The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 46: Battle of Chuzhou (2)

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As the "servants" of Warwick, a senior monk, Zhang Chang'an and Gesang and others belong to Warwick's private property. Even if the battle is fierce, as long as Warwick himself does not order, they do not need to fight.

Now that Warwick isn't in the barracks at all, no one wants them to fight.

The camp of two hundred thousand and three hundred thousand people stretches for dozens of miles and is naturally very large. Although the sound of fighting in the west of the camp is shaking, Zhang Changan and Gesang live in the camp, but they can only hear the pot boiling, not seeing Into the water splash.

After more than half an hour, Jichen finally rushed over with sweat, and when he saw Zhang Changan's first sentence, he said, "Everyone has started to act as planned!"

Compared to Gesang, whose teeth are constantly trembling, Zhang Changan is much more calm. After all, he had practiced in Jincheng County and the Yangguan calendar. He had seen all the **** and terrible scenes of war, and at this time he was flattered.

His hand holding the knife was very stable, almost motionless, and his eyes were still, like a deep pond, his thoughts turned extremely fast, like a high-speed machine, working more than twice as often as usual.

"Since the army has begun to attack, it will not retreat without distinguishing the winner. Although there are many monks, the place of war is not much different from the day, but the grassland warriors deep in the camp are still affected by the unknown fear of the night. . They can't see more scenes, and the attack at night is inevitable, which is in our favor! "

Zhang Chang'an thought for a while and stared at Dust, "The people below must now be splattered, but you and I must calm down, only in this way can we calmly judge the situation and direct them to action!"

Hearing this, the subconscious took a deep breath to slow down his heartbeat.

He looked at Zhang Changan's eyes a little differently. This young man was more stable than the man who walked the grassland all the year round, and used to touch the edge of life and death, which made him have to be surprised.

However, this is also normal. Although he is used to life and death, the scene of hundreds of thousands of people fighting is his first participation. It is obviously impossible to stop everything at the first contact.

"Relax, I have emphasized with the people below many times, I believe they will not panic at this time." Jichen said that he is as stable as Taishan. "We have aroused the emotions of many grassland tribe warriors these days, but how to make them Emotions broke out, but they still need to be blindly inspired. "

Speaking of which, Buchen suddenly felt very wise. "Yinyin" is used very well, fully describing the key to the situation at the moment, and being able to point out the core at a glance, also shows that his personal concerns are still calm and thoughtful.

If not, Zhang Changan agreed very much.

He had actually considered this problem before.

In the circumstances of today's battle, Zhang Changan had deduced countless times in advance in his mind in order to try to fill in the gaps and ensure that all parties took into consideration so as not to have any accidents.

This kind of thing is not unusual. When Chang'an practiced the college, the gentlemen taught them many times, and also specially pointed out. This is the difference between good generals and ordinary generals.

It's true that this Taoist person can clearly point this out at this time, making Zhang Changan quite high-profile. Ginger is still old and spicy, and it still works in some cases. He has been in the grassland for a long time, and he is middle-aged. Experience and insight are really worthy of respect.

Zhang Changan said tightly: "It's not difficult to find the" medicine ". As long as a prairie tribe chief stands out and leads a group of people to retreat first and leave the battlefield, they can ignite other people's emotions and trigger other Tribal chiefs, and a large number of prairie fighters follow suit. That's how they fell!

Spotless eyes brightened, Zhang Changan looked two points higher.

This young man is really extraordinary, even in such a tense situation, there is still a lot of promise in the future.

A teenager is so good. He is naturally unwilling to fall behind, and his brain is turning at a high speed, and his thinking speed is much faster than usual.

Ji Chen quickly answered: "Barato! The chief of the Black Wolf Ministry, Barato, is the most suitable candidate! Among the chiefs who were beheaded by Yeltsinac, there are his elders! He Resentment against Yerezhnekh is deep, far from being healed by some cattle and sheep.

"In these days, I can hear no less than three soldiers of the Black Wolf Ministry saying that Barato is in a bad mood and has no fighting intentions. He always mentions that he will never go back to herd cattle and sheep. There will be many people in this winter tribe. Hungry!

"He didn't say these things because he was afraid of Yerezhnech, but some of the soldiers who can approach him in the black wolf department can still understand him!"

Zhang Changan immediately turned around, "What are you waiting for, we will go to see Barato now and convince him to withdraw when necessary!"

Dust is also high, but after taking a few steps, I suddenly thought of something. I grabbed Zhang Chang'an and shook his head: "No, not now, the flames have not arrived yet! Although Barato wanted to go back, he was very conscious of Yereznech. His fear was also very deep. We rushed forward and tried to persuade him to take the triumph of the three armies, which was difficult! "

Zhang Chang'an stopped, "What should I do?"

Dustlessly: "Wait!"


"When the fighting continues to a certain extent, the Khitan Army will suffer heavy losses-at least if there is no chance of victory, we will be able to persuade Barato in a rage!"

Zhang Changan thought about it, and thought it was thoughtful, and could not help but convince: "Okay, just listen to you!"

Hearing this remark, Jichen rejoiced, and was very satisfied with Zhang Changan's attitude.

He had lost the previous "Three-Day Covenant", and was always ashamed of his heart. After all, he lost to a teenager in terms of knowledge. Now to see Zhang Changan still need to rely on him, listen to his suggestions and act, I can not help but feel very happy, I feel that I still have strengths.

A Quanzhen Taoist, a cutting-edge player on the battlefield, with the right complement of the shortcomings, this scene was clearly seen by the eyes of the emperor Tao of Li Zhi.

Li Yan was very relieved.

In the eyes of others, this is the mutual benefit of Zhang Chang'an and Dust, but in Li Yan's eyes, this is his many strategies and layouts before. Now they have achieved good results. On the battlefield, one plus one is greater than two. What proved it was his wiseness.

If there is no full truth and no release, and there is no Changan School of Practicing, there will be no Zhang Changan and no dust, and there will not be their cooperative action at this time.

Like Li Chen, he felt quite happy in the dark, and he felt a sense of contentment.

Of course, from Li's point of view, Zhang Chang'an and Buchen's actions in the Huai Rong Khitan camp, although worthy of recognition and appreciation, are not perfect.

Characters like Barato,

They should try and make contact in advance, and give the other party some hints or get some contacts in order to ensure that the other party can play an important role in the action, rather than just remembering it temporarily.

However, Zhang Changan is still young. It is the first time that such a thing has been done. It is very rare to be able to think of this in time, but it can't be too demanding of them.

As long as the final result is not bad, Li Yan is not dissatisfied. In the future, the world is still very broad. I believe that after this experience, they will be able to realize this. In the future, they will become more mature and act more meticulously, and make greater contributions to Datang.

After experiencing the same thing, I have never been in contact before. Some people can quickly understand the nodes in the process, grow one step at a time, and finally do a good job of this thing, and can also summarize and sublimate after the event, the next time you can Make things perfect in your own hands.

However, some people need continuous repetition and accumulation to be proficient in operation. From time to time, there are some omissions and it is difficult to achieve the requirement of completeness. This is the difference between people. It is also the so-called Junyan, talent, and mediocre. difference.

The battle lasted all night, and when Dongtian showed a white line of fish belly, there was still no victory.

"Li Li" beside Shangguan Qingcheng looked up at the sky and felt that the time and situation were almost the same. Then he explained to Shangguan Qingcheng what he saw in the eyes of the emperor and gave instructions.

He said: "Overnight fighting, although the Tiger Guard did not attack the Khitan Army, it also broke through many camps, and now penetrates into the Khitan camp. Although the Khitan battalion's headquarters is called brave, but Compared with my finely-tuned embargo, there is no advantage at all, and the Tiger Guard is still the first Chang'an embargo. It deserves such a result.

"At present, the Khitan Army is not a small loss. If the battle continues, failure is only a matter of time. But we do n’t have that much time to wait. Now we need to open up the situation and cooperate with Zhang Changan and others to minimize the cost of Yerut. Xeniechi's part was defeated, and he turned to Juyongguan. The Langfang army obeyed the order and attacked immediately! "

As a major general, Shangguan Qingcheng was very concerned about the analysis of the situation in front of Li Xun, but as Li Xie's escort, she paid more attention to Li Xing giving her orders.

Hearing Li Yan's order to let her go to war, Shangguan Qingcheng felt that his whole body was burning, with endless strength and confidence to defeat all enemies.

She likes such a scene. Li Xun asked her to rush, and she rushed, which shows that she is still Li Xuan's guard and the closest person to Li Xuan.

With so many Tang troops and so many generals, not everyone can be given the opportunity by Li Wei. As Li Zhi's fighter, Shangguan Qingcheng believes that this is her greatest glory.

So she did not hesitate to lift up her elder sister, pointed to the Khitan camp, and no matter how many enemy troops there were, she had a lot of songs, whether she could really defeat the other party, and she only ordered in tone: "The generals prepare , By His Highness' order, defeat the enemy in front of you, charge! "

In a hurry, countless auras and rumbling sounds were heard in the battlefield of soldiers. After converging into a majestic force, the entire soldiers battlefield left the place and slowly headed for the Khitan camp under the morning light, and Speed ​​was raised quickly.

The new Langfang Army, like the Shangguan Qingcheng, ran out of their battlefield and killed their enemies outside Huairong City, Luzhou.

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