The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 50: Calm moment

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Luzhou, which has been in the battle for several months, rarely enters into a quiet period, and it is still very precious after Wang Shi ’s victory. Zhang Changan, Buchen and others may not feel this rare and rare, but Gesang has already begun to imagine a better life in the future.

This shepherd's dream has never changed: in sunny and mild seasons, with rich pastures, she waved the whip in her hand, riding on the horse and driving away the cattle and sheep who could not see the edge, listening to the howling of the flock, she Will happily sing songs on the grassland.

How many cattle and sheep can't be seen at a glance, and there should be a hundred? If there are more than a dozen cows and a few horses in the middle, then this is the scene where you will wake up with dreams. As for more, Gesang could not imagine that the chief of the tribe had only so much property.

Zhang Changan fetched it from Dust, and the dozen lambs that were given to Gesang were scattered and killed in the war, leaving only a cowardly lamb. It was still Gesang in chaos, holding him in his arms, no matter how embarrassed to follow Zhang Changan, he never discarded.

After losing most of the sheep, Gesang was sad for a long time, and the beaded tears never stopped. He didn't even think about eating. If it wasn't for Zhang Chang'an to contact the army and report back on his situation, it would only take him a day to return, for fear Gesang would be starving to death.

However, when he saw Zhang Chang'an carrying the rice bowl, Gesang would be happily hung up in the past, but this time he pulled back hard, holding the lamb in his arms tightly for alertness and fright. Because of too much strength, the lamb was choked by her, and the shout was already miserable.

For Gesang at this moment, Zhang Chang'an already belongs to that kind of person who is not worthy of complete trust.

The reason is very simple. During the chaos of the war, Zhang Changan ran her and let her not to care about the sheep, especially the little lamb in her arms, which severely affected her actions and restricted her flexibility in all aspects. With combat power.

If it weren't for Zhang Chang'an holding her around and eager, Gesang wouldn't have only one sheep left.

Zhang Changan's behavior was totally unacceptable to Gesang. The shepherd on the grassland cannot discard his cattle and sheep at any time. Without the cattle and sheep, the shepherd will not be able to survive, and will die after the cold winter, and will be looked down upon by all herders.

So shepherds can do their best for their cattle and sheep.

As Zhang Changan said, there would be as many cattle and sheep as she wants after the war, which is completely nonsense to Gesang. Shepherds don't pin their hopes on things that are not in front of them. The so-called hundred birds in the forest is worse than a bird in hand.

"Don't worry about your sheep. The battle here is over. I won't let you throw it away." Zhang Changan only felt that his head was as big as a fight, and sometimes he could not communicate with this stubborn prairie girl, "OK Alright, you should eat. "

Seeing Gesang still distrustful, Zhang Changan put down the rice bowl, sighed, and looked at her seriously: "Seven days, at most seven days, the merit evaluation in the army will be completed, and you can have as many cattle and sheep as you want by then ... you will have your own tribe, you can be the chief, and no one dares to bully you, because the king will help you ... "

Having said that, Zhang Changan went on. The distrust in Gesang's face had gradually become angry, as if he was blaming Zhang Changan for treating her as a fool.

The conversation between Zhang Changan and Gesang was passed by, and Shangguan, who was visiting the camp, looked at the city

In the eyes.

She likes Gesang, a strong and simple girl, although her inherent way of thinking may seem silly at times in the eyes of the Tang people, but such a little girl is obviously very flattering.

"His Royal Highness, I see Gesang's military rewards, and give it to her earlier, lest Zhang Changan be embarrassed in front of her."

Shangguan Qingcheng turned around and said to Li Yan, Zhang Chang'an was her trilogy. In order to win the battle of Luzhou, she took great risks to go deep into the enemy's realm, and made great achievements. She will take care of her subordinates.

Looking at Zhang Chang'an and Ge Sang, Li Xun couldn't help but think of the little things between Wang An's palace, Shangguan Qingcheng and Wu You when he was young. The county master was also naive when he was young, and often behaved silly in front of him, and occasionally made a little **** on purpose and asked him to coax her.

In the past, Li Zhi didn't understand the mind of such a small woman, but now it's naturally different. In retrospect, many things don't have a flavor.

"What's so difficult, Gesang's achievements, I all see it, now I will give her an example, and convert her military achievements into cattle and sheep." Li Yan said here, and Shangguan went to the other side .

Perceived that Li Zhi and Shangguan were driving in the city, Zhang Chang'an quickly got up and saluted, "The commander made Zhang Chang'an, seen His Royal Highness and General!"

Li Huan waved his hand to signal that Zhang Chang'an didn't need to be polite. Because this is the first time to meet each other after the war, and each other is an acquaintance, it is inevitable to make a few remarks by the way and praise the heroic deeds of the other side.

Zhang Chang'an was approved by Li Yan, his face flushed with excitement, and even said that it was the general of Shangguan who was well-planned.

At the end, he finally came to his senses and pointed to Gesang: "This humble job can sneak into the Khitan barracks and perform the task safely. Gesang is a very important part. Please also His Highness and Generals to check!"

Gesang also learned a lot of Chinese with Zhang Chang'an these days. Although he said it was awkward, he understood a lot.

Seeing Zhang Chang'an respectful to Li Xie and Shangguan Qingcheng, he also called them "His Royal Highness" and "General", although I don't know who they are-the names of Li Zhi and Shangguan Qingcheng have already been used in the Khitan Army It is like a thunderbolt, but it still looks far away to the ordinary shepherd-but also knows that the big man is coming, and stands up and respectfully stands aside.

But even at this time, Gesang did not let go of the lamb in his arms.

With a smile that Li Yan thought could make people feel like a spring breeze, Wen Li said to Gesang, "Gesang, how many sheep and cows do you want?"

Gesang heard this very clearly. There was no word that she didn't understand, but the complete meaning of the sentence made her stupidly lingering there, not knowing how to answer.

When Zhang Changan saw Gesang's hairpin, very worried that the other party missed such a good opportunity, he quickly reminded: "Just say how much you want, once His Highness nods, you will have them immediately!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Chang'an was also afraid that Gesang had insufficient imagination, so he missed the opportunity and said, "Grow up, don't be afraid!"

Although Gesang is now skeptical of Zhang Chang'an's personality because he lost a dozen sheep, the other person is still his most familiar and trusted Tang person. Since the other person asked her to speak freely, she basically determined the good things in heaven. It really happened.

With the best dream in mind, Gesang's voice was trembling, and his big watery eyes looked at Li Yan with his wings full of hope, "One ... one

Hundred! "

When she said this, she felt that her heart was almost out of her throat, and she was afraid that she would say too much, and the other party would not agree.

After all, a hundred sheep is a huge asset that the chieftain can only have.

Li Yan was naturally surprised, and Shangguan Qingcheng was amused and said, "One hundred sheep, one hundred cattle, one hundred horses, that's all?"

Zhang Changan covered his face and had no courage to face Gesang. This was suggested by herself, and he dared to pat on the breast to guarantee that Gesang actually only wanted sheep, and Shangguan Qingcheng had given away cows and horses in vain, and he couldn't find any explanation.

"Ah? There are cows and horses ?!" Gesang jumped up in surprise.

Li Yan shook her head and laughed. It seems that this silly shepherd girl is still limited by her imagination due to poverty. She has no idea that the person standing in front of her at this moment can make her the top aristocrat on the prairie and overlook the heroes.

Gesang is no exception, Li Zhi naturally did nothing to treat her, and turned to Zhang Changan: "According to the scale of the 3,000 people tribe, go and choose her cattle, sheep, horses, and horses. Then you do n’t need to participate in the next battle, take people. Help her rebuild her tribe and guard her security and authority. "

Zhang Changan's eyes narrowed and he fisted for life.

He came out of Chang'an Xiu Xing Academy. Naturally, Li Zhi's arrangement was not only to take care of Gesang, but also related to the plans of the dynasty to rule the grasslands in the future. Although it is a pity that Zhang Changan no longer participates in the war, it is more important to use the Tang method to build grassland order than the battlefield fight.

Gesang didn't understand these words, but she understood the number of three thousand. What she could think of was that Li Yan was going to give her three thousand sheep, which made her happy to pass out.

When choosing cattle and sheep, Gesang dragged Zhang Chang'an's horns and raised his face to ask the other side whether she had 3,000 sheep. Is Li Ye really talking? Someone came to grab her sheep ...

Zhang Chang'an was so annoyed by Gesang, but couldn't raise her angry thoughts, she could only solemnly say, "Gesang, your destiny has been changed. From now on, you are no longer a need The shepherdess who has spent all her energy to eat and wear clothes.

"Your future life has been destined to participate in the trend of the world and the torrent of history. Believe me, your name will ring through the grasslands in the future and be praised and worshiped by countless people. As long as you obey the arrangement of Datang, you will have a rich life. Become the moon on the prairie.

"You may not understand these words for a while, but it doesn't matter, you will understand everything by then."

Gesang does not understand Zhang Changan right now.

But when she was told that the endless cattle and sheep belonged to her, she seemed to see a door to a new world. The world in the gate is full of yangguan, no hunger, no cold, not even bullying, no grief.

Yes, she had a wonderful life she never dreamed of.

Li Yan and Shangguan Qingcheng continued to wander in the camp. For them, it was not much different from walking. Except for caring about and encouraging the soldiers from time to time, it is basically just talking.

After the war, it was a rare moment of calm. Before Li Yongdi ’s Taoism was not enough, he did n’t have enough skills. Now that he has this ability, he can get along with the people he cares about, even if he just talks about nonsense. worth it.

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