the haystack.

At the Shouchang City near Gobi, dry wood is hard to come by, and she must save it.

The sunlight outside was gone, which meant she couldn't go to the sun.

Nangong first finished eating soon, beckoned, and signaled the little girl to come and collect the money.

The little girl's movements were still unkind. When she received a coin, her face changed a little, "more ... more."

Nangong first picked up the long sword, stood up, and explained, "Most of the money is wine. The next time I come, the wine gourd will be full."

The little girl then got the copper coins and nodded seriously, "I will prepare in advance."

Nangong First said no more, opened the curtain and walked out of the shack.

He is not short of money. Mo said that eating the little girl's meals would make the other person worry-free even if he did not eat. However, this little girl who was rescued once by Nangong was stubborn and refused to accept the extra money.

A month ago, when the little girl was out of the city to dry the wood, she was chased by wild wolves. Seeing that she was going to die, she was the first Nangong who passed by to survive.

It was also from that time that Nangong first came here to eat.

If it weren't for Nangong, the little girl couldn't afford mutton or flour. Her price is very fair, and it only costs a little labor, so she can't eat mutton. It is good to have a cake belly every day.

She was expecting that if the price was fair, there would be a lot of guests coming to her. She might work harder and she might be full. After two years, maybe she could open a bigger shop.

However, her small shop is destined to be fed by Nangong No. 1. Those who can afford to eat outside will not come to her and the poor here, and would rather choose to do their own cooking.

The only advantage that a little girl can get when opening a store is that this store is really not good and not very competitive.

Nangong first went back and returned, standing in front of the shop, looking at the little girl who washed the dishes, and groaned, "I lack a cook who cooks, otherwise you come to my house, I will pay you a salary, but also eat."

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