The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 48: Battle of Chuzhou (4)

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Since the attack of Shangguan Qingcheng into the grassland and the attack on the army's food-raising team, Yeluxianiechi has been facing an increasingly unfavorable situation. But he never gave up, but did everything in his power to try to stabilize the situation and save the crisis.

Even when his belly was dying, he was undoubtedly dead, and Yerlezhnech did not blame himself. Instead, with great perseverance and responsibility, he overcame many psychological obstacles and presided over the military situation with a spirit of uplifting spirit.

When the Tiger Guard attacked the camp, even if the defense line was complete, in order to boost the morale of the entire army, he also fought in person.

For the war in Luzhou and the war in the Khitan kingdom, Yeluxianiechi can be said to put aside life and death, honor and disgrace, and exhausted all his heart and soul.

Because of his hard work, even in the face of the two sides of the Tiger Guard and Shangguan Qingcheng, he is confident that the camp can stand for two days. When the reinforcements arrive, the situation will be immediately different.

But with all these efforts, the victory in sight was turned into a dream bubble because of the indiscriminate withdrawal of the grassland tribal army.

The army defeated the tribal army and evacuated, but the Chinese army's camp was as solid as a rock, and even the Tang army could not touch the wall, they broke down first, making the war that could have been sustained collapsed instantly. How deep was the grief and indignation in Stanley's heart.

The people of Wuhe are the people of Wuhe.

Downwind battles can be fought, and they can be as brave as tigers. They are so powerful that the enemy can't lift their heads. However, once the situation is unfavorable, they will only fend for themselves and even escape from the wind.

When Yeluyianiechi woke up, the sun at noon in summer no longer opened his eyes, and he tilted his head to finally see the scene in front of him.

He was no longer in the big camp, but went to a hill in the mountainous area of ​​Jundushan near Juyongguan, thirty to forty miles east of the camp.

He realized that he was vomiting blood in the camp and was taken out of the camp in time by the monk.

But he didn't feel lucky, but instead his heart trembled like a funeral test. Struggling to stand up, pushed the person who was supporting him left and right, walked tightly two steps, opened his eyes and looked at Huai Rong Camp, breathing heavily like a bull.

The rigorous military barracks have been ravaged. Except for the western camp area, which almost turned into ruins, the northern camp and the large army camp also raged, felt tents fell, the wall of the wall collapsed, and various heavy debris continued to burn. The Dazhai, which is 20 or 30 miles away from the entire company, can no longer see the Khitan soldiers who are still fighting.

The Khitan warriors ran across the corpse in the camp, and the blood flow was drifting, even if it was thirty or forty miles apart, the **** smell seemed to be too breathless. Teams of Tang cavalry were running back and forth to sort out the order in the camp. The injured and injured Khitan soldiers either fell to the ground and mourned, or a large block became a Tang army captive.

And more Khitan warriors, now outside the camp, are fleeing to the east. Most of them are the warriors of the Khitan Eight Tribes. Later Tang Jun generals chased Zhengzheng. In order to increase the speed of chasing, basically there is no formation at all, it seems that it is a crazy killing.

Yerutrianic only felt heartache like a knife, and closed his eyes in pain.

Although his eyes were closed, two lines of blood and tears shed from the corners of his eyes.

He heard Tang Jun's shout.

Tang Jun shouted while chasing after killing: "The soldiers who do n’t belong to the eight soldiers of Qidan will not kill!",

This means that if the grassland tribal army lays down its weapons, it can completely save its life; at the same time, it means that the soldiers of the Qidan Eight Tribes have no way to live at all, so

Can be regarded as surrendering, but also can't survive, Tang Jun has decided to kill them!

To this day, Yeluxianiechi couldn't react. Tang Jun was dividing the grassland.

To be precise, it divides Khitan and other grassland tribes.

Yeluzianiechi even thought that those prairie tribal troops that had retreated without authorization were likely to be seduced by the Tang army, and then they would retreat in a critical period, leading to a complete fester in the war situation.

When Yeluabaoji ordered him to thoroughly investigate the true truth in the barracks and release the believers in the air, he did not gain anything, thinking that there were no such people in the barracks, even if there were no climate, and never united.

Now thinking about it, it is too wrong.

Yerutnej was remorseful.

"General, let's go. If you don't leave, Master Tang Jun will come after him!" A high-ranking monk from Khitan made a persuasion.

Yerlezhnech did not answer.

He was so ashamed that he didn't want to talk.

He opened his eyes and looked at the Qidan Babu headquarters soldiers who were caught in hell. Tears and blood continued to fall from the corner of his eyes.

The young men who shouted and cried and ran away in the wasteland are the warriors of the Khitan Eight Tribes. They once set foot on the grassland, conquered one after another, and conquered one tribe after another.

After fighting again and again, they have become more and more powerful, and they have become more and more powerful. They have enjoyed the supreme glory, so they have a rare sense of mission and responsibility on the grassland, and they have given themselves to the Khitan state. Die, not just the precious national consciousness of grazing cattle and sheep.

They may not be the most elite warriors in the world, but absolutely every one is precious.

And now, they are trampled like weeds and slaughtered like lambs. How cruel it is, how sad, sad, and regrettable for them.

And all of this, in the final analysis, was caused by him, Yeluzianiechi, the general of the abdomen, and the most brave warrior on the grassland.

He is ashamed of Yeluabaoji, as well as the Khitan kingdom, and also of the grasslands!

He was surrounded by blame, guilt and remorse.

"General, let's go, it won't be too late!" He wanted to forcibly take Yereznech, but the other side was not weaker than him, and as if he was taking root under his feet, he didn't move at all, which made him impatient.

At half a moment, Yerudyenich sighed as he faced the Kuradan warrior's purgatory.

With too much blood and tears, his vision was blurry and scarlet.

He said, "Return to me for the King. I, Yerezhnech, are sinners of the Khitan. They live up to the trust of the King and are not worth living in this world. Even if they are dead, they are not worthy of being remembered by the Khitan. The body was cast into an iron man, and he knelt in front of Xilou City for eternal life and eternal life. For hundreds of years, thousands of years, he was cast aside by the Khitan! "

Having said this, in the horrified eyes of everyone, Yerlezhnech pulled out his waist knife, crossed it in front of his throat, and slammed his arm hard with a snorting sound. His head flew up high, and blood spewed from his neck.

One of the most praised and reputable generals of the Khitan kingdom, he returned to the grasslands.

The eyes of Emperor Tao of Li Zhi saw this scene from afar.

There was not much upset in Li Zhi's heart about the death of Yerezneci.

Under the general trend, the emperor would kill Jiuquan, not to mention a general


In the past, because Li Keyong and Gao Yan who hated the battlefield could not resist his soldiers' frontiers, the body had long since become earth.

So Li Yan didn't feel more.

However, Shangguan fell into a city. After learning that Yeluxianiechi was embarrassed, he said for a moment, "If the abdomen collapsed because the Datang was too strong, then in the end he was defeated because his companions were too unbearable."

This sentence was regarded as the defeat of Yerongianyechi's nostalgia and gave the final conclusion.

It is also the most appropriate evaluation.

Not to mention Monk Khitan, with Yeluyeniechi's corpse, rushed to Yelua Baoji to return to life, and said that after the Tang army broke through the Huai Rong Khitan camp, after half a day of hunting, the results were outstanding. Statistics make the whole army boil.

In this battle, Tang Jun sent a total of 120,000 people, including the Huai Rong Frontier and Shangguan Qingcheng's headquarters. The eight soldiers of the Khitan tribe who were killed and captured-after being captured-have killed more than 100,000 people.

After the abdomen was destroyed, half of the grassland tribal army accounted for half of the camp in Huairong Qidan, except for a small number of casualties, all returned to Datang. In all fairness, the strength of the grassland tribal army is not weak, and together it exceeds 100,000 troops.

It's a pity that they are a piece of scattered sand.

This campaign, Zhang Changan and Dust, successfully deceived the grassland tribal army and withdrew from the battlefield at critical moments. It played an inestimable role in the victory and rapid end of the war, so they were outstanding, and they became famous after the first battle. His deeds were widely extolled, praised and worshiped by countless Tang army and Tang people.

In the scuffle, Gesang was only scratched, and there was no major hindrance, and his life was preserved.

After that, the army did not stop. After controlling the battlefield and resting for the middle of the night, in the early morning of the next day, it was divided into two divisions to block the reinforcements of Yeluabaoji. The main force was non-stop straight to Juyongguan.

The reinforcements sent by Yeluabaoji are extremely powerful. All the 100,000 soldiers are composed of the soldiers of the Eighth Headquarters of Khitan, which can definitely change the situation of the war. However, Yerudyenich has lost his army, and they have lost their support targets. What to do next, they need to return to Yeluabao.

In order to prevent them from rushing to Juyongguan, Li Yan then dispatched a fine rider to monitor and harass them.

According to Li Ying's prior plan, when the Tiger Guard in Huairong City launched an onslaught against Yeluzianiechi, Tang Jun in the front line of Juyongguan also launched an offensive against the Khitan army outside Juyong Pass, even if he could not win. To hold them back and weary them.

In this way, when Tang Jun in Huai Rong rushed over, he could successfully determine the battle situation.

The Wolffang Army was outside Huairong City, and experienced a fierce battle because of the resistance of Yeluzianiechi himself, but because the war ended quickly, there was not much damage. In addition, Shangguan poured out the city's call and Li Zhi They were pioneers and took the Tiger Guard to the Juyongguan battlefield.

In Juyongguan, after the soldiers of Shouguan Tangjun fought, they killed the soldiers with Khitan for three days and nights. Because there is no particularly elaborate part in the Khitan battalion, and there is no task at this level of Yerlezhnech, the Tang army fought smoothly and successfully entered the battalion.

But Qidan's eight troops were also very tenacious in combat. In addition, there were no internal disturbances in the battalion. Although they lost many camps, they also struggled with the Tang army. For a moment, they also insisted on the arrival of reinforcements.

Unfortunately, what appeared on the fourth day was not the Khitan Reinforcement, but the Wolffang Army.

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