The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 9: Survival and Merit

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Winter is not over, Yangchun has never arrived, Qufu's morning cold winds, and in the vast field, there are no dogs except scattered farmers.

When a farmer was turning over the ground and inadvertently looked at the official road, he was surprised to find that in the strong white mist, a group of people with solemn looks came out.

Their rags and blue shirts have been soaked in fog, but they still move forward in a steady and silent way. Even if someone coughs from time to time, it does not affect the overall rhythm of the team.

The farmer was very puzzled. This team felt strange to him. It was natural to say solemnity and dignity, and there was a kind of unreliable piety and faith in his body. But they are obviously different from Daomen and Shimen disciples.

If there is anything special in Qufu, the first thing that comes to mind is definitely the Confucian Temple.

This is the hometown of Confucius.

When that group of people walks in, even the least-skilled farmer can recognize that the other party is a scholar.

The most scholars in Qufu are scholars. They are completely different from Wufu, Daomen, and Shangjia farmers in the army. They can easily be judged by their clothing and temperament.

Since it is a scholar, there is nothing good to look at, and it is not worth curiosity at all. The farmers who looked up have one after another glanced back and continued to do their work.

The farmers in Qufu can't tell the scholars in front of them. They are different from the Confucian scholars in Qingzhou.

If the latter is a kind, solid and firm, down-to-earth person who is very grounded, then these persons are obviously elegant, romantic, and refreshing, and at first glance, they do n’t think they should write poetry in the blue house. , You should talk about it in the temple.

This team of hundreds of scholars was stopped in the suburbs without being able to enter Qufu City.

The person who stopped them was a team of elite riders in the Dutch armor.

The formation of the army was on the official road, with spears such as forests, armor of warhorses, majestic, and murderous, obviously not a recruit team that had not been on the battlefield.

The head of the scholar team was a gray-haired, thin-skinned old man. Facing this cavalry, he stepped forward and asked politely, "Why did the general stop, but I waited. What law was broken? "

The head of the school captain said coldly: "I will not control whether Seoul will violate the law, but the military order that will be received is to prevent Seoul from entering Qufu!"

As soon as this remark was made, the scholars all looked slightly changed. Some people wondered, some people were angry, some people were sad.

The only white-haired old man was half-faced, respectfully chanting: "Under the news, under the rule of King An, Wenchang Wude of the dynasty, the Tang people lived and worked in peace and prosperity, there was no thief in the mountains, no strong men in the county, no people The night stays closed and the road is well-organized.

"Why can't even a city be reached when I wait for you? Dare to ask the general, who issued the military order? Isn't the person who issued such a military order afraid of corrupting the court's reputation and being punished by King An?

This old man was Zhang Qi who led Yangzhou scholars to leave Yangzhou City.

The captain was said to be speechless and simply did not answer. It's just that the stance of blocking the road is still stubborn, and there is no intention to let them go.

This is the typical military style.

Zhang Qi was not angry at half a point, sighed, and said frankly: "Well, since the general's order is in my body, I can't wait to make the general difficult. However, in Qufu City, I have to enter anyway."

After he had said this, he went straight to the army.

As he moved forward, the disciples behind him followed.

They were no more than forty or fifty steps away from the army formation, and they soon pulled into the distance.

The captain's cold eyes suddenly shot a strong killing intention, and his hand was pressed on the hilt. "Do you really want to die?"

The military order has made it clear that these people must not be allowed to enter Qufu City.

Of course, the captain knew the end of the violation of the military order, and did not think he had a reason to fail to execute the military order.

So he was ready to kill.

Zhang Qi didn't mean to step back, his footwork was still steady, and his steadiness revealed his will to go forward. Although his face was calm, his heart was actually frozen.

He didn't expect that this time he would bring his disciples to worship at the Confucian Temple, and he would be stopped outside Qufu City.

This is the first time they have appeared before the world after leaving Yangzhou City.

They didn't do anything extraordinary, they just wanted to worship Confucius, Li Yun didn't even allow it. It is conceivable that their line of Confucianism will no longer have the opportunity to see the light in the future.

As the current leader of Confucianism in Yangzhou, Zhang Qi must find a way out for the scholars behind him.

The way out for scholars can only be a career.

Zhang Qi actually thought very clearly. When he worshipped Confucius this time, he went to Chang'an to petition. He hoped that Li Zhi could treat Yangzhou Confucian disciples equally and give them the opportunity to participate in the imperial examination.

Zhang Qi knew it was difficult.

After all, Yangzhou Confucianism was once led by Wang Zaifeng against Li Zhi, and he also planned and led the Kunlun transformation and sent Li Zhi to the fairyland-although they still do n’t understand, Li Zhi is in the public eye Obviously he has gone to Xianyu, why does it appear in the world again.

The road goes a long way, and I will search up and down. This is the life motto of a scholar.

Zhang Qi was ready to endure martyrdom.

But Zhang Qi did not expect that the difficulty of this matter was beyond imagination.

If they are not allowed to worship Confucius, that is, they do not recognize their identity as Confucian scholars, then what is the follow-up at all?

Zhang Qi must fight.

In other words, you must show your attitude.

I will take my disciples to worship Confucius and declare to the world that he is a scholar of Confucianism.

If not, there is only a dead end.

Since it's a dead end, it doesn't matter when you die.

So Zhang Qi did not answer the captain's words, but just stubbornly moved forward.

The captain's eyes began to congestion sharply, and his murderous spirit could no longer be covered. He coldly ordered: "The crossbowman is ready!"

When I remembered it, the general commanded the captain to stare at the nearby Zhang Qi, and warned one more thing: "Go one step further, kill without pardon!"

Zhang Qi didn't stop.

The disciples behind him also followed him across the red line in the captain's eyes.

When they were in Yangzhou, these scholars thought that the world was theirs, and they scoffed at Qingzhou Rumen. When leaving Yangzhou, these sons realized that the world had nothing to do with them.

If the Confucian scholars could not commit to career, if the world had nothing to do with them, they would be nothing. So at this moment, those who have experienced suffering know that they have no way out.

Under the leadership of Zhang Qi, they have been moving forward.

True scholars are never afraid of death.

Chao Wen said, Xi could die.

Although they failed in the battle with Confucianism in Qingzhou, they also threw their heads on the battlefield in the Central Plains and even dedicated their lives.

The captain didn't say any more, but pulled out his crossbow and pointed forward.

The shattering sound of Li Ya's empty air almost sounded at the same time, and a hundred crossbows tear the air between the lightnings and flew into the crowd of Confucian scholars.

Li Yanya flew into the flesh one after another, one by one, and the scholars fell to the ground.

Even Zhang Qi was in Sanya, two on his shoulders and one under his ribs.

The captain's pupil narrowed sharply.

Of course, he can see that most of these Confucian scholars now have a literary level or above, and there are even many writers in the central group headed by them.

In Confucianism, scribes meant to enter the room, and scribes were rare talents.

Now, none of them has used the power of repair to protect themselves.

In a round of crossbow shots, most of the fallen one or twenty people were scribes, including two scribes!

Zhang Qi's face remained the same, his body only paused, and he moved forward again.

He kept his eyes on the front, but instead of looking at these fine riders, he seemed to see the Qufu City behind him, the Confucian Temple in Qufu City, the origin and future of Confucianism.

The disciples behind him kept the same pace. Some people helped the injured companion, some avoided the companion's body, stepped on the muddy soil that was stained with blood, and continued to move forward.

The scholars did not hesitate, nor did the captain.

The knife in his hand once again moved forward.

As a result, one hundred and ten Liyas flew out to the left and right and behind them.

The supported gentleman took two steps to support it, and was shot by the crossbow into the body. He flew out and fell into the pool of blood, and no longer had vitality. He helped his companions and followed his companions. Either he was shot or killed.

Those figures who are determined to move forward are destined to endure the calamity of the road ahead. They experienced violent storms and lightning and thunder, and many of them were destined to see the rainbow after the rain and could only die in the storm.

But they were so hard-hearted that they seemed to be in a demon and went forward.

When the captain raised his crossblade for the third time, a voice sounded behind him, "The whole army returned to camp."

The captain's eyes changed, and he did not hesitate to move, returned to the scabbard, drank "back to camp", and took the lead in turning the horse's head.

When the military order was in his possession, he would not be moved by killing the disciples who did not resist in front of him, even if he would be nauseated afterwards; when the military order was revoked, he would not hesitate to retreat.

Zhang Qi hit Wuya with his last two on his thighs. I wonder if the cavalry had some sympathy or admiration for him. The crossbow did not hit him.

After hundreds of fine riders stepped on the billowing smoke and dust, a young official in an official robe appeared on the official road in front of the scholars.

When he saw the official, his face was white and he smiled, and he was in a difficult position.

Not only him, but the sons behind him, salute the crossbow or not, whether they are bleeding or not, regardless of the action or inability to regulate, salute the official. .

The officials didn't set the record, followed by returning the gift.

It really can't be displayed.

Because he is Zhang Zhongsheng.

Once a scholar of Yangzhou Rumen.

After the battle in the Central Plains, he and Yang Xingmi, Sun Ru and others voted for His Majesty Li, which is considered to be the Shun Dynasty.

"Why is the uncle so?" Zhang Zhongsheng glanced at the disciples lying in the pool of blood, and those wounded who looked miserable after the arrows, shook his head unbearably.

What he said was naturally that Zhang Qi didn't need to bring the former Yangzhou Confucian scholars. These group of destined useless scholars exchanged their lives for a chance to worship the Confucian Temple.

Several scholars came to Zhang Qi and wanted to help him remove the crossbow and heal his injuries. He waved and pushed away, looking straight at Zhang Zhongsheng: "There are eight hundred scholars behind him, disciples who have not come. There are three thousand people. This is not a small number, does King An really want to watch them die? "

It must be said that compared with the vast area and countless officials Gao Ye once dominated, and more than Confucian academies, more than three thousand scholars are really too few. However, this is a group of scholars who have gathered together after a lapse of two years. Regardless of their talents, their mentality will not be too bad.

Zhang Zhongsheng smiled bitterly: "The king has commanded that if you are sincere enough, you can give you a chance."

For Zhang Qi and others, this is the good news they were looking for.

However, the reason why Zhang Zhongsheng used a bitter smile to prove that this "sincerity" is definitely not leisurely.

The more than 20 corpses and more than 30 wounded who fell to the ground were an essential part of "sincerity".

For Zhang Qi and others, this is cruel.

However, Zhang Qi didn't think there was any problem.

Now King An is in control of the world, saying that they are sniffing, which is all about them. The glory and shame of their lives and deaths lies entirely in Li Zhi's thoughts. Even if Li Yan killed them, no one could say nothing, after all he was an enemy.

"An Wang is really kind, I can't wait for it!" Zhang Qi said calmly.

After paying more than 20 lives, he can exchange for the scholars of Yangzhou Confucian Confucianism and have the same status as Qingzhou Confucian Confucianism. There is no regret even if you die.

In the past, Daomen and Li Zhi were enemies, but Li Zhi did not utterly kill Dao Men, but supported the whole truth; in the past, Shi Men was opposed to Li Zhi, and Li Zhi did not exterminate the Shimen, but he supported the sky Release the door.

Li Zhe ’s attitude towards Daomen and Shimen made Zhang Qi and others realize that as long as they were willing to turn to Li Zhe and accept Li Zhe ’s transformation and become Li Zong ’s minions, they might have a glimmer of vitality and future.

This is why they now appear in front of the world and come to Qufu to worship Confucius.

Entering the Confucian Temple sacrifice is just an excuse. The essential purpose is to attract Li Zhi's attention. If Li Yan is willing to give them a chance, they will strive to seize it even if they give everything.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhongsheng shook his head.

In Zhang Qi's puzzled eyes, Zhang Zhongsheng said in a deep voice: "The King An is indeed kind, but King An's kindness is only to his own people. In the vein of the former Confucianism of Yangzhou, he once scourged the Great Tang Society. Now we want to think Having the status of a scholar in Datang is just not enough to pay the price of dozens of lives.

"An Wang doesn't even care how many lives you've lost, even if you're all dead, An Wang won't frown. What An Wang cares about is what merits you can make for Datang and how many merits you can make for Jiangshan Society. Only those who are successful in the dynasty can have identity in the dynasty and become An Wang's minions!

"Uncle, am I clear enough?"

These words fell into Zhang Qi's ears, causing him to meditate.

It was only a matter of concubine that he understood what Li concubine meant.

Zhang Qi nodded earnestly: "The old man understands. Please tell King An, Zhang Qi will bring this group of Confucian scholars, and make a merit of sufficient identity for Datang."

After saying this, he opened his arms and motioned to the disciple behind him to pull his arrow and wound him.

Zhang Zhongsheng smiled. "Next, where is Uncle going?"

Zhang Qidao: "Northern border."


Many times, Li Yan hopes that time will pass slowly, so that he has more time to collect the luck of the people; but at some times, he also wants time to pass faster, so that he can jump the clowns who are jumping We, immediately under the sword.

In any case, winter is over, and spring is here.

And Li Yan, will leave Changan and rush to Chu.

During this trip, he will have to deal with Ma Yin and Nanxun. If there is an ambush of Master Khitan there, he will also have to resolve those Khitan gods.

If it was years ago, Li Yan would not think there was any problem with this operation. But now, after so many times of deduction, he began to feel that his trip was not as simple as he thought.

When things come, you need to be bold, and there is nothing he needs to hesitate about. Just before going south, he needs Changan's absolute stability. There is no unstable factor in Chang'an. If there is one, it is the emperor Li Yan.

The instability of Li Zhizhi is not that he has not thought about Li Zhi, but that his physical condition is becoming more and more unbearable, and he was seriously ill a few days ago.

To a monk practicing qi, getting sick is a shame.

It is also intolerable for Li Yan to make his brother seriously ill.

Therefore, he underwent a thorough treatment of Li Yan, using his cultivation of the peak of the real world of Yangshen to help the other party to fully restore his physical fitness.

The price is not without. At the time of treatment, many people thought that Li Zhi was going to kill the king. After all, using your own aura and Qi to influence the other party, even if you are not a prince, you have the suspicion of controlling the other party.

Li Zhe had not let go of helping Li Zhe before, but she was so jealous.

However, right now, Li Zhi has no hesitation.

Because he was very clear, Li Yan was actually running out of Shou Yuan.

According to the memory of the previous life, at this time Li Zhi should almost die, and then pass the throne to him.

But this is not a past life, after all, Li Zhi is no longer the waste that ca n’t practice and is stuck in the market. Zhu Wen, who usurped his throne in the previous life, does not now own the Central Plains.

Therefore, Li Xun helped Li Xuan to extend his life and gave the other party a healthy body that could no longer be healthy, so that he could continue to enjoy himself in the world of his own rhythm.

When Li Zhi was doing this, not only Li Zhi's henchmen and eunuchs, but Li Zhi's eunuchs, including Li Zhen, were opposed.

From the point of view of conspiracy, Li Zhi's death is of great benefit to Li Zhi. As a son of the clan, he is also a power minister who calms down the world and conquers Hexi. He can inherit the throne as a matter of course, and not many people will disagree.

From the perspective of Li Yixiu's realm, his personal destiny and luck are fully integrated with the dynasty, and he will be more guided by the world. The confluence of people's luck will not be separated by another. Layer film.

But all this, here at Li Yan, cannot be compared with brotherhood.

Li Ye is not a good emperor, but he is a good brother, and now he has given himself the power of the dynasty without any suspicion. Throughout the ages, I am afraid that such an emperor is only Li Zhi, and he cannot be sorry for himself, nor can he be sorry for his conscience.

In response to this incident, only one person clearly expressed his support and appreciation for Li Zhi.

Qi Wang Li Maozhen.

Li Ye, who was in a relaxed mood, took Qi Qi to lead the army south.

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