The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 7 Chapter 62: Opening up an era of innovation

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Li Yan is busy now.

Since the autumn season began, he suddenly took a break.

There are no major events in the middle of the country. This year, there are no plans to go to war. Li Zhen, Cui Keli, and others are also involved in trivial military and political affairs. They only need to outline the outlines, and take care of them.

When he learned to be lazy in time, he found that he had a lot of free time.

When it was all right, Li Yan twisted a pot of wine and sat on the roof of the palace hall with wide vision, while watching Changan's increasingly prosperous market, while carefully feeling the people's luck coming from all sides.

These are all his achievements and the foundation of his standing.

Conquering Hexi and defeating Tubo, the people with lofty ideals and enthusiastic children in the middle of the country will never return to their hearts; the majority of the people in the world have lived and worked in peace and contentment, and most of the people who pay attention to profit are no longer complaining.

Li Ye has viewed his own fairy garden. Except for the frontiers, the territory of Datang has been basically outlined. The stars of all people in all places are lit up intensively, and the Xingye Xinghe trend really has emerged.

And his cultivation has been steadily improved. Although he is still in the Golden Wonderland, it is no longer the same as before, and it is not too far away from Da Luo Jinxian.

Li Yan carefully estimated that even if he did not open up the territory to expand the territory, as long as the Tang Dynasty rested for three years, the township authority was taken back by the court for most of the time, and without the ability to exploit states and counties, the great situation of Guotai Min'an would be basically realized. By then, his cultivation may be able to break through the Da Luo Jin Wonderland.

An Wang's Mansion is very close to Qi King's Mansion. Sometimes King Qi will come, but many of them are still Saint Ji.

After more than half a year's time, Dasuo Siming finally found that these two guys are one person.

Because there is no war in the world, Li Maozhen doesn't worry about politics, so he is too busy on weekdays, and comes to Li Ye to drink when there is nothing, often he is not drunk, nor does he return.

There are many times like this, and there is always a time when you cannot love yourself.

Then, one night and one night, the two kings shared the same bed, thunder and lightning thundered outside, heavy rain poured, the house was filled with dragons and phoenixes, and Huang Huang sang. The young and old commanded to see through the window paper in the dim lights, and saw them as if they were struck by lightning.

Since then, Shao Siming's look at Li Yan's eyes changed and became normal, no longer a little bit weird.

It's true that Dasuo lives on his own. Although most of the time he looks at him, he occasionally shows a more resentful look, which makes Li Yan often uncomfortable.

He didn't care about these minor issues.

After all, Chang'an Xiu Xue Academy is about to start.

This is one of the national policies for Li Zhi to recruit monks on a large scale and expand the ranks of monks in Datang.

Once the Chang'an University is completed, it means that the practice of Famen is no longer in charge of the Qin Heavenly Prison, and the relationship with Daomen has been clearly distinguished-to be precise, it is the relationship with Quanzhen.

Since then, the practice method no longer appears only in Qin Tianjian, Shimen, Daomen, and major families, and ordinary people have the possibility to step into the door of practice.

"There are three branches under the practice college, the basic college, the practice school, and the college of the monks."

In the government affairs hall, Li Zhen and Li Xuan reported on the college's affairs. "The basic school has the most students. The first phase enrolled 8,000 people. Half of the soldiers were selected from the army. Half of them were selected from the private. the way.

"The former is directly controlled by the Ministry of Defense, and the latter is dispatched by officials in three provinces and six provinces, and cooperates with the mentors of the colleges to go to the prefectures and counties each year to make selections. The preliminary affairs will be more complicated, but in the past few years, the system was formed, and the court and local officials It will be more convenient to become familiar with it.

"The basic college is in the private sector. It only recruits students under the age of 16. The middle age of the army can be relaxed to the age of the crown. This will also help to stimulate the **** children to join the army.

"Xiang Qi College only recruits monks below the third level of Qi training. Basically, they will be promoted from the basic college. Once they have been trained above the third level of Qi training, they should be decentralized to the army or local prefectures and counties. Of course, you can also enter the airless Shimen and Quanzhen, went to preach and preach in the Gentiles, explored the customs and customs of the enemy country, and important military affairs.

"Lianqi College itself is not only about teaching practice, but also divided into civil servants, generals, craftsmen, religion and other parts, so that they can prepare for the future life direction while promoting their cultivation.

"The Grand Masters College only recruits monks who practice eight or nine floors, provided that they have achieved sufficient merits. After obtaining the student qualifications, the college will help them break through the real world, and then serve as a more important official position and become a pillar."

Having said that, Li Zhen kept silent and waited for Li Ye to express his opinion.

Li Yan actually had no opinion. These programs were the result of long discussions with everyone. Li Zhen just improved it further and was a college builder.

However, Li Yan still has something to say. He knocked on the case: "Civil officials and generals in the Lianqi College, I believe that they can recruit a lot of students, but also young people who want to enter through breaking their minds. Craftsmen and religion In part, I am afraid that there are not many people who voluntarily enter.

"These are two key parts. What is the energy of the former? Yangguan's weapon bed crossbow is proof that it has developed well and will even change the face of life. But I want to see a magic aircraft ... Common objects appear.

"Although the latter is a fine work, it is fast-paced, and it is most suitable for young people with poor backgrounds, good minds, and ambitious goals."

Li Zhen nodded frequently.

He said: "It would take three provinces and six departments to cooperate. Scholars, farmers, industry, and craftsmen have always been inferior to others. Those with lofty disdain, the court needs to improve their status.

"The religious part depends on whether the teenagers are smart or not, can they see through the essence of religion. If they can make good use of this weapon, they will definitely understand that it is an artifact that they have run rampant in foreign countries, and their promotion is just a backhand. "

Li Min nodded, "Three provinces and six departments, you go to discuss with Cui Keli, come up with a charter. Now you are prime ministers, you should have this boldness."

Li Zhen took note of this.

Li Yan continued: "Chang'an College of Recruitment is still too small to recruit 8,000 people. After three years, it must be expanded to at least 30,000. Five years later, there are more than 300 states in Datang. In this way, all the heroes in the world can get the opportunity to accept the training of the court and then serve the country.

"After ten years, my monks in the Datang world will be ten times more than now! At that time, Mo said to restore the ancestral territory, even if it hits the sky, we can see this hope.

"If, by then, the craftsmen have developed, they only need to practice the Qi monk's control, and they can board dozens of people, hundreds of people, and huge flying instruments that travel hundreds of miles a day, then the world of Datang is the real world!"

Li Zhen froze.

He did not expect that the blueprint in Li Min's mind would be so vast and so astounding.

Li Zhenzheng was about to stand up and salute, and expressed his admiration and respect for Li Yun, and Li Yun waved his hand and let him continue to sit down. He hadn't finished his words yet.

Li Xuan looked at Li Xun and said, "You have followed me for many years, and I don't hide some thoughts from you. I want to see that one or two decades later, Datang will start the era of nationwide cultivation ... I know that everyone has different qualifications and can Those who have achieved Qi training are all talented talents of one hundred miles. But even if they cannot achieve Qi training, I still want them to practice.

"If you ca n’t become a Wu Zong, then you become a martial arts officer. The warrior is also an officer in the army. You ca n’t become a warrior, then you become a warrior. Is n’t it difficult? Half of the Tang people in the world can train to the highest age. Become a samurai, don't you exaggerate? "

"If the ordinary soldiers in the army are all samurai realms, can the army of Datang be invincible?

"I know what you want to say, the resources and the cultivation resources are not enough. But this is exactly the problem we want to solve. The world is actually very big. The cultivation resources that we don't have in Tang can be found outside the domain. If you can't gather wealth and cultivation resources, , To strengthen the national strength of the dynasty, what do we do to expand our territories, and what to wage war?

"After ten years, I want everyone in the Tang Dynasty to have food and clothes for everyone. Twenty years later, I want everyone in the Tang Dynasty to have books to read and everyone can practice! How many people are reading books now? Printing books is not cheap. I know that there is so much work in the farmland that I have gone to study and practice, and the acres are deserted, and I know that.

"Ordinary farmer's house, I ca n’t afford these now. But one or two decades after I said. What did I establish as a spiritual college? Printing is not cheap, so let the college of craftsmanship research make it cheaper; The farm tools are not strong enough, and they are asked to solve this problem.

"Insufficient grain production? Then hit the horizon, there are always high-yield grains outside the region. What does the army do? I might as well tell you that there are three-year-old rice in the south. When you lay there, Datang will be better than Jiangnan. Granary.

"I tell you again, at the end of the east of the East China Sea, there are grains of 50 acres! Not to mention that Datang ’s army occupied there, as long as we reach that place and bring back the grain seeds, our Datang farmers will no longer be in short supply. grain!

"When the farmer can live without food and clothing, they will naturally want to read, they cannot read, they will let their children read, they cannot practice themselves, and they will let their children practice.

"Do you think I'm talking in a dream? What I'm talking about is the fact that after 20 years, the people of Datang will not only be well-groomed, but they will also be proud of the world!"

Li Zhen is completely stupid.

As a scholar, a person with a mind on national affairs, and aspiring scholars who want to enthusiastically serve the country and make the country strong and invincible, the future portrayed by Li Zhi is a scene he even wants to embrace in his dreams.

It's not impossible to improve the printing skills and make printing cheap. It wasn't paper before the Eastern Han Dynasty! Looking for new fabrics and improving the weaving process so that everyone does not have to be frozen in winter. Although this is exaggerated, it is not entirely hopeless.


50 stones per mu?

What it is?

Datang's current grain yield can reach five stones, and the farmer will wake up in the middle of the night with a smile!

Ten times the output, what kind of food is that? !!

Is there such food in the world?

Li Zhen is not a pedantic scholar who reads and reads silly. In fact, His Majesty has no such scholar. Both the officials of Li Zhen's department and the Confucian students of Qingzhou Confucianism are very practical. They are not comparable to Yangzhou Confucianism on paper, and they are very clear about the world.

Whether it is farming, water conservancy, military, or armored soldiers, they all have the minimum knowledge.

Because of this, Li Zhencai is particularly clear that whether it is the rule of Zhenguan or the prosperity of the New Century, there are many people in the world who are hungry!

Eating porridge during free time and dry rice during busy time are the lives that ordinary people yearn for most. meat? What is that? When you eat energy-saving meals every year, you will see your teeth with a smile, that is the prosperous age!

Insufficient food, this is the biggest problem of the dynasty, eternal trouble.

Being able to feed most people's stomachs, and being able to starve the people a few times during the disaster years, is the life-long goal of aspiring officials!

But now, Li Zhi said that there are 50 acres of grain per mu?

If so, there will be no more people in the world of Datang!

Once you can eat and wear warm clothes, do n’t starve in summer, and do n’t freeze in winter, and books become cheaper and more affordable. Fools do n’t read books, do n’t practice.

If there is one day, under the control of Li Zhi, can Datang Yuan enter the era of spiritual practice for all?

Datang ... Can you dominate the world? !!

Li Zhen shook with excitement when he thought about it.

He forgot the etiquette, forgot his inferiority, and rushed to Li Yi, grabbed Li Yi's arm, stared at each other with scarlet eyes, and Ka asked urgently: "His Royal Highness, Your Highness ... there is indeed mu Fifty Stones of Grain ?! "

"That's true." Li Yan could understand Li Zhen's mood, patted his hand, said well, "It's a long distance. To get there, we need a ship that can sail thousands of miles at sea and can resist the storm. ..... "

"Research, research! Let the Craftsman Department do the research!" Li Zhen yelled madly, "What is Miles? Our Datang caravan has not traveled thousands of miles!"

"It's not westward, it's eastward. This is different. The ocean conditions are different ..." Li Xun said that he was interrupted by Li Zhen.

He shouted with a red neck: "Let the monk go! Let the monk in the real world pass! Let them bring back the grain seeds!"

Li Yan: "..."

Is there no such thing as a real monk in South America?

Even if the real monk of Datang can go north by road all the way to the Bering Strait, then enter North America, and finally reach South America, but bring the seeds of potatoes and corn back ...

and many more.

Suddenly Li Yan's pupils shrank.

This is not impossible.

As a traverser, he certainly knew that potatoes that originated in the Andean mountains of South America, yielding 50 stones per acre are certainly no problem. Before this thing passed, Dongtu had planted all the ground, which was very cheap.

Potatoes are also food and vegetables. Although it is a bit painful to eat them all day, it can at least guarantee that you will not starve to death.

And once the corn seeds of Central America were brought back ...

On earth, since the dynasties, the population was only about 80 million at most. Why did it increase to 400 million at the end of the Qing Dynasty? The biggest reason is that because corn and potatoes have appeared, everyone has a meal ...

The corn yield per mu is estimated to be more than a dozen stone, which is much less than potatoes, but that is the real grain. When Li Huan was on the earth, he was a farmer's child. He didn't eat less corn rice when he was young, commonly known as Bu Gufan.

It is not bad to say that the Bugu rice is more fragrant than the rice. The old people in rural areas are especially used to it.

But to be realistic, the taste of Bugu Valley is relatively rough. It is not as soft and delicate as rice, and it was gradually eliminated.

Now you don't have to worry about the taste. With corn, no one will be hungry in Datang. If you pair it with potatoes for cooking ... haha, everyone will practice it.

Li Zhen is gone.

When he walked, his face was red, and his spirits were correct.

It seems that the artisan branch, or Baigong branch of Chang'an Shuxing College, should become the most important branch.

Li Yan thought about it for himself: it is not that difficult to organize dozens of real monks with maps drawn by himself to reach South America ... It's also possible to find corn and potato seeds.

After all, it was n’t aggression in the past, and people there would probably not take the liberty to do something with their own people, maybe they could establish stable diplomatic relations ...

The only problem and the biggest problem is that going north to the Bering Strait in the Arctic Circle needs to pass the control range of Silla and Khitan.

Silla is not a big problem, but Khitan is in trouble.

Li Yan thought again: Do potatoes and corn have to be obtained, or must they be obtained as soon as possible.

No matter how he thinks, the answer is yes.

The country is strong, so I do n’t want to stay!

For Li Zhi personally, this has something to do with his cultivation.

This is what happened in the world. Li Zhi can be respected by 80% of Tang people, but he cannot get the luck of all Tang people. You can't expect an old, weak woman and child who can't even fill your stomach and can't survive the cold winter under your rule, and is absolutely loyal to you.

Full play, he may be able to achieve Da Luo Jinxian three years later.

But Daomen Xianting has a lot of Luo Jinxian.

Not only that, but there is a higher state of sage. For example, Laojun.

Who knows what they think?

God from the west, even the Holy Buddha, was defeated, and maybe he was a saint.

Under the saints, all are ants. Even if Da Luo Jinxian is strong, he is still in two worlds with the saint, facing each other, it is estimated that there is only the captive.

According to such a realm of increasing speed, even if Li Zhi regains the Western Regions, destroys the Khitan, deterred the grasslands, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve the sage state. Whether it is the Western Region or the grassland, in fact, there are too few people to compare with Datang.

And people in these places are completely loyal to Datang, and that difficulty is not as good as Li Yan going to find potatoes and corn.

Only by gaining the luck of the Tang dynasty, and then supplementing the territory, can Li Zhi achieve the sage state.

It's only based on the possibility of the trend.

Now it seems that bringing back the seeds of potatoes and corn, and improving the printing and weaving process at the same time, allows Tang people to eat and warm, everyone can read and everyone can practice-at least let them see this This kind of hope is not only the key to improving Datang's strength, but also to enhance Li Zhi's own strength!

"In the final analysis, we must solve the Khitan first, and find a way to find grain seeds in South America in real life." Thinking of this, Li Zhi already has a plan in mind.

Khitan is a problem that he has always wanted to solve.

The question is whether he is ready to do his job.

To solve the Khitan, we have to face up to the issue of the war of immortals.

Li Xuan decided to look at the battlefield of Xianyu first, and then decide what happened in the world.

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